How not to be a salt farmer or a wasteful grower tips

That's something I appreciate about these living journals, they will be here after we've passed. I don't plan on dying anytime fact, it dawned on me that eventually the older growers will be daisies. And it'll be up to us younger potheads to take their place in the circle, continuing their teachings, pass the flame. An you will leave your legacies and live on in your threads, it's beautiful.
i dunno dick but i still grow weed. it's nice to see those who do know richard as fantastic as the folk here. there's so many many grow styles from awesome growers. hope to try more.

i don't get to do outdoor here. keep it up. :)
In my area we are experiencing an abnormal heat wave. Well, maybe not abnormal anymore with climate change making every weather event more extreme and longer. Seems like the numbers we've been seeing are going to become a fixture for farmers and anyone else growing in the southwest US. Food scarcity, like fresh water scarcity, is going to become a big problem in the next 25 to 50 years unless they are able to come up with a way for plants to be able to withstand the weather extremes.

I'm an optimist and believe in science so I'm hoping and praying that science will be able to figure out some sort of workaround but so far it's looking pretty bleak.

In the last 30 days the temperature around here has...averaged..112°. Unfortunately no degree of hardiness in a cannabis plant can withstand that kind of consistent temp regardless of how much water you give it. We even broke our historical high last week. 121°. You know it's hot when the cacti are turning yellow and dying from the high temps! My neighbors 10 ft high cactus just fell over the other day and he had that thing on a drip system so it's not like it wasn't getting any water. I took the top 4 feet that had split from the other 4 ft you see laying down to try and get it to root in my desert garden.

Cactus fall.jpg

No outdoor growing for me as the only time temperature is acceptable for outdoor growing around here is in the winter time where light exposure will not be enough if I'm doing a purely outdoor grow without any assistance from supplemental lighting.
That's something I appreciate about these living journals, they will be here after we've passed. I don't plan on dying anytime fact, it dawned on me that eventually the older growers will be daisies. And it'll be up to us younger potheads to take their place in the circle, continuing their teachings, pass the flame. An you will leave your legacies and live on in your threads, it's beautiful.

I wonder how receptive a cemetery would be to your plot being planted with weed plants perpetually along with you being buried in a compostable pod. You would literally be the plants N-P-K!
Soylent green
Ok, last update before vacation. Momma came back with a 13 fuzzy today on the refractometer so she’s at least 12.5 brix.
You can see heights of momma and clones from attachments. And so far considering there have been no feedings for clones yet, the girl that’s not going to be fed till necessary is doing best, none of others have been fed either so I’m leaning towards electro not adding any value in this case.





Random vacation start







St thomas
Almost home, bittersweet








Made it back, our friends took great care of the girls. The ones that were supposed to got top dressed this past weekend while I was away. EWC, flour, perlite and diluted molasses. Non-fed clone still looking strongest so far.




Bean bonanza surprise:
The beans have been separated to their own homes.



Momma is about 47” tall now

Girls are growing well my friend, nice work :welldone:
I fear they are hungry though. :Namaste:
They need more nitrogen at the least.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Girls are growing well my friend, nice work :welldone:
I fear they are hungry though. :Namaste:
They need more nitrogen at the least.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Agreed, time to expand with beans and alfalfa etc. also added about 4oz worth of dried popcorn buds to worm bins. And as much as I hate doing it I will probably add a tsp or two of coffee grounds. Caffeine is poisonous to many plants so just don’t go adding it to everything.
A few points I need to consider before I make any changes or choices on feeding/amendments:
First, girls were just top dressed on Sunday night. I will not make any changes for at least 1-2 weeks so most likely what I do won’t get done till next feeding with exception of adding dry flower to worm bins and compost. As already stated before, dead leaves always end up in pots too.
Second, this year has been a lot rainier than previous years, not complaining but considering I don’t usually see any signs of deficiency until at least week 2 or 3 of flower and all of the girls except for 1 look hungry I must consider the moisture levels as well. Another reason, not to go crazy with feeding changes (part of my less is more strategy).
Third, I mentioned growing beans, alfalfa and peas etc for longer term needs to condition soil and provide more opportunities for crop rotations.
Been formulating my plan and may as well reveal what I typically start doing around week 3 of flower because I’ll end up doing it at next feeding. As a carry over from my hi brix testing days I typically start foliar feedings at a rate of no more than once a week using a different recipe. I take my typical diluted molasses mix, but add seaweed from my beach trips as well as compost and ewc then strain. Then I add a few ounces of neem oil and put into atomizing sprayer. That is my foliar which usually starts at week 2-4 of flower but will start before buds are forming provided the last top dressing hasn’t made things better by next feeding. We’ll see how it goes.
Really hoping to show that it’s valuable to follow the organic path with a less is more strategy is the easiest way to get started making good quality meds and encourage everyone to adopt organic growing for all of their needs. I know better than a lot of folks out there that you can do great things with all of the tricks and advanced methods out there and that I have nowhere near the best methods. But I also know that my methods have helped save lives or at least enhanced the end for some which is what has given me the confidence to share what I have been sharing to this point. For those thinking well yeah, he’s got all this access to land, garden space, compost piles, etc. I can still relate. I spent 3 years in a 1 br apt with no access to land or space or any of the amenities I’d been used to and guess what I did. I bought worm castings, I bought my pro mix, I harvested my worms, I bugged every farm and nursery within 50 miles, and I got what I needed for a fraction of the cost. I’m still alive and my dad is still alive so I can promise you at least this much, if you start out with EWC, perlite, and some good soil mix then you at least have a fighting chance and can build off of that to improve. Read that again! My dad and I are still going based partly on this aspect and if you ever have any questions about how we did it in more depth I am more than happy to share our experiences because that is what truly matters to me.
Just imagine if you will like the twilight zone coming home to an empty house after a work trip and having devoted 3 years trying to help save your father and a couple years to save yourself. No wife, no kids and your whole world has collapsed. That was the source of my longest hiatus from sharing but I never gave up. It’s been about 15 years since that journey started and we’re both still here and thriving so I feel I have the right to share unequivocally that even following the simple methods I can share is good enough to start from. If you need help in any way to get started I’m here to offer whatever I can, and if I don’t know I’m not ashameg
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