InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Monday update, where we meander through some of this weekend's activities.

Let's talk about ethanol for a minute. We can't buy 190 proof alcohol in CA, so I bought a gallon of 120 proof Everclear for around $110, with the intent on running it through the distiller to get it as close to 190 as I could:

Here is the distiller setup:

The process begins:

I played with the temperature a bit since it's an inexact science when dealing with lower proof alcohol, and in the end I was up around 190ºF. This is what was left in the distiller after the first pass:

The second pass I ran a bit cooler as the boiling point lowers as the proof goes up. Here is what was left after the second pass:

Then it was time to check the proof of my alcohol, having been run two times:

~170 proof, which is much better but not where I wanted it to be. (It was hard to find a vessel tall and narrow enough to fit the 12" hydrometer in, and a narrow-necked vase was all we had!)

So this morning I decided to run it one more time through the distiller while I was at work to see if I could get it closer to 190. Remember folks, don't plug in your distiller before you have run the extension cord, or this might happen:

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

I tripped over the cord and pulled the distiller off the bench, and out went almost all the alcohol. This is what I was left with:

Fat oof as my son would say!

Okay, so now I'm back to square one and out $110 dollars :(. And guess what...I could have bought 200 proof Extractohol (for the same price FFS) and never even gone through this whole triple distilling process or had to spend money on a hydrometer. I am such a fool, a clumsy clumsy fool.

So now I've ordered a gallon of Extractohol and we wait for that to arrive before we can move on with the QWET-to-cart process.

Speaking of the process, I had a long conversation with MadDab yesterday, and he suggested a Buchner funnel and 2 micron filter paper to get the winterized QWET as clean as possible before evaporation, so I'm looking into that. But now that I have no alcohol, there's no longer a rush!

Another thing I did this weekend was trim the non-GA3 Candidas (the three possible pollen recipients and the mother). And while I was trimming, I got under the winter two and plucked off some more larf that has grown since the thinning:

And in other plant news (because I know that whole distilling thing was a letdown), this is what the tent looked like this morning:

You may notice in the dark bottom left is the larger of the Candidas set to receive possible pollen, as it is flip day 1. Here is what it looks like in the sun:

So where are the Candidas that got sprayed with the GA3? In the isolation box in the garage at night:

They'll come out during the day until I think that pollen is in the offing and then they'll stay in the box 24/7 with the flowering Candida.

And what of the winter two? Colombian Gold 2:

Durban Poison:

Are we good? Good!

(because I know that whole distilling thing was a letdown),
Big fat oof indeed! You’ve done well to pull y’self up quickly! What a moment in time that must’ve been. :oops: Easy come, easy go, right? (Too soon?)
inexact science
Seriously, Shedman, are you alright?:eek: :laughtwo: Do you think that’s maybe why you got all clumsy and tripped over the cord? Just discombobulated by the inexact science you had to cope with!

Again seriously tho’, all the plants are at various stages of greatness :D
Damn, sorry about your booze Shed. That’s a heartbreaker. Winter two are looking good.
Thanks double H! I don't think I'll get close to warm weather numbers on these two but they do smell nice when I drag them through the doors :).
Sorry about the wasted booze Shed. OOF! That sucks. The ladies are all looking beautiful though.
No use crying over spilled booze? I didn't have time for tears anyway this morning, and then the top flew off my CBD oil bottle when I shook it this morning...all over the kitchen. o_O At least I got to work safely...
Sounds like something I would do trip over cord and make a big mess! I can be so clumsy at times. The girls flowering look fantastic shed!
Thanks N! I managed to get it right twice, so third time's the charm?
(Too soon?)
Nah, but I hope those covid relief checks get here before the credit card bill!
Seriously, She’d man, are you alright?:eek: :laughtwo: Do you think that’s maybe why you got all clumsy and tripped over the cord? Just discombobulated by the inexact science you had to cope with!

