Jon's New Pared Down Setup Soil Grow: 3 Photo & 1 Auto With New Dedicated Auto Rig

Phototown Dry/Trim Update
Ghost Train Haze

This plant, as it dries, is going to turn out to be our lowest yielder. She may be a five or six ounce plant at best, now that I can see the buds for what they'll be when they're trimmed. I suck at guessing yields, but there's my guess on this one.

So she is not all the way dry. Here's what I do to dry and cure:

1. Hang buds in tent at around 65% rh and 60 degrees (this is the aim, doesn't always work out like that every hour, lol)
2. Let dry until the buds are about a day or day and a half from being trimmable dry - like when you cut a little bud off the stems and try to smoke it and it won't light all the way and burn right. Not dry, but pretty close. I don't measure, I go entirely by feel on this whole part, but feelwise, all the leaves are totally crispy, the buds still need another day and a half to be dry, and the stems break pretty easily, although not entirely clean breaks yet. Those are what I look for before taking the next step. That's where we are now. A day earlier than I wanted for sure - the buds are not as dense as the other two plants and dried a bit faster than I'd prefer to this point, but that's okay. This cure step makes up for many drying deficiencies in my experience.
3. So now we're ready to take the buds down, which we do. All the Ghost Train Haze. The main stems and super flarfy bullcrap is removed, as are obviously the hangers. That's it. All the small stems and leaf is left on the buds.
4. Now the buds go into the food grade five gallon bucket. If the yield was bigger it would fill the bucket to around 75-80% full, which would be preferable from both a yield point of view and for the effectiveness of this step. The goal in a perfect world is to have the five gallon bucket filled to the same level you would fill a jar when you're ready to jar and burp.
5. And into the tent the bucket goes, sealed tight. Now, for as long as we can stand it, at least five days and up to ten depending on my patience level, we burp that bucket. Just like you burp a jar. Exact same concept. At this point I check like four or five times a day and burp and leave the lid off for longer than will be the case as days progress. Just like a jar.

At the end of this time, we will trim and jar.

I got this method from my Yoda, Sammy, in Oregon on my first grow. I can't explain why it works so well, I just know I've cured any appreciable harvest I've had this way, and what it does is, as I characterize it, it jump starts your cure. It's like a pre-cure on steroids. If you can go ten days, at the end of that time, when you trim the buds, they already smell and taste as if you've had them in the jar for two or three weeks. It's uncanny in my experience. Ideally, if the infrastructure wasn't currently dedicated elsewhere and the yield was bigger, we would first go into a larger container, a big rectangular plastic box that seals tight. Not easy to find, I got mine at Home Depot, Not enough to do that step with this plant, but in that case you go five days in the large container and then pare down the main stems and all and proceed with step 4.

It's not an original method and he didn't make it up. He says he's been doing that way for years till he got big and now has the professionally built out dry/cure room we all dream about. He says trust him, it works. I did, and it does. Just takes a lot of patience. But since I'm rather flush at the moment, in this particular case it's not the slightest problem. It also gives me flexibility and time to trim the Raspberry Parfait, which will be next and likely dry around the same time this stuff is ready to trim. So I can temporarily come up for air and get back to responding to, at this time, the 339 unseen messages in my thing. Lol.

So here's the pics showing the process as described above, in order of step. Then the last picture is unrelated to this post, but it is the bud I lost from the interior of one cola of the Gelato auto that had begun to bud rot. That's all I lost on the entire plant, which isn't bad considering you couldn't see this, it just started, and it's all there was. I'm glad I had dedicated fans on this plant. It's humid overnight here and I often wake up to fog. Then everything burns off real fast and everything dries out. But I'm pretty sure that's where my little bits of mold here and there are coming from. Nothing I can do about that. I check every bud on every plant every day religiously. Lol.

Anyway, thanks for stopping by, and later I'll get back to saying hey!

First we take the GTH down from the tent and make sure our bucket is immaculate.jpg

Then we remove the main stems and junk.jpg

Leaving us this.jpg

Which then goes into the bucket and into the tent.jpg

Lost Gelato.jpg
Can Someone Please Help Me Find My Face?

