Jimmy6K - The Re-Up - LED/HPS - Multi Strain - Perpetual

Congrats on the chop Jimbo...

Gratz J6k :bravo:

Congratulations on your awesome harvest Jimmy6K.

Congrats on the harvest and the babies.....:circle-of-love:

Cograts on the chop jimmy.
Babies look healthy as can be.
Haopy growing man.

Thank's every one.:circle-of-love:
So 3 day's of hanging and the M.M is crispy on the outside and is now in jar's.It is dry enough to smoke out of a bowl anyway.
I only weighed what you see in the box from last pic,as I fast dried most of the bud in the green tray and I did not weigh any of it.
The box weighed out at 46.6 from 232.4 wet.
There was 60.4 wet in the tray and no dry wt but Id say 10-15 at least.Not the best by far.I also know they are not completely dry inside but I needed to get some kind of number's before it's gone.
Low humidity and me having fan blowing to much for a faster dry has really effected the why the have dried.Seem a bit more fluffy then the last M.M...Next plant I think i'll fire up the humidifier and try and get the condition's a little more suitable for drying.

I got a few pic's from yesterday and day before.lol
I started a batch of N.l x BB clone's on 1/14.
You will see in some of the pic's of clone's that were cut in half.Meaning I used one branch and took two cut's.

The Baby's
N.l x BB auto
Day 4 since breaking soil.

Purple Trainwreck.Also day 4 since breaking soil.

and a few veg shot's.


N.l xB.B

Critical kush..

Monster clone..

Thank's Everyone.:Namaste:
Congratz on your harvest J6:bravo:....havent you smoked Money Maker before.....?...what were your thoughts on it.....growing and smoking?.....i got some seeds my last order.....havent popped any yet...will be a while for that....but wanted some insight on the strain:).....i hope your having an amazing day:)
Thank's G.D.
Yes,this is my second round of the M.M.
I remember you asking before and thought I got back to ya,but maybe not.:tokin:but I'll be honest Im horrible at smoke report's.Idk if it's my taste buds or the fact I smoke all day or what but I'll try my best.I'll be honest,it's a very easy plant to grow.No problem with heavy feed's.They do tend to grow a lot of leaf's and need more pruning then normal.The branch's all seem to want to grow straight up ,tight to the main stalk so I would plan on topping/training as early as possible.Main cola's do get pretty good size but a good portion due to how many leave's she grow's.She does do well with cloning tho.Don't really know exactly what she smell's like during flower.I have other strain's flowering with them but as far as trimming,I can surly smell the skunk side of her.As far as taste(my worst subject)I would say it is a bit spicy on inhale and does have a earth taste to it on exhale as it is supposed to but Im not tasting any berry flavor's or garlic for that matter.Then again,Im terriable at taste.As far as the high.I use it as my all day smoke.Mainly because I like the N.l xbb and critical kush better and try to keep it around longer.lol. It does relax my body a bit but not to the point of coach lock.I would say a 3 1/2 on the Highness chart.
I'm thinking I should pop a Trainwreck too... I kinda feel like a Trainwreck today so it only seems appropriate.....:circle-of-love:
Go for it but,didn't you just pop 3 or 4 yesterday.lol
I know a few are spoken for.Your very kind to your X-dude.:thumb:
Having one of those day's huh? Sorry to hear that.Suck's.:circle-of-love:

Just a few pic's I wanted to put in last post and forgot.:smokin:


Hey J6....how are you today my friend?......i think i probably did ask you before....sorry .....i forgot where i put my memory....any help would be greatly appreciated:)lol........thank you for repeating yourself for me:)lol......hey in pics of the buds....the second and seventh picture......is that a seed i am seeing?
Congratulations on your harvest!
Thank's John..:Namaste:
Hey jimmy like those purple trainwrecks there cute man. My blue berries are bout the same age kool stuff.
Thank's Dusty
Just one P.T.W tho.The one in the #3 Sp is a Northern lights x big bud auto.:thumb:I'll have to swing by a catch up with ya.:high-five:
tasty looking buds :)
Thank's B..and thank's for dropping by...:passitleft:
Thank's Chronic..:grinjoint:
Trainwrecks popped..:yahoo:... those nugs looks awesome...:circle-of-love:
Thank's D..:circle-of-love:..and congrat's on the P.T.W but really did you have any doubt's.lol..:rofl:
Awesome update my friend! Your garden always looks so clean and sorted :)
Thank's L.A..:Namaste:..Alway's a pleasure to see ya here.
You should see the rest of my basement.Full of clutter.Which is just the way I want it.You would never think there was a grow going on down there.:thumb:
Hey Jimmy, congratz on the harvest man, looks like som dank nugs!
Taking this chance to subscribe ;)
Thank's Away..
Glad to see you back around.:high-five:
Hey J6....how are you today my friend?......i think i probably did ask you before....sorry .....i forgot where i put my memory....any help would be greatly appreciated:)lol........thank you for repeating yourself for me:)lol......hey in pics of the buds....the second and seventh picture......is that a seed i am seeing?

Not a problem at all G.D.
Im glad I could help.:thumb: I now how it is.It's like Im all way's reading but also all way's smoking and find myself re-reading a lot.:tokin:
Ya know I did not even notice that.Good eye.:goodjob:
If you look close tho,it is the end of a cut branch.I to thought it may be a seed at first glance and,because the ole lady did fond one un-mature seed in one of the bud's but we have not fond any more.

As for me.I have started back work so Im not able to get on as much.Which suck's but I had a good month off and needed to get back at it.As for the girl's.There doing good.No problem's to speak of.Knock on wood.:wood:
I did chop down on of the critical kush from the scrog tent and have it hanging now.
I have some pic's but I am having trouble getting connected to the internet with the computer I uploaded them on but I'll post them as soon as I get it figured out.

Thank for stopping by every one.:Namaste::circle-of-love:

Looking Great Jimmy6K.

Question: Would you please tell us what you use in your Aero Cloner? Thank you kind Sir.
Thank's 60cal.
The mixture I am using consist of Clonex clone solution,Great white mycorrhizae and a few ml of GH Flora bloom.:thumb:
Sorry I have not been on the last few day's.I am battling a wicked cold/flu or something,idk what's up but it's kicking my ass right now.
It' suck's ,I don't normally get ill,but this came out of no where.One of those coldd's/flu that make you feel as your detoxing.I do have a ton of pic's to put up,but I want to take a few more before doing an up-date so i'll have one later today.:high-five:

I'm using straight tap on my Oasis cubes .. and mist with that too .... I'd say I have a 75% success rate atm .. not using a heat-mat, dome or anything else. They either survive, or go to compost :p This threat seems to work.
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