Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

Motoco - thanks for all of the great information you have provided.

I have a quick question that hopefully you can help me with.

My father is battling cancer and just started using RSO. Based on everything I've read here, it's obvious he was not doing it correctly and taking TOO MUCH. The last couple of days he has been very nauseous and has mild headaches. Today, he even found it difficult to pee. I've been reading as much as I could and it seems like it is possible if not likely that the excessive (and incorrect) dosing is the cause of this. Are nausea, vomiting, headaches, and dehydration common side effects of taking too much oil to quickly?

Obviously very concerned that it's the cancer at work and not the RSO...

Any insight you could provide would be greatly appreciated.
Hi help4dad,

There is several factors I need to know. Is he taking pain patches or other meds? Who made the concentrated oil and what solvent was used? Has you're Dad been through chemo? And lastly what stage/type of cancer? If he took too large of a dose and became euphoric (high) he could of had nausea from not hydrating and eating and left unchecked could cause vomiting and headaches especially with pain meds on an empty stomach. Have you're Dad hydrate and eat, sleep well and start again in the morning.

If you're Dad follows the dosing procedure on the instructional tutorial he will learn the correct way to take his RSO. You might be interested in the tutorial link on my signature also. We can move forward when you answer the few questions so I can collect more information. Also always eat first, brush the teeth and rinse before you're first dose. Always take the RSO before any man made medications. Review the dosing instructions several times to make sure everything is understood. I would like to point out it is normal without proper instructions (most say to eat the concentrate) to become euphoric. Read the threads in this topic also as it covers a lot of important information. He will need you're help to review the instructions. I would also suggest to stay off the web or anyone that tells you to digest the concentrate without taking it properly.

ps I see that you are still online. You cannot see my post unless you refresh you're page. If you need to find out where you're post was go to the top of the page on the right side next to 'search', click on 'My Profile' then click on 'Post Area' and you will see you're post. I cannot be back on until early a.m. but will reply asap.

Motoco :Namaste:
Hi help4dad,

There is several factors I need to know. Is he taking pain patches or other meds? Who made the concentrated oil and what solvent was used? Has you're Dad been through chemo? And lastly what stage/type of cancer? If he took too large of a dose and became euphoric (high) he could of had nausea from not hydrating and eating and left unchecked could cause vomiting and headaches especially with pain meds on an empty stomach. Have you're Dad hydrate and eat, sleep well and start again in the morning.

If you're Dad follows the dosing procedure on the instructional tutorial he will learn the correct way to take his RSO. You might be interested in the tutorial link on my signature also. We can move forward when you answer the few questions so I can collect more information. Also always eat first, brush the teeth and rinse before you're first dose. Always take the RSO before any man made medications. Review the dosing instructions several times to make sure everything is understood. I would like to point out it is normal without proper instructions (most say to eat the concentrate) to become euphoric. Read the threads in this topic also as it covers a lot of important information. He will need you're help to review the instructions. I would also suggest to stay off the web or anyone that tells you to digest the concentrate without taking it properly.

ps I see that you are still online. You cannot see my post unless you refresh you're page. If you need to find out where you're post was go to the top of the page on the right side next to 'search', click on 'My Profile' then click on 'Post Area' and you will see you're post. I cannot be back on until early a.m. but will reply asap.

Motoco :Namaste:

Thank you for responding.

Dad has non-small cell lung cancer. First diagnosed in 2008. Had surgery and nothing else (no chemo, no radiation). He relied on vitamins and silver water treatment to stay well. Was great until last year when we learned the cancer metastasized to the brain (very similar to Valerie Harper). Has had 2 surgeries on the brain to remove tumors. Again, no chemo and no radiation. Cancer is back and we have decided to continue to try to fight it naturally using RSO. (FYI - scans show that cancer is only in the brain right now, nowhere else)

We made the oil ourselves using Everclear and following the instructions on the Run From the Cure site. In retrospect, may not have left the oil on the coffee warmer long enough...hard to tell as we were very anxious and didn't want to overheat. (We decarbed in oven before doing the wash - 240 F for about 35 minutes)

Dad is not taking any meds other than your standard blood pressure and sugar regulating meds. He is also taking a lot of vitamins to help boost the immune system. No chemo and no "cancer" meds.

