Jon's Sneak It In Auto Grow

Clone Update
Lifesaver x Sour Bubble (F)
Fox Farms soil
Remo Nutrients

My clone is kicking ass. She’s almost ready to uppot. I have scraped together enough soil that I can fill a three gallon pot, and that is going to have to do. I think when I uppot her I’m going to give her a week and then toss her outside. Going from 20/4 to natural cycle (yesterday sunrise was 6:52 and sunset was 8:13, approximately 13 hours), approximately 13/11, I believe she will immediately head into flower. We’ll see. I’m just so happy I was able to rescue her after her most stressful trip from Oregon.


Clone Update
Lifesaver x Sour Bubble (F)
Fox Farms soil
Remo Nutrients

My clone is kicking ass. She’s almost ready to uppot. I have scraped together enough soil that I can fill a three gallon pot, and that is going to have to do. I think when I uppot her I’m going to give her a week and then toss her outside. Going from 20/4 to natural cycle (yesterday sunrise was 6:52 and sunset was 8:13, approximately 13 hours), approximately 13/11, I believe she will immediately head into flower. We’ll see. I’m just so happy I was able to rescue her after her most stressful trip from Oregon.


Hope she does well outside she looks healthy now some real sunshine :thumb: :circle-of-love:🍋 will do her well.
Hope she does well outside she looks healthy now some real sunshine :thumb: :circle-of-love:🍋 will do her well.
I hope so @KeithLemon - and I get a lot more of it here than you do, lol. It pretty much rains every day…for like ten or twenty minutes. Lmao.
He’s The Man With the Lobster Claw and Cloth Ears, is what he is! 😂

Good to see you doing the rounds again buddy!

Thanks Nick :thanks:
I've lost track of half the threads I follow.
I'll find yours again eventually. :rofl:
Talk soon.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Thanks Nick :thanks:
I've lost track of half the threads I follow.
I'll find yours again eventually. :rofl:
Talk soon.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
He’s easy to find. He’s got like seven journals and 1009 plants going.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I’m friendly beginner my friend.
Your the one doing all the great work.
Your well beyond my capabilities.
I’m just enjoying your amazing gardens.
And everything you have perfected in such a short period of time.
You da Man. :thumb:
Thanks for the kind word’s. :thanks:

@Bill284 Method

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Good to see you Bill, you've been on my mind.
Fun Photo of the Day

This picture shows you two of my favorite things, and two things I can’t imagine living without.

My weed and my bass.

I’m about to start my morning practice session. Today I’m playing along with the Dead at Roosevelt Stadium in New Jersey, from August 4, 1976. It’s a legendary show. I asked the Pink Rozay what she wanted to hear and that’s what she said.

Cool picture, yea? I dig it. Not cool enough to win PHOTM, but at least it’s different. You guys are a demanding audience - it takes some work and creativity to keep you entertained. :rofl:

Enjoy. And thanks for stopping by.

Clone Growing Decision

@Emilya Green will like this I think. Since I’m in soil and flowering outside, I have decided to go organic with this girl. So I just prepped the pot, as she’s pretty close to uppotting. Here’s what’s in the pot:

- 3 gallons Fox Farms Happy Frog/Ocean Forest blend of soil
- 1 cup Bokashi
- 1 cup Frass
- 2 small worm containers worth of fresh worm castings (from fishing), about 1.5 cups
- 3 tbsp. Great White mycorrhizae
- 2 cups GeoFlora Bloom nutes

All that is thoroughly mixed in the pot. It was then activated with water containing

- Fox Farms Kelp Me Kelp You
- Fox Farms Wholly Mackerel
- 1/2 cup blackstrap unsulphured molasses

Then I covered the pot loosely (just to keep bugs out) and put it outside on the back porch in the nice warmth. We will let it percolate for a week (ie, let a nice solid colony of yummy microbes develop), then uppot into it. This way, when she gets uppotted, she will be moving in to a pad that is raring to go and will need nothing but water for a couple weeks until we amend the GeoFlora.

I’m psyched. Haven’t grown an outdoor organic plant in a while. And she’s small enough that I will rig a box cover up for nighttime and when she goes to her dark spot I will be able to eliminate any ambient light concerns - always a challenge growing outside here or I’d do more of it.

Gorilla Zkittlez Trichs
Day 82

I really like the last picture. It looks like pure evil goodness tucked away and dripping love back there in the shadows.




Garden Focus:
Platinum Mimosa Cookies XXL Autoflower
Growers Choice
Day 72

Rarely do I get such an obvious pair of differing phenotypes when I grow double of a plant. The PMC in this case has given me a clear sativa and a clear indica pheno. Talk about luck and best case scenario. Thought it might be cool to check out the differences.

So the indica is way sweeter smelling, that’s the first thing. It’s the sweetest smelling plant in the tent by far. Think pink and blue cotton candy. Much sweeter than it is dank. The sativa on the other hand smells dank as hell. Like that classic dank weed on the vine smell. Earthy and very in your face. It’s also a bit sharp - the smell has a little bite on your nose. It’s glorious. Much more lemony/citrusy/dank than it is sweet.

The bud formation is also different, and right along classic lines. By that I mean the indica buds are rounder, with tighter internodal spacing, and on a stem by stem basis probably outweigh the sativa, hard to tell. The sativa has typical internodal spacing with spaces between buds of bare stem, and pointier buds vs round. The indica buds are also arguably more colorful. They have more purple creeping around and more color intensity. That said, the hairs on the sativa are this fire-y, almost neon-esque, darkish orange and she’s so trichome covered she shimmers silvery. Both are gorgeous.

