Jon's Final Florida Journal For Real

Too bad our timing wasn’t closer. Last time I looked yours looked great and real healthy, but it also appeared to be tighter than mine, yes?
hard to say i'll scroll back & find when you started & follow the time line. i think you started mid August
Too bad our timing wasn’t closer. Last time I looked yours looked great and real healthy, but it also appeared to be tighter than mine, yes?
your DG broke soil Aug 29 so it approx 36 days old mine is 21 days old as of today so i'll try to find yours at around the same day
your DG broke soil Aug 29 so it approx 36 days old mine is 21 days old as of today so i'll try to find yours at around the same day
Wow, you’re good. I don’t have the patience to look back and find references. Thanks!!! Wow so mine is only 36 eh? Damn quickie! The Cherry Pie too! That’s quick to budlets I think.
Wow, you’re good. I don’t have the patience to look back and find references. Thanks!!! Wow so mine is only 36 eh? Damn quickie! The Cherry Pie too! That’s quick to budlets I think.
yeah they're pretty close yours has about 1-1.5'' taller at day 21, so you're about 15 days ahead of mine
In this case they’re telling me my worry is much ado about nothing. There will not be an issue jumping to 18/6 from 20/4. It’s far away from what they would recognize as flower time, and the argument that ANY change will signal them is just silly.
There's nothing silly about it! @Archiweedies had four plants in his tent and went from 18/6 to 16/8 and one of the four definitely went into early flower. I think it was a Durban Poison as I recall. Two hours less, not close to 12/12, and indoors. That doesn't mean yours will, but it can:

She was incidentally triggered to flower when I moved her from 18/6 to 16/8. That was enough to cause her to flower
There's nothing silly about it! @Archiweedies had four plants in his tent and went from 18/6 to 16/8 and one of the four definitely went into early flower. I think it was a Durban Poison as I recall. Two hours less, not close to 12/12, and indoors. That doesn't mean yours will, but it can:
I meant no disrespect to anyone with that comment. And I wasn’t clear when I said “my thing is don’t go below 18/6.” What you just said is why I don’t feel safe below 18/6. Least not a chance I’d take, what Archieweedies did. I don’t see the need for any hourly incremental change between 18/6 and 12/12 personally, but hell, a lot of people use hourly increments I’d never use. But I do think, let’s say one started veg at 24/0 as some do. I feel that you’d be hard pressed to make the plant realize anything was happening, regardless of what you did with the increments, until you got to 18/6. Is that clearer?
I've often wondered how it would go if we ran our light cycle off 23hrs instead of 24hrs , shortening the entire grow by an hr each "day" and I wonder what the threshold would be and if it would even work or be possible. For starters you would have to make your own timer using arduino and some code 🤔
I've often wondered how it would go if we ran our light cycle off 23hrs instead of 24hrs , shortening the entire grow by an hr each "day" and I wonder what the threshold would be and if it would even work or be possible. For starters you would have to make your own timer using arduino and some code 🤔
Cool. Yeah idk, I’ve seen so many different light cycles I kinda think we’re all just giving it our best guess.
Cool. Yeah idk, I’ve seen so many different light cycles I kinda think we’re all just giving it our best guess.
I've never seen anyone change from a 24hr time frame to a 23hr or less time frame . Imagine shaving up to 4 days off a grow , save on a bit of power and faster grows 💁‍♂️
Strawberry Gorilla
Budlets and Final Training Piece

Here’s the last useful stuff to know about training this ring style the way I do it. Even I’m getting bored with this, so I’ll try and keep it brief. Lol! But thorough is more important. So…

First, an important point about topping side branches. I’ve already said with each topping comes a watering down of the colas. And side branches pronounce it loudly.

Here’s a pair of untopped mains.

Here’s a shot before I evened it out showing the topped side branches circled and the two mains in the previous photo with the arrow.

The topping point was early! Way down here:

But still we have the water down effect. The two branches formed by this topping will not add up to one untopped main. They’re smaller, not by much, but more to the point, they have significantly fewer nodes, ie bud sites. This is why I don’t like to top side branches. Caveat: this applies to autos only, and/or photos you have to keep super low. Regular sized photos I do not feel this way. In that case you have the time and the size to overcome this with growth. With autos often you do not. And now, if you’re OCD about starting your real flower with all the mains at the same height, you realize that these lower topped sides now dictate the height to which you have to spread the plant to match up the mains.

Here she is after spreading to even out the height, and resetting a few colas to even the ring out all around as best I could. The angle forces a round look in the picture but she’s pie plate flat.

Here’s her final center we go to war with after plucking crap I didn’t want and defol going into forming buds. There’s a couple supercropped little tops in there too, just for direction control to attempt to even out the middle as best I could.

Finally, the reason all this got done today is cuz now we are here! Note the way early frost.

So that’s it. Now we feed her and watch the show for real. Hope it’s good. This is about as well as I can set an auto up going into flower.
Bubblegum Sherbet

Check out how quickly our intrepid lady has basically already formed her canopy. Wow. Didn’t see that coming. Usually takes longer to get in order. She did this, not me. Wow.


