How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

Yes Bucudinkydow I love your works, yes most importantly you get results,, with all the fine tuning you applied i will really love to check your lighter fractions process in more detail.

your so right the side effects of large doses of oral THC can waste your day. CBD may help with that, have you tried mixing CBD rich extract with THC rich extracts???
THC and CBD have the same medicinal qualities but they work through different pathways. that means they are more effective together then either one by itself,, (better then THC by itself, did i really say that) yep -->it's is part of the entourage effect.
now the scientists tell us that THC and CBD are very effective anywhere from 25:1 for both THC and CBD, either one can by the 1 or the 25, you gotta love that, cause that gives us lots fine tuning to play with to suit each aliment and each body type and even mind set can be a factor, eg i just feel like more THC atm...
so just mix each dose as you require it.
check Dr Cristina Sanchez PhD Molecular Biologist and biochemist talks THC/CBD ratios and which is better for different types of cancer

Dr Cristina Sanchez PhD Molecular Biologist and biochemist talks cannabis, marijuana - YouTube
Hi LVMarc42
ms sux
imho your going the right way
medicinal cannabis therapy can help you gain control of all of your symptoms, and end your struggle with ms
please let me explain a bit about how and why it will work so well for you...

inside your body is a natural network that connects to every cell in your body. it's called the Endo Cannabinoid System and its main focus is to maintain homeostasis, which means "perfect balance" is every cell in your body. when homeostasis occurs in every cell in your body you are in perfect health. ok
now atm your ECS is having trouble maintain homeostasis,,
so all your symptoms are causes by your ECS not functioning as it should. that is why you are suffering

now THC and CBD mimic endo cannabinoids which your body naturally produces from your diet, to run your ECS
so THC and CBD copy all the things your body naturally does to kill ms
that means THC and CBD will boots your bodies natural ability to kill ms and return you to homeostasis perfect health.
you heal you and medicinal cannabis therapy will boot and support your every effort to regain perfect health.
forward ever you can do this...

Hash Oil Rulez
Hi SweetSue
the sale of a decent ethanol solvent. is available online

also your local pub has "rectified spirit" the use it in cocktails to make the ethanol content higher.... ask them to get it in for you. the down side is it is very expensive from the pub, you will get it much cheaper online.

hash oil rulez
Quick Cold Wash. QCW

Chop the herb up


place it in an empty bottle no more than ¾ full.


Put that in the freezer, with the lid off.

Place a bottle of 95% Ethanol in the freezer too.


12-24 hrs later…

The herb should be frozen solid….


Pour the freezing cold ethanol into the bottle of frozen herb until covered by ¼ to a 1/3 over the top of the herb, put the lid on tight and shake for 3 min. The ethanol will change colour from clear to Gold or Amber. No more than 3 minutes. Work swiftly, you do not want to see any hint of a green colour.
3 Minute shake


Remove lid and strain.

Through a piece of cheesecloth over the top of the bottle. then put some more freezing cold ethanol in the bottle to rinse the last bit out



Or,, a standard kitchen strainer,,, same-> pore some freezing cold ethanol over the spent herb to rinse the last bit out. When it drips out clear, no color. Your done, you got it all.

Kitchen Strainer

Next, pour through a coffee filter paper, set into a kitchen funnel, with the bottom of the funnel directed into the capture bottle.


coffee filter paper

Be patient,,,,,,, it will take its own sweet time to get through the coffee paper. Do not try to force it through.



Pour a small amount of freezing cold Ethanol to flush the last bit out of the coffee filter.

When it drips out clear, no color. Your done, you got it all.

Cannabis Tincture


The result is a red/yellow off-clear, full strength Tincture of Cannabis.
With little to no chlorophyll’s to speak of and all three medicinal fractions fully rinsed from the herb.
Evaporate the Ethanol out.
Non Activated Extract

Use a fan in a well ventilated area. this process will deliver a non-active cannabinolic acid extract eg THCA, CBDA, etc.. cold air evaporation is using a fan like a vacuum cleaner for ethanol.
capture tray is shallow and wide, setup with a slight fall to one corner, set the fan up so it blows just over the top of the tray. do not blow the air directly on to the tray, as the air above the tray fills with ethanol vapors then gets blown away fresh air rushes in to gather more ethanol vaps and so sucks the ethanol out. you fiddle about with it to make it better by insulating it, your basically making a wind tunnel over the top of the capture tray, add a bit of dry ice here and there to keep it cool.
there are pro cool air dryers available on the market
Non-Active extracts are not psycho active,, that means you don’t get stoned, or high from non active extracts.

