InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Thanks GDB! How far into the grow did you find you needed to boost the calmag?

@LKABudMan said he was pretty fond of Remo, and @StoneOtter's BIL was doing well with them when he more closely followed their schedule. :)

Last thing I saw on the topic were Teddy's posts about it here and here.
Muchas gracias!
Hello hello hello! Been a minute since I've visited my own thread but Tuesday seems like a good day for an update, so here goes...

While today is day 22 for the summer grow, the pics are from yesterday because it was drizzling this morning. Actually, the sun hasn't been out at all for the last week. :( I'm going to rearrange things in the tent and get these used to the MarsHydro SP250 over the next couple of nights.

Anyway, here they were yesterday on day 21:

The SaugaViews®:

Here's a root from the 5 Killer Cookies finding its way out of the drain hole:

I have to fill the SWICK reservoir every other day, which tells me it's probably too small for the amount of soil it needs to keep damp. I'll have to keep that in mind when I upcan to 1 gallon pots this weekend.

I switched them over to @Prescription Blend nutes last week, and I'll feature that here since they were a site sponsor, even though they no longer seem to be for sale and haven't sent out prize packages for months.

Last week I mixed up Week 2 blend and this morning I moved them to Week 3 (which is also week 4 and beyond!). It's the Kelp-ful that makes it dark:

You may have noticed some spots on the older leaves in the SaugaViews® above. That's from the .25 citric acid spray, which left white spots on some leaves and brown on a few of the Grandpa's Moonshine:

That seems to be a problem only on the young plants, since none of the leaves on my clones did that. I'll wait another week or two before I go back to that as an IPM test.

I hope your weekend went well and that your grows are green!


I've harvested 56 plants in just under 6 years, so running out isn't something we do a lot of. ;) And I'm sure I'd get the same review I got when it was freshly cured: "It gets me high."

All credit to @ChefDGreen for breeding and naming these varieties. :thanks:


Growing up in NYC almost everyone used yiddish in some form or another.

Always up for a bit of linguistic crap! 👅

Bugs the lemon would be a great cartoon adventure series! Beyond that I don't know what you're talking about. :)

I was, and kept it to 80 or below for most of it!

Thanks Carmen! He's currently in decompress mode, which means sleeping, eating, and playing on his Xbox (which he bought himself last year). This was his second year up there (freshman covid year was at home), and he's only got one more to go. :thumb:

Thanks Keith, I appreciate it!

Thank you Captain...and here we are. :high-five:

Thanks Otter! Not sure about fun with 10 hours of driving in 2 days, but we're home safe and sound. 🏡

Nice to be back and catching up on what I missed since I came into a mess at work yesterday!

Thanks GG! Another drive up north completed successfully. Since my daughter started at UC Davis in 2017, we've been doing these 5 hour drives multiple times a year. Probably two more trips left, and then I'll only be driving for vacations! :cool:
Glad you got to spend some quality time with your family and welcome back Shedster. CL🍀
Very nice Shed. How often have you used the PB nutes? I just get them off the zon. I know they’re still for sale there, I had a set delivered two days ago, for what it’s worth. But you can only get those soft metal bags you show in the picture, not the nice, big plastic container ones PB at least used to give out as prizes. I keep a set of those and refill from the soft bags. I find they are an excellent nute that rarely if ever meet a plant that doesn’t like them. I will say (again, fwiw), that I’ve found two things you may find relevant: one is that compared to some others, the CalMag content is on the light side, and often in late flower I begin upping it. I am at 5ml/gallon once the plants are big enough and have gone as high as 7. The second thing is that maybe a third of the time I have found it helpful to increase the concentration of the base mix in late mid to late flower. In that regard I’ve gone as high as 120% of the base mix as
prescribed (obviously across the board) and had no issues. Hope they work as well for you. Cool to focus on them despite what you mentioned. Plants look great and I love your strain selection.
Jon, you found PB on Amazon? I just looked again and cannot find them on there. I just put in Prescription Blend nutrients and many nutes came up but not PB, Am I doing something wrong?
Glad you got your boy home safe and sound. Amazing how quickly time flies, I remember when he first started college. One more year!!
Thank you double H! It's really hard to believe, and even harder to believe he feels bad about missing the year when he wasn't on campus. He actually likes being there now. :)
Glad you got to spend some quality time with your family and welcome back Shedster. CL🍀
Thanks Captain! We've even had two dinners at the dining room table and not in front of the TV. :thumb:
Plants looking good & green looking forward to see how that moonshine turns out
Thank you con! Grandpa's Moonshine is going to be a lot shorter on transplant since I'm probably going to bury it up to the first node. 📏
Jon, you found PB on Amazon? I just looked again and cannot find them on there. I just put in Prescription Blend nutrients and many nutes came up but not PB, Am I doing something wrong?
Looks like they're gone. See my post here!
Thank you double H! It's really hard to believe, and even harder to believe he feels bad about missing the year when he wasn't on campus. He actually likes being there now. :)

