Hyena's Never-Ending Adventures In Growing

Lookin good ol boy! My hyena ended up a little airy. Hen grew it because I was laid up. Didn’t train the scrog enough. Didn’t feed hard enough. She used our usual regimen that we use on our indica girls and I couldn’t make it upstairs to see how much more advanced the hyena grows than our normal strains.
Will do round 2 in Jan. This time I’ll make the grow happen. Lol but none the less a single blue hyena plant that was a little on the fluffy side still yielded 19 ounces and produced 68 grams of dabs. That are absolute fire.
(Also note I didn’t trim sugar leaves from that 19 ounces. Just fan leaves because I ran it all for oil.) but it was a monster of a plant. Started out as a 2x4 plant. Out grew the tent and needed its own 4x4. All those colas spread out in every direction.
Here’s a pic of the dabs and a pic of the plant on day 40 of flower.


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I want to see a blue hyena grown under the sun...... I may be able to make it happen next year if my greenhouse idea comes to fruition. Light deprivation. Pull the tarp shut at 6:30 every night. Start flowering June first. I couldn’t imagine a sun grown hyena. Stupid big. Stupid
Lookin good ol boy! My hyena ended up a little airy. Hen grew it because I was laid up. Didn’t train the scrog enough. Didn’t feed hard enough. She used our usual regimen that we use on our indica girls and I couldn’t make it upstairs to see how much more advanced the hyena grows than our normal strains.
Will do round 2 in Jan. This time I’ll make the grow happen. Lol but none the less a single blue hyena plant that was a little on the fluffy side still yielded 19 ounces and produced 68 grams of dabs. That are absolute fire.
(Also note I didn’t trim sugar leaves from that 19 ounces. Just fan leaves because I ran it all for oil.) but it was a monster of a plant. Started out as a 2x4 plant. Out grew the tent and needed its own 4x4. All those colas spread out in every direction.
Here’s a pic of the dabs and a pic of the plant on day 40 of flower.

OH MY GOD brother you made me soooo happy with this final report! I knew you were challenged with a whole lot of things the past four months and I'm just glad she finished at all...and I am not surprised your yield was bonkers. It's like the most productive Sativa ever or close. I truly believe this strain is something special and I'm only more stoked than ever after hearing this. THAT'S what a talented grower can do with this strain! The picture of that thing is insane!

I'm also super happy the quality is there, I have been quite impressed with every bud I've ever smoked of the Blue but it's a lot like your kids, everybody thinks their baby is the most beautiful one of all but when someone with your chops glows it says a whole lot and I'm grateful. THANK YOU SO MUCH for growing it out and the props, Roost. A super important part of my Blue Hyena resume. Remember, even if I am successful in the seed project I still have to sell the seed line to someone. This adds a huge log to that fire.

Hope you are feeling better and better brother. Wanted to also mention I liked my calendar that you made me last year and it made me want to return the love...sooooo...

Canna porn on steroids. :drool:

Thanks for stopping by brother and keep getting better, okay? And tell the Hen hi for me. Helluva woman if she puts up with you. :battingeyelashes:

Peace, Hyena
OH MY GOD brother you made me soooo happy with this final report! I knew you were challenged with a whole lot of things the past four months and I'm just glad she finished at all...and I am not surprised your yield was bonkers. It's like the most productive Sativa ever or close. I truly believe this strain is something special and I'm only more stoked than ever after hearing this. THAT'S what a talented grower can do with this strain! The picture of that thing is insane!

I'm also super happy the quality is there, I have been quite impressed with every bud I've ever smoked of the Blue but it's a lot like your kids, everybody thinks their baby is the most beautiful one of all but when someone with your chops glows it says a whole lot and I'm grateful. THANK YOU SO MUCH for growing it out and the props, Roost. A super important part of my Blue Hyena resume. Remember, even if I am successful in the seed project I still have to sell the seed line to someone. This adds a huge log to that fire.

