In The Lab

If you're looking for a strain recommendation, I'd like to see you run something 100% sativa to compare notes.

I was thinking exactly the same thing. Willie Nelson or Colombian Red? But here I am taking this journal off topic. It's my own fault, but I suppose a bit of levity is ok on a purely instructional journal from time to time.

Getting back on topic with regard to High Brix Gardening:
Makes sense thanks. I have some TGA plushberrys started in your kit so I will let you know how they do although I have never had the strain grown normally so not sure how much comparison I will be able to give. I plan on grabbing a pack of landrace kush next time I get seeds so at least I will be able to see how they compare to that eventually.

Mmm sound delicious black cherry soda x space queen. I really want to run that and ace of spades but I have choke beans to plow through as it is as well as my ever expanding list of 'must buy and grow' strains....hope they turn out excellent - ill grab a pack quickly if they like the kit soil.
Doc and others... Just popped my first seeds - jack skellington and southern d'lights. As luck(?) would have it, I've been offered a Cannatonic 4 clone which I'll be picking up tomorrow. I noticed that a LOT of folks have bad luck bringing in outside clones (pests, disease, etc). I thought I've read that someone "dips" their clones (similar to how you wash your buds) to prevent acquiring nasties. Do you have a recommendation for this? Product? Method? Thxs
Doc and others... Just popped my first seeds - jack skellington and southern d'lights. As luck(?) would have it, I've been offered a Cannatonic 4 clone which I'll be picking up tomorrow. I noticed that a LOT of folks have bad luck bringing in outside clones (pests, disease, etc). I thought I've read that someone "dips" their clones (similar to how you wash your buds) to prevent acquiring nasties. Do you have a recommendation for this? Product? Method? Thxs

Many people make a Floramite dip for mites. (could also use Forbid). For PM and other nasties that grow on leaves you could do an Eagle 20 dip as well. The two can be mixed together.

However, unless you KNOW your clone is all messed up and infected with horrible things, a simple pyrethrin based miticide will suffice.

The big guns for mites are Floramite SC, Forbid and Shuttle. Shuttle is my favorite because the mites can't build up a tolerance. These are nasty things that you should ONLY use on new clones. Never spray them on flowering plants....ever.

Eagle 20 or 60 is relatively safe for PM, but the sulfur vaporizer is better and safer.
A Sneak Peak at what is coming.....
Wow, very nice design of the bottles!! Love the Docbud logo too!! its clean, concise and definitely nicely designed!!!
Doc, bottle/labels looking good! Anything on the back of the bottle/label, i.e. instructions for mixing?

Not really. These products aren't used like that. It's best to:

1. Learn about what the products are and what they do
2. Follow directions carefully to gain experience using the products
3. Hang out here talking and exchanging info with other growers using the products.

High Brix growing isn't hard. The more you educate yourself about what you're doing the easier it is...AND the better results you'll have.

Great looking design.

Have you ever considered a measuring type bottle?

I buy 2-cycle oil for my weed whacker and it comes in a similar 16oz bottle, but you can squeeze or tip the bottle and it fills up a built in measuring cup at the top so you only pour out what you need.

It may cost a bit more per bottle, but might be a nice convenience to add.

Great looking design.

Have you ever considered a measuring type bottle?

I buy 2-cycle oil for my weed whacker and it comes in a similar 16oz bottle, but you can squeeze or tip the bottle and it fills up a built in measuring cup at the top so you only pour out what you need.

It may cost a bit more per bottle, but might be a nice convenience to add.

The bottles I use cost 65-85 cents each. The bottles you describe are nearly 2.00 each. Yes, it's very convenient, but people are very price conscious.

There is no packaging system that will please everyone, but lower prices seem to be universally pleasing.
I bought some cheapo kit from the big box pharmacy place. It had a 10ml measuring vial and a dropper - perfect. Dropper exclusively for the aggressive Tea, and the vial for the rest. And it was cheap. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I should mention that everyone should be very careful with the Tea. I cross contaminated my Transplant with a rinsed dropper. Keep the Tea alone.
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