Although I’d guess the indica would be done first, that doesn’t appear to be the case. The sativa may be the first tent plant to finish. She is already tighter and more densed up than any of the others. Much more so than the indica.

Overall I just can’t believe my luck in getting one of each. Growers Choice says there’s three phenos - these are two and then they mention that there is a pink phenotype as well, whatever that means. Haven’t seen pink yet per se. But if I scripted two plants I’d ask for an indica and a sativa pheno. So yay. That’s one thing cool about Growers Choice that I haven’t seen anywhere else. You get the seeds in a little clear case with a folded up paper inside with the picture and info. In that info they tell you whatever they know about phenotype differences, if any. They are usually spot on too.

Here’s the two plants. Huge difference. Enjoy. To me this is eye candy. I wish I had smellevision so I could share the smell with you guys. Lol!

First the sativa then the indica. The right/left overhead shots of the indica blow me away. I have to keep reminding myself these are autos. Heh.









Garden Focus:
Platinum Mimosa Cookies XXL Autoflower
Growers Choice
Day 72

Rarely do I get such an obvious pair of differing phenotypes when I grow double of a plant. The PMC in this case has given me a clear sativa and a clear indica pheno. Talk about luck and best case scenario. Thought it might be cool to check out the differences.

So the indica is way sweeter smelling, that’s the first thing. It’s the sweetest smelling plant in the tent by far. Think pink and blue cotton candy. Much sweeter than it is dank. The sativa on the other hand smells dank as hell. Like that classic dank weed on the vine smell. Earthy and very in your face. It’s also a bit sharp - the smell has a little bite on your nose. It’s glorious. Much more lemony/citrusy/dank than it is sweet.

The bud formation is also different, and right along classic lines. By that I mean the indica buds are rounder, with tighter internodal spacing, and on a stem by stem basis probably outweigh the sativa, hard to tell. The sativa has typical internodal spacing with spaces between buds of bare stem, and pointier buds vs round. The indica buds are also arguably more colorful. They have more purple creeping around and more color intensity. That said, the hairs on the sativa are this fire-y, almost neon-esque, darkish orange and she’s so trichome covered she shimmers silvery. Both are gorgeous.

Although I’d guess the indica would be done first, that doesn’t appear to be the case. The sativa may be the first tent plant to finish. She is already tighter and more densed up than any of the others. Much more so than the indica.

Overall I just can’t believe my luck in getting one of each. Growers Choice says there’s three phenos - these are two and then they mention that there is a pink phenotype as well, whatever that means. Haven’t seen pink yet per se. But if I scripted two plants I’d ask for an indica and a sativa pheno. So yay. That’s one thing cool about Growers Choice that I haven’t seen anywhere else. You get the seeds in a little clear case with a folded up paper inside with the picture and info. In that info they tell you whatever they know about phenotype differences, if any. They are usually spot on too.

Here’s the two plants. Huge difference. Enjoy. To me this is eye candy. I wish I had smellevision so I could share the smell with you guys. Lol!

First the sativa then the indica. The right/left overhead shots of the indica blow me away. I have to keep reminding myself these are autos. Heh.









Beautiful simply beautiful. :love: :love:🍋
Garden Focus:
Platinum Mimosa Cookies XXL Autoflower
Growers Choice
Day 72

Rarely do I get such an obvious pair of differing phenotypes when I grow double of a plant. The PMC in this case has given me a clear sativa and a clear indica pheno. Talk about luck and best case scenario. Thought it might be cool to check out the differences.

So the indica is way sweeter smelling, that’s the first thing. It’s the sweetest smelling plant in the tent by far. Think pink and blue cotton candy. Much sweeter than it is dank. The sativa on the other hand smells dank as hell. Like that classic dank weed on the vine smell. Earthy and very in your face. It’s also a bit sharp - the smell has a little bite on your nose. It’s glorious. Much more lemony/citrusy/dank than it is sweet.

The bud formation is also different, and right along classic lines. By that I mean the indica buds are rounder, with tighter internodal spacing, and on a stem by stem basis probably outweigh the sativa, hard to tell. The sativa has typical internodal spacing with spaces between buds of bare stem, and pointier buds vs round. The indica buds are also arguably more colorful. They have more purple creeping around and more color intensity. That said, the hairs on the sativa are this fire-y, almost neon-esque, darkish orange and she’s so trichome covered she shimmers silvery. Both are gorgeous.

Although I’d guess the indica would be done first, that doesn’t appear to be the case. The sativa may be the first tent plant to finish. She is already tighter and more densed up than any of the others. Much more so than the indica.

Overall I just can’t believe my luck in getting one of each. Growers Choice says there’s three phenos - these are two and then they mention that there is a pink phenotype as well, whatever that means. Haven’t seen pink yet per se. But if I scripted two plants I’d ask for an indica and a sativa pheno. So yay. That’s one thing cool about Growers Choice that I haven’t seen anywhere else. You get the seeds in a little clear case with a folded up paper inside with the picture and info. In that info they tell you whatever they know about phenotype differences, if any. They are usually spot on too.

Here’s the two plants. Huge difference. Enjoy. To me this is eye candy. I wish I had smellevision so I could share the smell with you guys. Lol!

First the sativa then the indica. The right/left overhead shots of the indica blow me away. I have to keep reminding myself these are autos. Heh.









hose look awesome nice work
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