Again seriously tho’, all the plants are at various stages of greatness
LOL! When it gets into the weeds of chemistry, I know that I'm in over my head. I did find a scratchy graph of the boiling points of various proof alcohol, but it only had marks every 5 degrees and no grid lines. On top of which, as the alcohol boils off, the proof of the remaining solution goes down, raising the boiling point as it goes. Hence the inexactness!

boiling points alcohol proof.JPG

I was just in a hurry this morning and methodical went out the window. Discombobulated you might say!
Sorry about the distilling accident, Shed. That's totally something I would do so I feel your pain.

The rest of your plants look great, though so take solace in that. :hug:
Plants looking great, Shed.

Lesson 1 regarding the distillation project: Don't sip the Everclear. :laughtwo:
My experience with running a still is in order to get that high of proof you are going to need a reflux still. You can try adding some inert material like glass marbles or ceramic rings in the pot. I have used copper mesh scouring pads in my column with great success. The theory is that the alcohol condenses and re-vaporizes for a higher proof.
Hey, Shed- I found this- and they will ship to Ca.(at least thats what they say)- $44.00/1 gallon/200 proof ethanol- food and Kosher safe.(and it's on sale today)
With shipping it'll be about $75, but hey- still cheaper than converting booze....
Hope this helps...

Sorry about the distilling accident, Shed. That's totally something I would do so I feel your pain.

The rest of your plants look great, though so take solace in that.
Thank you HG! I take solace in the kindness of the folks here, like you. :hug:
Plants looking great, Shed. Lesson 1 regarding the distillation project: Don't sip the Everclear.
Noted! Thanks GDB.
My experience with running a still is in order to get that high of proof you are going to need a reflux still. You can try adding some inert material like glass marbles or ceramic rings in the pot. I have used copper mesh scouring pads in my column with great success. The theory is that the alcohol condenses and re-vaporizes for a higher proof.
Thanks UG! I don't know how that would work in an electric distiller like mine, but luckily it looks like I'm out of the up-proofing business going forward.
Hey, Shed- I found this- and they will ship to Ca.(at least thats what they say)- $44.00/1 gallon/200 proof ethanol- food and Kosher safe.(and it's on sale today)
With shipping it'll be about $75, but hey- still cheaper than converting booze....
Hope this helps...

:thanks: carcass! I already ordered from Extractohol this morning (not sure if they're still a sponsor or not), but I have bookmarked your link for when their original gallon runs out. There was a $25 hazardous waste fee on top of the cost, which worked out to almost an additional 33%!
Bummer after all that work & $$ Shed - plants look great
Thanks parnelli, and :welcome: to my grow journal! The Extractohol should be delivered today so I'll be back on track soon.
Well most of that update was bad , but a least you didn't get hurt for one and the Plants look good as always even them bamboo looking one , i wonder if you could spray that stuff on veg. plant to get them to grow tall and strong say corn?
Right, no one tossed a match on the puddle, so I'm counting that as a win! In terms of Gibberellic acid (GA3), it is used for a lot of things in agriculture. Here's a great article on it:

I'm wondering if a couple of sprays in veg would give those lettuce phenos we often see a bit of a leggy boost.
Ugh, that is a rough morning, I hope that is the end of your run of bad luck!
Thanks DAB! I got to and from work safely and didn't trip going up the back steps with the plants in my arms, so I think it was just a rough morning. :high-five:

Oh, in my discombobulation yesterday, I forgot to tag @Derbybud in my post, so please take a look if you have a moment! I wish I had gotten a chance to distill it one more time to see if I could boost it again, but I can't see sinking any more money into it just for the science. :)
wondering if a couple of sprays in veg would give those lettuce phenos we often see a bit of a leggy boost.
I noticed you mention that the other day... I have a blue dream that’s a reversal of a feminised plant and the seeds produce a very squat and leafy plant (that you indeed described as cabbage when you saw it!). Others with the same seed batch had the same thing. Great buds in the end but hard to manage in veg and almost no flowering stretch. I am inspired to give that a go and maybe try growing it again.
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