Jon's New Pared Down Setup Soil Grow: 3 Photo & 1 Auto With New Dedicated Auto Rig

So you have the air conditioner outside and just directed to the ventilation hole?
Yes, but not just "directed to the ventilation hole," smack dab tight up against the ventilation hole. The big slot one.

Mobile air conditioning unit inside or outside the tent?
Without knowing a single detail I'll always tell you to keep any piece of equipment, and indeed every single thing you possibly can, outside the tent. Circumstances do not exist where anyone can get away with an AC unit inside the tent for many reasons. It would not work that way. Must be outside the tent.

And when the worst you can do is raise the temperature with the air conditioning or do you only use it for cooling?
I personally only use it for cooling due to the weather where I live. I don't see why one couldn't use it for heating too if it's that type of unit and if it was necessary, but I can't speak from experience to that.

Do you let it run 24/7?
This is dependent upon both the weather outside and the stage the plants are at. I don't use it at all in seedling and early veg. When the plants start to get bigger I start using it on low during the day hours but not at night. I don't use it overnight until flower. Once I'm in flower I've found it becomes almost necessary to run it 24/7 cuz you're generating so much moisture at that point that you are well served to use it to lower the rh. Again, all that is weather and where you live dependent. But that's about the way it works out for me.

Sorry so quick and non conversational, this is just quicker and I wanted to attend to your questions forthright. Keep tossing them if you have any and I'll respond as I come up for air.

Thanks for the advice @Jon, I'll watch how things turn out and then I'll decide if air conditioning is needed but I think I'll have to go to it over the summer but we'll see sometimes we have 35 over the summer and other times 25 we'll see what next year will be
Hey @Emilya, you'll dig this. You know the sparks? I've been getting them on all the buds, but more on some than others, and not every time. I get the snap, crackle, pop everytime, but every pop does not a spark create.

However, then I just kiefed the Slurricane dregs.

The picture below is a bowl of kief. The darker stuff is first pass, grade A+ kief from the Sour Apple and Strawberry Banana. The lighter stuff is from the Slurricane. I just tried a topper of the Slurricane kief on top of a bonghit of said Slurricane.

It's like the damn 4th of July!!!!! UNREAL. A virtual shower of sparks off the kief. Lmao. That's maybe the coolest non-growing part oriented thing you ever told me. I can't wait to turn on my buddies to that. I know none of them know about this little gem.

BTW - that is the best and smoothest and tastiest and strongest kief I have ever smoked in my life, literally, and by a mile. I can't believe the bloodsuckers rape people for this stuff at 60-80 bucks a gram and it doesn't approach this quality. Asses.

The best day of the last six was the day I got my notice that my state medical card was about to expire, and I laughed at the email and said goodbye to ever putting another penny in the bloodsuckers pockets. EVER.


Kief comparison.jpg
Hi @Jon, this is what my flowers look like I think they look good what do you think?



Yo Kanno, those look great! Nice job! You got some fat buds in there. Very nice. Love the thin sativa-y leaves. What strain are these?
So obviously I'm not just going to accept losing the PUC

We are going ahead and popping a Watermelon Weddingcake Double XL auto. I was threatening to earlier, then shelved it. Well, she's back and soaking in a shot glass.

Auto in coco/bokashi/frass/perlite in a 7 gallon pot. Let's see how big a double XL auto gets with that going on. Not sure about lighting yet, and we will use @GeoFlora Nutrients. The one thing about the PUC going hermie on me that I'm 100% certain about is that it was not caused by the Geoflora nutes. Lmao. Those were spectacular. So good in fact that it kept the plant looking perfect while the evil ones were brewing inside. The buds never slowed down in growing in size or seemingly in trichome production like one would expect when it's making seeds. No nanners, no ball sacks, no nothing. I have experienced it before and it sucked then too. Lol. Oh well.