Hope you are feeling better and better brother. Wanted to also mention I liked my calendar that you made me last year and it made me want to return the love...sooooo...

PM me an address and I'll get one to you. Canna porn on steroids. :drool:

Thanks for stopping by brother and keep getting better, okay? And tell the Hen hi for me. Helluva woman if she puts up with you. :battingeyelashes:

Peace, Hyena
Now that I know the stretch potential and how it grows I’ll veg one for 4 weeks from the first topping and flip one. I gotta rebuild my grow. I know it drinks and feeds like stupid. Little tricky to grow because it wants so much more than anything I’ve grown. But I think I’ll have her this time for ya now that I’m in the up and up and the hen doesn’t have to lug water up the stairs lol I guarantee you when I was laid up she was skimping on what that baby would have been drinking. No doubt weeks 6-8 something went wrong and I was able to get up there around week 9 and I got things back in track but I missed a critical point of flowering with this point. Still unsure what went wrong. I’m thinking it was too thirsty to do what it wanted but no clue I couldn’t get upstairs then. It was a beast. Needed more light for sure. I’ll square this one up next go around and get ya some grade A hyena pics. I know for sure the oil is tasty as hell. Smelled dank too. But was too airy for me to keep to smoke because of the screw up. My bad. I feel like I let ya down. Guess that’s why I still have a pile of hyena seeds to throw down with!
Just so we’re clear. When I say it outgrew it’s 2x4 slot I mean it outgrew a 4x4 tent. Nug structure was gigantic everything was supercropped and kinked because it’s just a beast. She vegged way too long. And just exploded when the wife flipped it!


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Just so we’re clear. When I say it outgrew it’s 2x4 slot I mean it outgrew a 4x4 tent. Nug structure was gigantic everything was supercropped and kinked because it’s just a beast. She vegged way too long. And just exploded when the wife flipped it!

Unreal. So we are clear, I thank you brother. You proved what this thing can do. Next time will be amazing!

Peace, Hyena
Happy Wednesday!

It's another PROJECT 28 REPORT!

It's getting real interesting real fast...

The scrog is almost full and I'm starting to feel the pressure to flip this grow before it goes much further because Blue Hyena stretches so much, nearly twice as much as any variety I ever grew. My experience has been these plants will be four feet high before they stop.

I wanted to go some more and let all the secondary branching get a little fuller but I know it needs to happen so we don't get so stratospheric with the canopy that everything has to suffer multiple supercrops which adds up and costs important energy growing extra supportive tissue instead of resin and buds and especially seeds.

I think tomorrow might be the day. But first, I have to go up there and put a grow tent together. I have a couple I've never used and I will need one eventually to harvest pollen. My plan is to set it up outside the lab but right next to it, route the exhaust from the lab through the grow tent to keep it warm, then up and out of the roof. If my plan works Queen Wrong Way will have a separate place to pop her pollen-packed flowers that is downstream ventilation-wise and will prevent random pollen in the main lab, until I carefully introduce it of course.

So, excitement. That's all I got so I'm lighting a bowl of Hyena Berry. But not too much. Last time I overdosed on one of the Hyenas I saw Jesus...

Jesus that's funny!

Peace, Hyena
It isn't cold in the attic?

Yes, it's just above freezing. The Queen will only go into the grow tent when the male flowers are ready to open, then she will probably only be in there a week or so while I collect as much pollen as possible. So I think venting the warm (70 degrees plus) air from the lab through the tent should keep it warm enough. I have a small heater too for it.

Peace, Hyena
Nice Job HM! You've thought a lot about this! Looks very professional. Good luck with your business. My hat's off to you.
Happy Saturday!

Here's the weekend PROJECT 28 REPORT!