It is very hard to say if dad was ever high. He's a newbie and seems to have a very high tolerance for all drugs. But, nausea has been around for the last couple of days and won't seem to go away even though it does appear to be lessening. He says he can still "taste" the oil. We have now gone a little over a day without taking the RSO again because we don't want to make him worse.

Not sure what's going on...

Very grateful for your help.
Hi help4dad,

Thank you for you're response. If you're Dad digested the oil on an empty stomach and the concentrate had too much Everclear left over that could of contributed also to being nauseous. As mentioned, left untreated it could of escalated. It also could of been a virus/flu/stomach flu, etc. Did you see how much you're Dad digested? In the future make sure you're Dad eats before taking any medications. Also taking the concentrate with blood pressure meds can cause the same effect also if the oil is digested instead of the dosing method described in the tutorial on page one. Make sure you're Dad eats and rest right now until he feels better. Normally on the concentrate I would suggest he took a little more if he had a flu bug etc. to feel better (if it was taken correctly).

I have some questions about you're concentrate you made. Did you get the cannabis for you're Dad? Did you use flower/bud only? Do you smoke MJ? I am asking this so if you do you could smoke some of the concentrate to check its potency. If you are sure its 'top shelf' quality that won't be necessary, but is a way to confirm if you're unsure. What you stated about decarboxylation process it was done at the start and then at the finish of making the concentrate. I never seen that on Rick Simpsons site. If you are unsure how the oil turned out and you have more surplus I would try making the concentrate the way the instructions are on the tutorial that is linked to my signature. If you follow that to the letter and follow the dosing tutorial following that you're Dad will be back on track in no time.

It is very important to remain calm. Please read all you can in this thread from top to bottom (except about the horse/vet). Educate yourself as well as you're Father. What is you're Dad's age? Is his strength good or is he weak? Also always start the day taking the concentrate after breakfast. The concentrate will control his blood pressure. If he still wants to take his blood pressure meds make sure he takes it after he doses correctly using the concentrate. I mentioned this before but it is important. You should try the concentrate without the blood pressure meds for a day and see if that makes a difference. Actually it is like taking a double dose of blood pressure meds and can make you dizzy, nauseous and throw up also.

You have complete instructions on the correct way to make and apply the concentrate. Use these, have you're Dad work his way up properly. Again, pay attention on hydrating, eating, dosing, basically a strict regimen. If this is done correctly and the concentrate is made right you can get back on track now. Again, keep in mind if you digest the concentrate without 'tacking' to you're gums first with taking the blood pressure meds it could cause you're Dad to pass out. He will not overdose from the concentrate but fall and substance injuries. Not throwing a 'scare' tactic out there but want to insure complete safety.

We want to get back on track with the RSO as soon as you're Dad stomach feels better. Start small and work you're way up. Even at the start small doses have a big impact on stalling the cancer. Just make sure the concentrate STICKS to his gums a few times when he applies each dose. Soon those spots will remain sticky and the concentrate will apply much easier.

Please keep me updated on his progress. Any concerns you have please ask. I check this thread as often as I can. Final mention, the concentrate is very bitter tasting. He will get use to it and actually become to like it as he will find out, it kills cancer. The taste dissipates quickly. Just never eat or drink until at least 20 minutes after taking the concentrate.

Motoco :Namaste:

Thank you for responding.

Dad has non-small cell lung cancer. First diagnosed in 2008. Had surgery and nothing else (no chemo, no radiation). He relied on vitamins and silver water treatment to stay well. Was great until last year when we learned the cancer metastasized to the brain (very similar to Valerie Harper). Has had 2 surgeries on the brain to remove tumors. Again, no chemo and no radiation. Cancer is back and we have decided to continue to try to fight it naturally using RSO. (FYI - scans show that cancer is only in the brain right now, nowhere else)

We made the oil ourselves using Everclear and following the instructions on the Run From the Cure site. In retrospect, may not have left the oil on the coffee warmer long enough...hard to tell as we were very anxious and didn't want to overheat. (We decarbed in oven before doing the wash - 240 F for about 35 minutes)

Dad is not taking any meds other than your standard blood pressure and sugar regulating meds. He is also taking a lot of vitamins to help boost the immune system. No chemo and no "cancer" meds.