Okay you guys, I almost don't want to post this, but I can't help myself. I chose a different curing method to use with the Slurricane. For whatever reason, as dense as she is, she was drying noticeably faster than the other plants. Thus, I switched to method 2, which I'll go into later cuz that's not the point of this post. But part of that method involves finish trimming the buds when they are about 75% of the way there. Which was now for the Slurricane.

So she's done in terms of trim/dry. Now I go on to the next part of the process with these, after which they go into the jars and get a final weight. But this is exactly how they are going to look, and do currently.

I honestly am afraid to be totally honest in this post cuz I really do not want to nor am I in the least bragging or patting my own back. It's just in all honestly, I've never approached this level of weed before, ever. We're talking rarified air here, by any of our standards. And I know who I'm talking to, guys. So forgive me for being honest and just telling you I am in 100% complete shock, complete awe, and my mouth will be on the floor for a very long time. Ok, I got that out. Thanks for indulging me.

So she turned out fairly well. I give you the finest bud porn Jon has ever posted. I focused on just one bud, and I just grabbed this bud at random from the bowl. Also, the bowl is not staged for you cynical ones out there, lol. I did not put the big buds on top. This is what it looks like top to bottom. And yes, I did weigh that bowl, it's 4.3 ounces. There's also a bowl of small buds that were simply too small to bother trimming but are definitely not flarf - legit buds just like these, just too small to trim. That bowl is 27 grams and will serve my need to smoke this right this second. Then there was easily a half ounce or so, maybe a little more, of pure flarf which is all now in my Trim Bin drying by itself. I like to keep my kief separate by strain when the weed is good. Pretty sure this qualifies. So she'll end up giving me around a QP, but a QP of that bowl. I'll take it.

1. The haul
2. A bud
3. A closeup that made me wonder who the hell grew this

Enjoy guys. This is about my best effort and what that gorgeous, multi-colored plant I kept showing you turned out to be!




Can Someone Please Help Me Find My Face?

Okay you guys, I almost don't want to post this, but I can't help myself. I chose a different curing method to use with the Slurricane. For whatever reason, as dense as she is, she was drying noticeably faster than the other plants. Thus, I switched to method 2, which I'll go into later cuz that's not the point of this post. But part of that method involves finish trimming the buds when they are about 75% of the way there. Which was now for the Slurricane.

So she's done in terms of trim/dry. Now I go on to the next part of the process with these, after which they go into the jars and get a final weight. But this is exactly how they are going to look, and do currently.

I honestly am afraid to be totally honest in this post cuz I really do not want to nor am I in the least bragging or patting my own back. It's just in all honestly, I've never approached this level of weed before, ever. We're talking rarified air here, by any of our standards. And I know who I'm talking to, guys. So forgive me for being honest and just telling you I am in 100% complete shock, complete awe, and my mouth will be on the floor for a very long time. Ok, I got that out. Thanks for indulging me.

So she turned out fairly well. I give you the finest bud porn Jon has ever posted. I focused on just one bud, and I just grabbed this bud at random from the bowl. Also, the bowl is not staged for you cynical ones out there, lol. I did not put the big buds on top. This is what it looks like top to bottom. And yes, I did weigh that bowl, it's 4.3 ounces. There's also a bowl of small buds that were simply too small to bother trimming but are definitely not flarf - legit buds just like these, just too small to trim. That bowl is 27 grams and will serve my need to smoke this right this second. Then there was easily a half ounce or so, maybe a little more, of pure flarf which is all now in my Trim Bin drying by itself. I like to keep my kief separate by strain when the weed is good. Pretty sure this qualifies. So she'll end up giving me around a QP, but a QP of that bowl. I'll take it.

1. The haul
2. A bud
3. A closeup that made me wonder who the hell grew this

Enjoy guys. This is about my best effort and what that gorgeous, multi-colored plant I kept showing you turned out to be!




