Icemud's Breeding Projects And Motherchucking Pollination Extravaganza

Leave it to a couple loadies to have, like, knowledge and stuff, huh? :nerd-with-glasses: Go figure.

It's really refreshing to see someone who did the same thing I did - checked it out. No agenda, no opinion - just evidence. Did you run across T-cell and B-cell defenses? How 'bout the cycle threshold values for Covid tests vs other viruses? :laughtwo: That's a sneaky one. Sure, you might want a little more sensitivity for a novel pathogen, but another 10+ cycles?? Sheesh, that's gonna pick up fragments and dead strings, etc. Can't "spread" a non-functional piece of virus.

I'm still trying to understand the good part of it all. How did all of this make our future better? Why would it have been worse if they'd just played it straight?

Loadies rule! :headbanger:
Yea I've been going deep on research on this and none of it makes sense....other than a globalist agenda to push social credit scores, compliance and socialism and to remove all "conspiracy theorists" from positions of importance. This was a combined collusion of big governments, big tech, big pharma, and globalists..... and anyone who questioned it, or thought outside of the box has been canceled, banned, silenced and threatened... Its crazy is an understatement.

Yep, the PCR tests have been a fraud since they started being used. I think originally they were doing up to 70 cycle counts to detect the rona, which pretty much anything at that high of cycle counts will test positive... then under the silence of night, all of a sudden they announce quietly the PCR tests couldn't determine between a cold/flu and rona... go figure why all of a sudden the flu disappeared in 2020 and 2021 and was "reclassified" as rona. Even the inventor of the PCR tests came out and said the technology is insufficient to test for rona and all the social media companies like fakebook and IG banned the video... couldn't believe what I was seeing. This is why all though 2020, the focus was ONLY on postive cases, but nobody wanted to look at the deaths... and when they did, it showed it was a 99.995% recovery rate. Even if you look at annual USA deaths from year to year, they generally go up by a slight ratio year to year, and in 2020, there was no "sudden increase" in fact the ratio was exactly the same as every year prior meaning no more people died in 2020 than 2019, or 18 or...

Then you look at the hospitals themselves and how they were classifying "positive cases" and that anyone who went to the hospital was tested, and if they tested positive, they were labeled a covid patient... even if you had a broken arm, but went to the hospital, you were considered a covid patient to inflate the numbers.... Well come to find out that hospitals have numerous financial incentives for "rona" patients.. they get money if you test positive, they get additional money if you are hospitalized WITH "rona", they get extra money if you are given remdesivir, and even more money if you are put on a ventilator. Then the news 24/7 was only showing the huge covid cases rates and making everyone fear for their lives.....

Schools are also getting financial incentives in the millions of dollars for strapping kids with face muzzles all day and adhearing to the rona protocol. This is why they aren't following real science, as they would have dropped the mandates a year or more ago... they are in it for the money... plain and simple, and fear that has been programmed into people.

Every aspect of this has been a scam and its sickening that probably only 30% of Americans even realize the truth of the matter.

The "jab" is entirely another topic.... so much to address.... FIrst off, its not even a vaccine, its a experiemental gene therapy drug which DOES alter DNA, dispite what the propaganda promises. It does NOT prevent "rona", It does NOT prevent transmission, and now research is showing that its actually creating a Negative immune response making people MORE susceptable to getting it than unvaxed people. Whats absolutely crazy is both the CDC and WHO changed the definition of "vaccine" on their website, I think around august or september of 2020 and removed the word "immunity" from the definition, so that the word vaccine now fit the narrative of these "jabs" that didn't work... The definition has been the same for like 20 years or more, and all of a sudden they both changed it??? WTF!

another LIE is that the Pfizer one was FDA approved.... It wasn't... and is still under Emergency Use Authorization... what they did was they created a new brand Comirnaty, which IS FDA approved, but they bypassed the regular vaccine approval and went under a biological approval. Even worse, is that Comirnaty is not even available for distribution in the US..... only the pfizerNbiotech one... The difference is liability... under EUA, there is zero liability that people can claim in case of injury....

Even more shady is the new Moderna "jab" just received approval, and they used data ending in march 2021 to pass it, and claim that it has a 93 percent efficacy,..... before delta, before omnicron... which both have mutated beyond the point of the "jab" being effective, so now the jabs are about 10 percent or less effective after just a couple months.

