Kassquatch's First Time Early Miss Auto Fem Full Outdoor In Planter - May 2018

Day 29: June 11th 2018

  • Morning Report: Much much healthier looking. She's even growing new leaves out of the area's I cut off the dead ones! First 4 pictures taken at 9:15am
  • Evening Report: Lolo's now over 4" tall! I noticed though mid day that something is eating her leaves. I don't see any bugs or anything, but I got some natural vegetable safe insecticide and sprayed lightly. It's a small bug because the holes are tiny as shown in one of the pictures. Last 4 pictures taken at 8:30pm

Yesterdays (Day 28) daily total sunlight: ~15 hours
Yesterdays (Day 28) Average daytime temp: 13°C
Yesterdays (Day 28-29) Average nighttime temp: 12°C
Yesterdays (Day 28) Average daytime relative humidity: ~68.5%
Yesterdays (Day 28-29) Average nighttime relative humidity: ~80%

Day 30: June 12th 2018

  • Morning Report: Looking good. Nothing much to report this morning. First 2 pictures taken at 9:20am
  • Evening Report: Rainy day. Still under the plastic. She seems to be a bit dry so I watered her a TINY bit. Tested the pH also because my tester came in. pH was around 6.5. The picture makes it look like its around 6.0 but I took the picture right after and then re-read the instructions and it said to let it sit a few minutes. Definitely went a little greener on the scale. She also shrunk a bit which made me think she was a little dry. Last 4 pictures taken at 8:00pm

Yesterdays (Day 29) daily total sunlight: ~15 hours
Yesterdays (Day 29) Average daytime temp: 14.5°C
Yesterdays (Day 29-30) Average nighttime temp: 14°C
Yesterdays (Day 29) Average daytime relative humidity: ~66.5%
Yesterdays (Day 29-30) Average nighttime relative humidity: ~73%

ya I didnt realize what it was until I got it, I thought I bought just a normal put it in the soil tester, but I checked my order and this is it. I should test it with vinegar also to see what it says.
Day 31: June 13th 2018

  • Morning Report: Super rainy again today and overnight I'm hoping that I can soon take off the plastic cover and start letting her grow 'natural' as that was my plan all along. First 2 pictures taken at 9:30am
  • Mid day Report: I did some googling and things said to trim the dead tips off the leaves but leave a tiny brown strip so you don't open a wound again so I did that. Next 2 pictures show before and after. Taken at 3:00pm
  • Evening Report: Finally the weather turned better. And is supposed to be nice and warm for 2 weeks. Shes got a bunch of new sprouts growing out the top! Last 3 pictures taken at 9:00pm

Yesterdays (Day 30) daily total sunlight: ~15 hours
Yesterdays (Day 30) Average daytime temp: 14°C
Yesterdays (Day 30-31) Average nighttime temp: 13°C
Yesterdays (Day 30) Average daytime relative humidity: ~70%
Yesterdays (Day 30-31) Average nighttime relative humidity: ~87%

Day 32: June 14th 2018

  • Morning Report: Above the 4" mark again which is good! First 3 pictures taken at 9:30am
  • Evening Report: It was a mix of cloud and sun again today but she must of liked that, she's like 4.5" tall now. Noticed a little bit more bug holes on the leaves so I sprayed it again with the natural organic insecticide. Last 2 pictures taken at 7:40pm

Yesterdays (Day 31) daily total sunlight: ~15 hours
Yesterdays (Day 31) Average daytime temp: 14°C
Yesterdays (Day 31-32) Average nighttime temp: 13.5°C
Yesterdays (Day 31) Average daytime relative humidity: ~84%
Yesterdays (Day 31-32) Average nighttime relative humidity: ~76%

Hiya K.... I wonder are you " cooking" your soil first ?? You seem to have some stunted growth for an auto... Looking fairly healthy though... Love the outdoor start, that is how I did, and am doing, my autos.... Wanna see what is possible, and potential before I dedicate any to a perpetual grow.. .Green days bud... and to all
Hiya K.... I wonder are you " cooking" your soil first ?? You seem to have some stunted growth for an auto... Looking fairly healthy though... Love the outdoor start, that is how I did, and am doing, my autos.... Wanna see what is possible, and potential before I dedicate any to a perpetual grow.. .Green days bud... and to all

Nope, as I don't even know what that means.

and the stunting is most likely due to a) overwatering at the start and being weak and b) nights getting below 10C a few times. (down to 7C)
Day 33: June 15th 2018

  • Morning Report: Lolo is definitely becoming maturer (if thats even a word)! Her stalk is thickening and leaves are a growing! First 2 pictures taken at 9:45am
  • Evening Report: Beautiful day today. Removed the plastic that was covering Lolo. Almost 5" tall now to the top leaf. I moved some dirt around the base of the stem for a little more support. Last 2 pictures taken at 7:55pm

Yesterdays (Day 32) daily total sunlight: ~15 hours
Yesterdays (Day 32) Average daytime temp: 16°C
Yesterdays (Day 32-33) Average nighttime temp: 14°C
Yesterdays (Day 32) Average daytime relative humidity: ~70%
Yesterdays (Day 32-33) Average nighttime relative humidity: ~79%

I just noticed that where I get my weather data from is from a spot that is right on the ocean (in which I am not) so all my temps and humidity's are all way off which I should of noticed because the whole time I was thinking that the temps were lower. As of this post on all will be from a closer location and more accurate.
Day 34: June 16th 2018

  • Morning Report: Loving the heat! I noticed that where I get my weather data from is from a spot that is right on the ocean (in which I am not) so all my temps and humidity's are all way off which I should of noticed because the whole time I was thinking that the temps were lower. As of this post on all will be from a closer location and more accurate. First 2 pictures taken at 9:10am
  • Evening Report: It was hot today. Got up to 28°C. Last 2 pictures were taken at 7:45pm

Yesterdays (Day 33) daily total sunlight: ~15 hours
Yesterdays (Day 33) Average daytime temp: 21°C
Yesterdays (Day 33-34) Average nighttime temp: 13.5°C
Yesterdays (Day 33) Average daytime relative humidity: ~60%
Yesterdays (Day 33-34) Average nighttime relative humidity: ~64%

Day 35: June 17th 2018

  • Morning Report: It was warm overnight and going to be even warmer today than yesterday. Shes growing and growing! (Finally) . First 2 pictures taken at 10:20am
  • Evening Report: It was hot today. Got up to 30°C. Shes almost 6" tall now. Moved measuring stick to use as a lean because she was leaning a bit. Also sprinkled her a bit. Last 2 pictures were taken at 8:35pm

Yesterdays (Day 34) daily total sunlight: ~15 hours
Yesterdays (Day 34) Average daytime temp: 24°C
Yesterdays (Day 34-35) Average nighttime temp: 16°C
Yesterdays (Day 34) Average daytime relative humidity: ~50%
Yesterdays (Day 34-35) Average nighttime relative humidity: ~69%

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