Thanks Captain! We've even had two dinners at the dining room table and not in front of the TV. :thumb:

Thank you con! Grandpa's Moonshine is going to be a lot shorter on transplant since I'm probably going to bury it up to the first node. 📏

Looks like they're gone. See my post here!
OH Well.
Thank you double H! It's really hard to believe, and even harder to believe he feels bad about missing the year when he wasn't on campus. He actually likes being there now. :)

Thanks Captain! We've even had two dinners at the dining room table and not in front of the TV. :thumb:

Thank you con! Grandpa's Moonshine is going to be a lot shorter on transplant since I'm probably going to bury it up to the first node. 📏

Looks like they're gone. See my post here!
Like real families used to do, how nostalgic Shedmeister. lol CL🍀
IKR. Seems like they left more than a few open prizes unfulfilled. I hope they figure figure it out and get back to business. :(
Like real families used to do, how nostalgic Shedmeister. lol CL🍀
We started eating dinner at the coffee table in front of the TV when we were all locked in for Covid and it became a habit. Now that all four of us are together in the house we're trying to make it a priority to eat at the table again. Especially since my daughter may be moving in with her BF in the fall, which will mean we only have another few months left to be together like this.
@Remo Nutrients really do work very well, although I've never tried Prescription Blend, so I can't give a comparison. PB don't ship to Canada. Remo are definitely meant to be used as a full range, not just the base nutes.
Thanks Mel! After the PB runs out I've got enough Remo to last a few grows so that will probably be next. And don't feel bad about PB not shipping to Canada since now they don't ship anywhere!
IKR. Seems like they left more than a few open prizes unfulfilled. I hope they figure figure it out and get back to business. :(

We started eating dinner at the coffee table in front of the TV when we were all locked in for Covid and it became a habit. Now that all four of us are together in the house we're trying to make it a priority to eat at the table again. Especially since my daughter may be moving in with her BF in the fall, which will mean we only have another few months left to be together like this.

Thanks Mel! After the PB runs out I've got enough Remo to last a few grows so that will probably be next. And don't feel bad about PB not shipping to Canada since now they don't ship anywhere!
Brother if you’re ever in need of more RX just let me know. CL🍀
I found PB on EXIT15 on the net they say they have it in stock for $95 before tax.
Thanks Keith! Interesting place to find them and I wonder if they're just selling what they have in stock. :hmmmm:
Brother if you’re ever in need of more RX just let me know. CL🍀
I appreciate that Captain but you hang on to them, especially since you have your plants dialed in with that line! I've got about 4 boxes of Remo along with my regular blend of MC and additives, so I'm set for a while now.
Thanks Keith! Interesting place to find them and I wonder if they're just selling what they have in stock. :hmmmm:

I appreciate that Captain but you hang on to them, especially since you have your plants dialed in with that line! I've got about 4 boxes of Remo along with my regular blend of MC and additives, so I'm set for a while now.
Just wanted to repay a solid but I’m happy you have the Remo. I have 3 boxes of RX and more coming. lol. CL🍀 Edit: btw the way I have them dialed in is adding water to 32oz. container 🫙 I use for feeding.
I found PB on EXIT15 on the net they say they have it in stock for $95 before tax.
Awesome find @KeithLemon, thanks! What an odd site to be selling RX. How did you even know to check a site like that for weed nutes? Bravo.
Probably two more trips left, and then I'll only be driving for vacations! :cool:
You're about to graduate!
Now I’m wondering…you may know Otter recently got gifted a set after PB made a rare comment in his journal. Shortly thereafter I also got a set after a rare journal comment. I thought it was odd at the time and was going to investigate until Otters post about it, so I figured it was a cool sponsor being cool. Now I’m wondering if maybe that happened as a sort of final act of altruism. Hmm…
Hey jon,
I got PB twice and gave one to a member who mentioned it. The other is on the shelf waiting for an away grow to need it. I'm also waiting for one or two prize mailings from them. Too bad, good nutes!
My BIL has only used @Remo Nutrients so far.
You're about to graduate!

Hey jon,
I got PB twice and gave one to a member who mentioned it. The other is on the shelf waiting for an away grow to need it. I'm also waiting for one or two prize mailings from them. Too bad, good nutes!
My BIL has only used @Remo Nutrients so far.
I remember @Krissi Carbone telling me that his partner had passed so?🤔 CL🍀
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