Neither of the "jabs" were tested in pregnant women, in lactating women, for mens fertility, for genotoxicity, for genetic mutations, and nobody is being informed of this, despite this information being right on the FAQ for doctors and patients. The VAERS database now is up to I think over 20k deaths from the jab, and over 100k injuries from the jab, which is more than ALL vaccines combined over the last 20 years, and this information gets discredited, shunned and banned, even though all VAERS entries are held by the penalty of perjury, as well as verified by medical professionals (Many times entered by medical professionals). I've seen hundreds of videos of people with life threatening injuries, tremors and neuological function disorders after taking them where no longer they are normal, hundreds of european soccer players and athletes have been dropping dead on the field and not a word from the news media about it. Myocarditis and heart inflammation has been reported in record numbers following the booster shots and not a single entity will even investigate or stop the injections. And we have NO idea how this will effect future unborn generations, especially because of the lipids conglomerating in womans ovaries within the body. Whats even more odd, is that both Moderna and Pfizer have been developing new AIDs vaccines and medications for heart inflammation... very very shady as its almost like they created the problem, to sell the cure.

If they would have payed attention to the 20+ years of research on coronavirus vaccines, EVERY single one has either failed within months because of low efficacy, or were ineffective, or were dangerous... or were leaky, causing mutations and variants. An example of this was for chickens and Mereks disease. Another example was back in the 80s with cows in Europe and pfizer developed a vaccine that was causing birth defects and haemorages in the calfs, so germany banned it, and the company continued to sell the vaccine outside of germany... so scandalous.

If they would have been paying attention to Israel, they would realize we are about 6 months behind their response and could have learned from their mistakes, but i know for almost certain its not about the science, its about money, power and control. Israel is on their 4th boosters and they are having more positive cases than ever..... and now I am reading that the boosters are causing VAIDs which is a complete breakdown of the immune system responses which also has been known for many many years with vaccines against the rona...

What really sucks is this has created people like me, to be treated as 2nd class citizens. I refuse to take an experimental drug that alters my DNA and doesn't work, I refuse to "show my papers" to participate in life... but I've also been without a job in over 2 years, and most companies are requiring proof of "labrat" in order to get hired, which defeats all logic entirely. I'm hoping to find a small company locally that I can get hired at, but its just crazy how people who actually educated themselves and refused the jab are now treated like we are the disease...

Even the inventor of mRNA technology has come out and risked his medical license and profession coming out against the vaccine and warning of the dangers, and big tech, government and media is refusing to allow his information to come out. I mean this is one of the most credible people to talk about it being silenced and shunned. Its truly frightening what is happening.

All I can hope for at this point is the Neuremberg Trials 2.0 and all those who were treasonous participating in this crime against humanity are dealt with at maximum penalty which I will refrain from saying here but I think we know what I mean.

Its sickening and people need to wake up to the reality, and stop believing all the propaganda..

IF anyone wants to know the real truth about the lies, the vax, the tests, and real experts talking about it.. this video is 5 hours long, but features some of the highest position doctors and professionals sharing real data... not the phony Dr Fauci's...
I had the worst "cold" of my life in Dec of 2019, with the same symptoms as Covid. Full gurgling pneumonia, pulled muscles from coughing, fever and chills, no sense of taste. Since then, I rarely wore a mask, never took a vaccine, and I caught some mild sniffling and coughing when Delta went through here. I would have to assume that I'm immune now.

So, it's been especially weird for me, everyone all freaked out. I've smoked cigs and pot for over 50 years. You'd think I'd have had some issues. But I'm skinny and I began taking a full dose of balanced vitamins back in 1980 after thoroughly researching the benefits. So, maybe that helped. 90% of deaths have been in my age group, over 60.

I still remember the first time I got scowled at by a masked mom and her masked kids in the grocery store. Huh? Shortly after that, we had to mask up and I had to comply to buy groceries for several months. 'Cause I'm gonna infect somebody if I don't? Really? I'm the old guy who dies from it, not some mommy and especially not her kids. If I'm still alive, I'm the actual guy you can be safe around, y'know?

It's hard to put up with being scowled at by dolts. Been a long 2 years. *sigh*

Sorry to egg you on, Ice. :cheesygrinsmiley: It's just nice to chat with a knowledgeable rational person. There are some here and there - getting to be more all the time.
I had the worst "cold" of my life in Dec of 2019, with the same symptoms as Covid. Full gurgling pneumonia, pulled muscles from coughing, fever and chills, no sense of taste. Since then, I rarely wore a mask, never took a vaccine, and I caught some mild sniffling and coughing when Delta went through here. I would have to assume that I'm immune now.

So, it's been especially weird for me, everyone all freaked out. I've smoked cigs and pot for over 50 years. You'd think I'd have had some issues. But I'm skinny and I began taking a full dose of balanced vitamins back in 1980 after thoroughly researching the benefits. So, maybe that helped. 90% of deaths have been in my age group, over 60.

I still remember the first time I got scowled at by a masked mom and her masked kids in the grocery store. Huh? Shortly after that, we had to mask up and I had to comply to buy groceries for several months. 'Cause I'm gonna infect somebody if I don't? Really? I'm the old guy who dies from it, not some mommy and especially not her kids. If I'm still alive, I'm the actual guy you can be safe around, y'know?