It is very hard to say if dad was ever high. He's a newbie and seems to have a very high tolerance for all drugs. But, nausea has been around for the last couple of days and won't seem to go away even though it does appear to be lessening. He says he can still "taste" the oil. We have now gone a little over a day without taking the RSO again because we don't want to make him worse.

Not sure what's going on...

Very grateful for your help.
Hi help4dad,

Thank you for you're response. If you're Dad digested the oil on an empty stomach and the concentrate had too much Everclear left over that could of contributed also to being nauseous. As mentioned, left untreated it could of escalated. It also could of been a virus/flu/stomach flu, etc. Did you see how much you're Dad digested? In the future make sure you're Dad eats before taking any medications. Also taking the concentrate with blood pressure meds can cause the same effect also if the oil is digested instead of the dosing method described in the tutorial on page one. Make sure you're Dad eats and rest right now until he feels better. Normally on the concentrate I would suggest he took a little more if he had a flu bug etc. to feel better (if it was taken correctly).

I have some questions about you're concentrate you made. Did you get the cannabis for you're Dad? Did you use flower/bud only? Do you smoke MJ? I am asking this so if you do you could smoke some of the concentrate to check its potency. If you are sure its 'top shelf' quality that won't be necessary, but is a way to confirm if you're unsure. What you stated about decarboxylation process it was done at the start and then at the finish of making the concentrate. I never seen that on Rick Simpsons site. If you are unsure how the oil turned out and you have more surplus I would try making the concentrate the way the instructions are on the tutorial that is linked to my signature. If you follow that to the letter and follow the dosing tutorial following that you're Dad will be back on track in no time.

It is very important to remain calm. Please read all you can in this thread from top to bottom (except about the horse/vet). Educate yourself as well as you're Father. What is you're Dad's age? Is his strength good or is he weak? Also always start the day taking the concentrate after breakfast. The concentrate will control his blood pressure. If he still wants to take his blood pressure meds make sure he takes it after he doses correctly using the concentrate. I mentioned this before but it is important. You should try the concentrate without the blood pressure meds for a day and see if that makes a difference. Actually it is like taking a double dose of blood pressure meds and can make you dizzy, nauseous and throw up also.

You have complete instructions on the correct way to make and apply the concentrate. Use these, have you're Dad work his way up properly. Again, pay attention on hydrating, eating, dosing, basically a strict regimen. If this is done correctly and the concentrate is made right you can get back on track now. Again, keep in mind if you digest the concentrate without 'tacking' to you're gums first with taking the blood pressure meds it could cause you're Dad to pass out. He will not overdose from the concentrate but fall and substance injuries. Not throwing a 'scare' tactic out there but want to insure complete safety.

We want to get back on track with the RSO. Start small and work you're way up. Even at the start small doses have a big impact on stalling the cancer. Just make sure the concentrate STICKS to his gums a few times when he applies each dose. Soon those spots will remain sticky and the concentrate will apply much easier.

Please keep me updated on his progress. Any concerns you have please ask. I check this thread as often as I can.

Motoco :Namaste:

Although I didn't see all of the doses, it looked like he was probably taking about 2 rice grains at a time, 3 times a day. He was eating first but he has dentures and is very sensitive about removing them (I know, you'd think he wouldn't be worried about that now) so he was just putting his finger in between his cheek and gum. We now know (thanks to you) how to dose correctly and will be doing that going forward.

In terms of the cannabis questions, it was acquired from someone I trust who knows and cares for my father so I am confident it is good. I do not smoke but have a friend who does and he tried it and confirmed the product was very good.

Regarding the decarboxylation, I first learned about this issue here - Got cancer? Decarboxylate your Cannabis | Patients for Medical Cannabis. As you probably know, Dennis Hill's success with the RSO is pretty well publicized and given his background in biochemistry, I followed his suggestion to decarb first (although he does say you can do it afterwards as well). When i first started to learn about it, I was very nervous that the decarbing wouldn't happen with the rice cooker and coffee warmer because as you can see from the chart on the link I've provided, it doesn't appear that either get hot enough to fully decarb. Also, read a lot of posts about the issue. Decided to decarb first per Dennis' suggestion on this link. Will decarb after going forward as that seems to be the better approach (I did watch your video...excellent information. Thanks).

