How I perform low stress training on my plants: Lots of pics!

This kind of low stress reminds me of the first part of this poem... I just have a hard time seeing how that kind of plant torture is low stress...

My love is rather special,
she's not your usual girl.
If you're into something different,
then you might give this a whirl!

I like to tie my girl down,
and strip her almost bare.
I strap her gently widely spread,
expose her everywhere.

She likes it hot and steamy,
splayed out under the light.
As I peel her, bend her, stretch her,
it's truly her delight.

I like to tie my girl down,
and strip her almost bare.
I strap her gently widely spread,
expose her everywhere.

That's all I dare...
Dunno how many here have an experience with LST clips(?)

My first actual experiment with them was couple days ago.
So I set them nicely and gives the same result as it would be with tying, but no wires, rocks, string or ties needed!

Things I should have considered:
- clips being pretty slender / how fast new vegging shoots outgrow of them…? FAST!
- how in the earth you remove those clips if the stem has overgrown out of it and had taken bent shape? :rolleyes:

Which one would been better to leave them on - that would have ”bottle necked” node/branch later. Or try to rip them off gently as possible?
…So decided to try take them off, best as I can. Mission impossible.
It turned out as a hardcore HST:ing for ~3 weeks old plant. :sorry:
One branch totally broke off and three of them I managed to duct tape for the support.


So I lost one of the 2nd lowest node. Had to cut the rest half of it off.
Duct taped branches fortunately recorvering and they growing big ass knots on the broken spots. They cannot be bend for a while now.

Any1 whose thinking about trying out those clips, I’d suggest not to buy these:

…Or if you do find a thin and flimsy enough stem and remove them after a day or two, depending how fast is the growth.

Now after the damage is already done, did a quick search about those clips and found there is adjustable clips which I’d prefer.
Those must be better in every possible way when you can choose how much you want to bend them and the best part, you can straighten the clip slightly when you want to take it off.


Conclusion: back to the yard collecting rocks..:laugh: Keep it old skool, do not change the habits!
Wires and soft ties seem to be my only friends.
Dunno how many here have an experience with LST clips(?)

My first actual experiment with them was couple days ago.
So I set them nicely and gives the same result as it would be with tying, but no wires, rocks, string or ties needed!

Things I should have considered:
- clips being pretty slender / how fast new vegging shoots outgrow of them…? FAST!
- how in the earth you remove those clips if the stem has overgrown out of it and had taken bent shape? :rolleyes:

Which one would been better to leave them on - that would have ”bottle necked” node/branch later. Or try to rip them off gently as possible?
…So decided to try take them off, best as I can. Mission impossible.
It turned out as a hardcore HST:ing for ~3 weeks old plant. :sorry:
One branch totally broke off and three of them I managed to duct tape for the support.


So I lost one of the 2nd lowest node. Had to cut the rest half of it off.
Duct taped branches fortunately recorvering and they growing big ass knots on the broken spots. They cannot be bend for a while now.

Any1 whose thinking about trying out those clips, I’d suggest not to buy these:

…Or if you do find a thin and flimsy enough stem and remove them after a day or two, depending how fast is the growth.

Now after the damage is already done, did a quick search about those clips and found there is adjustable clips which I’d prefer.
Those must be better in every possible way when you can choose how much you want to bend them and the best part, you can straighten the clip slightly when you want to take it off.


Conclusion: back to the yard collecting rocks..:laugh: Keep it old skool, do not change the habits!
Wires and soft ties seem to be my only friends.
My LST clips are slightly different, they allow me to slide them on from the side and they come in two different sizes; HOWEVER @Moony did tell me to make sure to remove them after a short time (couple-few days at most). I noticed that after two days, the stem had already assume the shape enough to hold it in place - so that will be the modus operandi for me going forward. Also, ALL clips that go on one day will ALL come off again on the same day later on … this way I wont have to remember which was put on when. The company that I bought mine from came out with an adjustable literally two days after I received mine - what a kick in the butt!

And last night when attempting to do a bit more fan leaf tucking I broke a large and lower node pretty badly - it was hanging on by a thread so to speak. All I had on hand was medical tape so that was her band-aid. Amazingly, after 13 hours she is t showing any signs of wilting, so I’m hoping she is healing!
Yeah thats where I fucked up. I kept them two or three days total. And stems thickenin mad fast on DWC…
And my clips are(were xD) a solid plastic and the clip ends had like a small ”hooks” so it ensures that the stem stays there.

If I ever do LST clips again, I’ll be looking for those which can be slightly adjusted. Thats a suicide to squeeze those hooks on young fragile nodes.

Amazingly, after 13 hours she is t showing any signs of wilting, so I’m hoping she is healing!
Same happened here. There was nodes barely hanging from a small part of the tissue before duct taped them. After 24h they were already reachin towards light - and when peeked whats happening under the tape, the stems were only half repaired and still perkin up.. So it is actually making big ass knots on those spots when theyre healed
Yeah thats where I fucked up. I kept them two or three days total. And stems thickenin mad fast on DWC…
And my clips are(were xD) a solid plastic and the clip ends had like a small ”hooks” so it ensures that the stem stays there.

If I ever do LST clips again, I’ll be looking for those which can be slightly adjusted. Thats a suicide to squeeze those hooks on young fragile nodes.

