Someone was asking earlier about hermaphrodite plants being left to fend for themselves outdoors what would happen.. Typically what would happen if say one of the Q1 plants was to be left outdoors on its own, is that it will reproduce seeds from its hermi traits. All of these seeds will also have the hermaphroditic trait but will be female to start with or almost entirely female (plus hermi traits of course). If left to progress by itself it is likely that several generations down the line you will get plants that display a more "male like" growth patterns and you will have ones that have a nearly all female growth patterns. However these male looking plants are not true males, they are just a very adapted hermi plant. The strain however will lose its vigor through generations if it doesnt breed with another strain.. It may not live past 5 or 10 years. However there is also always the possibility that it will survive for a VERY long time. After much time has passed you will end up with basically what you started out with, mostly female hermi Q1 plants. You may also get some male "appearing" plants, however all of them will have the hermaphroditic trait and be all female at heart (A plant cannot generate new genetic material on its own, it can only work with what its got in other words) Unless you bread it out (the hermi trait)which most likely wont happen unless another strain is introduced and/or someone spends an incredible amount of time inbreeding the strain to produce a non-hermi plant. . Even with this its quite possible you will never be able to breed it out, its very very unlikely you will be able to actually, especially if all you have to work with is inbreeded lines of a hermi Q1 mother plant. Plants will be different because of the situations in which the plant is grown. Some plants may lean towards a completally hermi plant while others may go in the opposite direction and look more female, or "look" more male, it is a proactive way for the strain to gaurantee its survival. However you will never get true "male" plants...they may look mostly male but they cannot be 100% male because that genetic material was never there to begin with. Does this make any sense??? Im starting to confuse myself even.. Anyhow the plant will eventually become weak from lack of new genetic material, and the chances are it will either cease to exist or will exist in much the same form as it started as, that being some kind of femal hermaphrodite. But like I said I dont see it lasting too long without new genetics introduced. What would be especially beneficial is if a male plant of a differant strain was introduced. It would help stabalize the line and in that case the strain would very likely live forever... in all forms, (obviously) male , female, and hermi.
On another note, thats crazy we just had the talk about 1000 watt lights at almost the same time you start using a 1000 watter. lol, crazy. Looking great though man!