How to grow in Coco: Feed schedule

Ive just realised in my schedule on page 1 i have calmag added until final week. This is an error on my part and should be ceased week 3 or 4 of flower. I cant edit the post.
Figured out why it was to high i added to much flower burst just another quick 1 about defol ino you say you defol the bottom third of the plant but do you thin out the top for more light penetration
Just a quick 1 mate ino you said you defol the bottom third of the plant but do you thin out the fan leave at the top for light penetration ?
My staring water is 0.0 ec i use cal mag to bump it to .3

Then you have done something wrong mate. No way should it be reading that high. Uve added too much base, calmag or flowerburst. I dont measure ionic by ml per litre i jusy pour it in in amd stir with mu bluelab truncheon until ec is at desired level.

Hey just saw your post on VDJ...

I use it with pirhana and molasses (1 tbs per gal) it is supposed to form a symbiotic environment for the microbes.

Dunno what's in carb-o-load but unsulphered molasses is cheap and very very effective in my experience

Also have you ever used coconut water? I was drinking some and thought about using a bottle with gallon of water for the first 3 days of a 10 day flush. I mean coco water in coco coir.... seems like a fun try. And it has a good natural source of potassium

Carboload is just simple sugars that feed the beneficials. Mollasses can certainly be used.

O havent used cocowater. But i think it may cause problems because of the potassium content. Simply because my mix is so refined it would knock it out. The schedule on page 1 i dont follow to the letter. Its a schedule for beginners and people looking to boost their crops yield and quality witjout having to have trial and error. I adapt the schedule to the strain and style of grow. After a while you can spot what plants need just by glancing at them. I do use the products listed but i adopt Amounts toneach groW.

y cult is AN big bud similar to Buddhas tree flower burst? I can't get Buddhas tree products where I'm at. What is an alternative to flower burst?

No bud ignitor is the alternagive by AN. Its also great but flower burst goes 8x as far for same price.

Just a quick 1 mate ino you said you defol the bottom third of the plant but do you thin out the fan leave at the top for light penetration

If plants are reaĺly busby yes i remove some leaves from top but sparingly. Those fan leaves play an important roll in photosynthesis and store much needed nutes.
Yo cult hope u good bro!!

Think I got a prob with my voodoo juice.. had it 2-3 weeks using once per week and although I defo noticed the wrank smell from day 1 I failed to notice until yesterday there's white and green bits floating in the bottle!!! Mould looking flat clumps the size of 5p coin? Fed 2-3 times (over 2-3 weeks) and no ill effects but I fed my clones it yest as they just rooted and I'm flapping now I gona lose them (my last cuts of some very rare girls so not happy)

Also got some girls starting pk/metaboost this week.. I'm slightly past 3 week mark but heavy defoliated at day 20 so giving a few days extension on flowerburst to allow for recovery! Problem is I'm hoping to start pk/metaboost by Friday but only have pk for now.. metaboost isn't available to me until next week.. would u recommend starting pk this week and including metaboost next week once in stock or hold out til next week where I can start both together?

Cheers man and all the best for 2018... make it a big but safe one ✌
That doesnt sound great with the voodoo juice? Id take that back to the shop.s

Get the pk started asap mate. Dont wait any longer as plants will be hungry for iþ. The pk is way more important than the metaboost, youbreaĺy need tonstart on that now . Just add the metaboost hen it gets there..
Top man cult

Think I'm gona wait to c the outcome of my clones b4 returning, that way I can decide to place bottle on counter or launch it at them lol

just fed the green crack cheese pk so only 4-5 days behind recommended.. got some haze and Girl Scout cookies coming up soon so il b sure to hit them at day 21!!

GSC are awesome.. Day 5 they showed very good bud sites and all were vibrant purple No real stretch either.. Coolest thing Iv ever seen and both achieved with a slightly cooler climate in both day and night.. most gsc will turn purple later on but unheard of so early.. as the days past it showed that in fact the bud grows lime green and all the purple is actually all the leaves... mega excited to watch this progress now...

One thing I will say is that this far the differences I'm seeing in growth and health is unreal when comparing to my previous grows with AN nutes.. I use less and everything just happens much sooner.. running 3 diff strains with this schedule and all are proforming excellently so it's no fluke! By researching all the different nutes gives u real understanding of what the girls really need and more importantly when and how much to give!!

