Re: Jandre2k3's Cardboard Flowerbox - 41 Week Perpetual SOG Part2 - Blue Planet Nutri
((you can click all the images in this post to see the full-size))
Alright, so here we are at the start of week 9...
Some amazing things are taking shape! it seems the purple mister nice DOES NOT NEED COLD TO TURN!! You'll see those in a later post with the trich pics. I'm oh, so happy to have this pheno!! This one is a keeper for sure as the mother has a nice and bushy stature, strong inner structure, and even top growth. Everything I'd look for in a mother! She just looks like a mini tree . . . that the line men have trimmed under the power lines, but hey, that happens to cannabis mothers. She's become my new favorite mother. So much in fact, that I'm starting a second mother so I can increase production on this strain!
Okay, so P1 jandre Kush are of course going to take their sweet kushy time, as I expected. They'll probably go about 14 weeks. I need to shorten that in the breeding, but the VIGOR, I hope not to lose. My gawd she can put out some major kolas! Trich production will yield bud as well as some fantastic sugar leaf for hash/butter. Not budder: as in the concentrated and melty pure cannabinoid extractive. But BUTTER: as in canna butter for cooking, and making fudge! Hooray fudge.
So, do you wanna see some pics now?
Of course you do.
38.9 days tracking Jandre Kush - Jandre
54.9 days tracking Jandre Kush - Jandre
54.9 days tracking Purple Mr Nice Clone - P. MrN
54.9 days tracking Purple Mr Nice Clone - P. MrN
64.9 days tracking Jandre Kush Clone - Jandre
64.9 days tracking Jandre Kush Clone - Jandre
64.9 days tracking Jandre Kush Clone - Jandre
64.9 days tracking Jandre Kush Clone - Jandre
64.9 days tracking Purple Mr Nice Clone - P. MrN
Now... The jandre Kush... I'm getting excited, ad the P1 that took the prize of seeding out her clones last round is the really trich laden one. Her fan spikes are even getting covered with triches the's got it so bad!
The Last Thought seedling of the original seed stock for the P1 Generation stretched too much, as did her other sisters seeded in 12/12, so I had to supercrop... It looks. . . BAD, and it was. I was actually cropping the other way, but she snapped, so I bent it back over to sort of pinch the snapped side together, and she's healing up nicely... Very nicely actually. So well, that i had to push it back down today to make it go back horizontal! It actually tried to stand back up STRAIGHT! I mean...."WOW!"
there are actually TWO supercropped stems here. Right and left of the "Y" Right snapped, and was bent backward to heal, and left is the swelled, repaired and standing fully upright second stem.
And now for the Pièce de résistance!
The Purple Mr. Nice! ((like how I saved the best for last? I'm learning from the TV networkson how to keep people hooked on an episode! Did it work?))
So trich pics are coming, but first a look at the buds...
And this is a pic of the 2 little ones... I have now named them Shits, and Giggles! hehe, I like it.
Note how they look IDENTICAL to the bud fro the larger sister leaning over from the left... This will be the perfect candidate for a true SOG, as they can be trained to grow a singular bud stick, straight up.
Up next we have the moment you've all been waiting for. The determination of the Purple Mr. Nice triches.
In these next pics, note the purple starting to creep up the triches? THAT'S AT 74-90 DEGREES! No time was spent at 55 like some of them need to produce the purple. This is a heat purple!! And it's doing it NOW! Because of this, I am extending the flower time until the purple is fully expressed.
There you have it folks! A very exciting episode! Tune in next time, when we find out just how long this will be for Purple Mr. Nice to finish! Will it go to 11 weeks? Find out, next time!
This is jandre2k3 reminding you to Laugh at least once a day, Tell your family that you love them every day, and keep'em green!
Thank you and good night, and . . .