KCCO’s First Grow In Hydro

The two feeding styles I'm familiar with are topping up with straight water until a drop in ppm low enough and do a complete change. Or top off the res with pre mixed nutrient solution until the solution gets too strong and change out then.
I've never had an issue topping off with RO water if my res has sufficient nutrients for the size of plants in the system. Something like 1-2 gal per medium to large sized plants. Your system seems more than large enough. Any foul smells from the res or roots?
K this is good to know. I will try the topping off with RO water since I just did a res change. I have been trying to sniff inside the buckets. No foul smells they just smell like soil. Even with no soil is this normal??Thx for stopping by
Also had some free time to change the solo buckets water. Ther r being fed at 600 ppm. They r all showing roots popping out of the bottom of the net pots. 1 big happy family. These r all Julius Caesar. That’s mom on the right in soil nestled beside the plumbing trap. Lol
Looking really nice brother, everything is looking really dialed-in..... Congratulations on the new setup.
Update: so after doing a res change Thursday night the ph stability was good all day Friday 6.2. I left it a bit higher then normal just to let the roots bath in a little higher ph mix. Saturday morning the ph was at 5.5 so I set it back to 6.0. Last night it was back down to 5.1. I then topped of res with 8L of pure RO water and then and set the ph back to 6.0. This morning it was at 4.7. The ppm had0.1 difference from last night after the res top off. The ph had dropped 1.3 in a little under 6 hrs.
What the heck does all that mean lol. I mean you must confuse even yourself lmao.....
What the heck does all that mean lol. I mean you must confuse even yourself lmao.....
Lmao you know me confused is a under statement. After a dozen dabs or so I find myself standing there looking at that stupid tri meter wondering WTF. The hard part is I am so use to growing by look and feel and these plants grow and look completely different in the RDWC system. Long story short ph is crashing bad and I don’t know why. I must b missing something lol
I'm along for the ride and knowledge

Just started my DWC grows so I'll be monitoring my water a lot to see what it's doing
That chart was sweet, great info to have
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