It's hard to put up with being scowled at by dolts. Been a long 2 years. *sigh*

Sorry to egg you on, Ice. :cheesygrinsmiley: It's just nice to chat with a knowledgeable rational person. There are some here and there - getting to be more all the time.
Same, Right after the 2019 holidays when I traveled back to the midwest I got back to cali and got one of the worst sicknesses I've had in a long long time. I rarely get sick, and if I do its a day of feeling bad and back to normal, but this one was different. I was working from home at the time and it was so bad I had to call in to my boss, and tell him I couldn't even get off the couch. It was 3-4 days of sleeping nonstop, chills, fevers, zero energy, muscle aches which then turned into a cough.... I'm almost certain that it was the rona, even though it wasn't even in the US "supposedly: until Feb or March I think, however I do remember reading that they went back and studied peoples blood that was donated and saw that it was in the US as early as october 2019. After I healed I had months of breathing issues which felt like I wasn't getting enough oxygen in my body and awkward heart beating feelings. Mostly its all gone now but occasionally I still feel that light headed feeling or will wake up feeling really odd like my breathing was off or something..... also felt the same when the delta came around, had a bout with a few days I was zapped of all my energy, very very slight fever but nothing bad at that point... Very odd to say the least. Since then I've been taking my vitamin regiment including quecertin, zinc, d3, multivitamin and added L-lysine which showed promise in studies preventing the ACE2 receptors from allowing the virus to replicate. I definitely believe that the virus is real, just the severity that was broadcasted was questionable and the fear, the mandates, the overboard measures of control is what I'm against, and the lies..

I've never taken a test though, I would like to have a serology test done to see if I really have antibodies or not. Ive also read a few different research papers that show that the common cold (which also is a coronavirus) also give you protection against "rona" and most research shows natural immunity is far better, longer lasting and has more efficacy than any "jab".

I smoked for over 20 years, but finally quit 5 years ago and I'm happy I did, I definitely was wayy overweight as of the last 2 years so I definitely was very cautious at first until the data started coming out, and I started putting 2 and 2 together. Since then, I haven't worn a mask in over a year (other than on a flight to the midwest because its required and unfortunatly I don't have a choice there) but other than that I haven't gotten sick. I've picked up my exercise as of lately just because I'm way overweight and I would like up my chances of living long and my body can used a nice ligher load to carry.

Now that I dont wear my mask in stores, I've actually empowered a few people to take theres off as well. There was one instance where I passed by a woman who was wearing one, I wasn't in the grocery store. She gave me kind of a odd look, almost like she felt bad she had hers on and didn't know she didn't have to wear it. I turn down a few aisles and next time I bump into her a few aisles over, she had no mask on, and she looked at me and smiled... It was one of the most beautiful smiles i've seen in a long time, almost like she was saying thank you for giving me courage. Truly was an amazing moment that I empowered her to stand up. Luckily the area in California I am in, is a conservative county, so most stores really haven't been to controlling, and its about 50/50 with people wearing them, but I am seeing less and less.

I'm glad we were able to share some shared beliefs Graytail because its lonely thinking rationally sometimes... LOL It really goes to show as a society though, we are in trouble.... as media, social media and brainwashing is at an all time high.... I think it all started changing when companies like google started hiring military intelligence officers to work with them on projects on how to manipulate people through media, with things like project jigsaw. I know its been going on for a long time, from back in the 50s with the (3 letter agencies here and overseas with the KGB) and progressed from there. Then became operation mockingbird in the late 60s and 70s and is still happening today. AI and machine learning is getting pretty frightening to be honest, and all those movies of the past like Terminator and books like 1984, Brave New world and similar become more real everyday. I believe its all part of the agenda 2030 and 2050 that the world economic forum and other "elite" groups have been planing.... the only resistance to it is free will, rational thinking and morality which seem to fade each day with the setting sun.....
OK, so I guess I should probably update my journal with actual cannabis now... LOL, sorry for venturing off path, but that topic is one that I have been extensively researching for the past 2 years and trying to spread truth to people, so I had quite a bit to fill in with.. lol, so back to your regular scheduled program :)

So today marks Day 23 of flowering (from the flip to 12/12) in my DJ Short Blueberry F4 seed project. If you are just tuning in, I am using 3 males, 4 females plus a bunch of my "mother strains" and letting pollen fly! pollenchucking if you will!

