Imtoasted's Journey Of Perpetual Bliss

Growmau5 on the u toob . have a Chinese double 5w chip 1000w (really like 220w lmao) I'm going to do the same I have four drivers in the light and so far four COBs. I want to see if the drivers will run two each and if so I'll order some more COBs. Not that I need to any time soon as I have four other panels and no plants hahaha
Growmau5 on the u toob . have a Chinese double 5w chip 1000w (really like 220w lmao) I'm going to do the same I have four drivers in the light and so far four COBs. I want to see if the drivers will run two each and if so I'll order some more COBs. Not that I need to any time soon as I have four other panels and no plants hahaha

What's with all the hype about CoB lights?
How are they superior to current LED full spectrum technology?
The alternative is leaving the shitty Chinese blurple light in a box until i trash it so why the hell not? Beats using the light as is. I have five panels, two which won't be named here, a mars 300 and a perfect sun mini. Oh and the Chinese crappy blurple light. It's all relative to what I have now and what I can turn it into. It will be better than the fake 1000 water doncha think?
Expensive paper weights. That's what ya get when you buy the first light you see on Amazon without even having a 420 account opened yet haha . but I will turn it into something less shitty .
Why? Because I can!
Dude, you are not fkn lying! Ha!

I bought a (although price was under $80) "300W" Meizhi blurple light on Amazon before joining this forum. True wattage is 130. I then joined this awesome site, found and fell in love with the Perfect Sun Spectrum. The rest was history. Lol
I use tap water but I have 30 gallon res, I keep lid off and bubble with airstone, after days and I mean days it gets to be 50ppm I start at 300ppm
Dude I have a small res and had massive pH spikes when I ran the airstone. Took it out now and the pH still rises but not as fast anymore. No idea what is going on there
The dwarf star is on the way.. it says it will be here friday but i have to sign for it. Hopefully they will come on my lunch break, i would really like to get it setup this weekend. Not sure how that is going to work out lol. Is there some way to request to deliver at a certain time of day with fedex? I couldnt find anything.. ill probably call them tomorrow and find out.
Dude I have a small res and had massive pH spikes when I ran the airstone. Took it out now and the pH still rises but not as fast anymore. No idea what is going on there
Did you bubble it for 24 to 48nhours with no lid?
Happy for ya Toasted!! Dwarf Star is on the way!! Cant wait to see your girls under the great perfect sun spectrum. M thinking of making a cob light out of my old mars 600. I hate how much heat it produces and not to sure bout the spectrum. I have seen where people vuy cobs and then use the drivers heatsink and fans out if the light. I have seen a few tutorials on how to do it. I think that would be the most inexpensive way for me to get a cob light set up.
Growmau5 is the guy for making old Mars panels into cob setups. Will be what I will do if my diodes on the 700w go out
No I just make the batch but don't let it stand. Should I leave it standing for that time before adjusting the pH? Have been having a kick in the nuts with this pH issue
Yes I put plain water in my 30 gallon res bubble it then add nute to 5 gallon buckets as. Needed
Yes I put plain water in my 30 gallon res bubble it then add nute to 5 gallon buckets as. Needed
Then you mix in the 5gal container? Perhaps I should get a bin and let it go for a while before mixing anything
Pat you could be pumping too much co2 into the rez, causing ph problems.
I removed the stone completely now brother so not pumping any co2 in there. I have a 20L container I bought, should I just fill that with water from the tap and let it stand for 24-48hrs then add my nutes? Do you recommend using an airstone for it or can I just keep the lid off?
Its debatable i guess, i usually run a small stone just to agitate the nute solution. If your air pump is too large that could be the issue.
I have a smaller pump but for now I want the airstone out the mix until I know I can have stable pH levels. Think I will get the other bucket. Fill it up and let it stand for a short while with the lid open, only tap water though with no pH adjustment. Then after 1/2 days I will add the nutes and pH it down. Hopefully this will keep my levels between 5.5 and 6.1

Apologies Toasted, don't want to be that dude :rofl:
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