Katyjane420's Rock Steady Cookies Auto, DWC, First Grow

Congratulations @katyjane420 and :welcome: I'm definitely along for the ride. You must be very excited to get started.

There are a couple of things i just wanted to mention

I have exactly the same worry. My circumstances are similar to yours in terms of location. I run a 5" Fan and Carbon Filter (similar to Dusty) in each of my 4x4 tents. I run a 4" in my 2 x 4 tent. I think you may get away with a 4" Fan and Carbon filter for your space. Fan and Filter are a must have if you want to conceal smell. Not so much in Veg, but definitely for Flower.

That will be fine for this run for a single plant :thumb:

Wow, throwing yourself at the deep end.....I did too ;) But i absolutely love growing in Coco too. Have you looked into this? One can also achieve monster yields in Coco. If i were in your position though, honestly, I would probably go with Coco because of the size of your space. But i admire your enthusiasm :Namaste: If you wanna go DWC, I'm sure you'll make it work

Might i suggest 2 more things that are a must when growing DWC and LED:
- A CalMag supplement (I recommend GHE CaliMagic)
- Hydroguard - Helps prevent and cure root rot. If you are not going to be using a water chiller, this (or something similar, but preferably this) is a must have. I wouldn't grow DWC unless I had this, or a chiller.

We can help you cover mixing nutrients a little later. Sorry for the really long message.

Looking forward to it. I'm in :peace:

Good luck putting up your tent
Perfect advice right there. However, I still prefer soil grows. A lot less work.
The old soi boy Vs hydro debate.
Love it!
Haha, no debate here, @Buds Buddy is absolutely right. Hydro is more effort and requires more attention. As soon as i've built up a bit of a stash in a few runs time, I'm thinking of doing a soil run - I've never done soil before, so it'll be exciting. And no doubt I'll be hitting up Buds for some tips :peace:
The old soi boy Vs hydro debate.
Love it!
Not debating. Just my preference. I tried Coco (feeding by hand). Too much mixing nutes & feeding everyday. I tried DWC & got tired of checking Temps & pH all the time. With soil I feed & walk away for 2 - 3 days at a time to do what ever else I feel like doing. Can't leave for a weekend if you do Coco or DWC. So that's my main reason for choosing soil.
You get bigger yields the other ways though & faster growth.
In for the ride on this one :popcorn: :welcome:

Honestly, the excitement of a fresh new seed never seems to go away :yahoo:. Sounds like a solid grow plan. You can also never have too many buckets, especially running DWC.

My best advice would be to get yourself a quality PH/PPM/EC meter. This can seriously make or break a DWC grow since your roots will be soaking in their water constantly. I've typed out probably 10 different reasons liquid test kits are a pain in the ass, and deleted all of them. The reasons are beside the matter, invest in a good PH/PPM/EC meter. Either a combo meter that does all 3, or individual ones, having a digital number to read will save you so much trouble down the road.

Also regarding venting. Get a quality filter and appropriate sized fan for it. As long as you have somewhere to vent the warm air and can keep the neg pressure in the tent smell shouldn't be too bad. There are also a ton of odor masking products like Ona block and gel. Smells kind of funny, but it sure as hell covers the smell of almost anything.

What’s your favorite quote or saying?

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. - Albert Einstein

Good luck with all the new gear and your fresh new grow :passitleft:
Thanks for all the advice!

My tent is too big for my closet. Oops. The girlfriend isn’t too happy about it.

I bought the hydroguard and calmag nutrients. They will arrive on Wednesday, depending on the weather.

My next purchase will be a PH/PPM/EC meter. Do any of our sponsors sell one?

I need to keep researching about ventilation.

Can I keep the powerstrip inside my tent? Will it over heat? Should I keep it on the outside?

I am currently resetting up (for what feels like the fifth time) my tent. I plan to hang my light and get everything in the correct place.

loved all the quotes!

what’s the weather like where you stay? It’s currently 5 degrees Fahrenheit and feels like -12F. We have some snow on the ground and we are going to get even more.

take care!

I would get the power strip out of there. Not because it will overheat, it probably wont. And not for fear of getting wet, even though it likely will. DWC is a wet game after all and no matter how hard you try, you will eventually spill.

The light on the power strip button is the real reason I vote to relocate. Unless yours does not have a light. That little light can be enough to disturb the night cycle when you reach the beloved 12/12 flower stage. And that little light has the potential of herming your plant and filling your future stash with seeds. Same goes for any lights on temp sensors, pumps, meters or any equipment you put in there with your little lady.
I would get the power strip out of there. Not because it will overheat, it probably wont. And not for fear of getting wet, even though it likely will. DWC is a wet game after all and no matter how hard you try, you will eventually spill.

The light on the power strip button is the real reason I vote to relocate. Unless yours does not have a light. That little light can be enough to disturb the night cycle when you reach the beloved 12/12 flower stage. And that little light has the potential of herming your plant and filling your future stash with seeds. Same goes for any lights on temp sensors, pumps, meters or any equipment you put in there with your little lady.
Thanks! She will be left outside. There is a small red light. Didn’t know that little light could have such an effect.
Hey Katy!:ciao:

Just wanted to stop by! Looks like you've gotten a lot of great advice, and a great start! I may add in a few things and questions if you don't mind!

Do you have a harvest & cure plan? Its the easiest thing to overlook as a new growers and is a make or break for final product.

The carbon filter is an absolute must come flower & harvest to avoid smells.

Make sure you have air movement inside as well, static air isn't beneficial (Quite the opposite).

Don't be shy on asking questions! And sorry, can't help with the light question, I use a meter to set mine:Namaste:
Alright friends.

I want to set up my whole tent tonight. Can I start mixing nutes or should I wait until actual germination?

How close should I set up my light?
It's great that you're so egar to start!

You won't need nutes yet. Just pH tested water to get going.
Light height is important to get right. But for germination and first week or so, I say keep it high and or dimmed.
You can burn a little one if too hot or close.
Do you have a harvest & cure plan? Its the easiest thing to overlook as a new growers and is a make or break for final product.

The carbon filter is an absolute must come flower & harvest to avoid smells.

Make sure you have air movement inside as well, static air isn't beneficial (Quite the opposite).
I don’t even know where to begin with a harvest/cure plan

def will get a carbon filter.

I have a small fan I can put in there.

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