@Jon! I see Molly was hard at work yesterday, she was probably hoping the neighbor's crazy dog was going to try something.
Love the DD poster! True story, yours truly was a huge Marvel comics reader and in 1964 I was 9 and guess what I had? DD #1. And 2, and all of them for the next 5-6 years. All I lacked was knowing how valuable they could have been if I'd have taken care of them and, you know, kept them. When we moved out here somehow my entire collection got lost. I think my dad pitched them but he always denied it lol. Spiderman, Fantastic Four, Nick Fury, X-Men.... I can't remember for sure but they were either 12 or 15 cents back then. There was a lot of new construction in our neighborhood and every night we'd go to all the sites and collect empty pop bottles. They were worth 2 cents each and once in a while there would be a quart bottle which was worth 5. On a good day we'd each end up with maybe 25 cents - enough for a comic book, a pack of baseball cards and maybe some candy. Great memories. I've seen very few of the movies. They can't compete with magic that Stan and his crew were creating back then. I won't go into how we used our baseball cards to make our bikes sound cooler
You'll probably get 10z's from your SB. I'm hoping maybe I'll get 2 from mine ugh. Mine started flowering day 27, fyi.
Hope you have a great day!