Katyjane420's Rock Steady Cookies Auto, DWC, First Grow

I don’t even know where to begin with a harvest/cure plan

def will get a carbon filter.

I have a small fan I can put in there.

You still got lots of time and some reading to do there are several different methods to choose from. But its something to remember not to leave till last minute, as there will be some supplies needed.

I mention it now, only cause it may not come up again till flower time, and you don't want a last minute scramble.

Hope you have a great day!
Pretty much what these guys have said:

Quality PH Pen is a must for DWC (And hydro in general for that matter). Unfortunately they're not cheap either.

Just plain PH'd water for the first 10-14 days for your seedling.

Personally, I keep the power strips inside and tape over the light and I keep them mounted to the tent pole so they aren't on the ground. This is a logistical issue for me. If i could move them out i would.

As the others have said, you dont want the light to be too strong for the seedling. If you can dim great, otherwise move it as high up as it will go. I use CFLs for very young seedlings because my veg light isn't dimmable.

It's all coming together :thumb:
@katyjane420 I strongly advise you to keep a journal of everything that you do with your plant, nutes, air stones even moving your light. A small change in the plants environment can make the plant change its habits. I would also recommend starting your feeding at half strength of what's on the bottle and work your way up till you find what your plant can handle. Most importantly, if in doubt ask the question here on FAQ and you will get an answer. My first DWC grow netted me a 1/4 lb and I am good with that but I have also grew plants that only gave me 2 oz and I gave the rest of the seeds away. I have a mutant growing now that is ( I am not lying) that is 7' high and has buds all over it and I will be lucky to get 1 oz off of it. FREE BERRY BLUE SEEDS, LMAO. I wish you the best of luck and hope you get great yields. Do Si Dos is a good strain, got 6 oz and I am having some right now. My big plant pic, lmao.

You've definitely got some great advice in here and some very knowledgeable members chiming in to help. You are certainly on the right path :yummy:

If i were in your shoes, What i would be doing right now before that little bean even pops is setting up the tent completely. Hang the light, any fans, set up your air pump and stones. Fill your bucket with plain water, and basically set it up as if the seedling was already in there. Let it run for a day or two and monitor temps and RH in various locations in the tent. Most important being dead center where the little one will be sitting.

Best to figure out any temp and humidity issues while there's nothing living in the tent yet. Mid day sun can warm a room up a lot more than you realize once you have an extra heat source warming the place up. Good luck :thumb:
Good news! Pretty much everything is set up.

Bad news. There is a leak in my bucket. I’m think it’ll be an easy fix, but I’ve already cleaned up a bunch of water.
A leak in your bucket? As in, there is a hole/crack in your bucket? Where is the leak coming from?
There is a predrilled hole that attached a tube to see water level (does that make sense)

the tube wasn’t secure enough.

I was able to use a hair tie to tighten the tube.

quick fix!
Ah i see, my apologies. I was a little slow there :laugh: The buckets with the sensors, i know the ones.

Check out @Tokin Roll's journal by the way, he is gearing up to run a single bucket DWC grow too. He has also started from seed, and they're only a couple of weeks from sprout. So there will be plenty you can pick up there too.

@katyjane420 is there air coming out of the other 3 outlets in your pump? If so, if you're not going to use them now, attach a little piece of tube with a knot in the end of each of them, it will force the air down the single outlet. And when she gets big, use all 4 of them in your bucket, you want as much oxygen in there as possible in your water.
@katyjane420 is there air coming out of the other 3 outlets in your pump? If so, if you're not going to use them now, attach a little piece of tube with a knot in the end of each of them, it will force the air down the single outlet. And when she gets big, use all 4 of them in your bucket, you want as much oxygen in there as possible in your water.
Yes there is air coming out of the other three. I’m waiting until I get the black tubing to do anything with that. I’ll definitely put them into the bucket. I have some extra air stones.
What is your seed going into, rockwool, root riot cube?
Lol. I was just going to drop her into those rocks?
Lol. I was just going to drop her into those rocks?
Ok. I guess as soon as the tap root is a good inch or so, make sure the water level is at the bottom of net pot to keep the hydroton wet - if the taproot dries out it will die. Make sure there is a good inch or two of pebbles above the water though (you don't want to drown it either), once you know they are always wet, put the tap root on there.

...i guess....I've never done it. If anyone else can correct me, please do :Namaste:

Most growers would usually use Rockwool or Root riot cubes or something once the seed pops. It just helps protect the taproot and gives it a chance to establish itself. It also allows you to keep it moist and warm.
Tent is looking great. Looking forward for your progress.
I grow in soil so for the moment I've nothing smart to add. :)
Good luck and keep enjoying the way you do. I feel exactly the same.
Alright friends! My seed is in! She is looking good.

temperature - 80F
Humidity - 17% :( working on getting a humidifier.

waiting for my pH/PPM meter. Weather delayed shipping.

Nutes - General Hydroponics FloraNova Grow - used half the recommended solution to start.

waiting for my calmag and root rot stuff. Again, delayed because of the weather.

what do the numbers on the bottle mean? 7 - 4 - 10?

positive vibes for a nice stalk!

take care.
waiting for my pH/PPM meter. Weather delayed shipping.
You'll definitely want this for your first feed with nutrients, you have a little time for this though
Nutes - General Hydroponics FloraNova Grow - used half the recommended solution to start.
You won't be needing these for about 2 weeks, make sure you don't give your seedling anything but water for at least the first 10 days. And you want to mix up your nutrients when you need them, not too far in advance.
what do the numbers on the bottle mean? 7 - 4 - 10?
This is the NPK ratio (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium)

You got a taproot, that's awesome! :yahoo:

If you have trouble getting the humidity up come time to enter the tent, toss a clear plastic container over the little one with some holes in it and mist her with water to keep the RH up. At least until she's resilient enough to handle the dryer air.
What are some good goals for my first grow? I’d like some end goals, but I don’t know where to begin.
Hi Katyjane420 - thanks for commenting on my journal, I thought I'd check out yours. This question here is such a fantastic question. I asked the exact same question on my first grow. I have the good fortune to know two professional licensed growers, one in Oregon and one in Cali. I've known both of them a long time and they coached me via Facetime through my first setup and grow. I am super grateful for that. Anyway, I asked them this question and they both said the same thing - that my goal should simply be to get completely through a harvest start to finish without destroying the plant or your potential buds. They said a million things may come up that you can't foresee no matter how much research you've done. That there would be a lot of judgement calls and 50/50 calls. That lots of stuff that are uncontrollable may happen. They were right about all of it.

I think their point was to make the goal to learn the lifecycle of the plant and do your best to bring it all the way home. I took it as the learning the lifecycle of the plant, hands on for the first time, is the most important thing, versus, like, a goal of a certain amount of harvest or something.

So now I'm on my second grow, and I can tell you that my confidence is so much higher than the first time it's ridiculous. I have REFERENCE POINTS! I watched and tended to my plants very carefully the first grow and learned their lifecycle and now I kind of know what's going to happen....approximately.

It feels like a gigantic advantage. And you have an awesome ambitious beginning. I don't know hydro, and your one 100 watt light might be enough for one plant, but honestly, based on the months of research I just did on lights (cuz I just got a new super high end one), I believe you may need some more. Have to see if the plant stretches badly or not with what you have I suppose. I'm psyched to check out your grow! And thanks for checking out mine.

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