Jimmy6K - The Re-Up - LED/HPS - Multi Strain - Perpetual

Now for the 2x600 hps tent.
The 10 #2 s.p fill in girl's are looking good.I wish I had 10 more on the other side.
I don't recall how many of what are in there but there's a few Money Maker,Critical kush and Northern light x big bud.
Day 37 since switching to 12/12.

And on the other side are 4 N.L x BB.
These girl's are from the same of clone's as the 11 week veg girl's.They were started in flower 9 day's ago so they had 10 week veg time.
There some pretty big girl's and still got some stretching to do.

N.L x B.B..Day 9 since started on 12/12..

now to finish it off..
I broke down and processed some trim and did a dry ice run.:thumb:

First run stuff.

Second run stuff..
Notice a very little bit of veg in the mix.

I don't run a 3rd time.
Ok.Time to :blunt:and do some catching up.
Thank's Everyone.
Congrats on the chops Jimbo.
I'm riding Shotgun in Fifi's Benz. I want to partake too.
Gratz Brotha J6k lovely and damn you got too much going on if there is such a thing :thumb:
Great update J6:)...congrats on the harvests:)....i seee you got your aerogarden.....is it the 6 or 7 spot?
Thank's G.D.
Yea,found one pretty cheap and remembered you were using one for germing and thought why not.
Mine is not made by M.G.....It just says aerogarden.Have not got a chance to try it yet,but soon.
It is a 7 site.I got a few pic's.

Daaaamnnn!!!!! :) :) bravo my friend! :)
Thank's L.A.
That mean's a lot coming from you..:Namaste:
Ahhh I'll be there in about an hour... I want some of that dry ice stuff....:high-five:....:circle-of-love:

Congrats on the chops Jimbo.
I'm riding Shotgun in Fifi's Benz. I want to partake too.
You two have better get here quick.I have been topping bowl after bowl of this shit and really don't want to smoke one with out it now.lol
I really need to get it pressed out.:thumb:
Nice roots on the cuttings above id say the good ones will take off:D And as for the kief again.. GOOOD NIGHTT :laughtwo: i just wanna eat it :drool: Hows the reflector type treating u? well i can see its doing very well anyway. any small probs with it ? im dying to get one just need to make up my mind on marsII or that :roorrip:
Thank's Indo.:high-five:
I was going to use my trim to try and make an oil,but Im just not set-up for all that.I guess I could have made some butter but to be honest I like smoking better.lol
The Top led 144x3(I think)reflector has been great to me.Not one single problem at all.:wood:
I have only used it for veg tho.I do use both veg and bloom switch for veg now.
I think Im going to replace the Hps tent with some Mar's/Hydro.That's the plan anyway.lol
Would love to have the new Sun series but as of now the price of them is not going to fit my set-up.
Gratz Brotha J6k lovely and damn you got too much going on if there is such a thing :thumb:
Thank's Chronic.:Namaste:
You know better then most how to pack a tent.lol
Last round I didn't have enough plant's to fill hps tent.I don't want that to happen again lol.
Especially if I want to try and move up to monthly harvest.

Small update coming up...
Not a huge update but wanted to document it.
Took another batch of clone's on 2/12.
I'm not possitive but I think there are....
7 C.K
5 N.l x B.B
and 5 P.T.W..
So I let the P.T.W get a little bigger then I normally do before topping,so that's what I did.I wouldn't exactly call it topping.I pretty much chopped it in half.I also removed the 2 very bottom branches for clone's.
Then tied her open a did a little bending to try and keep the 3 set's of branches from blocking each other.
I also used the top of plant to make to 2 small cut's and one big one.



I don't think all the clone's will make it as some were very small and were only put in the cloner because Im couldn't just toss'em.lol:circle-of-love:
Thank's Everyone..
I saw renegade start with a similar aerogarden thing
Looking busy and Green
Happy Shatterday Brotha J6k :thumb:
I really would love to be able to see your set up.... We grow so much alike and yours is always so perfect and clean and organized... I think I could learn much.... As always things look great.....:circle-of-love:
Thank's D.
You would be surprised.It's only a 10x10x and probably 7 foot ceiling's in my basement.I do try and keep her tidy tho.
Indeed we do grow a lot alike.Your a hell of a grower and glad to have meet you.I think we would make a kick ass team.:high-five:
I have learned a ton from you and your journal as is.:thumb:It would be awesome to really sit down,indulge and talk out loud about our hobby.:circle-of-love:Who know's.Maybe one day.
Love the mini Areo garden :grinjoint: Thinking about getting something similar myself for strawberrys and toms, wouldnt have to look after them as much along with the ladies and bonzais. Are the bulbs changable ? Il keep a closer eye on the toped plant see how its done and how it turns out hight wise, what strain is she (4th Pic form the top of last post) :)
Thank's Indo.
I haven't used it yet but got it mainly for starting seed's or maybe even do a few clone's in it.I got the idea from Green Dreamz.:Namaste:The bulb's are changeable.This came with 26 watt cfl's.Im sure you could get a higher watt if needed.I have seen the aero garden's online,with led's.lol