Thanks for the supportive stuff guys, I'm over it. Not sure I would have gifted my buddy who stopped by yesterday quite the same way had I known the PUC was history. Damn Christmas. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Here's the upside.....that damn plant is going to kief up in a couple weeks after I cut it all up to a volume that's going to be spectacular, that's for sure. The buds are drenched in trichomes. It smells awesome. It really is too bad. That's two tries with the same strain that hermied, although in the first case I have no way to know which of the four scrog plants went hermie first and did the others, so perhaps it is only the first. I'll give her another shot now that I clearly see how she's supposed to look. And I know she's ultra productive, and I know she does significant side branching. Learned a lot about the PUC, so now I can grow one in a tent and train it out to max yield me. I will get this bitch yet, you watch. But this plant will be my small but gigantic bowl of spectacular kief that I always like to have by my side. If I had a press I bet it would make some great dabs.
Thanks to @Jon, the Hulkberry strain is from royalqueenseeds
Oh that's cool as hell. The Hulkberry I just harvested was also from there. Maybe I'll be able to answer some questions for you as the Hulk grows. Tell you what though, keep her defoliated underneath, there's a TON of undergrowth and I ended up with a ton of flarf on mine cuz it was too tight and dense under there and I was unable to affect it. Also, the buds, especially the main colas, get very heavy, don't know if you saw mine and how I had to support them, but you may wanna think in terms of support later on. They're fall over colas. Good luck. Great strain. Mine is very strong and is beginning to taste great. Early reviews say it's solid and a well balanced buzz with very high thc.
Yield Report
Totals for this Grow

Five Plants:
Chunkadelic Auto
Sour Apple Auto
Ghost Train Haze

Well, hate to start a yield report with a caveat, but unfortunately it's necessary. It's Christmas, and I had the only two friends in the area I have made since I've been here stop by in the last two days. I like to think I'm fairly generous. I also divided my yield into three parts: killer final trimmed perfect buds, "littles," and flarf. The littles are the buds that are complete, dense buds, just too small to trim. I put them in a bowl and smoke them while the real buds cure. The flarf goes into the Trim Bin to become keif and butter fodder. The yield counts the killer buds and the littles, no flarf. I've been smoking the crap out of the littles, not to mention a good quarter ounce of tester buds off each plant. So there's no way to present to you the "real" numbers, and since my numbers are now way off from the real numbers, I am going to have to defer to my recorded yields as I jarred them each. So I don't have a strain picture on a scale of each one. You guys can trust that I'm telling you the actual yield numbers or not, that's up to you. But I would never fudge yields, just fyi, and frankly I was disappointed in every one of mine. Sort of. This was much more a quality focused grow than yield, although I honestly expected more in every case. So this is how they came out:

Chunkadelic Auto: 6.9 ounces finished buds after curing since 11/3. This and the Sour Apple are the only "all the way cured" weights
Sour Apple Auto: 2.25 ounces finished buds, already smoked up and gone, no littles
Slurricane: 4.22 ounces of finished jarred buds, 27 grams of littles, total 5 ounces (plus 1/2 oz. flarf)
Hulkberry: 5.08 ounces finished jarred buds, 33 grams of littles, total 6.1 ounces (plus 1 1/2 oz. flarf!!)
Ghost Train Haze: 3.78 ounces finished jarred buds, 11 grams of littles, total 3.9 ounces (plus 1 oz. flarf)

Total Yield = 21.42 ounces of smokable bud.
Lots of flarf for kief, already filled two and a half 1/8th ounce containers
Lots of littles to smoke while the real buds cure

The buds seem all stabilized to me, and all are jarred with 62% Infinity Natural Moisture Exchange packs in them. I may lose a couple grams of weight here and there, we'll see.

So the numbers:

Chunkadelic: Too bad the bud is so plainly average at best. Best yielding auto I've grown yet. Off the charts happy with this yield.
Sour Apple: Still not there on getting the yield I believe I can out of this strain. Not even close. Haven't broken three ounces with her yet on several tries. Disappointing number but expected and high quality, no problem.
The Phototown Girls: Disappointed in all three on the yield side. Too much flarf, not enough lower interior yield. Too many littles. Not enough killer buds based on the work that went into it. Gotta refine that training method and spread out the buds more, get more stem under them, etc. Needs work. Only got the preferred density in the upper and middle buds. But I see where I went wrong. Considering the plants were basically two feet tall I suppose the numbers are *okay.* But honestly those should have been half pound plants each imho, and that's what I was kind of shooting for. WAY too tightly packed together, way too impossible to effectively defoliate without compromising leaf functionality. Good idea, so so execution.

All of the above said, it don't hurt. The buds there are still justified not renewing my card and confidently saying I will never again give this state or the bloodsuckers one dime of my money for weed. The quality is very high across the board with the exception of the Chunkadelic, and low tolerance smokers will even like that. I have variety. My buds are almost 100% usable with only the stems holding the buds together as non-smokable in the jars, and they are all trimmed to the barest possible amount of stem left. All extremely "bagworthy," which is how I like to trim cuz it makes me feel good when I open a jar.

