Jon's Dedicated Fruity Pebble Cookies Grow Plus The Mystery Plant

Zkittlez Trichomes
Jack Herer Repositioning

1-2. A couple Zkittlez trichome pics.

3. Raised Jack up to be as close to the light as the others. She's jamming.

4. Here's what it took, replacing the white styrofoam stand with a heavier and taller bucket.
Without removing the big fan. Heh, not as easy as you think. Also replaced the wooden bullshit stand I made for the dehumidifier and replaced that with a strong cooler that's way better. That didn't make the pics, but it's under the dehumidifier in the same spot. The head of the dehumidifier is a bit less jammed into the canopy. The heat was curling the leaves all around the unit.
Hi @BubbaKush909 - lol. I am really into the Spud too. The whole accidental hybrid thing has me really psyched to be the first to ever try a strain. Now I want to start making my own hybrids all the time like Stunger and Shed and many others do. I never realized the joy one gets from "inventing" a new strain!
Not all crosses work though. I am crossing my fingers hoping that your new strain doesn't taste like a potato.
Not all crosses work though. I am crossing my fingers hoping that your new strain doesn't taste like a potato.
LOL!!! That's so funny cuz I was just thinking that! Just cuz the two parents are great does not mean their offspring will have the qualities you like of each parent in the %es you want them in. Actually the odds are pretty low of that happening. It's a hope for the best sort of thing. But what a fun and wild ride with her, and I learned a lot just from this one plant and you'all.
Not all crosses work though. I am crossing my fingers hoping that your new strain doesn't taste like a potato.
The flip side is, it's spectacular, and I sell it to a seedbank. Lmao. Oh, I guess you can't yet patent a strain, can you? If you could, there probably would be less strains of the identical name that are different crosses.
All Closeups Aside, Here's What We Actually Have

There are five of these. That's it. They're nice. Decent sized. But only relative to a small auto kept small on purpose in a small pot on purpose. This is 40% of the plant between these two buds. They are dense and heavy, but dried, I'm still going to bet against two ounces. We'd have made it easy with 8. With 5? I dunno..... But it's going to be very good. It smells so good! The buds feel great. It's doing exactly what it's supposed to do. Plenty of trichomes in the bud even if my on the vine bud washing has taken some off the sugars and remaining fans. I knew I wasn't breaking any yield records with this girl, I just wanted an extra couple ounces of something different that I know I like. Mission accomplished. And shortly we have the rig back for the Strawberry Banana if the seed sprouts.

Here you go. Everything she's got on two of her five branches. Naked, as it were. Heh.


IMG_1928 (1).jpg
Plenty of trichomes in the bud even if my on the vine bud washing has taken some off the sugars and remaining fans.

Unless you really blasted her with the water, the trichomes shouldn't really be much affected. They are dissolvable in oils but not water. They developed in nature to protect the developing seeds from predation and if water was a thing, every rain storm would wash away that protection and they'd have to start again from a very vulnerable position.

Now, next time you want to spray her with neem oil, we should talk first. ;)
Unless you really blasted her with the water, the trichomes shouldn't really be much affected. They are dissolvable in oils but not water. They developed in nature to protect the developing seeds from predation and if water was a thing, every rain storm would wash away that protection and they'd have to start again from a very vulnerable position.

Now, next time you want to spray her with neem oil, we should talk first. ;)
Thanks Azi, I know...but I did blast them pretty good a few times. Between that and me rubbing the sugars in the process of removing little bugs from where the leaf joins the bud I have scraped some off too. I can see they aren't quite as all the way frosty as they were before. No worries. Lol. And yeah, I think I know better on the Neem in flower!
Caught up, and decided to listen to Yessongs while I did. Wonder why? From the first post:

Sunrise? Yes!


Not me - I've never made a cross but many others do indeed! I grow a lot of hybrids though; many made by other members.
My bad - I thought some of your seeds were crosses. Yessongs is so damn good. They never grabbed me the way some other bands did - Rush is another example - these were bands you'd have to be an idiot to not see were extremely talented, their material just never "touched my soul" as it were. But what great bands. Kansas is another.
Hey Jon! What an awesome picture of Molly she looks quite content. I'm not much of a Rush fan but Yes is a whole different story. I've probably heard Heart of the Sunrise a hundred times and I'm not even sure what it's about lol
I read it took the band months to learn to play it. I guess that's what happens when British Boarding School kids meet acid :yahoo:

What's the over/under on Titan's yield? 1lb? That would be amazing. Have a great rest of your day with Molly!
Hey Jon! What an awesome picture of Molly she looks quite content. I'm not much of a Rush fan but Yes is a whole different story. I've probably heard Heart of the Sunrise a hundred times and I'm not even sure what it's about lol
I read it took the band months to learn to play it. I guess that's what happens when British Boarding School kids meet acid :yahoo:

What's the over/under on Titan's yield? 1lb? That would be amazing. Have a great rest of your day with Molly!
Hi @BubbaKush909 - my man, now you're just talking crazy. A pound. Lmao. There's no way on god's green earth I'm taking a pound of dried and trimmed weed off Titan. I mean, I know she's big and heavy and all, but you're talking 16 finished ounces from one auto in a 3x3. For me - impossible. I was thinking she's more like 9 ounces, maybe a little more. For sure she's more than the Chunkadelic, which is my current record at 7.3. But nowhere near a pound. If I'm wrong I'll be the happiest guy on this forum. But no, that's impossible. Nice thought though.
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