In The Lab

That's my passion! I very much look forward to the day when we can incorporate cannabis into "retreats." IOW, you make a weeklong appointment with us, we book you into a hotel nearby, and you gather your labs, etc. before coming out here.

Once here, you get a thorough workup with the MD, who reviews everything....and your weeklong transformation begins. Diet, exercise, spinal alignment, massage, medication changes, cannabis etc.

At the end of that week, most people feel dramatically different, are an average of 8 pounds lighter and actually feel like they're able to take control of their lives and health again. Once the stress hormones begin to quiet down and people start burning fat instead of sugar, things begin to happen. It's a dream, most of which is already a reality.....minus a few key pieces.

This is awesome Doc!!!!
Lubed? What kind of retreat xd j/k :) That is awesome doc. Good deal, even massage!
My partner and I just opened an Anti-aging/longevity practice. We treat everything from backache and headache to hormone balance, diet/nutrition, aesthetics, natural blood pressure/cholesterol control, etc. We include chiropractic, massage, yoga, western medicine and all sorts of integrative/alternative medicine.

No cannabis situation is still dicey for anything but writing scripts....but both of us recognize the value of subbing out cannabis for so many prescription drugs.

If you come to us fat, sore and sick....we'll get you lean, lubed and well.

This is awesome doc! It's great to see a doctor with an open mind. I have quite a bit of experience with relatives who suffer from a variety of conditions that could be treated so much more effectively then with traditional medicine. I also find it frightening when we learn 10 or 20 years later what these procedures and drugs are doing to people. My father's lupus was caused by an epilepsy medication he was forced to take when he was a child.

I think every health condition needs to be treated holistically. Someone with diabetes, high blood pressure, or cancer needs a complete lifestyle change not just a medication or surgical procedure.

I hope more doctors approach medicine the same way you do because right now myself and many others don't have a lot of faith in the medical community.

Keep up the great work doc! I'd love to come check out your retreat someday :)
This is awesome doc! It's great to see a doctor with an open mind. I have quite a bit of experience with relatives who suffer from a variety of conditions that could be treated so much more effectively then with traditional medicine. I also find it frightening when we learn 10 or 20 years later what these procedures and drugs are doing to people. My father's lupus was caused by an epilepsy medication he was forced to take when he was a child.

I think every health condition needs to be treated holistically. Someone with diabetes, high blood pressure, or cancer needs a complete lifestyle change not just a medication or surgical procedure.

I hope more doctors approach medicine the same way you do because right now myself and many others don't have a lot of faith in the medical community.

Keep up the great work doc! I'd love to come check out your retreat someday :)

Many of the diseases you mentioned can be easily treated with quality food and NO OTHER CHANGES. Good luck finding quality food unless you know exactly what you're looking for. Much of the food in the supermarket is poisonous.....and I'm not talking about the stuff in boxes and bags...I'm talking about wheat, soy and corn...and the animals that eat GMO feed.
Many of the diseases you mentioned can be easily treated with quality food and NO OTHER CHANGES. Good luck finding quality food unless you know exactly what you're looking for. Much of the food in the supermarket is poisonous.....and I'm not talking about the stuff in boxes and bags...I'm talking about wheat, soy and corn...and the animals that eat GMO feed.

Your preaching to the choir doc ;)

I dream of self sustained living. Would love to produce all our own food. Unfortunately the hamster wheel prevents me from having the time to do that. Hopefully someday that'll change. I hate grocery shopping anymore. I don't even trust the stuff labeled organic anymore lol.

I grow quite a bit of veggies during our short summer but Im not a big fan of vegetables. I've considered getting a juicer to hide the vegetable taste with fruits and to also juice my leaves. Even so I can't legally produce all our food. I doubt our city allows cows or chickens.

I think the main problem is just like you said it's very difficult to find healthy food so for the normal person who just wants to be healthy it's like walking through a mine field.

One other change besides food tho....EXERCISE :)
Many of the diseases you mentioned can be easily treated with quality food and NO OTHER CHANGES. Good luck finding quality food unless you know exactly what you're looking for. Much of the food in the supermarket is poisonous.....and I'm not talking about the stuff in boxes and bags...I'm talking about wheat, soy and corn...and the animals that eat GMO feed.

I'd settle for food that doesn't cause diabetes and heart disease. The general population is so used to gobs of sugar and salt in all their foods that they won't buy good food because it tastes bland. There's no solution for that except to buy fresh food and prepare it yourself. I tried to run a lunch cafe with healthy food - all freshly cut ingrediants, no added salt and sugar - and y'know what? No one cared - not that it didn't taste great, just *shrug* ... "do you have wraps?" The population no longer knows what food is good or bad for them and it makes their heads hurt.