Oh YUM!!! They’re mah-velous dahling!
enter a few nug of the month pics jon. :)
I can't compete with what's already there! Anyway I wouldn't call this "finished." You could smoke it, and it's great, really....but it's not finished. I thought that was a rule in that contest, no?
I can't compete with what's already there! Anyway I wouldn't call this "finished." You could smoke it, and it's great, really....but it's not finished. I thought that was a rule in that contest, no?

i thought it was more about overall look and the photography
Ghost Train Haze

Hi guys. I kept one smaller but appreciable top from one of the Ghost Train Haze buds out since harvest since I knew the rest would get the long treatment. The tester bud is dried to jar point today, so I trimmed her up and wanted to share this with you guys. The plant was grown in my Fox Farms soil blend and fed with parts one and three of the FF feed chart for soil (top 3 and bottom 3 ingredients), vegged for 70 days and flowered for 74. Also got significant doses of Terpinator and molasses. Here's a bud in the sun and a closeup. Enjoy.

Ghost Train Haze finished bud.jpg

GTH finished bud closeup.jpg
Ghost Train Haze

Hi guys. I kept one smaller but appreciable top from one of the Ghost Train Haze buds out since harvest since I knew the rest would get the long treatment. The tester bud is dried to jar point today, so I trimmed her up and wanted to share this with you guys. The plant was grown in my Fox Farms soil blend and fed with parts one and three of the FF feed chart for soil (top 3 and bottom 3 ingredients), vegged for 70 days and flowered for 74. Also got significant doses of Terpinator and molasses. Here's a bud in the sun and a closeup. Enjoy.

Ghost Train Haze finished bud.jpg

GTH finished bud closeup.jpg
Mmm mmm MMMMM! Looks frosty there Jon!

I finally found one slight downside to this grow, and believe me, I'm reaching even on this, lol - but the Hulkberry is a pain in the arse to trim the way I want to. She's tons of little buds on each cola top which almost need to be individually trimmed, at least if you're trying for show trim kinda thing. I may have to lower my standards a little for the rest of her as my fingers are starting to hurt, lol.

Smells very dank and fruity/candyesque/sweet. Trimming her was heaven for my nose. She turned out pretty good too. Here she is.

Hulkberry finished bud.jpg

Hulkberry come a calling.jpg
Looks frosty there! But I see what you mean about it being almost as if its made up of multiple smaller buds (you have more patience than I do!
Jon, great harvest and terrific job trimming; those buds look fantastic. Enjoy!
Hey @Kanno how goes the grow? I realized I never got back to you on the using of the AC unit question you asked me. Yes, I do use them. Have been since grow one. I've used them in several different modes of setup too, and with different sized units, in tents, in an open space shooting on just one plant, coming from below, coming from above - you name it, I've probably done it or tried it with an AC unit. I can speak intelligently on that topic.

What did you want to know about it?
Hey @Bill284 - sorry, gotta ask you everything here for the time being, hopefully not permanently. As I have been educated recently, apparently I'm an idiot and know nothing. Anyway, question:

- I never up potted after flipping before in any medium, but what would the repercussions be if I was to say, cut away one of the three gallon pots from around our root ball and drop it into a five? Would it work? Would it be worth doing as we are just now seeing budlets? I have coco to do it with. Got any thoughts on this?
Hey @Kanno how goes the grow? I realized I never got back to you on the using of the AC unit question you asked me. Yes, I do use them. Have been since grow one. I've used them in several different modes of setup too, and with different sized units, in tents, in an open space shooting on just one plant, coming from below, coming from above - you name it, I've probably done it or tried it with an AC unit. I can speak intelligently on that topic.

What did you want to know about it?
Hi, @Jon I have good congratulations to the harvest nice work . Of the ten flowers, there are four left, and so I'm doing well. Maybe they did well, and the rest were hermaphrodites. But it seems that the four benefited from the space they have. So we'll see, I was wondering if you use air conditioning to keep the temperatures constant? We have a cold so I have no problem with temperatures during the day I have 24 Celsius to 25 degrees and at night I have 18-19 degrees Celsius and humidity 40-50% which I think is fine. I've been thinking about air conditioning for the summer so I'll only see the first growth under LED light so I'll see
Hey @Bill284 - sorry, gotta ask you everything here for the time being, hopefully not permanently. As I have been educated recently, apparently I'm an idiot and know nothing. Anyway, question:

- I never up potted after flipping before in any medium, but what would the repercussions be if I was to say, cut away one of the three gallon pots from around our root ball and drop it into a five? Would it work? Would it be worth doing as we are just now seeing budlets? I have coco to do it with. Got any thoughts on this?
Good morning Mucker.
I don't see any harm in it.
I've done exactly that without any problems.

