In The Lab

Hi OG, exactly what Duggs said. Also I notice you mentioned

"Already takes a while to fill my jugs with RO water, don't want to add an unnecessary 15 minute "sit" for nothing"

I too use to fill my buckets with RO water and use immediately, but I noticed my plants would lag for a day or more. This was due to the temp of the freshly produced RO water, which was 58-60*F....pretty much halted the biota in the soil for a day or more. Now I stock pile RO water in buckets so I have 4-5 covered black buckets full at all times and most importantly the temps are at ~70-75*F. I am learning that it's all these little things that add up....that are the difference between good and exceptional. I'm shooting for exceptional!


I do this too. I have 3 buckets in rotation. One full one in the GR for a day or so before use and when it's time to water, I drop in the aerator, "plop" in the tea, wait 10 mins, add drench liquids and apply to plants. I draw my RO in my garage and have 2 buckets in there too. I simply fill the one I just emptied as it goes. This also allows me some backup.
Hi OG, exactly what Duggs said. Also I notice you mentioned

"Already takes a while to fill my jugs with RO water, don't want to add an unnecessary 15 minute "sit" for nothing"

I too use to fill my buckets with RO water and use immediately, but I noticed my plants would lag for a day or more. This was due to the temp of the freshly produced RO water, which was 58-60*F....pretty much halted the biota in the soil for a day or more. Now I stock pile RO water in buckets so I have 4-5 covered black buckets full at all times and most importantly the temps are at ~70-75*F. I am learning that it's all these little things that add up....that are the difference between good and exceptional. I'm shooting for exceptional!


Good catch on that!
I do this too. I have 3 buckets in rotation. One full one in the GR for a day or so before use and when it's time to water, I drop in the aerator, "plop" in the tea, wait 10 mins, add drench liquids and apply to plants. I draw my RO in my garage and have 2 buckets in there too. I simply fill the one I just emptied as it goes. This also allows me some backup.

You say you are aerating your tea, this only makes sense to me if you are trying to oxgenate or activate a microbial community.
If this is a good choice, I'd like to know.

Having extra buckets full and ready is great on harvest day too, when you need 3 buckets of water to wash the bud!

I keep extra buckets because some days it takes 8-10 gallons of water to tend to the girls nutritional needs..

I wash my buds in regular water. A touch of chlorine in clean water is not a problem for me when washing.
You say you are aerating your tea, this only makes sense to me if you are trying to oxgenate or activate a microbial community.
If this is a good choice, I'd like to know.

I keep extra buckets because some days it takes 8-10 gallons of water to tend to the girls nutritional needs..

I wash my buds in regular water. A touch of chlorine in clean water is not a problem for me when washing.

There's no need to aerate it as in brewing a compost tea or a worm tea....but giving it a few minutes to "wake up" is a very good idea. I accomplish it by pouring from one bucket to the other several times.
For drenching 1 gal pots. Is using 2 ml of GE and .2 ml of tea mixed up with 1.5 gal of water. I'll let sit and soak for 5 to 10 mins. Does these amounts sound right?

Along the same line, What does everyone do with the extra water that is
left in the bottom of the container when Dunking ? Do you just toss it or do
you poor the remaining in the top ?
Along the same line, What does everyone do with the extra water that is
left in the bottom of the container when Dunking ? Do you just toss it or do
you poor the remaining in the top ?
When we dunk ours, we dump about 16 oz of water on top as it is getting put into the drench and you should see some bubbles in the top of the pot. Let it sit for a few minutes.

When done the extra gets tossed to the house plants or veggies. Usually isn't that much waste.
For drenching 1 gal pots. Is using 2 ml of GE and .2 ml of tea mixed up with 1.5 gal of water. I'll let sit and soak for 5 to 10 mins. Does these amounts sound right?

That is the number I use for bottom soaking one gallon pots. I let them float and soak until the top of the soil is moist.
I use the amount of water it takes to float the pot, so I don't measure, I think it's about 1/2 gallon with my current bucket and pot sizes.


Along the same line, What does everyone do with the extra water that is
left in the bottom of the container when Dunking ? Do you just toss it or do
you poor the remaining in the top ?

My plants are on all different schedules, so I check watering needs first and make a decision on who gets watered first. I water from small pots soaking to large pots top watered - and from from tea only, to tea+1/4 transplant or tea + GE. After soaking in tea only, I refresh the leftover water with the next ingredients and top up my bucket with fresh RO water.

A lot of the time it works out that a tea + GE that I used to bottom soak a small pot gets used as an ingredient for tea + GE to top water a larger pot.