It's depressing, Doc.
Yeah like remember on the biggest loser. They had that fat guy running a half mile on the treadmill then he flipped off the back of it and rolled around on the floor like he was disabled.

Then they put a hotdog tied to a string and he ran 10 miles before going sideways. I was like whoa.. Perfect bait and switch. But it works on anything. You could vent the bathroom through potpourri and the guy on the other end does deep breaths. It's all in the mind. Like obama came here for the drought, everyone thought he was going to open the delta so farmers could get water. Then he flew to saudi arabia and that was the last you heard about it.

Whatever your trying to sell. It has to sit right with the guys on the other end or it fails :thumb: It could be the crappiest product- if it makes someone feel good and they feel like they got a good deal, it has a chance to $$$.

What you needed to do with the lunch shop gray imo- put all that healthy stuff, run it through a greasy corn tortilla. The outer layer is really bad but they get most of the stuff they need in their sheep holes. :) Then you can dance around at night with your wife and have a good business in the day that makes money. I think it's been like this forever- we just have so many more people now days.

Much of the food in the supermarket is poisonous.....and I'm not talking about the stuff in boxes and bags...I'm talking about wheat, soy and corn...and the animals that eat GMO feed.

Your right. I was shocked when I saw my own inlaws buy a bunch of cantaloupes off season. They drove it to the farmers market and sold them as organic for twice the price. Sold them all xd Some guys even came back to the stand and said it was the best cantaloupe they'd ever tasted. You could probably sell jizz as organic mayonnaise and people would buy it.
Im currently working on building a earthbag house on 18.5 acres i recently inherited. 33' round house bermed into the side of a hill about 4 feet on the SSE side. composting toilet and solar panels, chickens, goats and square foot gardening. Next year i will be buying 4 or 5 kits to do an all high brix veg/fruit square foot garden of 3 or 4 4x4 beds. until then right now im using the regular square foot gardening suggested soil mix.(1/3 spag peat moss, 1/3 vermiculite, 1/3 compost) and feeding with AACT.

Self sustaining is something ive been looking to do for quite some time and am about a month in on the house.
Just thought id share what i have going on in relation here.:high-five:

Sorry to barge in Doc, But DUDE!!! I was literally just looking at building a roundhouse! I even looked at those plans you have, in the end i downloaded sketchup and just designed my own, to basically suit me and provide everything you mentioned in your first post. Any chance you have pictures of your build? I would love to see a off topic thread about it if so.

You Freaking Rock Man! Im super jealous.
Sorry to barge in Doc, But DUDE!!! I was literally just looking at building a roundhouse! I even looked at those plans you have, in the end i downloaded sketchup and just designed my own, to basically suit me and provide everything you mentioned in your first post. Any chance you have pictures of your build? I would love to see a off topic thread about it if so.

You Freaking Rock Man! Im super jealous.

I love talking about this stuff too.....but please let's not do it on this journal. Please?
Doc, nicely done! I really like how you've rearranged the sections, adding more description/background on the method, explained the products in more detail, etc. It is succinct and IMHO a much easier read - both to follow and understand.

My only question has to do with the ratio of liquid products to water. In the Drenches section, you say "All drenches are mixed at ½ ounce per 6 plants..." Q: ½ oz with how much h20? 1 Gal?

Further on, under Recipe for Transplant Water you say "1 oz of Transplant per 1 gallon of water." How does this jibe with the above statement of ½ oz (of Transplant, Growth Energy, etc.) per 6 plants?

On the last page under Growth Energy, it refers again to ½ oz per 6 plants. Finally, in the following paragraph, Transplant, you mention using ¼ oz of Transplant "distributed to every plant with each and every watering..." I'm assuming you just mention this as what some growers do to increase oil/resin production. Again, what is the ratio? ¼ oz to 1 Gal H2O?

Given that you've changed some of the formulas from the previous instructions, I didn't want to assume that they're they same in the new ones. Thanks.
Doc, nicely done! I really like how you've rearranged the sections, adding more description/background on the method, explained the products in more detail, etc. It is succinct and IMHO a much easier read - both to follow and understand.

My only question has to do with the ratio of liquid products to water. In the Drenches section, you say "All drenches are mixed at ½ ounce per 6 plants..." Q: ½ oz with how much h20? 1 Gal?