So the pollen is really dumping out of the 3 males at this time. Last night I put on my 3 ply rona mask just to try to block some of the pollen, shook the plants and I must have inhaled a ton of pollen. It was thick in the tent as I shook the plants and a dense heavy fog covered everything.... I have become very allergic to the pollen and so right aftewards I jumped in the shower, flushed my nose and spend the next 20 minutes sneezing followed by my lungs and throat burning, itching and coughing until my chest hurt.. NOT fun at all. I need to find a better way to safely spread the pollen without inhaling it. I might have to get one of those painters respirators and some goggles or something because its bad...

Anyhow, I shook all 3 males over all of the plants and quickly sealed the tent back up. All of the plants are showing that they have received the pollen by the white hairs turning amber and shriveling up, as well as some of my "horny plants" like my black cherry soda are already producing large seeds which are very visible (that strain is my slut) LOL.

Anyhow I did spray the plants down 2 days prior with some water and light nutrients to wash some of the pollen off the leaves. I've noticed from past grows if the pollen is thick and left on the leaves, they seem to not like it much and the leaves get all wilty and in bad condition, so I washed them off and will probably do the same in a few days before I shake the males 1 or 2 more times.

So my Select pheno A-3 that has the blueberry terps is the tallest, and has amazing structure, lots of lower node bud growth and is doing quite well and showing lots of seed formations. Not much in the trichome department yet, but I have already run this one and she will definitely get coated in later flowering.

The frostiest pheno is #2, which has a more afghani leaf type look. I did a quick bud rub just to get an idea of the terps and its still too early to tell what they will be, but it was a sweet berry type smell which was nice. I kind of wish I would have cloned this one, just because it is showing so much frost early off, but I guess I can always reveg it later after harvest if it ends up being good.

The other 2 phenos are developing normally, nothing sticking out though in terms of anything special at this time but it is still very early in flowering.

The aloha white widow x white shark is also looking nice, however it still too early to really get a good smell off her yet and trichome development is still very early.

Other than that all of the plants are happy, showing nice flower formation and showing signs of receiving the pollen.
Searched for sour bubble and landed here!

Let’s get to reading
Hey CARE giver! Welcome to my journal... Its kind of an ongoing "pollen chucking" journal where I have been using multiple males (if possible) of different strains to open pollenate and make BX crosses as well as new hybrids...

The 2 Sour Bubble x Kosher Kush seeds I popped never cracked so I am going to probably try 1 more to see if I can get one to crack. My next project I am trying to make a Gas/Fuel terps project so focusing on mostly kushes, cookies and related strains for the males. Hopefully I can get a male out of the Alien Antifreeze that I popped (3 seeds) or the GMO x Frozen Margy, but going to pop an extra seeds of a random Sour Bubble x Kosher kush to see what happens, if they germ.

Welcome to my journal and I appreciate you stopping by! I don't update very frequently, maybe once ever 2-3 weeks or when something big happens like a harvest or new project, but feel free to comment, ask questions whenever and I check it about 1x per week.
...Ice does a lot of interesting and exciting landed in a good place...enjoy...cheerz... :high-five: ...h00k... :hookah: ...
Thank you Dr. Hook! mighty kind of you to extend the warm welcome and for the kind words :)
Hey Everyone, Quick update on the DJ Short Blueberry F4 open pollination.

Today makes Day 38 of flowering (from the flip) and the plants are looking amazing and smelling really good. I am super impressed with this F4 line of blueberry, all of the plants have a ton of trichomes forming already for half way through flower, the buds are really starting to bulk up, and the terpenes on all phenos are very very strong, although not all blueberry

The single random "White Tiger" which is Aloha White widow x White Shark Is not super impressive, as the buds are really small, tricome production is not all that good, and the terpenes smell like skunky armpits but not overwhelmingly strong, so I actually culled the clone that I had taken as I don't want to run this particular pheno in a 2nd project. I have more seeds that I may eventually do a pollenation project with, but its not high on my agenda, so well see. Hopefully in the finishing stretch it proves me wrong.

My Deep Chunk x GDP is also not doing too good this run, as it takes after the GDP a lot and really does not like to be topped, does not like to be watered often, and grows extremely slow..... but the terpenes are outstandingly strong and delicious so I'm hoping the blueberry really amps up the bud size, and frost as well as speeds up the growth.. only time will tell.

Well not much else to report on now, so here are photos of the girls on day 38 flowering.

Full blueberry pic (except closed plant which is the white tiger)

Blueberry Pheno A3

Blueberry Pheno 1

Blueberry pheno 2

Blueberry pheno 4

White Tiger

GDP x Deep Chunk

Chocolate Thai F5 (#5 select pheno)
Very Quick update....

So the other day I culled the clone of White Tiger as well as the Blueberry pheno 4, as I won't be using them in upcoming projects. In their place I popped the remaining Roasted Garlic Margie (GMO x Frozen Margy) by Cannarado which are regulars, so now I have 3, and I had one space to pop another seed. So I decided to give Kosher Kush x Sour Bubble another try. The good news is, both seeds cracked within 24 hours in water, and the taproot showed, so they are now in soil for 2 days as of this post.

