InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Thanks Shed that was what i was looking for , and I remember the conversation about why not to use this methide .. just got a sour G on top of dirt thing was growing and curling under the soil dug it out looks better now , one made it other no go but also 2 autos didn't make it i think it was to cold at night but the days 85F . Night 65F Training looks good i always have a time tring to pull the limbs down without breaking .
“I want to ride my Bicycle and smile like I’m on a commercial too”…!

…..sorry couldn’t help myself :blunt:
I want to dance with a group of similarly overweight men, and also get my A1c down.
And don't forget the colorful clothing! And singing! :thumb:

I don't take enough meds, I guess ...
With cannabis, the "side effects" are the fun part... :Rasta:
Wednesday update where I plant The Wizard auto (TWa) seed in a peat puck. Yesterday's Purple Ghost Candy training news is back here if you missed it!

TWa cracked after 24 hours but didn't make any additional progress after that:

So I figured I'd plant it:

I want my autos to be as vigorous as possible (for obvious on-the-clock reasons) so I channeled my inner @Jon and dropped another one in water to see which one shows the fastest early growth. Stay tuned!

Beautiful training game Shed. Thank you as always for illustrating it so well.
Thank you Carmen!
Excellent explainer! Love your attention to detail and your very clear and well composed photographs! Awesome
Thanks BudMan...I aim to please!
Very true indeed. I just prefer the happy "side effects" of Cannabis over the rather horrible, possible side effects of Big Pharma.
Gotta decide if the side effects are worth it. Like most things in life, it's a cost/benefit analysis.
Thanks Shed that was what i was looking for , and I remember the conversation about why not to use this methide .. just got a sour G on top of dirt thing was growing and curling under the soil dug it out looks better now , one made it other no go but also 2 autos didn't make it i think it was to cold at night but the days 85F . Night 65F Training looks good i always have a time tring to pull the limbs down without breaking .
We're gonna needs pics of the Sour G when it gets rolling! The Wizard auto will be facing overnight lows close to 60º, but Justin said outside was okay. :cheesygrinsmiley:

And when bending limbs, patience is key. After the first gentle tie-down, I may pull it down just a quarter inch a day.
I thought i had answered you, oh well stoner moment it is not one i would grow for smoking everyday. Smelled like crap in the jar until i left it alone for 6months and smell got better but smoke was weak to me.
Thanks for circling back around Greengoodness! You did answer the same question from Otter here. :)
Wednesday update where I plant The Wizard auto (TWa) seed in a peat puck. Yesterday's Purple Ghost Candy training news is back here if you missed it!

TWa cracked after 24 hours but didn't make any additional progress after that:

So I figured I'd plant it:

I want my autos to be as vigorous as possible (for obvious on-the-clock reasons) so I channeled my inner @Jon and dropped another one in water to see which one shows the fastest early growth. Stay tuned!
These are wild grown Wizards (f2) 1 topped one not. Straight into the ground as seeds and through a month of terrible weather they are about 14” tall and still gaining. Just getting the occasional nutes, mostly rainwater so far. My yard is totally prone to various fungi including the white devil. While the leafhoppers loved the WxW, they seem not to be interested in these girls. This is an experiment that kind of took the plant to extremes…they SHOULD be all good outside for ya!
Tuesday update on the Purple Ghost Candy from @SeedsMan on day 56! Training continues, moving another node down this time, so let's take a look.

The third node down has reached the top, but as you can see in this pic it's also stacked directly above one of the lower nodes (as it would be with symmetrical nodes):

The goal is to not only flatten the branches, but move them out of the way so the one below it can grow up unobstructed. The best way to do that is to find a less crowded area to move it into, like this one:

So the idea is to pull that branch (on each side) down and over:

And from this pic you can see how far from straight down that new tie went:

Here's a pic from above where you can see all the action:

And here are a couple of whole plant pics after today's training:

That brings you up to date on both the training and the plant! Thanks for the look. :ciao:


I do, I do! But alas, it's boxed up and waiting for you to say "send it to me!"

I don't feel too ill either! I will be napping shortly after I post this, but that's not all that different for me. 💤

Thanks Tim! Second time for me. First was march 2023 and I didn't start the paxlovid until I was about 3 days in, so this one seems much less severe. Luckily, no major headache this time!

I'm just in distilled water these days after Keffka posted about the benefits of the microbes that come on the seed (you can find his post here). I used to do a 15 minute soak first in distilled water and 3% H2O2 at about 70% water to 30% H2O2, if that's what you were thinking of.

Who knew you could get an infection specifically of the perineum? Things I learn from commercials!

They're sure good for some of those 16.5%! Cannabis can't be the answer to everything. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Great tutorial, thanks for sharing this with us <3
Tuesday update of the Purple Ghost Candy (day 63) from @SeedsMan, where the training continues.

It's been a little bit since last time because all I was doing was tying down the lower branches as they reached the canopy, which is easy enough to figure out. I did undo the StankClips® a few days ago because the top node was long enough to tie to the pot, as you can see here:

Like all the rest of the ties, those get moved further out as the branches grow to keep them flat.

Now that most of the nodes are reaching the top, it was time to deal with the lowest two that lag behind:

Those get pulled in toward the center of the plant by tying them horizontally across to the corresponding branch on the opposite side. It starts like this:

And after tying, it's moved to the middle and up, and now looks like this:

It's hard to show that with all the foliage down there, but this might help. It shows the tie to the opposite branch:

Doing this provides me with three benefits: it fills in the center of the plant since the lower growth on most branches has been removed, it moves these closer to the canopy which means I can flip sooner (before the plant gets too big), and it keeps the plant from getting too wide as those branches grow out more than up.

Remember the branches that I pulled sideways to fill in some open areas? Well today I retied those straight down:

Why? Because the branch is now pretty well fixed in that space but it was getting too tall. If I tightened the tie where it was it would have pulled it even further around, when all I wanted was it to do be tied flat again.

So here is the plant after all the adjusting:

And the SaugaView®:

And now you're all up to date with the PGC. I continue to pull off any new nodes growing underneath to drive growth up top, and as soon as those lowest two get taller I'll be ready to flip.

Thanks for following along! More below ↓↓↓
The rest of the goings on will be going on in this update!

The Candida germination test gets sprayed with neem every other day, and I forgot to feed it so it got a little pale:

New growth is coming in well so I might toss these soon.

Remember the stubborn Wizard auto I dropped on the 17th and finally put in a peat puck on the 19th? Well after digging around to find it and then re-covering it, it finally broke the surface on the 23rd:

I put it in a solo cup on the 24th:

And here it is on the 25th:

Given how slow and small it is, I have been bringing it in at night for some 23w CFL action, but it's this one or nothing so we'll see how it goes. 🤷‍♂️

Finally, proof of life on the CapJunky (day 60) which is getting trained the same as the PGC (day 63):

Stay safe and be well!
The rest of the goings on will be going on in this update!

The Candida germination test gets sprayed with neem every other day, and I forget to feed it so it got a little pale:

New growth is coming in well so I might toss these soon.

Remember the stubborn Wizard auto I dropped on the 17th and finally put in a peat puck on the 19th? Well after digging around to find it and then re-covering it, it finally broke the surface on the 23rd:

I put it in a solo cup on the 24th:

And here it is on the 25th:

Given how slow and small it is, I have been bringing it in at night for some 23w CFL action, but it's this one or nothing so we'll see how it goes. 🤷‍♂️

Finally, proof of life on the CapJunky (day 60) which is getting trained the same as the PGC (day 63):

Stay safe and be well!
Is the stem on the CapJunky black?
Everything's coming along nicely and you've got sunshine! :Rasta:
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