Activated Extract

For fully activated extracts THC CBD. Apply gentle heat, below 100c. Use a water distiller to retain your ethanol or a rice cooker or steamer, well ventilated area eg.. outdoors,

or Simply pour into a baking tray and leave, outdoors, in the full, direct sunlight.

The dry oil is amber-clear, and highly potent.


Hash Oil

Full strength medical cannabis extract is a three-part synergy of cannabinoids, terpenoids and flavi(o)noids.

Extractions for medical use should take up all three medicinal families with great efficiency and minimize the amount of chlorophyll’s, concrete oils and waxes which have minimal therapeutic value.


Where to find 95% medicinal grade Ethanol.


this is for the hobby herbalists it called "organic oil extraction liquid" it is 95% Ethanol. the company that makes it is in Australia

A.K.B. Productions Pty Ltd.
Lot 60 Deepwater Road.
Torrington. N.S.W. 2371
ph/fax 02, 67346322


Polmos Spirytus "Rectified Spirit" 95% ethanol

You get it from the local bottle shop. They may have to order it in for you. they use it to fortify the ethanol content of cocktails.

Buy it online.

Hash Oil Rulez
Baya, I remember reading your first,post.
Neurtin and cymbals both use gabapentin, and that Chanel. It works,for,short,time. In chronic pain. Then it turns on you. The snake. It must go. Right away. 3 goes to,2,now. Ok,asap. 7 days go 1. 1 for,a week,how,she,doing. ? Ok then 1/2 week ..and free at last. You,get to..."ago to,zero. Finally. Then the next. Oxy, preload patient, with CCO, any method you like. Calcultared dose, consume. 50-150 mg per day.I use chocolate. Other use gel caps. Each chocolate 30-75 mg of CCO. Eat two three to,get,dose. Took me 2-e months to break 18 painlock. Then remove the oxycodone. Same 4 a day xx//mg.goes to three, goes to 2 you feel,better never sick one moment. Going to,zero is more complex. Especially if she has 2-r meds or more. As you clean out first half the other have keeps your body well,poisoned. Just enough opiods in her central,nervous system, to not enter withdrawal. Her doctor will respond by suggesting suboxone. Don't ever do CCO will help,by itself. Clearing out the compounded isolates , will help as well. They go,together. Let her smoke your fantastic grow. As much as want.

This ms syndrome. Means syndrome. Don't know what up at all...syndrome. No,treatment plan, no ending to,treatment.. that's a gig . Wrong. There is no,syndrome. I,have often heard this ms syndrome in the last few months..has to be compound isolate problem..

Hello LVMarc42,

Thanks for your message.

I have to be honest and tell you that I am not sure to understand every detail of your post. I don't mean to be rude, it's just that I am still in the process of learning English...

However, what I believe to understand is that you suggest she should quit the prescribed drugs she's onto. Am I correct ?

I've read on several occasions (I can't remember where exactly, anyway...) that when a patient starts a CCO regimen, he or she has to stop taking their conventional medical prescription drugs. I don't know if this has to be done progressively by diminishing doses over a given period of time, or if it has to be done "brutally", I mean overnight.

More knowledge on that point would be much appreciated.

Again, I am not sure, but I believe there must be some truth in getting off conventional drugs, when using CCO. But, as I said in a previous occurrence, I am no physician and therefore, I do not know how it has to be done. And besides, it may be too soon, for she's really started taking her cannabis medicine just 2 days ago, we're just on the third day today. And besides I wouldn't want to make her worse.

So yesterday was her second day on "tacking" every 2 hours 7 drops of Pakistan Valley and 3 drops of Medical Buddha infused olive oil, and still no getting high which is great news, however, she complained about a heavy oppressive feeling, which I guess is due to cannabis. She said, she would still keep taking her cannabis regimen. I tried to contact her earlier today but she did not returned to me. I will contact her again later today and keep you updated.

I do not have that in store, however, I was just wondering if a high THC sativa or at least a sativa hybrid (50%sativa/50%indica) would help prevent those oppressive feelings ?

Does anyone knows what to do about those oppressive feelings ?
Hello LVMarc42,

Thanks for your message.

I have to be honest and tell you that I am not sure to understand every detail of your post. I don’t mean to be rude, it’s just that I am still in the process of learning English...

However, what I believe to understand is that you suggest she should quit the prescribed drugs she’s onto. Am I correct ?