No complaints. I'll save the smoke reports for after it's cured another two or three weeks and post in smoke reviews. Only thing left for this journal is an epilogue and some final bud pics which I will post later on.

Not bitching, just explaining. I'm pretty damn happy about it.

Yield Report
Totals for this Grow

Five Plants:
Chunkadelic Auto
Sour Apple Auto
Ghost Train Haze

Well, hate to start a yield report with a caveat, but unfortunately it's necessary. It's Christmas, and I had the only two friends in the area I have made since I've been here stop by in the last two days. I like to think I'm fairly generous. I also divided my yield into three parts: killer final trimmed perfect buds, "littles," and flarf. The littles are the buds that are complete, dense buds, just too small to trim. I put them in a bowl and smoke them while the real buds cure. The flarf goes into the Trim Bin to become keif and butter fodder. The yield counts the killer buds and the littles, no flarf. I've been smoking the crap out of the littles, not to mention a good quarter ounce of tester buds off each plant. So there's no way to present to you the "real" numbers, and since my numbers are now way off from the real numbers, I am going to have to defer to my recorded yields as I jarred them each. So I don't have a strain picture on a scale of each one. You guys can trust that I'm telling you the actual yield numbers or not, that's up to you. But I would never fudge yields, just fyi, and frankly I was disappointed in every one of mine. Sort of. This was much more a quality focused grow than yield, although I honestly expected more in every case. So this is how they came out:

Chunkadelic Auto: 6.9 ounces finished buds after curing since 11/3. This and the Sour Apple are the only "all the way cured" weights
Sour Apple Auto: 2.25 ounces finished buds, already smoked up and gone, no littles
Slurricane: 4.22 ounces of finished jarred buds, 27 grams of littles, total 5 ounces (plus 1/2 oz. flarf)
Hulkberry: 5.08 ounces finished jarred buds, 33 grams of littles, total 6.1 ounces (plus 1 1/2 oz. flarf!!)
Ghost Train Haze: 3.78 ounces finished jarred buds, 11 grams of littles, total 3.9 ounces (plus 1 oz. flarf)

Total Yield = 21.42 ounces of smokable bud.
Lots of flarf for kief, already filled two and a half 1/8th ounce containers
Lots of littles to smoke while the real buds cure

The buds seem all stabilized to me, and all are jarred with 62% Infinity Natural Moisture Exchange packs in them. I may lose a couple grams of weight here and there, we'll see.

So the numbers:

Chunkadelic: Too bad the bud is so plainly average at best. Best yielding auto I've grown yet. Off the charts happy with this yield.
Sour Apple: Still not there on getting the yield I believe I can out of this strain. Not even close. Haven't broken three ounces with her yet on several tries. Disappointing number but expected and high quality, no problem.
The Phototown Girls: Disappointed in all three on the yield side. Too much flarf, not enough lower interior yield. Too many littles. Not enough killer buds based on the work that went into it. Gotta refine that training method and spread out the buds more, get more stem under them, etc. Needs work. Only got the preferred density in the upper and middle buds. But I see where I went wrong. Considering the plants were basically two feet tall I suppose the numbers are *okay.* But honestly those should have been half pound plants each imho, and that's what I was kind of shooting for. WAY too tightly packed together, way too impossible to effectively defoliate without compromising leaf functionality. Good idea, so so execution.

All of the above said, it don't hurt. The buds there are still justified not renewing my card and confidently saying I will never again give this state or the bloodsuckers one dime of my money for weed. The quality is very high across the board with the exception of the Chunkadelic, and low tolerance smokers will even like that. I have variety. My buds are almost 100% usable with only the stems holding the buds together as non-smokable in the jars, and they are all trimmed to the barest possible amount of stem left. All extremely "bagworthy," which is how I like to trim cuz it makes me feel good when I open a jar.

No complaints. I'll save the smoke reports for after it's cured another two or three weeks and post in smoke reviews. Only thing left for this journal is an epilogue and some final bud pics which I will post later on.

Not bitching, just explaining. I'm pretty damn happy about it.

