Well-Known Member
I would be pulling my hair out if I had to pay 70 for a bag of soil... I think last time I bought soil (last grow) I saw some amazon bloom from earth juice but didn't want to pay $23 for a bag vs $13 for FFOF..... My mom would only be pissed about me growing if I didn't share when she's around...
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Oh, trust me. Im not exactly happy about paying $70 for a bag of dirt. Which is why Im gonna try to find a place that sells it somewhere, hopefully in a 100 miles range. And then buy a truck load and be done for a bit. I wish they would just change the legal status on cannabis here. Im starting to get tired of worrying.
As for the mom thing. Mine wouldnt get mad. I just dont trust her to keep her mouth shut. I love my Momma, and shes a great person. But she likes to talk. And she likes to make brags and shit. "oh, you should smoke some of the stuff ItsNaturals got. Can you believe he grew that himself?" Or " ItsNaturals isnt gonna want any, he grows his own." or just something along those lines. And not to strangers. People we know and for the most part love. But It helps me in NO WAY, to have ANYONE, know I grow my own smoke. I dont sell any, so I dont need the word out. I dont need anyones help, I have google. And the biggie. That I personally think gets alot of people. I dont need people to envy me or think Im cool. And I try my best not to purposely make people jealous. Because while there will always be haters. Showing off something just so you make that person want what you have, just to make them Jelly, You get NOTHING from it, And there really isnt any benefit. There is really only 2 outcomes. Either they get Jelly, and just deal with it, Or try and do the same. Either way, they deal with it without affecting you. OR, the most likely scenario, they dont want to try themselves, but also dont want you to have it, so they plot and plan on how to take it from you. Either by stealing so they have it themsleves. ( anything from weed to a job) or just plot to make sure neither of you have it. Or they just secretly resent you. and act a little shitty until they can celebrate your downfall. Either way, it has a negative outcome which DOES affect you.
So I tell absolutely NO ONE about my grow. Hell I get nervous being on this site sometimes. LOL
Anyway sorry for the mini rant. I just think its an important statement for anyone that will read your journal. Your girls look lovely by the way. I havent ever used the Amazon Bloom but have thought about it a couple of times because I use the whole EJ line. But it was just a better deal to go with the FFOF if I remember correctly. Plus FFOF has always done me right so far.