Stay safe
Hi, @Jon I have good congratulations to the harvest nice work . Of the ten flowers, there are four left, and so I'm doing well. Maybe they did well, and the rest were hermaphrodites. But it seems that the four benefited from the space they have. So we'll see, I was wondering if you use air conditioning to keep the temperatures constant? We have a cold so I have no problem with temperatures during the day I have 24 Celsius to 25 degrees and at night I have 18-19 degrees Celsius and humidity 40-50% which I think is fine. I've been thinking about air conditioning for the summer so I'll only see the first growth under LED light so I'll see
Hi Kanno - well I have found AC unit will really help if you need help with bringing down temps in the summer. They also are essential if you want to get the temps down to the mid 50s at night to bring out colors. I don't know how I would ever do that here without them. They also lower humidity, which is one of the biggest benefits. Better yet, assuming the window type, 5000 btu, standard window AC unit that I mostly use and also assuming you would access something very similar in your country, they fit the rectangular bottom tent vents perfectly. I set them in place with the blowers right up against the opening and pull the opening so that it sits on top of the unit. Presto, you have your light block from the top side. Keep in mind if you do it this way - IMPORTANT - you MUST seal the space around the unit. All four sides including the bottom/underneath. Assuming your tent is on the floor, the unit only has to be raised a few inches to be in the right position - I use a brick with a piece of 1x wood on top - about 3 inches. If you don't seal this space, two negative things will happen, 1. you will get enough light leak to generate hermie after hermie, and 2. you will lose cool and humidity control out the side and find consistency difficult. When you first push it against the tent it will APPEAR to be fine. It's not. My suggestion is to do it when you have an empty tent and a dark room around it. Put the AC unit in place. Don't seal it. Now turn on the plant light and seal the tent and check the outside in the dark room. You will see where the light leaks all around your unit. And if it leaks out, it leaks in when the room is bright. So seal it. I use either folded up fabric pots which are great if you have them, or rolled up black t shirts which also work well. Something soft and dark and flexible is what you want. Tuck whatever you use in around the unit (between tent and unit where the light leaks) until you no longer see light leaking anywhere and the whole room is dark. Then what I do is check the same thing but from the inside of the tent, so you turn off the plant light, turn on the room light, and peek through a barely opened door to see if the inside of the tent is also as dark as dark can be. It should be if you adequately sealed it. If not, seal wherever you see light. Take care to not block/compromise the front of the unit, either where it blows out the vents or under that, cuz the big panel under the vents with all the tiny holes is the air intake, so compromising that is not desirable. That's sort of the bare bones.

One downside is that most units have a high and low cool, and a high and low fan. I never use the fan setting, cuz I have fans all over in the tent. But the cool, sometimes I might want it on low and sometimes on high. Well, since it's all tucked in now and sealed and you can't do it from the inside, the only way to change it is to back it out, change the setting, and reset it, which is a pain in the ass. I've taken to leaving it on high, where I want it overnight, and opening my tent doors a little bit to tune the Rh and temp that way. The more you open the tent, the more outside air, and corresponding temp and humidity effect. So basically over a few weeks you figure out how best to tune the unit and tent, and they work together as a unit. I think of it like that. One part of the unit control is the AC unit, and the other is the extent to which you open the doors or a window or whatever works. Make sense?

