InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

But I do have an unmotivated meter. :)

Yes, in 500ml it would be 1.25g:

1.25/500=0.0025, or .25%

Boiled water has the same minerals and impurities that it had before it was boiled (without the bacteria), so that's not the same as distilled. Distilled water is made by boiling water and capturing the steam, which leaves behind anything dissolved in the water.

Do you have PM?
I have it on my chard yes. I have been treating with 1 % solution. I don't have access to distilled water. I have been using ordinary tap water. I can leave the water to stand to remove the chorine but more than that idk. I do not have a dehumidifier or an air conditioner. I can gather rain water but I imagine that to be equally full of chemicals from the polluted atmosphere of my town.
I regularly recommend your 1 % solution, so it is good to have a full understanding of what I am advising people to do.

But I do have an unmotivated meter. :)
“A rose by any other…” 😂
From my recollection those would then need to be boiled as they usually contain high levels of bacteria.
Yeah the water from AC’s and D/H’s is not to be used for anything. Its dirty as with bacteria generally. Legionnaires Disease is one that spreads through it Periodic outbreaks in HK from AC units, for example.

Thursday update on day 10 of the Summer grow and the first time feeding them nutes!

They both got my 4.5g equivalent diluted 4oz nutes plus 8oz water, which means they got 1.5g/gallon (4.5/3). Grandpa's Moonshine was top watered to runoff and 5 Killer Cookies in the SWICK cup was bottom watered to a lot of runoff, to make sure the plain water was flushed out of the res.

Here they are:



The Le Creme CBG perlite cuttings are all showing PM, so I thought I'd show you what I mean when I say that live PM wipes off. Here they are right off the desk:

I wiped my dry finger down the circled leaf, and this is the result:

Then I sprayed them with the .25% citric acid spray and I'll show you the result this weekend.

I also sprayed the Summer grow babies because they live next to the LeC cups on the desk at night:

That's it for me...not to exciting but still! I hope your week is going smoothly and the sun is shining in your life. :cool:

“A rose by any other…”
"All generalizations are false." :)
Yeah the water from AC’s and D/H’s is not to be used for anything. Its dirty as with bacteria generally. Legionnaires Disease is one that spreads through it Periodic outbreaks in HK from AC units, for example.
Thanks Nick! I had forgotten about Legionnaires Disease (hotels, hospitals, cruise ships...all over!) and yes, one more reason to dump or drain that water.
Thursday update on day 10 of the Summer grow and the first time feeding them nutes!

They both got my 4.5g equivalent diluted 4oz nutes plus 8oz water, which means they got 1.5g/gallon (4.5/3). Grandpa's Moonshine was top watered to runoff and 5 Killer Cookies in the SWICK cup was bottom watered to a lot of runoff, to make sure the plain water was flushed out of the res.

Here they are:



The Le Creme CBG perlite cuttings are all showing PM, so I thought I'd show you what I mean when I say that live PM wipes off. Here they are right off the desk:

I wiped my dry finger down the circled leaf, and this is the result:

Then I sprayed them with the .25% citric acid spray and I'll show you the result this weekend.

I also sprayed the Summer grow babies because they live next to the LeC cups on the desk at night:

That's it for me...not to exciting but still! I hope your week is going smoothly and the sun is shining in your life. :cool:


"All generalizations are false." :)

Thanks Nick! I had forgotten about Legionnaires Disease (hotels, hospitals, cruise ships...all over!) and yes, one more reason to dump or drain that water.
Your plants are great looking, nice sets of leaves. Do you water to run-off every watering/feeding cycle.
Your plants are great looking, nice sets of leaves. Do you water to run-off every watering/feeding cycle.
Thanks Keith! Once I see roots through the plastic I'm good to water to runoff and always do from that point on, though I still avoid watering right down the middle where the sprout is when it's this young. In your peat pots it's tougher because it evaporates so quickly, so putting them in solo cups will help with that.
Tuesday update! It's day 15 for the summer grow so let's check in and see how they're doing.

Here they are, Grandpa's Moonshine left, almost as tall as the 5 Killer Cookies right (in the perlite booster seat):

I'm sure it's not obvious but I've changed out the lower cup with the perlite on the 5KC. The first (wider) one didn't seem to be wicking moisture up into the soil and I had to top water it on Friday, so I put it in a standard solo cup and so far so good.

Here's the GM SaugaView®:


They're getting stronger nutes now, probably closer to 2.5g/gal equivalent. Next watering they'll get 3g/gal. Also, I gave them another .25% citric acid spray, top and bottom this time. I want to see if more frequent use (2x/week) of this weak solution has any effect on pests.

Speaking of .25% citric acid spray, I promised I'd show the leaves of the perlite Le Creme CBG cuttings with PM that I sprayed last week.

Here they are, and a leaf before I wiped it:

And after:

No change, and no PM. The leaves are pretty dull since I let the PM go on longer than I usually would, so this morning I sprayed them with neem to see if brings back the Turtle Wax for your old car!

Last for the day, the 10.5oz of Carnival (harvested in August of 2020) is now gone:

Just for the record. 📖

I hope your week is off to a good start and that you have even the slightest bit more sun by you than I have by me!

Gives cleaning AC coils and flushing a new prospective ! The plant are looking good shed , I would think rubbing the PM in to the leaf would also happen if desired to do that .
Thanks sb! Not sure if dirty coils are a health hazard, but using bleach in the drip tray/lines is a good idea.
I'm sure it's not obvious
It was that older looking design, almost 70’sesque one? Shame but roots must…

Looking cool - how’d the Carnie smoke after its 2.5 years in the can? That was covid time too! Thought it would be long gone!


These cuties are making their move! I love the name Grampa's Moonshine!
To me it always implies the carrying of something on the way, there’s a sense of duty to those hard yards you got to travel too. Especially when used by Cape Town people! But they complain about everything!

“Listen my bru I will bring you the golf clubs I borrowed last month and promised to return within a week just now. But listen my bru, its from Table View to Milnerton and with traffic my bru that’s a schlep with those golf clubs in my car. Aaat leaa-st 15-20 minutes with traffic my bru. You get me? i’ll schlep it over just now”

I’m not religious and my heritage isn’t at all Jewish but its a language that provides some lovely, almost, onomatopoeic words and phrases.

@Carmen Ray - I’m not wrong sissie 😂

I want to heart Carmen’s 🤣

But its so true. Also even in traffic Table View to Milnerton is 5 minutes.

And Afrikaans is also similarly expressive and to the point like Yiddish.

Umm - say kuk going down with the ‘U’

Guess what it means.


I want to heart Carmen’s 🤣

But its so true. Also even in traffic Table View to Milnerton is 5 minutes.

And Afrikaans is also similarly expressive and to the point like Yiddish.

Umm - say kuk going done with the ‘U’

Guess what it means.


Hey a-hole adios? Idk? It’s my guess. CL🍀
I want to heart Carmen’s 🤣

But its so true. Also even in traffic Table View to Milnerton is 5 minutes.

And Afrikaans is also similarly expressive and to the point like Yiddish.

Umm - say kuk going done with the ‘U’

Guess what it means.


Afrikaans, especially Kaaps, and Yiddish can both be extremely colorful languages... the use of metaphor and irony. The little I know of both I love :love:
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