It's important to learn to water by weight. It's the only way I know when to water my plants. Lift or tilt if you can't pick them up.

Has it gotten lighter since you watered after transplant?

They always will. :)
It is still VERY heavy because of the size of it, remember i had to get another tall container (the roots were established to the shape of the other pot.)Due to its huge size I can't tell by lifting it very well as i don't know how it's "suppose " to feel a 15 gall tube shaped pot. I learned a lot about pots though! The plants that are doing the best are in shorter & wider plastic pots. they are the easiest to keep watered correctly, Just like you told me!
STILL NO FLOWERS but i think we are close!
These plants are controlling
It is still VERY heavy because of the size of it, remember i had to get another tall container (the roots were established to the shape of the other pot.)Due to its huge size I can't tell by lifting it very well as i don't know how it's "suppose " to feel a 15 gall tube shaped pot. I learned a lot about pots though! The plants that are doing the best are in shorter & wider plastic pots. they are the easiest to keep watered correctly, Just like you told me!
STILL NO FLOWERS but i think we are close!
Are these starting to flower? See the little ones turning brown?



This it what you will see when it starts showing pistols:




They will be white, not brown. What you are seeing is leaf tip browning and could be a sign of nute burn.
You'll know you're in flower when you see actual pistils! All in their own time.

The droop might be from all the wet soil at the bottom of the pot with no roots in it. It should recover in a week or so once the plant sends roots into the new soil.
NUTE BURN? GAWD! So only these little brown tipped sprouts are only on one plant. I guess i should stop feeding it for a while, yes? Hope i dont have to wait till August to see them white pistols! It's week 11... ME WANT FLOWERS
Looks like a leaf hopper to me they jump and fly. They also move sideways really fast. Looks like some I seen on my plants this year.

Looks like a leaf hopper to me they jump and fly. They also move sideways really fast. Looks like some I seen on my plants this year.

This it what you will see when it starts showing pistols:




They will be white, not brown. What you are seeing is leaf tip browning and could be a sign of nute burn.
Thank you so much for sharing these! Now I know what I’m looking for!
Isn't she? I'm so proud of my girls ( still assuming they are all girls oh please, please be girls) May I pick your brain here? So i'm in northern CA Zone 9 coastal, no rain in the summer but it is very windy.
Planted sprouted seeds May 6th, It's now July 27. As of today Daylight hours are 14 hrs Daylight and 10 of night. Do (photo period plants) need 12 hrs of night before flowering? At that rate I would not be seeing flowering till late september. I recently read Photoperiod cannabis strains can essentially be kept in vegetative growth indefinitely, so long as they receive 14+ hours of light per day?
Plants grown outside in the northern hemisphere will begin the flowering process the day after the summer solstice (June 21st). Because of the slow pace of diminishing light, you might not see pistils until mid-July to early August.

You can probably keep an indoor photoperiod plant in veg at 14/10, but that's not what is happening outside. Between June 21st and Dec. 21st there is less daylight every day, and the plants are genetically programmed to sense that.

If you get wind storms you should probably consider staking your plants up so they don't break.
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