Same happened here. There was nodes barely hanging from a small part of the tissue before duct taped them. After 24h they were already reachin towards light - and when peeked whats happening under the tape, the stems were only half repaired and still perkin up.. So it is actually making big ass knots on those spots when theyre healed
Here are the ones I want to replace my current ones with (these are fully adjustable)
Conclusion: back to the yard collecting rocks.. Keep it old skool, do not change the habits!
Wires and soft ties seem to be my only friends.
Thanks for the warning Verbalist! Sorry to hear about the breakage :(

I stick with ties and binder clips because I adjust my LST almost daily. I am aiming for below horizontal in my bends, and I have to say I have never broken a single branch in LST training. Slow and steady!
Also, ALL clips that go on one day will ALL come off again on the same day later on … this way I wont have to remember which was put on when.
Seems a lot more complicated than tightening up a pipe cleaner. :)
Amazingly, after 13 hours she is t showing any signs of wilting, so I’m hoping she is healing!
Here are the ones I want to replace my current ones with (these are fully adjustable)
Adjustable would definitely be a plus...thanks! Though with ties and binder clips I can spread out the bend along the branch. Other than being cool, I'm not sure I see the advantage to LST clips.
Seems a lot more complicated than tightening up a pipe cleaner. :)
Adjustable would definitely be a plus...thanks! Though with ties and binder clips I can spread out the bend along the branch. Other than being cool, I'm not sure I see the advantage to LST clips.
Problem with a DWC bucket is ther’s nothing to clip ONTO . The top of the bucket comes off daily for PPM and pH checks and weekly for res changes - I would t know where to put any binder clips that wouldnt interfere with the bucket’s top
Oh true! There has to be a way to tie branches to the lid, though definitely more trouble than with a pot. Hot glue?
I dunno - I’ll see if hubby has any ideas - he’s a true Macgyver!
Here are the ones I want to replace my current ones with (these are fully adjustable)
Where can you order these??

Problem with a DWC bucket is ther’s nothing to clip ONTO . The top of the bucket comes off daily for PPM and pH checks and weekly for res changes - I would t know where to put any binder clips that wouldnt interfere with the bucket’s top
That was the reason why ordered these clips.. just to make life easier. But not saying it would be hard at all to clip ties or wires on the bucket lid. Especially when my bucket has this small inlet whole which can be used to take samples for pH/ppm measuring and to top the res. So don’t have to lift the lid that often.


I dunno - I’ll see if hubby has any ideas - he’s a true Macgyver!
Theres the sky as a frontier with ingenuity :cool:

I found this easy way to LST. Bend nodes/branches with the wire and duct tape the wire ends to the edge of the lid.
Bucket lid still ez to lif without fuckin up the ties.

Also Ive seen many ppl screw hooks to the lid like so:

And when you google: dwc lst - theres quite ufo inventions. I found this funny as hell :rofl:
@Shed. Thanks so much for this thread! This is my second grow and I’ve never been happy with my LST. Recently, I trained my 18 day old auto. It hangs over the edge by a few inches. Should I keep it like that or start to train it around the pot like the pic? Thanks for your guidance!

Hey Will and :welcome: to 420magazine...I'm glad this thread was of help to you!

In terms of training around the pot, it takes a larger pot to train around the edge without running into space issues on the interior side, so if you feel like you will have space for the inner growth then around the edge is a lot easier than finding ways to secure the top beyond the rim.

If you decide to continue beyond the edge, there are a number of ways to tie down, including skewers seen here and here. @Carcass is now using a pool noodle split in half seen here, and he's also used peg board around the pot.

You probably get the idea there are a lot of ways to sort out the training! Post a pic when you figure out what to do.

Hey Will and :welcome: to 420magazine...I'm glad this thread was of help to you!

In terms of training around the pot, it takes a larger pot to train around the edge without running into space issues on the interior side, so if you feel like you will have space for the inner growth then around the edge is a lot easier than finding ways to secure the top beyond the rim.

If you decide to continue beyond the edge, there are a number of ways to tie down, including skewers seen here and here. @Carcass is now using a pool noodle split in half seen here, and he's also used peg board around the pot.

You probably get the idea there are a lot of ways to sort out the training! Post a pic when you figure out what to do.

@Shed Thanks for you response! I appreciate all the help I can get! These are super helpful suggestions. I was able to get a few pics together so you could see. How am I doing? Any feedback would be super helpful. Thanks for your time!



@Shed Thanks for you response! I appreciate all the help I can get! These are super helpful suggestions. I was able to get a few pics together so you could see. How am I doing? Any feedback would be super helpful. Thanks for your time!
That is one sturdy-looking plant. :thumb: Given how "tall" it is already I would train it around the edge. Also, see if you can slowly slide the light pink tie up the stem a bit to try to get the trunk more upright. It's hard to get the top lower than the lowers when the bend starts that far down.
try to get the trunk more upright. It's hard to get the top lower than the lowers when the bend starts that far down.
And thats the part when rocks starts rocking!! (Or neoprene collars) :D

Anyway nice start youve got there @Will11 ! Using fabric pot and bending the plant around the edges will or might get tricky.
I had a same plan to make full circle on my auto in 3gallon fabric pot. But ended only with a half circle because the whole main stalk started to get bit of twisted and new shoot/branches had swirly growth.
Might be strain related thing or had too much Ca, K, Si and other building blocks present in soil, so the stalk got woody prettty fast…
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