Kassquatch's First Time Early Miss Auto Fem Full Outdoor In Planter - May 2018

Day 44: June 26th 2018

  • Morning Report: Not much overnight. Still taking on the LSTing . First 2 pictures taken at 10:00am.
  • Evening Report: Warm day today, starting to look a little wimpy. She needed some water so watered her a bit. Last 2 pictures taken at 8:00pm
Todays daily total sunlight: ~15 hours
Todays Average daytime temp: 19°C
Previous Nighttime Average temp: 13°C
Todays Average daytime relative humidity: ~56%
Previous Nighttime Average relative humidity: ~75%

Day 45: June 27th 2018

  • Morning Report: I don't like the LSTing because I can't judge how well she's growing now! But, I will keep at it! Nothing new to report. First 2 pictures taken at 10:30am.
  • Evening Report: Mixed weather day again between sun and cloud. She seems to be a little wimpier tonight. Don't know why. Maybe because I watered last night? Who knows. Last 2 pictures taken at 9:00pm

Todays daily total sunlight: ~15 hours
Todays Average daytime temp: 19°C
Previous Nighttime Average temp: 12°C
Todays Average daytime relative humidity: ~61%
Previous Nighttime Average relative humidity: ~82%

Day 46: June 28th 2018

  • Morning Report: .Lolo's looking nice and lush and green - minus the few bug eaten leaves but I don't see an 'infestation' of bugs so I am not too worried. In fact, I never see any bugs. First 2 pictures taken at 10:30am.
  • Evening Report: Mixed weather day again between sun and light rain. Some of the branches are doing some weird twisting being of the LST'ing. Kinda interesting. Can't really see them in the picture and I forgot to take a picture of it. Last 2 pictures taken at 8:45pm

Todays daily total sunlight: ~15 hours
Todays Average daytime temp: 17°C
Previous Nighttime Average temp: 14°C
Todays Average daytime relative humidity: ~59%
Previous Nighttime Average relative humidity: ~71%

ya I have some organic non-pesticide spray that I have for my tomatos that used at the start also when I saw little green caterpillar like things and it worked on them. It just says it has to be on the bug itself and it doesn't create a 'blanket' of protection so to say.

And yes, the trunk is finally starting to be trunk like!
Day 47: June 29th 2018

  • Morning Report: . She's growing like a mother trucker now. It's just hard to tell because of the LSTing. Raining as I took the pictures. First 2 pictures taken at 9:45am.
  • Evening Report: Rained quite a bit today. And I guess got a bit breezy or some big ass water drops fell on her because a little branch almost is ripped off as show in the 2nd to last picture. I tried using a stake to keep the wound closed and hopefully she heals from it as shown in the last picture. The rain and cooler temp today is also why I am thinking she is looking a bit wimpy tonight. In fact it was the same temp overnight as it was today and humidity was higher in the daytime than night. Hopefully some nicer days ahead. Last 4 pictures taken at 9:30pm

Todays daily total sunlight: ~15 hours
Todays Average daytime temp: 14.5°C
Previous Nighttime Average temp: 14°C
Todays Average daytime relative humidity: ~85%
Previous Nighttime Average relative humidity: ~80%

I will definitely look into changing them out. Thanks. They aren't really tight around her which is surprising to me on how well she is staying trained. But yes, I have thought about (just havent) getting that green plant tying stuff.

And yes, the monster, she's growing out the side of the planter now, I was debating if I just wanted to let the main grow vertical now, or start training her to go around the pot. /shrug
Day 48: June 30th 2018

  • Morning Report: Again not much to report in the morning. The brace I did for the broken branch seems to be working. Will leave it there. Lastly, don't know if the trunk is supposed to look like it is, picture is attached, will look into also. First 3 pictures taken at 10:15am.
  • Evening Report: Grew a ton today. Mixed weather again of sun and light rain. Changed the ties from twist-ties to plant friendly ties and did some better LSTing (I think). Noticed that there is a white powder on some of the leaves. Not sure if its the soap/insecticide residue or something else. It's only on like 3 leaves. Will keep an eye on. Pictured below. The broken branch is almost completely healed also. Also pictured. Last 5 pictures taken at 6:00pm

Todays daily total sunlight: ~15 hours
Todays Average daytime temp: 17.5°C
Previous Nighttime Average temp: 12.5°C
Todays Average daytime relative humidity: ~72.5%
Previous Nighttime Average relative humidity: ~97.5%

Day 49: July 1st 2018

  • Morning Report: More and more! growing and growing! Adjusted some ties. First 2 pictures taken at 10:55am.
  • Evening Report: A muggy day today. Sun and cloud up until 9pm then downpour so we will see what tomorrow morning looks like. Last 2 pictures taken at 6:00pm

Todays daily total sunlight: ~15 hours
Todays Average daytime temp: 20°C
Previous Nighttime Average temp: 14.5°C
Todays Average daytime relative humidity: ~54%
Previous Nighttime Average relative humidity: ~85%

Day 50: July 2nd 2018

  • Morning Report: Was quite raining overnight but she seems to finally be able to handle it without covering her. Ton’s of new growth. Re-adjusted some ties. First 2 pictures taken at 10:35am.
  • Evening Report: A warm and sunny one today (warm for here). So much new growth! The broken branch still isn’t completely healed. I tried to take away the stake but it opened the wound instantly so I am leaving it there. There is no dying of the branch or leaves yet. Last 2 pictures taken at 8:30pm

Todays daily total sunlight: ~15 hours
Todays Average daytime temp: 20°C
Previous Nighttime Average temp: 13.5°C
Todays Average daytime relative humidity: ~54%
Previous Nighttime Average relative humidity: ~66%

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