No sprouts yet, but I'm sure in a day or 2 I should see them popping through. I really hope to get a male for the gas project. Although I wanted to do a flower run, if I get a male, then I will just do the gas terp project and then its out of the way. I've been wanting to do a Kush/cookies/chem type project as most of my previous have been more rare and old school genetics, so happy that I have this underway and we will see what time brings.

Have a great weekend everyone!
Leave it to a couple loadies to have, like, knowledge and stuff, huh? :nerd-with-glasses: Go figure.

It's really refreshing to see someone who did the same thing I did - checked it out. No agenda, no opinion - just evidence. Did you run across T-cell and B-cell defenses? How 'bout the cycle threshold values for Covid tests vs other viruses? :laughtwo: That's a sneaky one. Sure, you might want a little more sensitivity for a novel pathogen, but another 10+ cycles?? Sheesh, that's gonna pick up fragments and dead strings, etc. Can't "spread" a non-functional piece of virus.

I'm still trying to understand the good part of it all. How did all of this make our future better? Why would it have been worse if they'd just played it straight?

Loadies rule! :headbanger:
They wanted you to comply…:circle-of-love:
Hey everyone!!! Getting close to harvesting these DJ Short Blueberry F4's and the seed project is near complete. We are on day 65 flowering (from the flip) and things are looking pretty good. I screwed up a few weeks ago and did some "experimenting" on nutrients, which actually really was a bad idea, so a lot of dead fan leaves were the result, as well as I killed my GG4.... I don't think its seed will be viable but only time will tell.

All of the rest of the plants had definitely taken damage from the change in nutrients I gave them, but all of them will survive and the seeds will be fine.

Not much else to report on as of now, so here are the pics :) enjoy!!!

Also please don't mind all the dead leaves... i've gotten kind of lazy with my growing and its rare that I remove all the dead leaves from my grows when making seeds so its not the most picturesque shots.

Hey Everyone!!!! So after a long and successful DJ Short Blueberry Project, Here is the final results and harvest:

But first, lets start with my "breeder notes" on this project:

DJ Short Blueberry F4 Breeding Project:

Seed Source:
These were from (A well known breeders) private collection. He said they were labeled as DJ Short Blueberry F4. I worked a trade with this breeder that he would gift me the DJ Short Blueberry F4's, if I send him back beans of the best phenotype cross I make... which is an awesome deal for both of us :)

Seeds Germinated: on September 13, 2021, I popped 6 DJ short blueberry seeds into a double shotglass and put them on my stove pilot light for warmth. Within 24 hours, 3 seeds cracked and were put into soil. The other 3 took a little scraping with my knife to get them to open, and all 6 eventually popped within 3 days and were put in soil.

I also popped a single Aloha White Widow x White Shark (hazemans White Tiger) a few days later, and it cracked within 24 hours and was put in soil.

As of Sept 24th, 3 of the blueberrys are popped and already growing nicely. 1 blueberry is just showing signs of popping out, and 2 others haven’t popped yet. The AWW has not popped yet either. It may be due to the soil (happy frog) which is fairly hot. I may have to pop more in a couple days in peat pods instead.


All of the plants are different looking in terms of leaves, leaf shape and size. Most of the plants share a similar height, except pheno 1 which is the shortest, and pheno 4 which is the tallest with most spaced internodes. Very easy to grow plants, none really showing any signs of deficiency or other issues. Very simple to grow plant.

Flowering: flipped to 12/12 on 1-24-2022. 3 males, 4 females.

Harvested the week of April 4, and deseeded the following week.

Pheno A-3: This phenotype was saved and revegged from a previous grow, in which I accidently popped 3 DJ short blueberry seeds in my chocolate thai project. I got 1 male, 2 females. A1 and A3 were the females. A3 had amazing blueberry waffle syrup terpenes so it was definitely a keeper. The buds were frosty, nice plant structure and overall the buds were good. A1, which I did not keep actually was frostier and had better bud structure, but it did not have hardly any terps, and only after drying had some blueberry terps. I kept A3 since blueberry flavor was what makes this strain such a classic. I most likely will take a clone of the revegged blueberry for the project, so it is same age as the other plants, and to prevent problems.

MID FLOWERING: This plant is absolutely amazing for its stacking of budsites and structure. The trichome production is about a 8.5 out of 10, Buds are still forming and very large. Not as much density as the others at this stage in flowering so might be slightly later flowering. TERPENES are a strong BLUEBERRY with a cheesecake sweet richness to them.

