InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

For anyone looking for Monday's pics, they're here!

Yeah the original ethylene one. But we can’t be having any boring tests that won’t do. Hope you’re having a good start to the week Shedster n crew. CL🍀.
Thanks Captain, and stay warm out there!
Thank you for a nice thorough and comprehensive update on the plants. I've wondered how they have been progressing. I think they look fabulous.
Well that's always nice to hear. :)
The QG2 is a noticeably deeper green than the QG1.
It is and I think I ramped up the nutes too quickly on it. I've been giving it less than 4.5g/gallon (my usual veg nutes) to see if it will calm down with the greenery.
What do you mean you took the second head to keep? Are you going to root it?
Sorry, I meant to keep on the plant. The other got tossed.
I had double heads on both of my node 2 branches on my RR1 plant. They grew out nicely and that's the one that gave me my record auto harvest.
Usually I would let them both grow, but since I mentioned earlier about trying for just 8 tops total (and with some interest from Carcass), I wanted to make it official. No lower or bonus growth allowed!
I did the 8 tops with my Chocodope and it's working out well for that plant. Usually I prefer to leave the side branches on even if they are stunted because those have given me decent bud and improve the overall harvest, but each plant needs a different approach I've found. 28 autos hey! I've a lot of catch up to reach that level of experience. I just did a count. I'm on number 10.
Your 8 are looking tops! :cheesygrinsmiley: I've left 4 nodes and have taken off anything that would have filled in the center of the plant, mostly as an experiment and because I don't need the harvest in any way shape or form. And it was 18 autos not 28...I'm not a masochist. :thumb:
I hope you get that wpm beat!
Thanks Carmen, that would be nice, but I'm sure I'll be selectively spraying citric acid in there through harvest.
Great job on those autos, Shed! are these 3 part of the 18 autos, or do they bring it up to 21?
For the record, I rotate each plant 90º clockwise every morning.
I do that too- I figure it keeps things growing fairly evenly...
and I bend the branches in a bit every morning to keep them within the confines of the pot's edge.
Not to make things too easy...but a string tied around her will keep 'em where you want 'em...

I use yellow string, but other colors will probably work too.... 🤪
I think the 2 was a typo lol. My hands are not doing what my brain expects of them.
I had a feeling but didn't want anyone to think I was that committed to autos back then!
Carcass has got a tent full and looking great ! Lots of green .. well you brought it over here :laughtwo: Carry on Oh one with one head !
I may be able to bring Carcass over here but I will never be able to grow a plant as pretty as his is. Especially now that I only have one head. :)
Great job on those autos, Shed!
Thanks Carcass!
are these 3 part of the 18 autos, or do they bring it up to 21?
These three will bring the count to 21. Plants get counted at harvest, and the total now stands at 58 including autos (364.87oz if anyone's interested).
I do that too- I figure it keeps things growing fairly evenly...
You might be able to get away without it because of the great light coverage you have in the box, but with a single bar light above these there is real drop-off at the front and back walls.
Not to make things too easy...but a string tied around her will keep 'em where you want 'em...I use yellow string, but other colors will probably work too.
Are you sure the yellowness isn't part of the success? If they start getting wide in flower I'll probably French Tickler pipe cleaner them to the ones on the opposite side, with the yellow ones.
58 including autos (364.87oz if anyone's interested).
Those are mighty fine numbers - an average of 6+ oz or 175g When you factor in first steps, tiny autos and ones that just don’t pan out, that’s excellent.

They look nice.
I'm ultra happy that my "advice" didn't fuck up your plant.
This? ⬇️
had an auto grow to its eighth node before it showed sex. I topped all the way down to the fifth. Lost about six inches but it put the plant into a growing frenzy. I ended up with really long spears in the end.
I did end up taking off three nodes in the end, leaving me with four, hence the eight tops. I am currently waiting for the promised growing frenzy.
Those are mighty fine numbers - an average of 6+ oz or 175g When you factor in first steps, tiny autos and ones that just don’t pan out, that’s excellent.
Thanks Nick! That does include some autos that came in under an ounce, so I'm pretty happy with the average. :)
I did end up taking off three nodes in the end, leaving me with four, hence the eight tops. I am currently waiting for the promised growing frenzy.

That plant may just be on the petite side.
She seems to fit perfectly between the other two.
That plant may just be on the petite side.
She seems to fit perfectly between the other two.

damn. have used that reasoning with two girls at the same time. mixed but interesting results.
Marijuana meets criteria for reclassification as lower-risk drug, FDA scientific review finds

"Marijuana has a lower potential for abuse than other drugs that are subjected to the same restrictions, with scientific support for its use as a medical treatment, researchers from the US Food and Drug Administration say in documents supporting its reclassification as a Schedule III substance. The National Institute on Drug Abuse concurs with the recommendation.

"The DEA will have the final authority to make any changes to marijuana’s scheduling, and it will go through a rulemaking process that includes a period for the public to provide comments before any scheduling action is finalized."

Full article:
Marijuana meets criteria for reclassification as lower-risk drug, FDA scientific review finds

"Marijuana has a lower potential for abuse than other drugs that are subjected to the same restrictions, with scientific support for its use as a medical treatment, researchers from the US Food and Drug Administration say in documents supporting its reclassification as a Schedule III substance. The National Institute on Drug Abuse concurs with the recommendation.

"The DEA will have the final authority to make any changes to marijuana’s scheduling, and it will go through a rulemaking process that includes a period for the public to provide comments before any scheduling action is finalized."

Full article:
So that would end all the Federal laws - banking and moving across state lines would become possible. Its the real deal, full legalisation? Sounds good. Although relying on the DEA to amend the scheduling might hold it up?

Its even good for us. Well if the US has legalised federally but allowed states to make up its own minds then its something I'm sure will be pointed out to government here.

Cheers for the link.

Here's one back as to what I imagine you're up to at this time!

So that would end all the Federal laws - banking and moving across state lines would become possible. Its the real deal, full legalisation? Sounds good. Although relying on the DEA to amend the scheduling might hold it up?

Its even good for us. Well if the US has legalised federally but allowed states to make up its own minds then its something I'm sure will be pointed out to government here.

Cheers for the link.

Here's one back as to what I imagine you're up to at this time!

Surely it shouldn't have a classification higher than alcohol and nicotine? Classifying it as a Schedule 3 drug still doesn't legalize recreational does it? It stipulates that a medical prescription is required.
I think - and ai’m sure the 70% the board that live there know better than me is that the key barrier at the moment is the lack of Federal Law. So anything that allows the banking system properly, card payments and whatever plus moving Cali Weed to wherever there’s a shortfall, basically allowing a national market would unlock in theory a lot of benefits to the industry.
I think - and ai’m sure the 70% the board that live there know better than me is that the key barrier at the moment is the lack of Federal Law. So anything that allows the banking system properly, card payments and whatever plus moving Cali Weed to wherever there’s a shortfall, basically allowing a national market would unlock in theory a lot of benefits to the industry.
I hear that argument and if the reclassification would enable them to change the banking and tax systems to accommodate dagga, then there is some merit. Would it though? Or, would it not restrict the market to licensed medical growers and resellers only? I don't know about there, but here medical is a whole different ballgame to recreational.
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