Has it been a week already...? Then it's time for a
Rolled up there early and unzipped the royal chambers. A regal view greeted my eyes in Tent #1...
We're really getting going in here. Floral bursts literally everywhere...starting to really smell good too.
Nice mid-branch development too, everywhere, it's really dialed in. I spent an hour defoliating to allow all those middles to receive some light too...for some reason this grow is a freaking hedge. I removed about four pounds of fan leaves...hard to even tell I did anything. Hope that keeps the air circulation reasonable in this thick middle.
I'm getting very even development overall, but of course everyone is doing their own thing, some taller, some wider...all great! I can't find a single leaf that worries me which is a releaf.
I crack me up.
So all on schedule...except now that it's Winter and I keep the house at 62 the reservoir temps are in the low 60s which is too low. I really need to dial that in to 70 F. So I dropped a programmable, digital heater in and it should automatically keep everything at 70. Ahhhh, technology. Tested it and it seems to work so there's one more thing. This grow house is like NASA, baby. High tech.
Running two big grows independently in only two hours a week seems impossible on paper but I'm doing it! I stood and admired my handiwork as I smoked a giant joint of White Widow...it actually isn't a huge playbook once you learn it, it's pretty routine to keep everything within certain parameters, but it was a hell of a lot of work to put it together and learn, then dial in what those parameters are. Hard to believe just 7 months ago this high-tech grow machine was an empty house...
Now it's on FIRE!!
It was then I realized I was completely high...and got back to work opening Tent #2. Everybody looks happy and healthy, as can be as far as I can tell.
I can top most of them now that they are a little above the scrog net. So now it's time to give them their first defoliation and a good scrogging.
Truly a big change in appearance after touch number one. Removal of most of the largest fans coordinated with a main stem topping sets them back a few days but then all the branches TAKE OFF.
Before and after, right and left...
Wow, that took over an hour! I also noticed one of the Big Bud has that weird polyploid bud structure but this time it's the main stem, I have never seen that before and it makes me wonder what I will get out of this girl. Will the trait appear anywhere else or even everywhere? There's about a dozen or more little branches coming off the top of the stem as you can see.
I topped it and now we can see a freak in action, hoping of course for a productive freak.
So here's how it looked when I finished...quite a change! First real scrog always looks like I killed them but this was the beginning of the canopy formation and it's
crucial to get all these branches initially going where I need them to go over the next 3 weeks, after which everything is where it's going to be for the duration. So far sooooo good!
So after locking up and the long drive home, I noticed a package on the porch. The labels for my new weed brand! So, here's the stoner's equivalent of having a Fantasy Football team...
Hey, maybe it will even be a real thing someday. For now it's just a cool way to give my friends ounces.
So my world of green rolls on...
Hope your world is also green and groovy. I am mailing out calendars to those who have PM'd me with a mailing address which is quite a few, hope you like it! Those yet to hit me up please do so before they're gone. Bud porn for the wall. Have a great week!
Peace, Hyena