InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Mini Monday update. I was having a conversation with @Justin Goody after admiring all the autos he has growing in his thread here, and he had mentioned earlier in the year about giving another one of his autos a try outside this summer, no muss no fuss. Since I already ran his Queen G and Ruby Tuesday, I asked which he thought would do the best outside. He gave me two choices so I flipped a coin:


Tails, which meant The Wizard auto. That's a cross of Dr Wookies x Fast Buds Lemon Pie x Roc Buds Purple Scoop. Man oh man does he like to chuck pollen!

Anyway, here it is soaking this afternoon:


Once it sprouts it's going outside and staying outside. My only decision is final pot or solo-to-final (probably a 5 gallon).

We'll see!

Roc Bud Purple Scoop x Fastbuds lemon pie was a strain made originally by @beez0404. Easy to grow, super fruity and hardly any larf, it was the perfect cross for Dr Wookiees which is my Wookiees auto crossed with Cannabiaogen CBG Destroyer (no CBG) auto.
A smorgasbord of tastes with a tiny sativa kick.

I’ve had a few people ask why it’s named Wizard-
It’s named after the Black Sabbath song.
No actual wizards will be born, only plants bearing that name 🧙‍♀️
No wizards were harmed in the making of the seeds.

I hope it kicks ass for you, Shed. Thanks for trying them out!

Roc Bud Purple Scoop x Fastbuds lemon pie was a strain made originally by @beez0404. Easy to grow, super fruity and hardly any larf, it was the perfect cross for Dr Wookiees which is my Wookiees auto crossed with Cannabiaogen CBG Destroyer (no CBG) auto.
A smorgasbord of tastes with a tiny sativa kick.

I’ve had a few people ask why it’s named Wizard-
It’s named after the Black Sabbath song.
No actual wizards will be born, only plants bearing that name 🧙‍♀️
No wizards were harmed in the making of the seeds.

I hope it kicks ass for you, Shed. Thanks for trying them out!
Sounds like a winner and I hope it will veg for 35 days! And for those who really want to hear it, take a listen.
You know I wish you'd grow that auto under a blurple! :)

Sorry about the Covid. At least you don't sound ill. :Rasta:
COVID pill? What pill?!
They do have a pill lol
They've got a pill for everything, just gotta be comfortable with the list of possible side effects. 😉

*Side effects can include: Brain bleeding, gut rot, histerical psychological mishaps, anti-depression with depression.. lolol
They do have a pill lol
They've got a pill for everything, just gotta be comfortable with the list of possible side effects. 😉

*Side effects can include: Brain bleeding, gut rot, histerical psychological mishaps, anti-depression with depression.. lolol
I love the very first line in those commercials, directed at us Americans who apparently need to be told everything like a child-

“Do not take ____ if you’re allergic to ____”
I love the very first line in those commercials, directed at us Americans who apparently need to be told everything like a child-

“Do not take ____ if you’re allergic to ____”
They spend the first 10 seconds telling us how the drug can help us and the last 20 seconds daring us to take it! :Rasta:
Tuesday update on the Purple Ghost Candy from @SeedsMan on day 56! Training continues, moving another node down this time, so let's take a look.

The third node down has reached the top, but as you can see in this pic it's also stacked directly above one of the lower nodes (as it would be with symmetrical nodes):

The goal is to not only flatten the branches, but move them out of the way so the one below it can grow up unobstructed. The best way to do that is to find a less crowded area to move it into, like this one:

So the idea is to pull that branch (on each side) down and over:

And from this pic you can see how far from straight down that new tie went:

Here's a pic from above where you can see all the action:

And here are a couple of whole plant pics after today's training:

That brings you up to date on both the training and the plant! Thanks for the look. :ciao:

You know I wish you'd grow that auto under a blurple!
I do, I do! But alas, it's boxed up and waiting for you to say "send it to me!"
Sorry about the Covid. At least you don't sound ill.
I don't feel too ill either! I will be napping shortly after I post this, but that's not all that different for me. 💤
Hope you feel better Shed. Is this your first time getting it? I only had it one time, thr headache was the worst part
Thanks Tim! Second time for me. First was march 2023 and I didn't start the paxlovid until I was about 3 days in, so this one seems much less severe. Luckily, no major headache this time!
What did you soak the seed in again and the % of ,, Thanks
I'm just in distilled water these days after Keffka posted about the benefits of the microbes that come on the seed (you can find his post here). I used to do a 15 minute soak first in distilled water and 3% H2O2 at about 70% water to 30% H2O2, if that's what you were thinking of.
They spend the first 10 seconds telling us how the drug can help us and the last 20 seconds daring us to take it!
Who knew you could get an infection specifically of the perineum? Things I learn from commercials!
16.5% of Americans (one out of six) take psychiatric meds. They must be good for us, yes?
They're sure good for some of those 16.5%! Cannabis can't be the answer to everything. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Excellent tutorial, Shed- color coding the directions is a nice touch! ...
And the PGC looks like she was made for that stuff, too-

Sorry about the Covid- man, that's gotta suck....I hope the meds knock it out quick!
Excellent tutorial, Shed- color coding the directions is a nice touch! ...
That's high praise coming from the tutorial king! And I was running out of colors that would still be visible. :nervous-guy:
And the PGC looks like she was made for that stuff, too-
Thanks! Sometimes the stars line up because otherwise I'd just be showing basic plant pics. :thumb:
Sorry about the Covid- man, that's gotta suck....I hope the meds knock it out quick!
If I didn't know I had Covid I'd be at work these days. I've had colds much worse than this (fingers crossed). I'm giving props to the paxlovid since it's now worked well twice for me. Only side effect is the constant metallic taste (for anyone who has dissolved xanax under your tongue, it's kinda like that) and that's a tradeoff I'll gladly make!
Tuesday update on the Purple Ghost Candy from @SeedsMan on day 56! Training continues, moving another node down this time, so let's take a look.

The third node down has reached the top, but as you can see in this pic it's also stacked directly above one of the lower nodes (as it would be with symmetrical nodes):

The goal is to not only flatten the branches, but move them out of the way so the one below it can grow up unobstructed. The best way to do that is to find a less crowded area to move it into, like this one:

So the idea is to pull that branch (on each side) down and over:

And from this pic you can see how far from straight down that new tie went:

Here's a pic from above where you can see all the action:

And here are a couple of whole plant pics after today's training:

That brings you up to date on both the training and the plant! Thanks for the look. :ciao:
Excellent explainer! Love your attention to detail and your very clear and well composed photographs! Awesome...:thanks:

They're sure good for some of those 16.5%! Cannabis can't be the answer to everything. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Very true indeed. I just prefer the happy "side effects" of Cannabis over the rather horrible, possible side effects of Big Pharma.
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
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