JBC's Mystery Seed - Stealth Grow - DIY Veg Box - New Ways

Re: JBC's Mystery Seed, Stealth Grow, DIY Veg box, New ways

Not a new picture but just to see if this works.

Re: JBC's Mystery Seed, Stealth Grow, DIY Veg box, New ways

looking good mate, all 3 of my big plants have gone and shown sex and all are fem so im chuffed about that, i think your 100% right with the 6500k cfls, they give very little stretch but gives very bushy plants, my big bud has outgrown the pot and its less than a foot tall, its got masses of growth and i cant see into the plant, all the nodes have grown out and have given me an all over even cannopy, the growth is amazing the plants are so bushy under cfls, all 3 of mine are less than a ft tall but all have outgrown their pots width wise and the growth is that dense the branches are all short and nodes are very close so im hoping ill get some nice big buds instead of loads of small buds, but only time will tell, i think cfls are good for the veg stage, im still finding out about flower but i like what i see so far, withing a week of switching to 12-12 my plants have shown sex and all have turned out as fems so alls looking good so far, i gota admit the plants look really healthy under cfls and they take the nutes well, ive been giving full strength bpn and my plants just drink it up and look better and better
Re: JBC's Mystery Seed, Stealth Grow, DIY Veg box, New ways

Yeah man donP,
Good you and your plants like the BPN nutes. Yeah the blue specs keep things nice and bushy! And sorry that last picture is an old picture of a haze I was just testing the picture posting.

Mine are in a 1200x600 tent under flower now with a 250w 6500k until the flowers appear on top, then will switch to a 2700k. Havent took any new pics recently but will tomorrow I reckon. New set-up is cooool. Nice big, clean, shinny flower tent!!
Re: JBC's Mystery Seed, Stealth Grow, DIY Veg box, New ways

looking forward to seein them jbc

Yes TM, easy man,
I know, I know, been lax on this journal, just been really busy with slaving away for the man and such!! Went out tonight sorry will defo do the pics tomoz.
Re: JBC's Mystery Seed, Stealth Grow, DIY Veg box, New ways

no worries, im kinda slacking on mines also now that im inbetween grows with loadsa weed.

take care bud
Re: JBC's Mystery Seed, Stealth Grow, DIY Veg box, New ways

sounds like a good idea mate, sticking with the 6500k until you first see it go to flower, never thought about trying that, mine have all shown sex and are all fem and the plants are now growing their hairs at every node and starting to build the flowers now, i can see the actual part the 2 white pistols come out of and their starting to fatten up, im back online tomorrow so can post some new pics, my plants have really bushed out with the 6500k bulbs,
Re: JBC's Mystery Seed, Stealth Grow, DIY Veg box, New ways

Ok here they are under 500w CFL.

250w 6500k + 250w 2700k under 2 hoods. All going good, in 12/12 now.





Re: JBC's Mystery Seed, Stealth Grow, DIY Veg box, New ways

easy mate, looking good, mine are under flower using just the 2700k cfls and within a week all turned out to be female, i notice you have your lights further away from the plants, was this the same during veg, might explain why my plants bushed out instead of gaining any height, ive got 3 in flower at the moment, special kush, big bud#2 and nl x bb femenised, all are showing pistols and you can see the flowers forming at the bottom of the pistols, so things are looking good, your plants are a lot taller than mine, so maybe its worth raising the lights further for my next grow, my lights have been withing an inch or 2 of the top of the plants, my cfls cover an area of 3ft by 3ft, i have got about 10 x 30watt 6500k cfls for veg and the same amount in 2700k, i have got very little stretch in both stages of growth, so not sure what to make of it, is it cuz i had the lights so low or something else.

also i need some advice with auto's grown under cfl's because my g13 poisen dwarf looks like a minature plant, its about 3 weeks old and the leaves are minature, you could place a small coin over the plant and it would cover the size of the leaves, it also only 1cm tall, i have grown other none auto's in the same compost and they have grown as normal and stretched the right amount, but im growing 2 auto plants under the same lights as all my other plants and both have grown very little and no height at all, both are about 2 cm at the most above soil level but my none auto plants are a ged fed inches above the soil at the same age, so if anyone can shed any light on this problem then give me a shout back, its only my auto's that are growing like that, all other plants from seed have grown as normal, but this has happened to both my autos, growin in the same compost os the other plants and watered with the same water, not sure what to make of it
Re: JBC's Mystery Seed, Stealth Grow, DIY Veg box, New ways

Easy Donp man,
Thanks , yeah all going good. I'll take a picture of the Mystery Girl on her own today when lights come on. Just noticed she was hidden for all the last shots.

Don, I don't usually keep the lights that far when using CFL, I just set the room up and haven't sorted that properly yet. They are best like your using them a couple or few inches away.

Not sure on your Auto problem as i've never grown them till these few auto indicas and a Blue mystic. (The few at the back, and a BIG Bang Fem) All in 12/12 now as I have only one room and want to flower the 2 bigger girls.
Re: JBC's Mystery Seed, Stealth Grow, DIY Veg box, New ways

Amd here's the mystery girl 47days Veg But on 12/12 now. Flower will start when the flower start at the top.




Re: JBC's Mystery Seed, Stealth Grow, DIY Veg box, New ways

Nice look'n greenery, gonna follow from this point see how your story ends. The girls are look'n like they're wait'n on a happy ending. Good luck.

Keep it Growing Chronicly !!
Re: JBC's Mystery Seed, Stealth Grow, DIY Veg box, New ways

Look'n good, keep it grow'n homie !
Re: JBC's Mystery Seed, Stealth Grow, DIY Veg box, New ways

Nice look'n greenery, gonna follow from this point see how your story ends. The girls are look'n like they're wait'n on a happy ending. Good luck.

Keep it Growing Chronicly !!

Thanks ChronicGrower,
Good to have you on board. Yeh hope the story has a happy ending :morenutes:
Ok so here we are Day 5 Flower.

All is going better than normal. The extra Wattage defo speeds thing up. Ive put the mystery in soil because I had no coco, added with 30% Perlite. Not been feeding as the John Innes has enough for now. Will be feeding 3ml of AN Carba load tomorrow and some PK 13/14 next to set flowers off.





looking amazing mate, you say using more watts now, what is your set up now then mate, and are you counting the flower stage from when you first see the flower form then and not from the first day you switched to 12-12, do you know how long ago it was when you switched to 12-12, but looking good mate, slightly ahead of mine,
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