I'm Trying To Grow Pound Plants

Shouldn't ever top dress hydro methods mate. Or indeed put anything in them other than liquid nutes. Just not the way it works because of the requirement for daily watering. Anything you put in it will just muck up something else.
Only exceptions I can think of is root stims and Possibly beneficial bacteria. Never used the latter but sure others do.
PK 13/14 shouldn't burn them at the recommended dose. I've used it a few times. That and scillica are the only things I use at recommended strength. Be something else causing it to build up that's giving the grief.

potassium, i was using full strength canna nutes and i topdressed with a bunch of amendments at the beginning of flower.
a few weeks into flower is when i remember seeing the beginning of the twist, i thought it was fungus gnats damage at the beginning of this journal
oh and also when you mainline a plant i dont know where the top of the plant is versus the bottom either, im doing scrog next grow, i have two options for my next plant, either a super lemon have sativa dom hybrid, or a monster crop of this same plant

oh yeah i had to check though, i squeezed a bud on each plant, both are nice and hard though, so either way i still feel like i will have good nugs

@Barney86 thanks man, some of the stuff you said really made sense to me, im learning still and i like that at least i pushed the limits to see what will and what wont work. i promise i learn thigs quick, growing plants helps my patience as well because you have to learn over an extended time, so im happy either way with the grow
The plant with yellow leaves has some issues or did but a lot of those yellow leaves are showing variegation which is genetic. It's a form of albanism, it will grow a little slower than normal. Most strains that show variegation tend to be more potent for some reason.
The plant with yellow leaves has some issues or did but a lot of those yellow leaves are showing variegation which is genetic. It's a form of albanism, it will grow a little slower than normal. Most strains that show variegation tend to be more potent for some reason.
i know penny, i hear you, but my ph is definitely also off, and what barney is saying makes sense.
i 100% overadded stuff during flower stretch and that is when the weird leaf issues started.
im hoping stress will make her more potent too, she is caked in trichs, they are huge, i can see clumps of them on the stems even lol
Coco is hydro never treat it like soil.

i have been treating it like soil the whole time, im learning though.

its really confusing to a noon like myself the concept of soilless medium, especially when i have had numerous discussions with my local hydro shop guy where i buy my nutes and he first told me its soil and not to believe the stuff on the internet.
last week when i talked with him he told me “not to let it dry out too much, buts its just soil brother”
anyways lesson learned, im going to water everyday at correct ph from here on out and hope i can recover
First rule of grow club: never trust the dude at the hydro store.

Second rule of grow club: never trust the dude at the hydro store.

I actually like one guy at one hydro store near me, but he’s literally the only one ever that I’ve liked. All the others think they’re hot shot and suck at growing. Ask them for pics of their gardens.

Edit: I’ll be a little more fair...All the others ‘Ive encountered” think they’re hot shit and suck at growing.*
First rule of grow club: never trust the dude at the hydro store.

Second rule of grow club: never trust the dude at the hydro store.

I actually like one guy at one hydro store near me, but he’s literally the only one ever that I’ve liked. All the others think they’re hot shot and suck at growing. Ask them for pics of their gardens.

Edit: I’ll be a little more fair...All the others ‘Ive encountered” think they’re hot shit and suck at growing.*

yes i heard that before for sure, guy starts talking and it makes me question everything.
he scoffed when i told them i had a qb lol
Of course, because they don’t sell them. I’ve got a bit of a bone to pick with a lot of those dudes and gals only because it seems to me they talk out of their a$$es (generally in a condescending manner) and don’t actually care if anyone’s stuff gets effed or goes bump in the night - they’ll just sell more useless stuff to “fix” it. It’s why I try to be very prescriptive/ descriptive if and when I give advice, and have also grown to be skeptical when I receive it.

Best advice I can give you is do your own research, a lot of it, and always look at people’s photos. If you wouldn’t be stoked on their plants and weed, be polite and friendly, but don’t listed to anything they have to say about growing.
so my canopy on both plants was way too dense.
the white rhino plant was almost a single bud because it was so crowded.
there were a number of smallish branches that were growing up into the canopy.
they were yellowish, and the pistils were still white, but kinda grey.
one of the stems on the rhino split right off when i was trying to spread her.
is this bud mold/rot? i am an idiot and shouldve defoliated more during stretch but didnt.
so i cut off about 15 smallish branches, the buds were not much developed and the stems were kind of “soft”
stuffing the tent was a bad idea, now i know though.
i dont see any fuzzy type of growth anywhere, but i do notice a lack of smell from these branches.
all the branches that were discolored and smellless were all touching each other, im assuming it was the start of mold and i just caught it on time.
its been extremely rainy this week and humidity inside my house itself was ranging around 50% and it was very hot for this time of year.
is this mold or were these branches just dieing off from lack of light?
i do know from now on i must make sure to keep the canopy more spread regardless of effect on yield, and i hope the reat of the flowers arent screwed as well, if i see this start to affect the top buds might just have to chop early which sucks

on the bright side my early miss plant is starting to bud and is ready anytime for the tent, the canopy is much more spread and is much better looking in a damn 2 gallon pot than the stupid 10 gallon smart pot
well i dont know wtf is wrong with the plants.
i cut off quite a few branches on the underside of the canopy that was stifiling air circulation in the tent and angles the fans alittle better and am hoping it helped what i could.
plants are light burned or nute burned or an effect of both the top leaves are crispy, dont know how that will affect the plants but raised the light. probably the combination of the added led bar but whatever seems better raised higher


couple of the tops are huge, almost like a soda can. will suck if they are all molded
Day 34 flower 109 from seed ( week 7 starts tomorrow)

not gonna get a lb i can already tell but after the little mold scare or whatever im just praying i can harvest everything in the tent no hitch

starting to feed the last stage of the feed schedule which is just tap water, canna boost and cannazyme for the next couple weeks to get a fade hopefully.
who knows what will happen

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