InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Much cheaper, though we should keep the dictionary publishers in business!
It's awfully nice to be able to access so much information at hand in seconds from a few keystrokes, but I do like physical hard copy books too, it would be a shame if we lost them.
It's awfully nice to be able to access so much information at hand in seconds from a few keystrokes, but I do like physical hard copy books too, it would be a shame if we lost them.
Just beyond the reach of my right hand is a shelf with three dictionaries, a single volume children's encyclopedia, Francis Stillman's rhyming dictionary, Sisson's Synonyms, a style manual, a Webster's thesaurus, Fowler's Modern English Usage, and a UK English dictionary so we can figure out what my wife is saying! ;)

Reference material is good. :thumb:
I've got a Webster's unabridged that must weigh at least 20 lbs. I think it only has big words in it. :Rasta:
Wow! Great update.

The bottom roots were soaking wet, and the rest of the soil was pretty damp too.
Holy cow! Those roots really are wet, especially at the bottom. No wonder her leaves were looking so yellow and fading. I guess that stuff I read about perlite increasing the perched water table is a real thing; and here I thought with all that perlite it would drain rather quickly. How long had it been since you last watered it?

Last night I mixed up a new batch of soil/perlite, this time about 3.5 gallons of soil and 1 gallon of perlite,
I think that will make for a good potting mix. Now ya just gotta wait for her to recover.

I see what you mean about the Sour G. It does look a lot better than the other two. Weird how it’s doing good in the same potting mix that the others aren’t.

They are really outgrowing their space and I'm surprised they haven't moved on yet!
Time for the momma bird to teach them how to fly.

Here are the Spring two
And we should give them individual shots
Those two are looking great. It seems like only yesterday they were wee sprouts. They grow up so fast.

let's look at the Red Dragon clones
The thin leaves on the one on the left kinda reminds me of a small aloe plant.

That's the dime tour of the grow this morning. I hope y'all enjoyed it!
I did. I did.
Friday update! What...there's more after yesterday's extravaganza? Yes. Yes there is:

Starting with the fact that I now remember the plate when I spray the STS on the Candida!

I leave the plate on top of the box of rubber gloves in the shed that I use when I spray...clever huh?

Speaking of Candidas, the Candida from seed (sativa edition) seems to be first out of the blocks with a pistil attempt:

It's done a lot of stretching already and you can see how light green the new growth is.

Moving on to the Summer grow this morning:

I watered the Sour G (GeoFlora) but I'm letting the other two droop from thirst before I water them. Especially after looking at the rootball on the JH the other night.

When I went to move the Spring two from the shed this morning, the baby birds looked like they were going to explode out of the nest! When I went back about 20 minutes later to get the paper plate, I found this:

Not a sign of them anywhere, and suddenly I have "empty nest syndrome." That is when the kids leave home and leave you to clean up their shit.

I noticed fewer flyers on the Tin Can Kush after putting on the layer of diatomaceous earth!

And as long as we're down there, let's compare the lower leaves of the Tin Can Kush on GeoFlora Veg (blended in plus top-fed every two weeks):

...with the lowers on the Red Dragon (with a blend of nutes the equivalent of 4.5g/gallon of MC, but better):

I'm not complaining since yellowing lowers were something I got with MegaCrop as well, but I do think it's interesting that the new blend (@MrSauga-approved) is doing better than both. More work than either of course, but I think it's worth it.

That's it for me today. I hope your weekend goes well and that you and your family are safe and joyous. It's Memorial Day on Monday for those in the States, so let us remember and give thanks for those who gave their lives in the service of our country.


Wow! Great update.
Thanks BIgD!
I guess that stuff I read about perlite increasing the perched water table is a real thing; and here I thought with all that perlite it would drain rather quickly. How long had it been since you last watered it?
That is odd, because when I Googled "does perlite raise the perched water table" I found this pretty in depth article on water, substrates, and additives:

It states this:
"Perlite mainly increases drainage, while vermiculite will also hold some moisture and help retain nutrients too. Mixing either of these amendment materials right though a potting mix will increase aeration, improve drainage and reduce the height of the perched water table."

I think it was just overwatered for the amount of roots that were there to drink it up.
Now ya just gotta wait for her to recover.
Weird how it’s doing good in the same potting mix that the others aren’t.
I know right? Might just be a faster growing plant, so the roots filled the pot before it had a chance to get waterlogged?
Time for the momma bird to teach them how to fly.
They seemed to be very fast learners! Gone in 60 seconds. :surf:
They grow up so fast.
And poop so much...oh wait, you were referring to the plants! :laugh:
Nice update Shed , Plants are looking Good and the ones that aren't will later . Hell i didn't google the word cause i would never use it anyway .
Thanks sb!
I gave up after the first one too. I didn't understand volume 1 that well.
LOL! I hear it gets pretty dull after the A's anyway.
the fuzzy ties are very snappy children's birthday party.
however, everyone run if shed turns up in a clown outfit ... :p

wish i had your climate. stuff looks delicious as always.. :)
we're good to go. gardens are all in by the next 10 days or so.
may 24 long wkend is the big kick off here. it snows historically. but you can chance it.
It's currently 39F and raining and my body is letting me know very strongly that I definitely don't like this weather. Unfortunately, I have to go out. I'd rather not but it's for a game of Scrabble and dinner with my dad and he'll be disappointed if I don't go and I hate to disappoint him so I will go.
I have to go out. I'd rather not but it's for a game of Scrabble and dinner with my dad and he'll be disappointed if I don't go and I hate to disappoint him so I will go.
Thank you for being such a wonderful daughter. I’m sure it means a lot to him.
we're good to go. gardens are all in by the next 10 days or so. may 24 long wkend is the big kick off here. it snows historically. but you can chance it.
Seems like a perfect place to grow fast autos outside!
It's currently 39F and raining and my body is letting me know very strongly that I definitely don't like this weather.
Not liking the weather is why I left NY at 30 and moved to Los Angeles! Isn't 39ºF shorts weather up there?
Nice update Shed. I wouldn't be either!
Thanks GDB! And you shouldn't be either with your pretty plants. :thumb:
Just beyond the reach of my right hand is a shelf with three dictionaries, a single volume children's encyclopedia, Francis Stillman's rhyming dictionary, Sisson's Synonyms, a style manual, a Webster's thesaurus, Fowler's Modern English Usage, and a UK English dictionary so we can figure out what my wife is saying! ;)

Reference material is good. :thumb:
Same here! I much rather reach for a book and look a word up. Everything else I Google… :cheesygrinsmiley:
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