SmokeLake Growing Hard

This growing season is over I suffered some serious loss due to mold but still have several pounds of weed for my efforts. Totals to be determined just need time to weight it all up still trimming some damn I hate trimming after the first few pounds it gets tedious as hell.
Happy 420!!
5 back yard plants with a huge battle against mold I still managed to harvest about 6 lbs of very smokable bud.
34oz of GrandpaStash
28oz of PeenutButterBreath
20oz of TrainWreak
16oz of Papaya
Of these 3 I will not be growing Papaya or PBB again. TW and GS I enjoy but I think can definitely be improved upon next year with new strains.
Tent is flowering
Bought a scrogg mesh and things look far more stable than some of my previous grows



3 psychonaught 1 critical and 1 TangieCookies
All 3 are favourites of mine.
Update the scrogg is working well Ive had a bit of PM but Ive kept it a bay with regular treatment of 1-2% solution of citric acid in water with 5drops of dish soap per liter. I spray the solution on early in the light cycle so that they dry out before dark cycle. They are about 6-7weeks since flip to 12/12 I expect to start harvesting in the next couple weeks.
Happy 420!!


Update the scrogg is working well Ive had a bit of PM but Ive kept it a bay with regular treatment of 1-2% solution of citric acid in water with 5drops of dish soap per liter. I spray the solution on early in the light cycle so that they dry out before dark cycle. They are about 6-7weeks since flip to 12/12 I expect to start harvesting in the next couple weeks.
Happy 420!!


Those girls are coming along great.
And nice out door harvest. I dont even know what i would do with 6lbs
Those girls are coming along great.
And nice out door harvest. I dont even know what i would do with 6lbs

I can tell you what you do with a 6lb harvest. You trim and trim and trim!
I have a trimpro table when I cut branches off they get initial trim on trimpro then wash and hung in garage. Next step about a week later I cut buds from stalks and clean up remaining stray branches and leaves and put buds into 5gal bucket for burping. I find far easier to dump 1 bucket onto cardboard for few hours if its to damp yet or simply burping and mixing it up daily if its curing well than using bags or jars.
Thankyou for posting
Happy 420!!
I can tell you what you do with a 6lb harvest. You trim and trim and trim!
I have a trimpro table when I cut branches off they get initial trim on trimpro then wash and hung in garage. Next step about a week later I cut buds from stalks and clean up remaining stray branches and leaves and put buds into 5gal bucket for burping. I find far easier to dump 1 bucket onto cardboard for few hours if its to damp yet or simply burping and mixing it up daily if its curing well than using bags or jars.
Thankyou for posting
Happy 420!!
And trim and trim and trim :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Summer outdoor varieties have been chosen.
Black Cherry Punch
Cheese Breath
With the possibility of replacing PinkKush with a different PeenutButterBreath than last years. I also have an urge to grow TropicannaBanana again or something with a similar buzz as Ive enjoyed and still enjoy TB from 2020 Harvest.
Im hoping TropicTruffle will have a sativa buzz to it since it shares the TropicannaCookies lineage which would be another variety Id like to grow.


Summer 2022 will be an interesting one and powdery mildew will be my arch nemesis Im sure!
Happy 420!!
Ive been struggling a bit with cloning and Im hoping this will stack the odds more in my favour. If I want 1 clone I cut 4 and often end up with 2 about 50% success rate. Ive read some articles and a thread here on 420Forum convinced me this is the right unit to start with. Oxyclone cloner is simple and if the pumps fail will function quite well with simply a couple air stones.



I will be cutting clones to put in it today more pics to follow.
If all goes well I want my next step to be indoor dwc in my tent.
Happy 420
I cut these clones about 2 hours ago they wilted immediately after being placed in the cloner. I cut the clones as per instructions and covered the cut and lightly scraped stem with Foop Clone Gel. They are starting to stand back up I know my rh is low temps are 67F in the room and 68F on top of the cloner so far so good. I expect tomorrow they should be standing up if they aren’t I will consider figuring out a way to incorporate a humidity dome over top and lightly mist them.
My humidity dome fear has been for nothing. After a bit of research last night I see where I could improve however the girls are standing proud and happy this morning.

One of the articles I read mentioned putting cuts directly into water for 15 mins before cutting stem on a 45 and applying rooting gel. This along with misting the leaves a short time before cutting clones would minimize the shock and possibly eliminate the initial droop.
The beautiful part about this setup now is I dont need to do anything but wait next post will show some roots!
Happy 420!!
Looks good @SmokeLake I have a dwc cloner that I am still playing around with. Nice to know that the dome may not be needed. I left the dome on my last batch a bit too long and a few of the clones molded.
Happy Growing.
I need to get myself one of those. They look amazing. Great job

So far so good I read a lot of how to build your own articles and in the end I chose store bought the unit is very simple and the price was reasonable. Theres a thread here about somone who grew out a cloner full and flowered them I will post a link Im not going to go that route but it makes dwc seem so simple Im going to start gathering components to try a dwc tent run.
Thank you for commenting!
Happy 420!!
Looks good @SmokeLake I have a dwc cloner that I am still playing around with. Nice to know that the dome may not be needed. I left the dome on my last batch a bit too long and a few of the clones molded.
Happy Growing.

Thank you
The dome is definitely not needed for aeroponic or dwc style cloners I found several reasons why and mold was a huge factor! Some ppl found misting a few times a day helpful in warmer drier climates. The dome is critical for other styles of cloning such as peat pucks or rockwool which is how I had been making and killing clones. I will keep this experiment updated as the roots form.
Thanks for commenting!
Happy 420!!
So far so good I read a lot of how to build your own articles and in the end I chose store bought the unit is very simple and the price was reasonable. Theres a thread here about somone who grew out a cloner full and flowered them I will post a link Im not going to go that route but it makes dwc seem so simple Im going to start gathering components to try a dwc tent run.
Thank you for commenting!
Happy 420!!
Nice. Ill be watching
Here is the link to the grow using a cloner

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