Think il get my own thread goin if these clones survive to show an in depth way with pics of this whole routine from start to end! Obviously only if u didn't mind and I'm not the Cnut to take others credit so it'll b referenced to yourself.. I can just show that any muppet can do it if ur willing to set the rite environment and give the required time and effort ✌️
Thats good mate. I dont mind you documenting anything mate. Its funny as i was told i dont know what im talking abouy from someone on this forum few days ago. Ofcourse said person was on their first grow and has read everything there is to know, so of course i talk shit lol. In furiates me when people with no growing experience go on on help threads then talk shit. But my point is its nice to get positive feedback, as you all give on these threads . I just care about what im doing so i get wound up sometimes.

Id take that voodoo back mate, id be going nutes. Coukd have killed yoir plants mate.
Goin nutes Iv got clones in clear cups so bonus bein I can see visible growth from yest so I'm hoping I was lucky

Forums r full of jokers bro.. takes u a while but I got it to a t now.. can separate the mugs from the Kings easily!! Mugs like to comment with no reference or even worse reference taken from google rather than experience!! We can all b sheep and follow but most the forums are blind leading the blind! Very sad really as soooo many poor people must be having very poor results as they know no better! Following the so called know it alls

I follow only people who back up there shit and if I'm forced to go elsewhere for my info I look for a similar person or atleast follow the opinion of the greater majority!! So many ways to skin a cat especially in this game so info can certainly b misleading but I like to follow the simple concept of "if several cretiable people agree it's safe to say it's a good option"

Will keep u posted on my threat cult.. would b great to have u pass by once in a while to show some ❤️
Yes thats correct. Many keyboard warriors about that like to give it more than they know. I dont understand it, fuck me ive spent alot of time helping people on this forum for free! But never mind. Ive actually started writing a bòok and it will be jam packed full of info. I bought 2 books off amazon a few days ago just to see how people write books on this sibject. I felt both werre terribke readss with very little usefull info and rànďom info thats no important. Im goint to do like an encycvlopedia thats covers everything from germination to harvest and everythijg you can think of such as cloning, hydrponic, soil, it will be illustrated and awesome. Its going to take time to finish but i wiĺl get it done.

Anyway send me a link to your grow and i will have a look.
Sounds sweet cult... wishing u all the best with that and I'm sure it'll b a top seller in it sector!! Books are shit as they only refer to "cannabis" looool like it's just one strain or that all behave totally the same That's where I feel an encyclopaedia is defo the way as you could also have a more in depth breakdown of the varieties like indica, sativa, hybrid etc and how they differ in terms of things like environment conditions.. I also feel it's very difficult to log such instensive knowledge so mayb concider having different books for different methods I.e coco, DTW etc or just a huge encyclopaedia to cover all in different sections!! Il imagine it'll take some time... shame u didn't have this idea in jail ✏️
I know mate. Ive been tbinking about iy on and off for a long time but i started writing stuff down on my macbook while flying all the time and now im starting to get the makings of a good book. But it needs far more detail for it to be like an encyclopedia and needs altered in its approach. But the digital copies will have links to different things like forums and even possible live grows. I see what happens.
Big job for 1 man.. how about just a digital version to start and later think about turning it to a publishable book..

Start it on here or similar platform and allow input from members u trust and credible members whole heartedly following ur regime.. that way you can give it a starting point and people can input any missing bits.. as it progresses thru ul have an extensive load of valuable feeds (use this thread for questions and the new for book input only) then every now and again u vpvsn go thru thread copying and pasting an reliant info you wish to use into another program where you can really start putting it into some order.. ur own website wud b sick where a lil team of admin scour comments so only relevant non bs remains
Hahaha. Its food for thought mate. It would be nice to make a few pennies soing it too but thats not the main drive. I have a fantastic life and im not driven by money these days. Altbough it would be nice if i could make something. But to leave something behind when im long and gone would be great.
Wot u think of gavitas cult? Worth the dosh?? thinking for the slightly cooler run and also to dim right down in early veg wen not really needed in a nice warm room. Been tryin to cut the leccy costs.. was paying £11 per day for 2 lights and 2 fans and heater at one point ffs it was the 2kw heater obviously.. Iv now turned rad back on in room and added more light �� Rite temp now and some nice output too lol costing around a fiver now
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