Harvest: This pheno was not as dense as the other phenos, but was still dense. The trichome development was probably a 7 out of 10, Terpenes were very strong at around a 8 out of 10 and smelled like blueberry waffels/syrup with a hint of citrus cheese. Very very desirable. This is the select pheno for future breeding as the plant structure was nice. This pheno produced a ton of seeds.

Pheno 1 (FEMALE) VEG: Later veg, no definitive sexing yet (dec 20th). This is the SHORTEST (runt) of all phenotypes. It is about ½ the size of all of the other plants by far. Very tight internodes, very indica like structure and growth speed, and leaves are more fatter blade indica type look to them. Smell on a stem rub is mild in terps, not very pungent but kind of sulfur skunky smelling.

Mid flowering: Still the SHORTEST pheno, most INDICA DOM look to the leaves, bud structure and height. Very nice plant, stable structure, good bud stacking. Trichome production is 8 out of 10. Terpenes on bud rub smell like FRESH BLUEBERRY TERPS.

Harvest: This phenotype has extremely dense buds! Very very frosty, sticky and hard to break up. Very little seed production though and hard to find 1 or 2 seeds per main bud. Terpenes on this pheno are a 7 out of 10 for strength, and smells like fresh blueberry terps with a hint of cheese and citrus, but mostly fresh blueberries. This pheno is definitely one that would be good for future breeding or consumption. Overall I would give this pheno a 8 out of 10.

Pheno 2 (FEMALE) VEG: this phenotype is 2nd TALLEST. This phenos leaves look very unique compared to the rest. The leaves almost look like the Christmas bud I grew, very afghani looking, fatter, short blades and the veins in the leaves are very defined and different colored. Nice looking leaves. On a stem rub, the smell is quite strong, probably a 7 out of 10. The smell is more of a sweeter, hashy, sulfur skunk with some other spices and sweeness to it. Hard to tell if this is a male or female yet. Leaves definitely look more indica, but the structure is taller and lanky. Not much underbranching.

Flowering: Day 23 flowering, this phenotype has much more trichomes than the other female phenotypes. A quick bud rub shows sweet terps with berry hints but not easy to distinguish what smell yet. Frostiest by far. TRICHOME FORMATION 9 OUT OF 10. TERPENES BLUEBERRY MIXED WITH A SOUR CITRUS SMELL.

Harvest: This pheno was the FROSTIEST and was absolutely coated in trichomes. 10 out of 10 for trichome production. The terpene strength on this pheno was a 9 out of 10 and very very strong. The terpenes smelled like a 50/50 blend of SOUR CITRUS and BLUEBERRY. The yield was good. Overall this is a great pheno for future breeding but does not have the pure blueberry and more of a citrus/blueberry but all other attributes are top tier. Poor seed production. Probably got 30 seeds total.

Pheno 3 MALE, This pheno is average height and same height as 4 of the other phenotypes. The leaves on this seem to be about a 50/50 hybrid type look. Branching is actually quite good on the underbrush, and plant health seems to be great. Not much smell on a stem rub at all, very weak 4 of 10 smell and kind of a general hash, weed smell.

Pheno 4 (FEMALE) VEG: This pheno was one of the 1st to show its sex in veg. The leaves on this pheno have a PURPLE/MAROON coloration to them near the new growth which has been happening all through veg. This is not a deficiency and must be genetic, so its likely this phenotype carries some type of purpling trait. This phenotype is the TALLEST of all of the blueberries, and the internodes are much more stretchy than the other phenotypes as well. Much less auxiliary branching on this pheno.

MID FLOWERING: BUDS have a very TIGHT STRUCTURE. Tricome production is 9 out of 10. Buds are LARGE and DENSE. Terpenes smell like SOUR MANDERIN ORANGE TERPENES with hints of blueberry and fruit… not much blueberry at all but overall a very exotic manderine orange smell.

Harvest: Trichome formation about a 6 out of 10, not the best, but not terrible either. Terpene strength was about a 6 out of 10, and the terpenes were mostly mandarin orange/citrus with about 25% blueberry/berry smells. The buds were very dense, and sticky and decent leaf to bud ratio. Not the best pheno for pheno hunting but good enough to use for potential give aways or random seed popping.

Pheno 5 (MALE) VEG: This phenotype is averge height and shares the same height as 4 other phenotypes. On as stem rub, this phenotype is very strong smelling Probably 8 of 10 in strength and has a very sulfur, skunk, kush type smell to it with hints of sweet berry. Leaves on this pheno are more “hybrid” and even leaning to sativa dom by the looks of it.

