Jay's Detailed Soilless Grow

Jay: My Bakerstreet kush is starting to take off. Sorry for the blurpie pic.
What are you feeding those and what’s your schedule like
Looking good pluto! How long have those been growing again??

Sounds good Canadian! I might buy CalMag as well and add.. Ill look at my nutes and see how much is in there.

So, schedule is looking roughly:

MH on low - 2 days
Transplant - Week
Nutes - Start with transplant

Will take humidity domes off after they get used to MH.


These girls spend more time in front of the camera than a model... :rolleyes:
Calmag yess and a b vitamin supplements for sure start your feeds around 250ppm (starting with distilled water at 0ppm) and gradually build from there and I know advanced nutrients are expensive as hell but even if you can grab just the cal mag and b52 small bottles won’t run you too much and will do for at least 6-7 months I can’t recommend these 3 products enough tho they are top notch


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The voodoo juice is added beifcial bacteria it is the most expensive by far but is full of billions of microbes like mycorrhiza (thousands of different streins) and a few other microbial additives won’t effect ph or ppm but plants love the stuff if you can’t afford it don’t sweat it the cal mag and b52 are pretty affordable too and will work fine with what your using will actually help it work better
You don’t need to be as exes as I am but here is my nutrients flower boosters included 78555336-DCD9-4E0F-9C31-7B3BA6203CDA.jpegAD44CAD9-53DC-4FA8-9A7D-37006AA89AF5.jpeg
At least that’s what I’m using this run next run I should be able to use a silicate product along with a flower igniter and carboload
I use the exactly the same nute line up except I run seni grow and bloom as my base. Great products they have a app called bud labs that I use its very handy and gives you a feed schedule from beginning to end no guesswork

Nice looking grow @hjayu94 you really turned those girls around. I also agree with the pro mix hp as your medium I use it and am very happy with the results. I would consider using fabric pots when you transplant they are great for getting oxygen to your roots and also promote root pruning. I used plastic pots and had overwatering issues because the pots would not dry quickly enough. Always like to see how fellow Canadians are doing with their grows :goodluck:
You can also reuse the fabric pots when your done with them let them dry out then you can soak them in a bucket with oxy clean let them air dry and they are good to go
Looking good pluto! How long have those been growing again??

Sounds good Canadian! I might buy CalMag as well and add.. Ill look at my nutes and see how much is in there.

So, schedule is looking roughly:

MH on low - 2 days
Transplant - Week
Nutes - Start with transplant

Will take humidity domes off after they get used to MH.


These girls spend more time in front of the camera than a model... :rolleyes:
Just over 5 weeks from seed. Yours are looking oh so healthy. You come far in experience from your first attempt. Great job!
I have the Foxfarm trio. Just 5ml/gallon of grow big right now. double that next week
Fox farm is good for sure have seen lots of good results I would Consider adding maybe a bit of cal mag and some root boosters will speed up your veg a bit most nutrient stystems don’t account for the actual amount of Ca Mg and mostly Fe are by far the most common difisancy I see and just a bit of cal mag can really fix this make sure the cal mag supplement has a genorus amount of iron in it aswel and those are great for just over a month from germ
Your good man 2.5 hours shouldn’t hurt you too bad as long as they get 14+ hours a day they won’t try to force flower on you and will stay in a vegitave state and yes absolutely add the cal mag and B52 it will compliment what is in your bottles and will help them work better and the b52 will help harden them off of any kind of stress they will love you for it
The girls had some droop today so gave them each 2L of arrated distilled water they should perk back up in no time even the 2 for moms tomato garden are taking off and they are only in 1.8L pots lol image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg
Now after about an hour they look much better
Oh ya, jumped right back up for ya! Get Mom over there quick Lol

Yup! I live in Sarnia myself. Must be close by??

Cut mostly entire "top" off of the domes now. I am home a lot right now, so can mist them often. Planning to give 2-3 days 150w, 2-3 days 250w, and then 400w, removing domes more while misting less, having them off in a week. (If they don't out grow the things first!)
Oh ya, jumped right back up for ya! Get Mom over there quick Lol

Yup! I live in Sarnia myself. Must be close by??

Cut mostly entire "top" off of the domes now. I am home a lot right now, so can mist them often. Planning to give 2-3 days 150w, 2-3 days 250w, and then 400w, removing domes more while misting less, having them off in a week. (If they don't out grow the things first!)
Small World lol Sarnia also
Thanks all! Certainly looking better than the first grow, thanks to everyones' help.

For nutes, think I'll go with the 3 part I have, then buy the calmag and b52 :)

First day with the MH at 150w... And I wake up to no power. Figured it was my apartment, but houses and street lights are out for miles! Hope it wasn't/won't be very long....
Have you found a source for CALMAG? I found the foxfarm trio at Meijer in Port huron. I have not checked there for Calmag. will be going there on Sunday. If no, it is available on line.
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