By the way, dad is 66 years old and other than this, is very strong and healthy ("Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play"). He is a bit weak right now but still trying to be active. Goes to work and is otherwise trying to do the "normal" things as best he can. Mom and I have him resting more than he would want to, but that's probably a good thing that he wants to do things.

Will discuss with him the possibility of taking him off all man-made meds. He also needs to hydrate better. He does not like drinking a lot of water...never has. Says he feels bloated but we will be encouraging him to drink a little bit of water as frequently as possible.

I will continue to educate myself as it is the only way to get through this journey.

If there is anything else you think we should be aware of, please let me know. Again, thank you for your time and information. It is invaluable.
Thank you for the quick response. I've read this chart and 240-250 degrees is correct. Next time I would do the decarboxylation at the end. As the chart explains exposure to heat more than needed degrades the potency of the oil. Not disputing you cannot do it twice, I get excellent results with one at the end (How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil). I base my decarboxylation of the same basic info. O.K. we have the concentrate issue potency solved. I would like to mention that a high CBD strain should also be used with the high THC concentrate you already have. CBD will help immensely shrinking any tumors and inflammation especially in the brain area. If you can get something like Harlequin, Cannatonic, AC/DC, etc, you're friend should know about those or something like. I like to blend my cbd strain with my high thc strain before I do the quick rinse so it blends properly. The high CBD strains I've encountered has a LOT of UP and normally runs around 75% Sativa, 25% Indica. You can apply small doses of the high CBD oil up until about noon. Nothing after noon so you're Dad can rest better at night.

Two grains of rice is too much to start with 3 times a day and you're Dads system was overloaded and most likely ate too much. It is good to see him relatively strong and working. Once he takes the concentrate correctly he will notice a big change in his well being. Pay attention. When dosing correctly he will not feel much different than when he feels normal. THE MEDICINE IS WORKING, keep working his way up slowly. If done correctly in approximately 5 weeks he will be up to a gram a day with no issues. You're Dad will learn how the oil works shortly. Do you know what the strain of MJ was? Sativa dominant/50-50/or Indica dominant? If you can please clarify.

Resting as much as possible is a great healer in its own right. A nap during the day is recommended. Basically if you're Dad feels tired he should rest then and not wait. I understand people don't like changes, habits are hard to break and it sounds like he is a very regimen type of person. He is one year older than me so he has a lot of life left in him.

There is a TON of info on the net. Unfortunately most has been edited to a point I rarely seek any thing off the net. You're choice. This is exactly why this tutorial was put in place. Vague instructions or incorrect information can be very misleading, just a heads up.

Blood pressure is very easily monitored. That also can be a helpful decision maker. Never completely stop at once. A pill cutter is handy so as the blood pressure is monitored and is too low simply cut a quarter of the pill off. If need be keep going till it is at a stable level.

Cannot think of nothing else at the moment. I am fully confident if the concentrate is taken correctly you're Dad will be very happy with the results. He sounds like he is in very good hands between you and you're Mother. Just tell him any nauseous feeling or hunger pains hydrate and snack. It doesn't have to be a lot, just something. I use to not drink much water either but using the concentrate you need to. A easy reminder is when he urinates, drink. Dehydration can really mess you're system up and also cause nausea and throwing up, weak and tired. I know I may sound redundant on this but it is very important in the healing process.

Any hiccup along the way you haven't read please post. If there is none would you please be kind enough to share his progress? It would be greatly appreciated and would help others. Good or bad.

Thank you very much,

Thank you for the quick response. I've read this chart and 240-250 degrees is correct. Next time I would do the decarboxylation at the end. As the chart explains exposure to heat more than needed degrades the potency of the oil. Not disputing you cannot do it twice, I get excellent results with one at the end (How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil). I base my decarboxylation of the same basic info. O.K. we have the concentrate issue potency solved.

Two grains of rice is too much to start with 3 times a day and you're Dads system was overloaded and most likely ate too much. It is good to see him relatively strong and working. Once he takes the concentrate correctly he will notice a big change in his well being. Pay attention. When dosing correctly he will not feel much different than when he feels normal. THE MEDICINE IS WORKING, keep working his way up slowly. If done correctly in approximately 5 weeks he will be up to a gram a day with no issues. You're Dad will learn how the oil works shortly. Do you know what the strain of MJ was? Sativa dominant/50-50/or Indica dominant? If you can please clarify.