Pheno 6 (MALE) This phenotype is AVERAGE Height and average internode distance. It seems that it may be a male based on some balls forming but could be new growth too. This phenotype has LEAF VARRIGATION and some mutation, so if this is a male, I may destroy it before it releases pollen as I would prefer not to have a mutation to spread pollen, however this depends on how many males I get, and how it matures. On a stem rub, virtually no detectable smell and very weak. Probably 2 out of 10 in strength. Leaves on this pheno are very nice, 50/50 hybrid type mix with nice fat ridges and overall health. Most of the newer leaves do not have the leaf mutation which seems only to be on 1 branch. Stem rub at cloning, the terpenes are much stronger, and have a wax and sweet smell with hints of skunkyness. LEAF Variegation and some slight leaf defects on this phenotype…

So out of the 4 female phenotypes that I used in this project, ALL of them were very exceptional, and would be a good choice for anyone to breed with! Very solid genetics. All 4 females had blueberry terpenes, however some were stronger than others. 1 pheno was fresh blueberries, 1 pheno was blueberry syrup/waffels, 1 pheno was blueberry/sour manderin orange, and 1 pheno was blueberry/citrus/cheese. The selected female A-3 that I chose on a previous project really held its weight and overall had the best structure, yield, budsize and had the blueberry syrup terpenes, however If I had room i would have also kept pheno 1 (the short indica dom looking pheno). Unfortuately due to space though, I kept A-3 as the clone for future hybrid breeding with other strains.

Phenotype 2 was an absolute frost/trichome monster! was probably one of the most frosty strains I've ever run other than maybe sour grapes. Absolutely coated. I'm more after the terps though being that its blueberry and pheno 2 had blueberry terps, but also citrus and cheese/butter and I can't stand buttery strains, so although it was amazing, it wasn't my select pheno.

Well Here are some photos of the different phenotypes before the chop in early april:

Pheno 1:

Pheno 2:

Pheno 4

Pheno A-3

Final Seed Harvest:

Well thank you to all who followed along, chimed in, contributed and enjoyed this grow!!!! I definitely am very happy with these genetics and I think all the seeds I made will really contribute to some amazing plants in the future. I do have a buddy who will be "test running" some of my crosses with blueberry, and I will post photos of how they turn out as the season goes on (with his permission of course).

Oh yea... and the White Shark x Aloha White widow that I ran 1 single seed in this blueberry project.... I was not at all pleased with it... It grew slow, buds were tiny, the buds were extremely leafy and the trichome development was subpar for today's standards. The terpenes WERE the classic white widow terps which smelled like classic 90's weed smell mixed with hints of a menthol piney type smell. I definitely will run the rest of the seeds and pheno hunt them in future grows, but the pheno that I got out of the single seed was not something I would have chose to breed with, and was just a random "experiment" to fill up the space in my tent, and see what the genetics had the capability to be.... It did produce a lot of seeds though, so who knows how they may work their way into future projects :)

Happy Growing everyone and stay tuned for my current and upcomming "GAS terp" project in which I use Chems, OG's and Similar strains to work some "Gas terps" into my breeding projects :)
AS for my current project deemed the "gas project" I will be using a few different strains that I was gifted to get some "gas terpenes" into the mix... generally these are found with OG kushes, Chemdawgs, Sour Diesels and related strains, so I currently popped:

3x Alien Antifreeze by Cannarado: (WIFI Alien x 3 Chems)
3x Roasted Garlic Margy by Cannarado: GMO (chemdawg x GSC) x Frozen Margy [(ChemDawg / Sour Duddle x (( TRI FI x Fire OG / LHB ) x ( Pinesoul x Fire OG / LHB))]
I had 1 single space left so I popped a random Pine Tar Kush from CSI Humboldts preservation project.

All of these are now in mid veg, and it looks like I may have 1 single male Alien Antifreeze, but its still too early to tell 100% yet. I will be cloning all of these in the next few days, and preparing to move them to my flowering tent.

As always I will be doing an open pollination with the males I receive (of only 1 strain though, no cross strain pollen donors), and I hope its the WIFI Alien, however either will be sufficient. :) I will be hitting all of my "mothers" as well with pollen as I don't really have any OG/Chem seeds in my project from a OG/Chem male donor.

ALSO, I will be deciding on which mothers I will no longer be working with... this is an extremely hard decision as some of these plants I have kept alive for 8+ years..... but I have too many and have become a strain hoarder, and I need to reduce the amount of plants I am working with...

Here are the "mothers": please chime in and let me know which ones you would keep and which should get cut:
Black Cherry Soda
Private Reserve OG
GDP x Deep Chunk (My creation)
DJ Short Blueberry F4 (A3 pheno)
Chocolate Thai (selected pheno #5)
GG #4
Birthday Cake S1

So out of these, I most likely will be getting rid of:
GDP x Deep Chunk
Black Cherry Soda
Harlequin (debating still)
Private Reserve OG

The GDP I love the terps, but its such a slow growing, tempermental, hard to grow, pissey plant and I'm honestly sick of having it in my garden as its always the shortest, smallest, runt and hardly produces... So I've made enough crosses with it that I should be able to find those GDP terps in the future...