By thinking just a little outside the box, you free yourself up to see how to do things better, more efficiently, etc. I am constantly amazed at what a simple perspective shift can produce.

Take for example this Skywalker. I started training her two days ago. In two days, check out this ten-cola reality up top, almost all ten at the same level. How is this even possible?

It’s actually blindingly simple, accent on “blindingly!” Just think in terms of bringing colas UP and well as DOWN.

Just that simple. I lose those two at the very bottom and I’m ready to go to war just about already.




By thinking just a little outside the box, you free yourself up to see how to do things better, more efficiently, etc. I am constantly amazed at what a simple perspective shift can produce.

Take for example this Skywalker. I started training her two days ago. In two days, check out this ten-cola reality up top, almost all ten at the same level. How is this even possible?

It’s actually blindingly simple, accent on “blindingly!” Just think in terms of bringing colas UP and well as DOWN.

Just that simple. I lose those two at the very bottom and I’m ready to go to war just about already.



Observation: what a luxury to have coco/Remo plants and Geo/RGR plants in the same grow. There are some interesting things you see when you have a direct comparison. Here’s one thing I see: All four autos look healthy, but the very most ultra healthy and closest to in “perfect” health one is the Strawberry Gorilla (nice work 420FastBuds). All five of the Geo plants are equally healthy - a real lot healthy and happy to my inexperienced eyes. So when I look at the clone and what her happy looks like vs. the Strawberry Gorilla and what her happy looks like, I can only come to the conclusion that myco happy simply is happier than chem happy. The Geo/RGR/myco plants look more vibrant, have significantly better color imo, and are growing at a rate that’s far closer to coco than I thought possible. I figured it was almost 2.5/3 to 1. Usually that holds. Not here. Less than 2 to 1 I’d say, which is fast growth for soil in my experience. So as I already knew and now can directly see, I’m now in the path I prefer as far as going organic. It’s simply a must. At least for my photos. Autos will likely stay chem as they need fantastic growth rates and artificially generated size.
Strawberry Gorilla and Fun With Light!

Okay, so the pictures below show our current state of play. As you see it she is at 950 ppfd. This is good. We could easily simply make no changes, flower her where she is, and if she gets a little taller no problem. That would be one way and the conservative approach.

I’m not a fan of conservatives. Oops, sorry, I meant the conservative approach. :rofl: So here’s the plan.

This is our girl:

See this space right here?

Here’s how far away from the plant that is and how far she is from the 420h:

That space is going to house my Maxsisun Blurple starting the same day I flip the tent, October 14. That will be three weeks since budlets on the Strawberry Gorilla. I’m going to use the reds only. I will adjust the level of the 420h accordingly so she ends up around 1150-1200 ppfd.

This gives me the full spectrum from the 420h and the reds from the Blurple. I have done this before, it works super well. Especially with the plant at this height. It’s perfect for this.

We don’t want the BlackBerry Moonrocks to have that red light before flower. We will see where she is on the 14th and could relocate her if necessary. Or let her have reds early and see what happens. That may be better for learning something new. Or if she’s close, hold off a few days on the reds til they’re both in flower. Options, options. We like those. Heh.
@ViparSpectra Tent
XS 1500 Pros
Cherry Pie Auto
Double Grape Auto

Scrog looks good and vibrant going into flower. I tried to raise the lights from 75% to 100% today. Nope. Lol. Too powerful. Right now as you see here the scrog is at 950 on the left/right edges, and a steady increase as you go left to right across the canopy in the shape of a bell curve. Peaks in the middle where the two light fields intersect the most, around 1200. So great as it is. No 100% this grow. It shot me up to 1350-1400!!! Lmao. I love these lights. Just powerhouses in a small package. Bravo VS! The crab you may recognize just happens to be the perfect weight to ensure both my lights are exactly level. Lmao again!

Here’s now:




The blurple thing intrigues me😊. The canopy is looking really nice😎
Thanks Gee. The Blurple is just a way to add reds since the 420h has none. I’m all about reds in flower. My tent will be pink at flip when I engage the flower booster and go from 550 watts to 680 and all the reds come in. Adding the Blurple in that spot also hits the plant at more of a side angle, so besides the frosty magic the reds add, it should also provide a bit of a side light type boost and get the center and lower buds nice and dense.
Thanks Gee. The Blurple is just a way to add reds since the 420h has none. I’m all about reds in flower. My tent will be pink at flip when I engage the flower booster and go from 550 watts to 680 and all the reds come in. Adding the Blurple in that spot also hits the plant at more of a side angle, so besides the frosty magic the reds add, it should also provide a bit of a side light type boost and get the center and lower buds nice and dense.
You may have figured this out but it might not be readily apparent to everyone - I might argue that to bring in reds for flower more accurately mimics nature. I don’t have a light with all the bells and whistles that might allow me to add a fall wavelength to the mix. So by adding a random light with reds I am at least coming closer to the actual wavelengths of light that hit the plant outside in the fall vs summer (longer red light wavelengths as it gets later and later in the season, right?).

Might be a bs argument, thus I said I might make it, not I would. Lmao!
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