I've read on several occasions (I can’t remember where exactly, anyway…) that when a patient starts a CCO regimen, he or she has to stop taking their conventional medical prescription drugs. I don’t know if this has to be done progressively by diminishing doses over a given period of time, or if it has to be done “brutally”, I mean overnight.

More knowledge on that point would be much appreciated.

Again, I am not sure, but I believe there must be some truth in getting off conventional drugs, when using CCO. But, as I said in a previous occurrence, I am no physician and therefore, I do not know how it has to be done. And besides, it may be too soon, for she’s really started taking her cannabis medicine just 2 days ago, we’re just on the third day today. And besides I wouldn’t want to make her worse.

So yesterday was her second day on “tacking” every 2 hours 7 drops of Pakistan Valley and 3 drops of Medical Buddha infused olive oil, and still no getting high which is great news, however, she complained about a heavy oppressive feeling, which I guess is due to cannabis. She said, she would still keep taking her cannabis regimen. I tried to contact her earlier today but she did not returned to me. I will contact her again later today and keep you updated.

I do not have that in store, however, I was just wondering if a high THC sativa or at least a sativa hybrid (50%sativa/50%indica) would help prevent those oppressive feelings ?

Does anyone knows what to do about those oppressive feelings ?

Good morning Baya. :hugs:

Marc can be difficult to understand when your first language is English, so no offense taken. :laughtwo:

I love you Marc, but admittedly, your posts are a bit rambling. Don't stop posting, please. What you're sharing is important. :hugs:

What Marc speaks to is how using cannabis oil can assist the process of pulling away from the pharma drugs, which come with some nasty side effects. At the moment Marc is withdrawing from his opioid addiction, brought on by prescribed pain meds. Using CCO one can do this. It's not easy at all, and it takes doses of THC that can often be best tolerated by using suppositories to limit euphoria. When the time is right you can attempt this with your sister, but that day isn't upon us now.

It's not recommended that you discontinue pharma drugs when you use CCO. It is recommended that you watch the blood levels of those meds carefully. Cannabis can potentiate some meds by letting them hang around in the system longer, and with things like blood thinners this can be particularly problamatic. Just watch her carefully and have her medical support staff keep current on her labs. It may be possible to begin weaning her off some meds, but do that under the watchful eye of a concerned physician.

I'd suspect the oppressive feelings suggest that your sister needs some sativa terpenes in the mix to lighten the mood. There's a caution with depression and anxiety. For anxiety we choose indica terpenes, for depression we go to the sativas. Mix that up and you can deal with some pretty difficult times. Someone with anxiety can become suicidal on sativas, and I believe your witnessing what can happen when someone with depression has too much indica influence.

We have to always keep in mind that everyone reacts in an individual way to cannabis. It's very much trial and error, but no one will be hurt as we experiment.

Your inspiration to go with a balanced hybrid is a great starting point. If her depression doesn't lift add in more sativa influence. Please tell her for me that it'll get better. Her body is adapting to the therapy. Cannabinoids are evolved to assist the body with spontaneous healing. Keep tinkering. You'll find her sweet spot. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Yes Bucudinkydow I love your works, yes most importantly you get results,, with all the fine tuning you applied i will really love to check your lighter fractions process in more detail.

your so right the side effects of large doses of oral THC can waste your day. CBD may help with that, have you tried mixing CBD rich extract with THC rich extracts???
THC and CBD have the same medicinal qualities but they work through different pathways. that means they are more effective together then either one by itself,, (better then THC by itself, did i really say that) yep -->it's is part of the entourage effect.
now the scientists tell us that THC and CBD are very effective anywhere from 25:1 for both THC and CBD, either one can by the 1 or the 25, you gotta love that, cause that gives us lots fine tuning to play with to suit each aliment and each body type and even mind set can be a factor, eg i just feel like more THC atm...
so just mix each dose as you require it.
check Dr Cristina Sanchez PhD Molecular Biologist and biochemist talks THC/CBD ratios and which is better for different types of cancer

Dr Cristina Sanchez PhD Molecular Biologist and biochemist talks cannabis, marijuana - YouTube

Thanx, Radic. Yes, my last garden contained a strain called Dance World, a 1:1 ratio of thc:cbd. I'm an avid student of Dr Ethan Russo's works and a disciple of the entourage effect. My many different tinctures are widely varied and made from seven different strains. Some are a true whole plant derivative using buds from different levels of the plant with added mixtures of fan leaves and sugar leaves. Some are made using non-decarbed material to take advantage of the medicinal properties of cbda and thca. I want to take advantage of ALL this magnificent plant has to offer.

