InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I grow outdoors and in. Inside at night with lights on during veg, inside at night with lights off when I want to flip. I don't rely on the natural day length to determine when I flower.
You seem to know a lot about growing in or outside and I appreciate your knowledge and help.
I grow outdoors and in. Inside at night with lights on during veg, inside at night with lights off when I want to flip. I don't rely on the natural day length to determine when I flower.
The Shedster is not stopped by such trivial things. 🦸‍♂️ CL🍀
Wednesday Summer grow planting update, so let's step through the old and new!

Here they were last night before I went to bed:

Since I can just see a tiny bit of the 5 Killer Cookies I'm calling yesterday Day 1. :)

Here they were this morning:

So out in the sun they go, ready for planting:

Let's take the new first. I want to create a SWICK similar to the one I made for the Le Creme CBG clone, but I wanted a full cup's-worth of soil rather than losing 1/3 of the cup to perlite. So I took a cup and filled the bottom with perlite so it was above the drain hole:

Side view:

Then I cut the bottom off a leaky old red solo cup:

I melted the edge to make it less sharp:

And I wedged it down into the perlite:

Then it was ready to pack the bottom with soil to make sure it wicks up from the perlite, and I sprinkled @DYNOMYCO on the top layer:

Time to unwrap the peat puck and sprinkle Dynomyco on it too:

And plant it in the cup-in-a-cup. Watering the reservoir at the bottom is easy because of the gap between the two cups!

I also top watered just this once to get the wicking action started.

And then it was on to the old planting method for the Grandpa's Moonshine:

I water down the outside edge avoiding the peat puck. Leaving the peat dry helps prevent the stem from rotting.

And here they are, planted and ready to go!

I don't have all the colors of tape some folks have access to, but I do have three colors of electrical tape, so I used them to tie the SWICK pots together for structural integrity. The blue cup is just to keep the water from spilling. 💦

That was my morning, and I hope yours went well. :ciao:


Thanks Azi! I figured since the clone did so well I'd see if I could replicate that with a seed plant. We'll see!

I guess the concept/method has been around for a long time, but it doesn't seem to have been often applied to growing cannabis, at least on the site. Azi and @ReservoirDog have put their heads together to spread the word, and a few successful grows here was all it took to catch on.
Dig it!
Monday update proof of life, on day 7 for the Summer grow!

Here they are together:

Grandpa's Moonshine:

And the roots:

5 Killer Cookies in the SWICK:

No root pics because no clear cup.

And on another topic, I've been testing the .25% solution of citric acid spray for powdery mildew (aka PM):

This did not rub off, which means it's dead! So I'm changing my recommendation to that .25% dilution going forward, and if you offer the citric acid spray suggestion to others, please use the revised number. :thanks:
So much to digest!
Cups and colours and tapes and skiilllzz!
Its a riot!
Lovely work!
Thanks Nick!
But seriously - you were testing dropping the citric % as low as possible.
What is your revised nunber?
.25% is the new number for citric acid dilution in a foliar spray: 2.5g of citric acid in 1,000ml distilled water (plus a surfactant). I was looking for the minimum effective dose and this worked as well as the 1% solution. I suppose I could have started at 0.1% but I don't have that kind of time. :)
You schlepp solo cups too?

Your grow method is brutally physical! :Rasta:
Thanks Nick!

.25% is the new number for citric acid dilution in a foliar spray: 2.5g of citric acid in 1,000ml distilled water (plus a surfactant). I was looking for the minimum effective dose and this worked as well as the 1% solution. I suppose I could have started at 0.1% but I don't have that kind of time. :)

Why distilled water? I've been using tap water (private well).
Monday update proof of life, on day 7 for the Summer grow!

Here they are together:

Grandpa's Moonshine:

And the roots:

5 Killer Cookies in the SWICK:

No root pics because no clear cup.

And on another topic, I've been testing the .25% solution of citric acid spray for powdery mildew (aka PM):

This did not rub off, which means it's dead! So I'm changing my recommendation to that .25% dilution going forward, and if you offer the citric acid spray suggestion to others, please use the revised number. :thanks:
Shed, please do the maths for me. How much citric acid must I use in 500ml of water? 1.25g? Judging from your next post but I want to make certain please.
Will boiled water work?
Shed wouldn't have it any other way...I don't think he even owns a lazy meter...
But I do have an unmotivated meter. :)
Shed, please do the maths for me. How much citric acid must I use in 500ml of water? 1.25g? Judging from your next post but I want to make certain please.
Will boiled water work?
Yes, in 500ml it would be 1.25g:

1.25/500=0.0025, or .25%

Boiled water has the same minerals and impurities that it had before it was boiled (without the bacteria), so that's not the same as distilled. Distilled water is made by boiling water and capturing the steam, which leaves behind anything dissolved in the water.

Do you have PM?
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