Absolutely!Hope that clarifies in a non-argumentative and respectful manner as it is intended.
That's true in organic grows as well, which is why soil is pH'd at the factory to the correct pH for soil and peat is pH'd at the factory for the correct pH for peat.As soon as the soil and pot becomes immersed in the wrong ph, let's say at 7.6 cuz your tap water sucks, you will begin to see issues.
The pH of the medium determines what nutes the plants can take up (not of the water), which is why soil is pH'd higher than peat. It's explained here:Not to mention that only in a specific and relatively narrow range of ph can the plant most effectively uptake chemical nutes
The pH of both peat and soil will drift over time (peat much more easily than soil) as a result of the type of N in your fertilizer and the alkaline content of your water.