JZ's Shootout: Part Deux

A few microscopic pictures of a curing bud - possibly some commentary here and there.


GHWB's 'Thousand Points of Light'?

Just beautiful

And loving the purple hints

And just a few of the beans that have loosed themselves from drying buds..

Preliminary smoke of a budlet (well, just a half, as it was soooo sticky, couldn't fathom trying to smoke it all) - very heady, racy and euphoric. Lots of cottonmouth, and man, does hot salsa and beer hit the spot! :thumb:

Nothing curing won't improve on. Thanks again for watching.


:bongrip: - JZ
I'm loving the USB microscope! I can see I'm going to be needing one of those! :thumb:
I'm loving the USB microscope! I can see I'm going to be needing one of those! :thumb:

Congrat's on the harvest, Bro! :bravo:
The pics are great with that new cam, too! :welldone:

Well done jz!

Thank you, brothers. :thankyou:

This is potent stuff; so glad I preserved the genetics. My fellow patients cannot believe I grew this with LEDs/coir and OC+. They turn into zombies after a hit or two :rofl:

Very sticky, pungent and almost an acrid citrus nose. Smoke is fruitier though, and extremely smooth for as fresh as it is. Really heady for me; can't wait to pop more of these beans under my scrog ;)

Again, I'd easily spend the coin for another GSL300 Pro-Bloom. Lightweight, nice coverage and great results:


About a zip and a half if you pull the seeds, I'm guessing. Doesn't matter - this was a confidence builder for me. I'm pretty happy, and so is Cartman:


The Amazonia and the Blackwater cuts are going crazy under the GSL300 - here's a sunlit shot, some old (harvested) and new (new girls!), and how the new tent shaped up. I'm glad to be rid of the behemoth:


Hope to see you all in my next journal.


:bongrip: - JZ
Congrat's on the great smoke & great work, Brother! :bravo:

Stylish grow, brother. :thumb: +reps

Thank you, Gents. :high-five:

The smoke is cured nicely, and my growing pal was quite proud of me. Initial tastes of citrus-grapefruit, with a nice sweet/musty finish. Very heady hits, followed by nap-inducing body buzz. I passed my pal 20 or so seeds, and I have about 35-40 of my own to grow.

I'm finishing up the Blackwater and Amazonia under Donnie's GS300, they're 4 days into the flip. Don't think I'll bother with any further journaling until I get those girls done, build my scrog frame and install the new Advanced DS200's :slide:

Not sure what I'll grow first time out with this new and portable setup, but I now have the confidence to proceed with little worries. Thanks again, all of you - I dig the support here. Feel how this community runs - it's how people *should* interact, share and love. :circle-of-love:

Mods: You can move this to completed journals.

:bongrip: - JZ
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