The one thing that's been missing in my final product has been an adequate proportion of terpenes but now I'm cautiously optimistic I'm closing in on a better retention method. Each successive run has netted better results as I learn from my mistakes and strive to "build a better mousetrap".

With much trepidation and uncertainty, I'm expecting delivery of some terpene isolates this week. I'm anxious to do some testing and comparisons on this relatively new product.

Thanx for your words of encouragement. I feel fortunate that you have chosen to share your obvious vast knowledge of our hobby here at 420. Thanx for being here.
Sorry for the delay. Still battling some complications from a medical procedure performed last Friday and not kicking quite as high as I'd like.


Prepare app 7 grams of material of your choice. I choose to roughly cut buds with scissors. This arguably dissects the plant material fibers and allows an increase of chlorophyll, waxes and other yuckies that contribute to bad taste to leach out into the final product. Some prefer to roughly tear the buds by hand but I fear the precious sticky trichomes adhering to my fingers is a waste of cannabinods.

Time to decarb. In my opinion, there are entirely too many variables to be too anal about this step. Altitude, ambient temp, humidity, moisture content and age of your cannabis and a labyrinth of other factors can effect the perfect time/temp ratio. There are literally dozens of "perfect" decarb times and temps on the web, many substantiated by lab tests. Pick out the one your happy with and go with it.

A note of caution on decarbing in a sealed jar. Granny's ol' mason jar turns out to have insanely insulative properties. A co-conspirator working with me on this project placed an oven thermometer in the empty sealed jar and put it in a preheated oven. It took almost forty minutes before the inside of the jar met the oven temp. I placed the open jar and lid and ring in the oven during the preheat process. When it reached the target temp, I put the prepared cannabis material in the jar and sealed it as quickly as possible trying to avoid a drop in temp of the oven and jar. I then increased my normal 240 for 40 min to 250 for 45 min. This seemed to give a proper decarb. Next time, I'm considering placing an oven thermometer in the jar at the same time as the cannabis to get a better idea of what's going on. Of course, the thermometer will have to remain in the sealed jar through the freeze cycle until opening to add ethanol.

Remove your freshly decarbed material from the oven and allow it to cool for a while before placing it in the freezer. Make sure you don't open the jar!! In a separate jar, pour 3-4 oz of grain alcohol, everclear 190 is a good choice if it's available and place it in the freezer also. 151 ethanol or vodka will work also, just a bit less efficient in extraction. Leave both in the freezer for 24 hours shaking the jarred cannabis vigorously 2-3 times for a couple of minutes.

At the end of 24 hours, pour enough of your chilled everclear into the jar of cannabis to cover it by about 1/2", shake it vigorously for a couple of minutes and return it to the freezer for an additional 2 hours. This should have been the first time you've opened the jar since it initially went in at the beginning of the decarb process. At the end of the 2 hours, remove the cannabis/ethanol mixture from the freezer, shake it vigorously for a couple of minutes once again.

Now it's time to strain, filter and enjoy. Pour the mixture through a close mesh strainer removing as much of the tincture as possible with pressure. Seal the strained jar of tincture and let it set for about ten minutes at an angle if possible. This will allow the sediment to gather and make the next step go a little quicker. Pour the tincture through a paper coffee filter, gently, trying to not disturb the sediment. I normally repeat this last step a second time but that's at your option.

At this stage I normally do a reduction by naturally evaporating the ethanol but I suspect I'm experiencing a loss of molecularly volatile terpenes and will advise skipping this step and make dosage adjustments of the final product to find your sweet spot.

Ethanol extraction never reaches 100% efficiency so there are still goodies left in the used mash. I cap mine and place it in the freezer until my next extraction. Before getting started with your new tincture run, pour your virgin ethanol into your used mash, shake it a bit and strain it up. Use this, then, for your new tincture run.

This is an early beta test that has given pleasing results the few times it's been tried. I'm anxious for those who are interested to give it a try and share your objective experience. The process is a bit involved and reading back over this I question my comprehensive communicative skills. If clarification is neede, I pop in fairly often.

Good luck and enjoy.

Good morning Baya. :hugs:

Marc can be difficult to understand when your first language is English, so no offense taken. :laughtwo:

I love you Marc, but admittedly, your posts are a bit rambling. Don't stop posting, please. What you're sharing is important. :hugs:

What Marc speaks to is how using cannabis oil can assist the process of pulling away from the pharma drugs, which come with some nasty side effects. At the moment Marc is withdrawing from his opioid addiction, brought on by prescribed pain meds. Using CCO one can do this. It's not easy at all, and it takes doses of THC that can often be best tolerated by using suppositories to limit euphoria. When the time is right you can attempt this with your sister, but that day isn't upon us now.