A standard 5000 btu window unit is perfect for anything from a 3x3 to 5x5. I've used an 8000 btu unit during the summer here even when it gets into 95-100 degrees, but you can freeze the crap out of a 5x5 with an 8000 btu unit. That's like large living room sized unit, lol. I have always used 5x5 spaces and they're great in that space. A bonus too is one time I didn't need a unit and I tried an auto in my garage under a light. Too hot, too high of Rh really and I knew that. But I took a spare unit (I have three) and set it up to just blow right on the plant from the appropriate distance, and sealed it a bit with some cardboard, and wow did it work well. So I guess the point is they have flexibility of functionality, always a plus. Fairly easy to move around, even for me. Indestructible. Not terribly expensive, although you will see an uptick on the electric bill. Not a lot of downside. One other thing is that you need to make sure you have adequate venting for the exhaust that comes out the back of the unit. That's hot air. It'll heat up a garage sized room no problem, and then your tent will heat up as well. I place mine so the vent on the back shoots it's exhaust out the garage door, and leave that door open about six inches to allow the air out. In the daytime when I want the garage door closed, I open the door to the house so it becomes basically another room of the house and that's enough to mitigate the exhaust heat issue too.

I think that will give you something of a primer. I display this in detail when I tried some radical experimentation with AC units in my first journal here, in completed journals, it's Jon's Second Grow - First Grow Journal, if you want to see pics. It's in the very beginning infrastructure part. If you check it out you'll find I tried using an upper round port with the AC way up high off the ground and tubing to go from it to the hole. The thought was it would cool the light, and the cool air would flow down on the plants instead of going in the bottom. It worked, but it had enough negative side effects that I don't recommend this at all. Way too much dripping water from the tubing, and other issues.

Last thing is that obviously these drip water all day. You need to make sure to either sit the unit in a tray or have it on a surface where the water doesn't run under your tent.

Good luck, lemme know if you have any further questions. Glad you killed your hermies and managed to save four plants. Finish them out strong. Sorry I've been away, I'm in trim jail for a long time.
Hi Kanno - well I have found AC unit will really help if you need help with bringing down temps in the summer. They also are essential if you want to get the temps down to the mid 50s at night to bring out colors. I don't know how I would ever do that here without them. They also lower humidity, which is one of the biggest benefits. Better yet, assuming the window type, 5000 btu, standard window AC unit that I mostly use and also assuming you would access something very similar in your country, they fit the rectangular bottom tent vents perfectly. I set them in place with the blowers right up against the opening and pull the opening so that it sits on top of the unit. Presto, you have your light block from the top side. Keep in mind if you do it this way - IMPORTANT - you MUST seal the space around the unit. All four sides including the bottom/underneath. Assuming your tent is on the floor, the unit only has to be raised a few inches to be in the right position - I use a brick with a piece of 1x wood on top - about 3 inches. If you don't seal this space, two negative things will happen, 1. you will get enough light leak to generate hermie after hermie, and 2. you will lose cool and humidity control out the side and find consistency difficult. When you first push it against the tent it will APPEAR to be fine. It's not. My suggestion is to do it when you have an empty tent and a dark room around it. Put the AC unit in place. Don't seal it. Now turn on the plant light and seal the tent and check the outside in the dark room. You will see where the light leaks all around your unit. And if it leaks out, it leaks in when the room is bright. So seal it. I use either folded up fabric pots which are great if you have them, or rolled up black t shirts which also work well. Something soft and dark and flexible is what you want. Tuck whatever you use in around the unit (between tent and unit where the light leaks) until you no longer see light leaking anywhere and the whole room is dark. Then what I do is check the same thing but from the inside of the tent, so you turn off the plant light, turn on the room light, and peek through a barely opened door to see if the inside of the tent is also as dark as dark can be. It should be if you adequately sealed it. If not, seal wherever you see light. Take care to not block/compromise the front of the unit, either where it blows out the vents or under that, cuz the big panel under the vents with all the tiny holes is the air intake, so compromising that is not desirable. That's sort of the bare bones.

One downside is that most units have a high and low cool, and a high and low fan. I never use the fan setting, cuz I have fans all over in the tent. But the cool, sometimes I might want it on low and sometimes on high. Well, since it's all tucked in now and sealed and you can't do it from the inside, the only way to change it is to back it out, change the setting, and reset it, which is a pain in the ass. I've taken to leaving it on high, where I want it overnight, and opening my tent doors a little bit to tune the Rh and temp that way. The more you open the tent, the more outside air, and corresponding temp and humidity effect. So basically over a few weeks you figure out how best to tune the unit and tent, and they work together as a unit. I think of it like that. One part of the unit control is the AC unit, and the other is the extent to which you open the doors or a window or whatever works. Make sense?