I was up very early this morning to refill the water reservoirs...my system can hold about 100 gallons total, between the main reservoir and two storage reservoirs. The first month of the project I think I used one fill total...now I am refilling 60 gallons every week. By my best estimate these 8 plants are now using nearly 10 total gallons of water every day. And women who drink a lot are easy... ;)

I am basically buttoning up the lab to go away for three days. Wifey and I are leaving this morning to drive 6 hours to northern Michigan. We live in Southern Ohio but also have a vacation home in the Great North Woods almost to the very top of lower Michigan. I'm taking her to dinner and a show tonight at the Soaring Eagle Casino. Going to see one of my lifetime favorites starting from my early teenage years. A band? Nope.

Going to see Cheech and Chong. :ganjamon::ganjamon::ganjamon:

I have literally loved Cheech and Chong since I was thirteen, ironically long before I ever tried pot...my friends and I would listen to their albums and literally laugh our young asses off. We got the constant weed references but what I really remember is the lion's share of their material wasn't just about pot, mostly other silly stuff that a junior-high kid could totally relate to. School-related skits (Sister Mary Elephant), booger jokes ("Up his nose it goes!"), big dick humor (Blind Melon Chitlin), all of it. Plus the dope references but the totality of Cheech and Chong's comedy records was as much about general fun and silliness as weed. The stoner thing became their trademark of course, their movies and commercial success came mostly in relation to that but I remember when they first started and their irreverent ridiculousness was something I totally loved, connected with, and I spent my youth imitating them and re-creating their bits for my classmates and friends. Finally in late high school when I started smoking weed I was finally able to appreciate their total act and I have to this day.

Well life goes by fast and now I find myself almost 60 yet essentially still the same lighthearted stoner I was all those years ago, just in an adult shell. I run a business and have a family and all that but I still see myself as that kid who could recite every Cheech and Chong comedy bit and even nail all the voices, still waking and baking only now I have all the pot I could ever smoke and I even smoke strains of my own creation...wow how fast it goes by! I like to think Cheech and Chong would be proud of what they inspired.

Tommy Chong is 80. The duo hasn't done too much together for 25 years and suddenly this year they announce this comedy tour...it was like God called me. I knew I absolutely had to go. I truly want to see my comedy idols so much, I am sacrificing the opportunity to go and see my college football team play their championship game, literally my other dream. I haven't missed an Ohio State game for six years. They play tonight for all the marbles. But this is Cheech and Chong. Since you all know weed defines my entire life you know what I am going to do. My charming wife gets my humorous side and understands my need to see C&C. Upward to Michigan we go! Can't wait!

I'm not sure how much into the world of 420 Mag and other online weed communities these guys are, but I think if they ever read about my grows and the many others on here they would be proud of us, we who carry on the mantle of helping people everywhere to grow their own cannabis for health and pleasure, we who help our brothers free themselves from the weed man. Didn't a wise man once say, "Give a man a joint, you get him high for a day. Teach a man to grow, you get him high for a lifetime" or something like that? Maybe it was Cheech and Chong. I bet they thought it.

On the very random chance that Cheech and Chong would be in Michigan tonight without the very best cannabis ever imagined, I'm putting a small package together and going to drop it off at the Concierge addressed to them. If it gets to them they will find a note from me, a couple Hyena Merica calendars, and a couple huge buds from my most private stash of Blue Hyena. Hopefully the gods will smile and life's circle will complete itself, and those two will smoke a joint of my masterpiece. What a karmic thing that would be. And cool on a Mount Rushmore level. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take so why not baby. Maybe they will burn one right before the show then go out there and forget their material. Maybe forget they have a show. My Blue Hyena is some far out shit, man. It could happen. o_O

Anyway, we will be back sometime Monday. Hope your weekend is fantastic, I know mine will be. I just hope I remember some of it.

Peace, Hyena
I hope it is packaged in your box right!?
It is an awesome idea so cool:thumb:
Hope you guys will have a blast, I have only seen a few short pieces of them, but they seem hilarious!!!
Good show dude! I used to listen to them a lot. They always cracked me up, totally!

Have a great time at the show! Maybe they'll want to know who grew the Blue Hyena and you can party with them and wifey for awhile! Fun weekend!

Btw, your girls are doing very well, as expected, lol.
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