If there is anything left over at the end, I use it for houseplants or pour it down the drain.
For drenching 1 gal pots. Is using 2 ml of GE and .2 ml of tea mixed up with 1.5 gal of water. I'll let sit and soak for 5 to 10 mins. Does these amounts sound right?

1.5 Gal water for a 1 Gal pot sounds like a lot of extra water.
I have been using 12 cups RO (3/4 Gal) for 2 Gal Felt Pot.
1.25 to 1.5 puts the water level up to 3/4's way up the pot.

I'm about to give water+ trans soaking for 1 gal pot, how much trans do you use for that, said 1/4 oz for all plants, I've just been adding 1.5 ml if trans for the dunking

Oh ok that makes sense, it is dependent on the fit of the bucket and pot.

For the 2 gal felt pot I have been using the following mix ratios
I copied from somewhere

I wish I could remember who to thank for the following breakdown. :thanks:


Alright everyone, using several different posts from "DocBuds High Brix Q&A" as well as his "In The Lab" threads I have put together a precise feeding chart that can applied to any number of pots. I took Major PITA's Foliar Spray ratio and expanded on it, those are my best estimates based on how much of the Foliar Spray I have used in the past.

This schedule assumes that you are following DocBuds recommendation of Solo Cup (not necessary) > 1 Gallon Pot > 7 Gallon Pot transplanting. I also made the assumption everyone with the kit has basic horticulture experience... I did not take into account any of DocBud's specialty products (OG Drench / Fungicide), or heavy feeding plants. This entire schedule is adjustable, so if you have a heavy feeder feel free to bump up the ratios a little.

Also keep in mind I did not give recommended water ratios, that is because we are feeding the soil. Mix the amounts of Drenches and Teas I have given with as much water as you need to get about 20% run off.

Anything written in RED has to do with Transplanting and Soil maintenance. Anything in BLACK has to do with feeding.

DRENCH & TEA RATIOS (Compliments of Graytail)

1 GALLON POT >> 0.5 - 1.0 mL DRENCH >> 0.05 - 0.1 mL TEA

7 GALLON POT >> 3.0 - 7.0 mL DRENCH >> 0.3 - 0.7 mL TEA

10 GALLON POT >> 5.0 - 10 mL DRENCH >> 0.5 - 1.0 mL TEA

FOLIAR SPRAY RATIOS (Compliments of Major PITA)

SMALL PLANT >> 1 mL Foliar Spray per 30 mL R.O. Water.

MEDIUM PLANT >> 2 mL Foliar Spray per 60 mL R.O. Water.

LARGE PLANT >> 4 mL Foliar Spray per 120 mL R.O. Water.
Interestingly enough I feel the new direction are really very simple. We feed .5ml- 1ml of Drench per gal of soil to whatever ratio of water we need to feed that soil. Then the tea is really the same. But explained as feeding per gallon of Drench. So I mix 4 gallons of drench for 4 plants in 7 gallon pots. So 28 mls and use 4 ml tea if I feed heavy or anything below if I want to feed light. This how I understand it. If I am incorrect please someone get me on track cause maybe this is an issue I could be having.
The thing that makes it confusing is the need to feed different drenches to different plants at different stages. If you're running a batch of the same plants, then it's very simple - just mix up a bunch of something and feed to them all.

But I run a small perpetual with 7 individual plants at different growth stages, and I need less than a gallon of water per plant, so ... how do I mix that up? :hmmmm: That's when you measure for soil gallons.
The thing that makes it confusing is the need to feed different drenches to different plants at different stages. If you're running a batch of the same plants, then it's very simple - just mix up a bunch of something and feed to them all.

But I run a small perpetual with 7 individual plants at different growth stages, and I need less than a gallon of water per plant, so ... how do I mix that up? :hmmmm: That's when you measure for soil gallons.

Well that would different but not hard. You still measure for soil first. 7 plants all in different containers all on the same cycle. That's how I would do it or at least try but if you have different plant on different drenched then you'd have to get as many plants fed on the same day as possible. At times I will make a plant wait a day so I can feed all at once. I have fed all plants in my flower tent and veg tent on the same days since the beginning. If you look at my veg tent everything is healthy and just waiting for flower. I have 6 in veg, 3 clones and some well trained ladies.

My guess is that feed as many as you can at the same time? You said it gets confusing, maybe I can help. I don't know if I can but I'll try. What part don't confuses you?

Edit: are you saying you just measure for gallons individually? Or are you starting in solo cups?
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