Further on, under Recipe for Transplant Water you say "1 oz of Transplant per 1 gallon of water." How does this jibe with the above statement of ½ oz (of Transplant, Growth Energy, etc.) per 6 plants?

On the last page under Growth Energy, it refers again to ½ oz per 6 plants. Finally, in the following paragraph, Transplant, you mention using ¼ oz of Transplant "distributed to every plant with each and every watering..." I'm assuming you just mention this as what some growers do to increase oil/resin production. Again, what is the ratio? ¼ oz to 1 Gal H2O?

Given that you've changed some of the formulas from the previous instructions, I didn't want to assume that they're they same in the new ones. Thanks.

Transplant Water is something seperate an different to drenches. It has a different recipe and is only used when Tranplanting.

Drenches are used exactly as said, regardless of how much water. 1/2 oz per 6 plants. If you want to make 6 gallons of water, add 1/2 oz and give each plant a gallon....that's fine. If you want to make 12 gallons, add 1/2 oz and give each plant 2 gallons....that's also fine.

The 1/4 oz. Transplant per watering/feeding is something "some growers" are doing. And on ratio. Just even distribute that 1/4 oz to all the plants. So....if you mix up 6 gallons of water and add 1/2 oz. Growth Energy and 1/4 oz. Transplant and give each plant a gallon, etc.

We're all so used to thinking in terms of PPM, EC, etc. It's not that way with this style of growing.
Hey doc love the new instructions....soil is cooking wasn't subbed to.this thread but have read it over 678 times lol now I'm subbbbbbed stay green I'll be in the shadows:goodjob::bong:
Doc is it common for one top to "out perform" all others? I have one of the four that are growing thats way begger than the rest and is there any way to even them out?
Thank you sir :)
Doc is it common for one top to "out perform" all others? I have one of the four that are growing thats way begger than the rest and is there any way to even them out?
Thank you sir :)

I only even them out when one is going to be too tall and grow into the lights. In that event, I supercrop....pinch the stem, crimping it in the direction you want to bend the top, and just bend it right over, nice and slow. A good way to crimp stem is to use a chop stick, or screwdriver on the side of the stem you want to crimp, and use your thumbs on the other and squeeze until the stem buckles then carefully guide the top into the buckle.

Spray with stress after doing this.

This technique re-distributes hormones and can effect bud structure, etc. I only do it if I have no choice....which is rather often.

I'd like to thank you very much for all the information you bring to us here.

I have been a member of 420 since '10, but haven't been around this site for a loong time...shit, what was I thinking? I usually hang out on the Fuck Combustion Forum.

I've been growing off and on for a few decades, but only got back to it continuously about 3 and a half years ago. My grows have been in Coco, using House & Garden nutes. I was sort of satisfied with my grows and had rave reviews from people who got to try my ladies.

However, I have been reading ALL your threads and most of the threads of the people who are now joining in Hi Brix land, and I have to say you have made me a believer. I am finishing up a grow now and unfortunately will not be able to start again until the end of summer.

But, you can count on orders from me for your Kit, as soon as I am ready to get started. :thumb:

Thanks again for your insatiable curiosity in looking for and moving ahead with new ways to grow our favorite plant. I eagerly look forward to continuing to learn from you and others on this great site.


I'd like to thank you very much for all the information you bring to us here.

I have been a member of 420 since '10, but haven't been around this site for a loong time...shit, what was I thinking? I usually hang out on the Fuck Combustion Forum.

I've been growing off and on for a few decades, but only got back to it continuously about 3 and a half years ago. My grows have been in Coco, using House & Garden nutes. I was sort of satisfied with my grows and had rave reviews from people who got to try my ladies.

However, I have been reading ALL your threads and most of the threads of the people who are now joining in Hi Brix land, and I have to say you have made me a believer. I am finishing up a grow now and unfortunately will not be able to start again until the end of summer.

But, you can count on orders from me for your Kit, as soon as I am ready to get started. :thumb:

Thanks again for your insatiable curiosity in looking for and moving ahead with new ways to grow our favorite plant. I eagerly look forward to continuing to learn from you and others on this great site.


Right on bro! High Brix growing will seem like no work at all compared to H and G nutes, phing, and all that. About 1/10 the cost too!
That's the incredible part about it!

You guys are growing probably the best plants around right now and are doing it at a bargain price next to all the high cost hydro nutes.

It will be nice to get back to organic growing. Back to our "roots", so to speak...
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