Indoor Grow July 2009 : AustralianQ1 CaliGDP CaliSSH CaliOrange DutchWidowSkunk

CMX, Greenisland, Setting Sun,

We all as growers seem to like an up high as opposed to the couchlock experience!! I wonder if that is because we are growers, as greenie pointed out, or if we are able to pick a smoke when we want?

Friends of mine here really enjoy a couchlock experience, which I find is OK every now and again, if watching movies, but I like you lot, love nothing better than a peaky up high. I just wish we all lived closer so we could get together and have a smoke!!!!!!

One day..............................

Preaching to choir here! Go Sativa!

At the end of the day, it is Sativa! Currently, I am smoking a BIG, CaliSuperSilverHaze and a Sativa heavy Q1.

The sun is out here, no wind, and the smell of spring is nearly here!

Cali SuperSilverHaze day 66


If memory serves, you will be doing some outdoor growing this year, correct? I am looking forward to reading your summer journal.

Yep an outdoor grow is a gimme!! The CASSH girl and the Q1 are very much the outdoor growers. So too the Bubblegum, and the Ventura Gold. Am looking at a Mid October start realistically here but have got plants under light so I am a bit ahead.
Q1 Plant No. 1 Day 93


Q1 Plant No. 2 Day 62


Posting this to show how the maturity and speed of plant is not directly affected by the age of the plant. The onset and rate has been exactly the same for both plants. Yield will not be as great as off the older, bigger plant, etc..
Day 70

Have started to see about 30% change in pistils colouration. 2 more weeks should see harvest possible.


Q1 Plants No.1 and No.2


Grand Daddy Purple and Bubblegum


Californian Super Silver Haze

I think you are spot on about "growers liking the cerebral highs" It might be because we keep tasting it as we go along and the early stuff we taste, where all the tricomes are still crystal clear" always produces the best highs. I just dried up a bud that is about 4 weeks early and it knocked my socks off!
Thanks CMX,

Am very very impressed with the CASSH. Has left me in no doubt as to her Sativa background (at least 90%). Have found the smoke an intoxicating lemon fresh taste, then almost hashy, as it matures and I take samples to test. Big on flavour too!!!

5 STAR seed and genetics.

Californian Super Silver Haze


Q1 & Bubblegum

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