GDP x Deep Chunk: Similar to the GDP, it took after the GDP structure, slow growth and is just a terrible plant as its never happy... however the terpenes are some of the most amazing that I've grown to date... absolutely amazing... I just can't stand the plant being so tough to grow and never likes anything....

Black Cherry Soda: I've had this forever! probably for 8+ years, and although the terpenes are beyond amazing (skunky fruit punch), I made S1 seeds of it so I can always "hope" for a similar pheno if I ever decide to bring it back into my projects in the future. Its hard to let this one go, but I have to make room and over the many years the vigor has slightly suffered including bud size/yield, plant vigor, and trichome production is average.

Harlequin: This one I am up in the air on... its my only CBD strain, and very hard to find, however the terpenes on this are absolutely amazing (hot rubber, new shoes, asphalt) and its such a medicinal strain, the CBD is great for pain and similar ailments. Its another plant though that is fairly temperamental, and although it always produces nice dense large nugs that are frosty, I have to reduce the strains I have on hand. I'm still undecided on whether or not I will keep Harlequin as personally I love having it around for daytime smoke or when I am in pain.

Private Reserve OG: This is another strain that I absolutely hate growing. It grows like an OG which is lanky and usually branchy, and wants to take over my garden by flopping all over my other plants. It also is very tempermental and almost never is healthy, as it seems to not like too much nutrients, too little nutrients, too much water, too little water it almost always is unhappy and unhealthy. Also from what I have read, its a S1 which means at some point it was feminized (most likely) therefore I would prefer to not breed with S1s...(with the exception of my birthday cake which is absolutely stunning). I will keep Private Reserve OG until my "gas projects" are done, but after that its definitely going to be culled.

So out of all the strains... which would you keep? Which would you get rid of?
Hey everyone... Just a quick photo update of my current project... The Gas/Fuel Terp project (hopefully).

All of my plants are currently vegging, as I await them to show sex, as well as to get large enough to clone. In this project I popped 3 Roasted Garlic Margy by Cannarado, and 3 Alien Antifreeze by MycoTek as well as a single Pine Tar Kush seed from CSI Humboldt. I am hoping for at least 1 single male, but if I get more than 1 I will choose a male from only a single line to use.

I will do an open pollination, hitting all of my plants with pollen (per I get a male).

Currently I have been vegging the plants under pure 450nm Blue LEDs and no other spectrums as it seems to stretch them out a bit and really encourage large leaf growth. I should be cloning them within a week or 2, and once I do I will let them recover for a week and then they will go to flowering.

Here are the Roasted Garlic Margy (left row) and the Alien Antifreeze (right row)

Here is the Pine Tar Kush:

Here is the DJ Short Blueberry F4 (pheno A-3) which was my original pheno selection, with the blueberry syrup terpenes.
Here is a quick update on the "gas terpene project"

Currently all of the girls are in mid-late veg. I put the 3 roasted garlic margy's, 3 alien antifreeze and 1 CSI humboldt Pine Tar Kush into my flowering tent and flipped the lights to flowering as I wanted to accelerate the sexing of the girls. I wanted to know sooner than later if I will be getting a male or not, which will let me know if I should run these as flower, or a seed project.

As of tonight, it looks like 1 of the Roasted Garlic Margy from Cannarado is showing what looks to be balls, but I still can't 100% tell if they are or not yet. The other plants all seem to be female, but no definitive signs yet. All I hope is at least 1 is a male, but I would prefer it to be the alien antifreeze. If not, I still will be really stoked to have a male Roasted Garlic Margy (GMO x Frozen Margy)

Once I determine If I have a male or not, I will put the plants back to veg for about 1 week or so until I can clone the other "mothers" and get them moved over to my flower tent. Half of my mothers are already cloned and awaiting roots to be planted which should be any day now. We are getting close!!!! excited!!!

Well here is some pics of the Alien Antifreeze (right), Roasted Garlic Margy (left) and Pine tar Kush (alone far left)

Also, another quick exciting thing in my life... After almost 2 years of being out of work, I landed a nice job in the aerospace industry which is pretty awesome! I can't give many details due to what they do, but i'm pretty stoked on not only going back to work, but also being able to work for this type of company as it has the potential to lead to much bigger opportunities down the road :) hip hip hooray!! LOL... lets see how going back to an office feels after 2 years out of work, and previous to that I worked from home for almost 2 years.... so almost 4 years away from an office... Hopefully I like it... LOL, but if not, at least it will provide a nice check :)
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