I think they’re pretty damn good yields! If I make 2 zips off my current Sour Livers, I’ll count myself lucky!
I think they’re pretty damn good yields! If I make 2 zips off my current Sour Livers, I’ll count myself lucky!
I suck at predicting harvest numbers, and I especially suck at projecting auto numbers. I get 2 z's off an auto of real buds plenty, and you will too at least. Then you'll be like, okay, how can I get this to yield bigger? It's inevitable. It's how it goes. Lol!! Before long you'll be exactly like me and get kinda jacked when you only pull two from an auto.
I suck at predicting harvest numbers, and I especially suck at projecting auto numbers. I get 2 z's off an auto of real buds plenty, and you will too at least. Then you'll be like, okay, how can I get this to yield bigger? It's inevitable. It's how it goes. Lol!! Before long you'll be exactly like me and get kinda jacked when you only pull two from an auto.
Considering how little I smoke, it’ll last me forever (I did mention the last 2.75 oz I got off those first two plants lasted me THREE YEARS, right? And that was sharing with JD on a pretty regular basis!
Considering how little I smoke, it’ll last me forever (I did mention the last 2.75 oz I got off those first two plants lasted me THREE YEARS, right? And that was sharing with JD on a pretty regular basis!
Yeah, you're my dream. Lol. I'm kind of jealous. My weed would last forever at that rate. Hell I bet you would even maybe get high on my Chunkadelic! Treasure that tolerance, girl. It's precious. Lol.
Yeah, you're my dream. Lol. I'm kind of jealous. My weed would last forever at that rate. Hell I bet you would even maybe get high on my Chunkadelic! Treasure that tolerance, girl. It's precious. Lol.
Oh I get pretty damn toasty off the chunkadelic I have … toss some kief on top and I get righteously WRECKED!
@Mars Hydro Rig Autoflower Update
Day 58

These girls are loving budding out under the MH FC-E6500. It makes nice, solid, dense buds. There's enough reds in the spectrum to bring out the frost, and the heat dissipation is such that you can let the tops get pretty close to the bars. It's just a solid light that the plants seem to really like, now that I've grown several under her. it gets to the lower growth fairly well too, which is always a bonus and something to look for imo when considering a light - the penetration capability.

So today I tried to focus on just one branch of each plant, to show how the branches are stacking and budding out. Here they are:

1. Dos Si Dos 1
2. DSD 2
3. DSD 3
4. Gorilla Zkittlez

DSD 1 branch.jpg

DSD 2 branch.jpg

DSD 3 branch.jpg

GZ branch.jpg
Hi @Emilya - hey when you get a chance check the above post if you like and note the Gorilla branch. Your suggestion was the correct one. We stopped that crap in it's tracks and her green is back to preferred levels and the spotting is history. Thanks very much for adjusting me on that.
Ok @Bill284, and also @StoneOtter since you just went through this too, here's a hermie watch photo series for us.

I took two node shots off each plant. Here's what I see:

1. Blueberry - too early to tell, but no worries yet
2. Strawberry Lemonade - this is what I want to see, likely not a hermie, at least yet, lol
3. Dos Si Dos Fast Flowering - I see mixed messages here and this one has me worried. The first pic is a top-ish node and looks like what I want. The second pic is a lower node. See those two little things to the right and left of the stamens or whatever those hairs are called? These worry me and are being watched closely. They either pop hairs like above or they turn to balls. Starting to wonder about these FF photos. Seems a trend may be developing here.

My eye is far less experienced than yours. What do you guys see?

bb hermie watch 1.jpg

bb hermie watch 2.jpg

sl hermie watch 1.jpg

sl hermie watch 2.jpg

DSD hermie watch 1.jpg

dsd hermie watch 2.jpg
Oh that's cool as hell. The Hulkberry I just harvested was also from there. Maybe I'll be able to answer some questions for you as the Hulk grows. Tell you what though, keep her defoliated underneath, there's a TON of undergrowth and I ended up with a ton of flarf on mine cuz it was too tight and dense under there and I was unable to affect it. Also, the buds, especially the main colas, get very heavy, don't know if you saw mine and how I had to support them, but you may wanna think in terms of support later on. They're fall over colas. Good luck. Great strain. Mine is very strong and is beginning to taste great. Early reviews say it's solid and a well balanced buzz with very high thc.
I have them now in the sixth week of flowering, and I'm wondering if it won't help them pierce the leaves in the middle to get the light lower. The only thing I'm afraid is that it won't hurt the plants. What do you think?
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