A standard 5000 btu window unit is perfect for anything from a 3x3 to 5x5. I've used an 8000 btu unit during the summer here even when it gets into 95-100 degrees, but you can freeze the crap out of a 5x5 with an 8000 btu unit. That's like large living room sized unit, lol. I have always used 5x5 spaces and they're great in that space. A bonus too is one time I didn't need a unit and I tried an auto in my garage under a light. Too hot, too high of Rh really and I knew that. But I took a spare unit (I have three) and set it up to just blow right on the plant from the appropriate distance, and sealed it a bit with some cardboard, and wow did it work well. So I guess the point is they have flexibility of functionality, always a plus. Fairly easy to move around, even for me. Indestructible. Not terribly expensive, although you will see an uptick on the electric bill. Not a lot of downside. One other thing is that you need to make sure you have adequate venting for the exhaust that comes out the back of the unit. That's hot air. It'll heat up a garage sized room no problem, and then your tent will heat up as well. I place mine so the vent on the back shoots it's exhaust out the garage door, and leave that door open about six inches to allow the air out. In the daytime when I want the garage door closed, I open the door to the house so it becomes basically another room of the house and that's enough to mitigate the exhaust heat issue too.

I think that will give you something of a primer. I display this in detail when I tried some radical experimentation with AC units in my first journal here, in completed journals, it's Jon's Second Grow - First Grow Journal, if you want to see pics. It's in the very beginning infrastructure part. If you check it out you'll find I tried using an upper round port with the AC way up high off the ground and tubing to go from it to the hole. The thought was it would cool the light, and the cool air would flow down on the plants instead of going in the bottom. It worked, but it had enough negative side effects that I don't recommend this at all. Way too much dripping water from the tubing, and other issues.

Last thing is that obviously these drip water all day. You need to make sure to either sit the unit in a tray or have it on a surface where the water doesn't run under your tent.

Good luck, lemme know if you have any further questions. Glad you killed your hermies and managed to save four plants. Finish them out strong. Sorry I've been away, I'm in trim jail for a long time.
Hi @Jon, thanks for the comprehensive answer I didn't even expect you to break up like that but thanks. So you have the air conditioner outside and just directed to the ventilation hole? And if I bought a mobile air conditioner, would you have it outside or inside the tent? And when the worst you can do is raise the temperature with the air conditioning or do you only use it for cooling? Do you let her run 24/7?
Hi @Jon, thanks for the comprehensive answer I didn't even expect you to break up like that but thanks. So you have the air conditioner outside and just directed to the ventilation hole? So you have the air conditioner outside and just directed to the ventilation hole? And when the worst you can do is raise the temperature with the air conditioning or do you only use it for cooling? And when the worst you can do is raise the temperature with the air conditioning or do you only use it for cooling?
So you have the air conditioner outside and just directed to the ventilation hole?
Yes, but not just "directed to the ventilation hole," smack dab tight up against the ventilation hole. The big slot one.

Mobile air conditioning unit inside or outside the tent?
Without knowing a single detail I'll always tell you to keep any piece of equipment, and indeed every single thing you possibly can, outside the tent. Circumstances do not exist where anyone can get away with an AC unit inside the tent for many reasons. It would not work that way. Must be outside the tent.

And when the worst you can do is raise the temperature with the air conditioning or do you only use it for cooling?
I personally only use it for cooling due to the weather where I live. I don't see why one couldn't use it for heating too if it's that type of unit and if it was necessary, but I can't speak from experience to that.

Do you let it run 24/7?
This is dependent upon both the weather outside and the stage the plants are at. I don't use it at all in seedling and early veg. When the plants start to get bigger I start using it on low during the day hours but not at night. I don't use it overnight until flower. Once I'm in flower I've found it becomes almost necessary to run it 24/7 cuz you're generating so much moisture at that point that you are well served to use it to lower the rh. Again, all that is weather and where you live dependent. But that's about the way it works out for me.

Sorry so quick and non conversational, this is just quicker and I wanted to attend to your questions forthright. Keep tossing them if you have any and I'll respond as I come up for air.

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