It's not recommended that you discontinue pharma drugs when you use CCO. It is recommended that you watch the blood levels of those meds carefully. Cannabis can potentiate some meds by letting them hang around in the system longer, and with things like blood thinners this can be particularly problamatic. Just watch her carefully and have her medical support staff keep current on her labs. It may be possible to begin weaning her off some meds, but do that under the watchful eye of a concerned physician.

I'd suspect the oppressive feelings suggest that your sister needs some sativa terpenes in the mix to lighten the mood. There's a caution with depression and anxiety. For anxiety we choose indica terpenes, for depression we go to the sativas. Mix that up and you can deal with some pretty difficult times. Someone with anxiety can become suicidal on sativas, and I believe your witnessing what can happen when someone with depression has too much indica influence.

We have to always keep in mind that everyone reacts in an individual way to cannabis. It's very much trial and error, but no one will be hurt as we experiment.

Your inspiration to go with a balanced hybrid is a great starting point. If her depression doesn't lift add in more sativa influence. Please tell her for me that it'll get better. Her body is adapting to the therapy. Cannabinoids are evolved to assist the body with spontaneous healing. Keep tinkering. You'll find her sweet spot. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Good morning SweetSue,

Thank you for your detailed answer.

I’ve just had news from my sister, and she told me though she felt the oppressive feeling today as well, it was more bearable. However, she said that starting from yesterday after 5 or 6 intakes of her current regimen, she begins experiencing average strength psycho-activity and reports being very tired. What would you suggest ? Lowering Pakistan Valley’s drop count ? Increasing time intervals between 2 intakes ?

As for the hybrid strain (50%indica/50%sativa), the only thing I have available to me right now is CBD Therapy but unfortunately this strain is not high in THC. Again, and be sure that I am sorry to keep asking, do think that strain should be added to her regimen and/or if her regimen should be changed ? Again, what would you advise on this point ?

Thanks for your time and your patience.
Hi SweetSue
the sale of a decent ethanol solvent. is available online
check this youtube he sells ethanol

Culinary Solvent 200proof
- YouTube

also your local pub has "rectified spirit" the use it in cocktails to make the ethanol content higher.... ask them to get it in for you. the down side is it is very expensive from the pub, you will get it much cheaper online.

btw i do not have and connection with the youtube vid dude i just happen to notice he sold ethanol for culinary extracts

hash oil rulez

Thanks for the link Radic. Always a valuable thing to have around. I've purchased from them before. Tack on shipping and it was a one-time purchase. :laughtwo: Great quality product though, and I was glad to have any source at the time. Give me access to affordable solvent up to the job and I'll be all over it. Until then I'll be exploring the wonderful world of potent infused oils. I do have enough ethanol around to do a small run of CCO with about an ounce of cannabis, and you guys are firing up the passion again.
Hi Bucudinkydow
yes i gotta love that,,,

A full strength oral tinctures from the herbalist contains only 30% ethanol
that procedure is to make the tincture less hot, 1mil of 95% ethanol can burn the mucus membranes and thus, block that path thru to the blood.

mark the level of the tincture on the bottle with some sticky tape, and again, more tape at about one third of the tincture. now take the lid off and evaporate the ethanol out to the 1/3 mark. next,, fill the bottle to the top mark with de-mineralized water. quick shake, and your ready to go..

oh that process is not really necessary,,, you can simply mix each dose of your tincture as is with a small glass of water or juice or milks and the ethanol will not be hot enough to cause any damage to your mucus membranes.

7g of high quality sticky bud will have about 1g of cco on it
4oz = 120ml
so there are--> 1,000mg in 1g
1g into 120ml or 1,000mg divided equally into 120ml is
each ml contains 8.333mg of cco
10ml contains 83.333mg
The recommended dose rates for ethanol tinctures is 1 to 10ml per hour
max is 10ml per hour after that you start getting drunk and that takes ethanol out of medicinal value and into the recreational drinking range.
I want to jump in very quickly here and say that when I take one drop of 5% CBD Oil on an empty stomach I very quickly get an incredibly tired and heavy feeling. That's what came to mind when I read Baya's comment regarding "heavy oppressive feeling." I don't know anything about the healing topic at hand but do know that taking the CBD oil on a full stomach made a world of difference to the effect I felt.

