Banana Sherbet
Day 30!
Ok, one month in today. Still no sign of pistils. It’s about time, I think, to begin to see the first “pre-pistils,” as I refer to them. Those are the pistils that shoot out first in various spots, often lower, that can trick you with autos sometimes into thinking the plant is going into flower when it’s not. The real pistils come in bunches and only shortly precede the beginning of the stretch. In a perfect world, lol. Also in a perfect world I get at least 12 more days before we start stretching. That would be the long end of the range Growers Choice says this plant will stay in veg, and what I hope for. Obviously with an auto scrog or any auto, the longer the veg always the better, bigger plant.
So here she is today. You can see I have a ring of sorts going and spreading out a la
@Rexer style. There is also a shoot for the middle squares already and more coming. The tops are continuing their inexorable way towards the edge, at which point I suppose there may be a decision to make about which way to take them. We are going to lose at least one side of the first node, the other side may make the screen. Everything else is staying and will easily be up there. If I saw this in someone else’s journal, and knew their deal, I’d be telling them, sweet, looks like you’ll be able to fill the screen. I hope you guys see the same thing.
There’s also a picture of a dead dragonfly who met his maker in the corner next the my timer. Lmao.
Thank you for your interest and for visiting my journal. Everyone loves a good train wreck, right?