InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

SO glad you posted that again!
I just noticed for the first time that it has more CBC than THC. Even though that’s a small amount, that CBC is likely a large component in the efficacy of Candida CD-1. CBC has been shown to be up to 10 times more effective than CBD for many of the things CBD helps with (that’s in labs with mice and stuff, so real-world is obviously going to be different, but still). I’m happy to have noticed that in your results and am deciding that it’s surely an assist! Definitely nice to see another cannabinoid in the mix - even at tiny amounts it still enhances the entourage effect.
From the Dinafem blog on Cannabichromene:
Sorry Amy, this got lost in the calculating! Thanks for the info on yet another beneficial cannabinoid. I wonder what other strains have measurable amounts of CBC, and if folks find them as beneficial as mice do. :hmmmm:
That’s as strong as I make any oil, and usually less. You can eat a couple of gummies and your 5ml molds will give more of the infused oil in the mix.
And you mean the one ounce in 1 cup of EVOO, correct? Thats a solid plan about eating a couple and the 5 ml guys. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Work backwards. How strong do want the final edibles to be per serve?
I have no clue. Never done edibles before!
which size gummy do you want to be 10mg? And how much infused oil can you have in each gummy?
I don’t know, lol. I think I will need to develop that preference?
Each gummy will have oil at 16.7% of the total liquid volume.
What Shed said above. :laughtwo:

Im thinking maybe what I should do is make a first batch with the 1 oz/1 cup oil, make the recipe using 1/4 cup of it and ensuring that I have a blend of gummy sizes for trial and error, and then adjust with the remaining oil for a second batch? I thought I read recently about re-infusing oil with additional bud (or something along those lines). How does that sound?
The recipe calling for 1/4 cup of infused oil.
For example, my recipe calls for three liquid ingredients:
1 cup cold water
1/4 cup light corn syrup
1/4 cup infused EVOO
Could I infuse the 1 oz of decarbed bud into 1/2 cup of EVOO and then make two batches of the recipe you reference above - kind of a happy medium, or am I being a dolt (again, and sorry!) :cheesygrinsmiley: I understand it will change the values of THC, I was just thinking it might be a middle ground. I guess I should sleep on it. Thank you Shed and @Amy Gardner for your help with this!:hug:
Boo, you got things sorted there with shed for the numbers, but separately to that;

And you mean the one ounce in 1 cup of EVOO, correct?
Not, actually! The only oz guide I use is a starting point of 1gr of bud per oz of oil. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I know that with Candida that will get me about a 7mg/ml infused oil, give or take.

So if I can only get 1ml of oil into the edible and I want them stronger I add some bud to the ratio. Eg 1.5g bud per oz of oil would give about 10mg/ml. Or thereabouts (assuming around 18% cannabinoid content).

My numbers are rough, that’s how I roll lol! I’m not doing fresh calculations right now, for all this, it’s kinda from my memory of what’s in my notes and doing it numerous times now.

Thats a solid plan about eating a couple and the 5 ml guys. :cheesygrinsmiley:

FWIW, from Oldbear's spreadsheet, 1g of 18% bud in 1oz of oil (29.57ml) at 85% efficiency gets you to 5.17mg/ml of cannabinoids.

Only at 100% efficiency can I get close to your numbers.
:hmmmm: I’m over estimating in my remembering then. Or my memory has adjusted to higher potency and higher efficiency with the ardent machines.

I have a few different versions written down in my work book so obviously I’ve rounded up a few times too many in my mind :laughtwo: i thought it always came out 6-8mg. I’m optimistic I guess!!
Hay Shed and others, I just put 2 Candida CD1 seeds in the soil. They both had small tails this morning when I checked so into the soil it goes. Now I am hoping they break soil

Fly by.......checking for weed nudies.
As promised for the Monday update, four clones naked from the waist down.

It was a nice warm sunny weekend, so I took advantage of the weather, by not patching the roof ( :yahoo: ) and by splitting the Candida clones that I cut back on October 5th. All of them rooted.

I've been through my splitting process before, but I don't know if everyone here now has seen it, so I'll post a few pics again. I try to squeeze as many cuttings as I can in the space I have for them on the desk, so I go with at least two per solo cup, and this time I put four in the last one, leaving me with ten cuttings.

Splitting them takes time and patience to get them apart without damaging the roots, but it can be done. Dry soil helps a lot, as well as rolling, squeezing, tapping, bouncing, shaking, and cajoling. This is the 4-in-1 cup:

These weren't as dry I as prefer but I didn't want to wait any longer so I did it anyway! Here they are solo in their solos:

For those of you who like to count, you may wonder why there are only nine now. One of them was a shorty in the same cup as as the tallest one, so I just cut that at the soil level. The two in the blue cups are being gifted to a fellow member here, and I just need three others for the three different dilutions of GA3. Because, though it's been a while now, these are for the Candida seed-making project started (unsuccessfully) way back when.

And on another topic, my sourdough starter got ignored for two months in the fridge, so when I remembered it there was a layer of grey water on top. No worries though. I just poured that off and grabbed some clean starter from the very bottom to start feeding again. With a cold house and a new DVR that doesn't generate any heat, I had to find a warm spot for it to grow.

Folks have often said to put it in the oven, but I haven't had an oven with a pilot light since the 20th century so it was the same temp as the kitchen. @MrSauga recommended turning the oven light on and using that as a heat source...brilliant!

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I refreshed twice a day on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to get it rolling again, and I'll do once a day until Thursday. Then back to twice a day for dough-making on Saturday and baking on Sunday, just in time for my (hopefully) tested and quarantining daughter to come home from college for Thanksgiving.

I hope your weekend went well and the week is bright and sunny! :cool:
Afternoon Shed! I “found” my starter this weekend and fed it, but it was my first time so Im sure I did it wrong. Lol. :laughtwo: I am about 15 mins from being done fusing the ground, decarbed but and EVOO (I think). I could not even get 1/2 c of oil to cover the bud so I did the fallback and made a cup. Question about adding the lecithin, should I let the oil cool down at all before I add it, and also can I let the oil cool slightly for ease of squeezing without burning my hands?:cheesygrinsmiley: I’m going to get a silicone mitt for the next batch!
done fusing the ground
I thought this was going to be an electrical question!
should I let the oil cool down at all before I add it, and also can I let the oil cool slightly for ease of squeezing without burning my hands?
If you can't strain it hot then let it cool a bit and then add the LSL. It will blend a lot more easily if it's hot. Then the oil goes in the fridge for 24 hours for the LSL to do it's thing before you start making things with it.

One other thing, if you're not in a hurry, put the oil and bud in the fridge overnight and run it again. I run at least twice with a cool down in between.
I thought this was going to be an electrical question!

If you can't strain it hot then let it cool a bit and then add the LSL. It will blend a lot more easily if it's hot. Then the oil goes in the fridge for 24 hours for the LSL to do it's thing before you start making things with it.

One other thing, if you're not in a hurry, put the oil and bud in the fridge overnight and run it again. I run at least twice with a cool down in between.
Thanks Shed! Actually it cooked for three hours at 170 I let it cool on the counter for an hour and then cooked another 3 hours. Was planning to make gummies tomorrow night with my daughter. Think it will be okay? I could just strain off the 1/4 c I need and then recook tomorrow? :thanks:
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