I just wanted to add that for what it's worth.
Hi Bucudinkydow
yes i gotta love that,,,

A full strength oral tinctures from the herbalist contains only 30% ethanol
that procedure is to make the tincture less hot, 1mil of 95% ethanol can burn the mucus membranes and thus, block that path thru to the blood.

mark the level of the tincture on the bottle with some sticky tape, and again, more tape at about one third of the tincture. now take the lid off and evaporate the ethanol out to the 1/3 mark. next,, fill the bottle to the top mark with de-mineralized water. quick shake, and your ready to go..

oh that process is not really necessary,,, you can simply mix each dose of your tincture as is with a small glass of water or juice or milks and the ethanol will not be hot enough to cause any damage to your mucus membranes.

7g of high quality sticky bud will have about 1g of cco on it
4oz = 120ml
so there are--> 1,000mg in 1g
1g into 120ml or 1,000mg divided equally into 120ml is
each ml contains 8.333mg of cco
10ml contains 83.333mg
The recommended dose rates for ethanol tinctures is 1 to 10ml per hour
max is 10ml per hour after that you start getting drunk and that takes ethanol out of medicinal value and into the recreational drinking range.

Thanx, Radic.
In the past, I've always done a reduction of my tinctures from 4oz to 1 or 2oz and my dose is generally one drop in what ever I'm drinking at the time on three occasions during the day. When I first started using tinctures I was advised to administer sublingually. If you do this a second time I think you must surely have some masochistic tendencies! Since I've been experimenting with my closed decarb/freeze extraction method, I have forgone the reduction process for fear of evaporating some of the lighter terpene molecules along with the ethanol and adjusting my dosage appropriately.

Thanx for the math.
i love the way you dowit, the theory is sound, i gotta try it......
if you repeat the process several times with the same tincture and fresh herb each time,,,, that will fortify it way more,
the first time you repeat the process you double the strength to about 50:1 mark it X2..... next time its triple strength--> X3 at about 30:1 and so on...
about 100:1 is the standard for a full strength tincture and your right in the ballpark there. that is a full strength tincture to be proud of.

btw herbal medicine rule No1-->you simply can not make high quality medicines from lower quality buds
what you put in is what you get out.
start with the best buds on the plant and you get the best tincture that plant can produce.

smoking the best buds on the plant gets about 10% of all that THC into your blood. eating it gets the lot, 100% into your blood. much better value for your THC dollar.

great works, nuff respect everytime,, thanx for sharing
We've shared a lot of great information recently.

Just want to remind members to stay on topic. This forum is focused specifically on making CCO. Posts about infused oils and tinctures can be confusing to others trying to learn about CCO.

Please do continue this discussion on other threads, but keep posts here on topic for the sake of other users. Thanks.:thanks:
I want to jump in very quickly here and say that when I take one drop of 5% CBD Oil on an empty stomach I very quickly get an incredibly tired and heavy feeling. That's what came to mind when I read Baya's comment regarding "heavy oppressive feeling." I don't know anything about the healing topic at hand but do know that taking the CBD oil on a full stomach made a world of difference to the effect I felt.

I just wanted to add that for what it's worth.

Thank you for pointing that out. I often forget to mention taking cannabis on a stomach fortified with some food, and that a body on cannabinoids requires more water.
We've shared a lot of great information recently.

Just want to remind members to stay on topic. This forum is focused specifically on making CCO. Posts about infused oils and tinctures can be confusing to others trying to learn about CCO.

Please do continue this discussion on other threads, but keep posts here on topic for the sake of other users. Thanks.:thanks:

Thank you KR. :hugs: This was my mistake in traffic directing. If we can find a more appropriate place for that discussion we can have the mods move it.
We've shared a lot of great information recently.

Just want to remind members to stay on topic. This forum is focused specifically on making CCO. Posts about infused oils and tinctures can be confusing to others trying to learn about CCO.

Please do continue this discussion on other threads, but keep posts here on topic for the sake of other users. Thanks.:thanks:

My humble apologies. It WON'T happen again!
My humble apologies. It WON'T happen again!

Forgive me for misdirecting you. :hugs: I'll find a better spot for it or start a thread on tinctures. I'm not sure what we have already available, but if there's not an existing one it'll fit into the new thread'll be up and I'll move it myself.

It's an important conversation, and it does pertain to oils, just not this particular approach. No harm done. :battingeyelashes: :Love:
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