That plant is a Purple Train Wreck.(Photo).
It was gifted to me as a bean from a very good friend.:circle-of-love:
I think she'll do fine.The top's have already straighten them self's out and had to be tied down.:thumb:
I'll do an update tonight.
I saw renegade start with a similar aerogarden thing
Looking busy and Green
Happy Shatterday Brotha J6k :thumb:
Thank's Chronic.
I'll have to check it out.:thumb:

I do have a bit of an update on the clone.I think I mentioned some time back(last batch I believe)that I was taking 2 cut's from one branch and calling them half cut's or something along those line's,but anyway.I lost a few of them last batch and I believe it was because I didn't leave enough foliage on them.The one that did survive rooted the fastest and had the best root's.Even the one's that looked like hell and didn't get potted had better root's then the normal clone's.
Let me gather some pic's and try an explain....BRB
I think link's to post is going to explain a little better and easier then digging threw ton's of past pic's.
Here is were I started taking and noticing a difference.
Jimmy6K - The Re-Up - LED/HPS - Multi Strain - Perpetual

Jimmy6K - The Re-Up - LED/HPS - Multi Strain - Perpetual

and here the post with the one's that didn't make it and the one that did...

Jimmy6K - The Re-Up - LED/HPS - Multi Strain - Perpetual

I did not get any root shot's of the normal clone's.I wish I did.They were no were near the size of the half cut that survived.

That bring's me to the batch I took on 2/12.
3 day's ago.
I only took one half cut this time.I left a bit more foliage on it this time.
You can clearly see it has already stated getting bump's as the other's are not.

Im not sure what to make of it.Im gonna have to run a few more batches of half cut's to see if it indeed does produce faster/better root's.
looks like some of your cutting will have roots soon :thumb:
and the journal he used that aerogarden thing was his first journal fyi :high-five:
Well from where I'm sitting Jimbo, they look great! The root bumps are forming while the cuttings are in perfect health.
Will be enteresting to see:goodjob: your results
Thank's Evo.:thumb:
After this batch is done,I'll throw some more in.I wanna top a few before they go in to the machine and see what effect it has on rooting.
looks like some of your cutting will have roots soon :thumb:
and the journal he used that aerogarden thing was his first journal fyi :high-five:
Thank's Chronic..
I took a look threw it and he did an awesome job..:Namaste:
Look's like he just threw the bean's in ,straight from the pack and went from there.No special germing tech to it.
Well from where I'm sitting Jimbo, they look great! The root bumps are forming while the cuttings are in perfect health.
Thank's Reg.:thumb:
I forgot to mention,this round I used rootech in stead of clonex gel and also instead of spraying with water after cutting I used the SNS 244.
Reason being I had those last few die from PM last batch.I actually sprayed the whole machine,plug's plant's and all.
They seem to be doing ok.I usually see them start to yellow a bit when they start rooting,so,well see.

Up-date coming up...
Just a quick pic update.Not much has changed.
I did want to document the changing of my 600w hps bulb's up here so I'll remember were I noted it.lol
I couldn't tell you how old the one's im running are now.I now this is the 3rd setof bulb's I have went threw in 2 year's tho.
Im not sure if they needed changing but I'll know now how old and how many hr's the'll have from here on out.
Really suck's buying hps bulb's when you want to save and purchase a few good led's,but it had to be done.
Got a few more thing's while I was there also..


and the main reason I went.I didn't plan on getting all the other shit just yet.Really excited to try it out.

I have the 4 big N.L x B.B in the Hps tent and think the may be at the age or close enough to start spraying with the SSU.
I need to do a little more re-reading on when John and D, started spraying and then follow on from there.
The girl's I'd like to start spraying are 14 day's from switching to 12/12.So about a week since flowering started.

Oh and Reg,I didn't forget ya,I hit the post button on accident before finishing my multi quote's and you may have read it before I got it edited.lol:lot-o-toke: Lovin this hash..
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