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Tried to catch up. Shit brother. I hear you all. I have TBI. Migraines. And a bad back. The 8 stainless steel screw and four plates in my spine are so lovely to live with. Yeah combat sucks but the aftermath took my breath away
Tried to catch up. Shit brother. I hear you all. I have TBI. Migraines. And a bad back. The 8 stainless steel screw and four plates in my spine are so lovely to live with. Yeah combat sucks but the aftermath took my breath away
Sorry to hear that Travis. What are you finding that helps the most? I've read a lot of good stuff about CBD and concussions so I would think it would help TBI as well.
Helps severity I think, not been taking cbd for long maybe 5 weeks now.
Oh okay. Hope it brings good results. I'm looking forward to that harvest!
Sorry to hear that Travis. What are you finding that helps the most? I've read a lot of good stuff about CBD and concussions so I would think it would help TBI as well.

Oh okay. Hope it brings good results. I'm looking forward to that harvest!
Well the army fraked that all up. Treated me for two diffrent things that cancelled each other out. Gave me ozxy for the back amd neck and something way off the charts trying to figure out the TBI. So I'm eating oxy like crazy only to find out 2 years in that that is the worst for my tbi.
So I grow my own smoke and drink wine.
Depending on the phenotype apparently, 11-20%. From the MMG website:
"Candida will noticeably produce two different phenotypes; a sativa and an indica. Initial research has suggested that the sativa phenotype will produce lower, whispier yields often associated with sativa strains. We have noticed to date that the sativa pheno produces higher CBD counts. In comparison, the indica pheno will produce bigger, denser yields with lower CBD levels but still with significant CBD content. The sativa can be harder to manage and will have larger distances between the internodes making the plants more vulnerable. "
I never understand when breeders call their strains "high cbd" and then don't list the CBD content! "...almost matched by the very high levels of CBD." Just tell us what it is! We can handle the truth :).
I trust seedman. And I am the one growing it. As long as I can get some sort of 1 to 1 thc and cbd then I'm game. My wife was hit by a car and had a closed head wound. Stroked out.
Left side screwed. She respondes very well to high cbd strain. Any suggestions?
I trust seedman. And I am the one growing it. As long as I can get some sort of 1 to 1 thc and cbd then I'm game. My wife was hit by a car and had a closed head wound. Stroked out.
Left side screwed. She respondes very well to high cbd strain. Any suggestions?
Damn so sorry to hear about your wife as well. Oof!

Candida is between 11 and 20:1 CBD:THC and Medical Marijuana Group has a new strain out that is 32:1 called Master Hemp. Not even on their site yet that I can find.

Info here:
New CBD Variety: Master Hemp By MMG
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