Jimmy6K - The Re-Up - LED/HPS - Multi Strain - Perpetual

gosh you've been busy Jimmy! so many tents full of beautiful plants :) :cheer:
Well I'll be PotChimp's uncle Jimbo. Those plants are growing at the speed of light.
Thank's Reg.So far,I'm happy .They haven't gave me any problem's at all,other them a few mite's,but a single application of SNS and they were hit.
gosh you've been busy Jimmy! so many tents full of beautiful plants :) :cheer:
Thank's Soil Girl.
Sorry to hear about everything that's going on.:circle-of-love:
Exelent work bro.
Thank's D.K
My screen is no were near as full as your's was buddy.I'll get'em next time.
I grew NLxBB in my first med grow and I still have a little of it. It is awesome smoke.... It has a really good cure to it now and it is certainly night time smoke.... Everything looks amazing this round Jimmy.....:circle-of-love:
Thank's D.
Yea,I remember her,she was beautiful.I had some wicked stretch on this girl.I don't think I have ever had smoke long enough to get a full cure.lol
Looking good man :high-five:
Thank's Chronic.
After last round,Im just happy to harvest anything worth smoking.I still got last harvest jarred for butter.It's not worth smoking really,unless your in a real pinch.

Ok,Im gonna do this in 3 part's.
First will be the GreenSun Tent.(scrog)
2 Critical Mass.Day 48 since start of 12/12.
If you look closely in a few of the pic's,there appears to be some amber going on.I'll have to break out the usb cam and get a better look.I may be starting flush soon then expected and that mean's a sooner harvest then expected.:yahoo:


Part 2 coming up........
Great update jimbo.
LovelyLadies there man.

Thank's D.K.
I also forgot,one day last week I found some ladybug's at the job site,so I thought why not bring them home.
So I got them home and threw them in the flowering tent.We'll I pretty much forgot all about them untill just a few moment's ago,while I was doing a trim on the girl's in Veg,I saw this.

Some how threw a leak in the flower tent,it has made it's way to veg.Just thoght that was pretty cool.That and the fact it's still alive.I placed 6 in there that day last week,but only saw the one today.I'll have to have a good look to see if the other's are still around.
Looking fantastic Jimmy! The Tricomes on those babies are superb! Like powdered sugar! Looking really nice, and healthy :goodjob:

Great Update J6k :thumb:
plants look beautiful nice big buds :high-five:

Thanks Guy's.:Namaste:
I cut a few small piece's of bud leaf from the Critical Kush(Greensun tent) for tric inspection.
Today is Day 52..Pic's taken last night.

I will start water only and will more likely chop this weekend.:thumb:
Thank's Again.....
Ooh, ooh, I want some cookies Jimbo!
Oh man they are just beautiful..... How was the butter..:confused:.... I really don't need to ask cause if you used 1.5 zips of your bud and .5 zip of your trim... Oh I would love 1 of your chocolate chip cookies..:yahoo:......:circle-of-love:

Ooh, ooh, I want some cookies Jimbo!
Hey Reg ,Hey D,:circle-of-love:
Ill be honest,I really can't tell if there good or not.I am an all day smoker so when I get home from work and eat a few,and smoking on top of that,I seem to be coach locked with in a few hour's.I would love for one of you guys to try my cookie's.:high-five:
My neighbor seem's to love them tho.:thumb:
nice heads
Thank's Chronic
I am in a pickle sorta speak.lol
I know the C.K is still a week from finishing and I know they have amber showing.I would like them to fully finish and fatten up a bit more,but Im not a big fan of coach lock and have been out of my own med's for some time now.Right now,Im leaning toward's chopping this week end.:allgood:
Good morning weed Jimmy. Just passing by and watching in AH. Looking very very nice. :bravo::high-five::circle-of-love:
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