Resting as much as possible is a great healer in its own right. A nap during the day is recommended. Basically if you're Dad feels tired he should rest then and not wait. I understand people don't like changes, habits are hard to break and it sounds like he is a very regimen type of person. He is one year older than me so he has a lot of life left in him.

There is a TON of info on the net. Unfortunately most has been edited to a point I rarely seek any thing off the net. You're choice. This is exactly why this tutorial was put in place. Vague instructions or incorrect information can be very misleading, just a heads up.

Blood pressure is very easily monitored. That also can be a helpful decision maker. Never completely stop at once. A pill cutter is handy so as the blood pressure is monitored and is too low simply cut a quarter of the pill off. If need be keep going till it is at a stable level.

Cannot think of nothing else at the moment. I am fully confident if the concentrate is taken correctly you're Dad will be very happy with the results. He sounds like he is in very good hands between you and you're Mother. Just tell him any nauseous feeling or hunger pains hydrate and snack. It doesn't have to be a lot, just something. I use to not drink much water either but using the concentrate you need to. A easy reminder is when he urinates, drink. Dehydration can really mess you're system up and also cause nausea and throwing up, weak and tired. I know I may sound redundant on this but it is very important in the healing process.

Any hiccup along the way you haven't read please post. If there is none would you please be kind enough to share his progress? It would be greatly appreciated and would help others. Good or bad.

Thank you very much,


The strain is supposedly indica dominant (OG Kush).

Will advise dad to follow your instructions to a 'T'. I am hopeful that this was nothing more than dehydration and incorrect dosing on his part. He seems to be feeling better today.

While I have you...I know another big topic is choice of solvent. I have heard much debate on this issue. We have chosen Everclear but I have heard that it is not as strong medicinally and extracts other stuff that makes it hard to take. In fact, it may have been part of the reason for my dad feeling the way he did.

I know RS recommends naphtha but some are concerned about the toxicity of the solvent and that it may not even be available in the US. Well, I found something called "Calumet Hexane". Even though it's called "hexane", it says it is 100% Hydrotreated Light Naphtha and has the same CAS Number (64742-49-0) that Rick Simpson suggests using.

At first, I totally dismissed this because it's called "hexane" and even the MSDS says it is "hydrotreated" naphtha but thankfully, I started to do more digging.

Check out what i found:

go to the Calumet company website - Specialty Solvent Blends by Calumet Specialty Products and click on Calument Aliphatic Specialty Solvents (Calumet Solvents) and guess what's there - yep, "Calumet Hexane."
then go to the HAZ MAP site here - Haz-Map Category Details - for hydrotreated light naphtha and take a look at the section on Sources/Uses where it says that it is "Used in food extraction"

So...I'm wondering if this isn't the holy grail of solvents. First, it's 100% pure. Second, it does appear to be aliphatic naphtha (even though it's called "hexane") with the same CAS Number referenced on RS Facebook. Third, it looks like it is already used for food extraction. What are your thoughts?

I know a lot of people are using a lot of different solvents (and getting varying results). Seems to me that there are a lot of success stories with people who used the naphtha. I'm sure there are success stories with other solvents as well. But, when you have someone with cancer that has few options, you need to find the best and strongest medication and take your shot... let me know your thoughts.

Will keep you posted (hopefully with good results).
Thank you for the info on the OG Kush. Its a excellent strain for concentrate.

Yes, solvents are always a debate. And there is no argument about the difference between 95% and 100% pure. The main concern if it wasn't made properly (especially if new to making concentrate) and digested it would be unsafe and could be toxin. Hexane is used for food and pharmaceuticals. This link shows the specs: Hexane Honey Oil | Skunk Pharm Research LLC it shows you the type that is used. Only you would use the RSO method which is similar to mine. Also keep in mind when used in food and pharmaceuticals if there are any trace elements they are so minute it is deemed safe. HPLC reagent grade hexane is considered food grade solvent.I've been wanting to try this but getting it shipped to residential didn't work for me. Plus the cost for 1 liter was 140.00. Also I heard hexane was going to be discontinued. They are supposedly taking out a molecule which will make it Pentane.

I would try the three quick washes with the Everclear first. Understand our position on safety also and why we only recommend food grade carriers. Hexane reagent food grade was considered but due to the expense and getting it shipped to a residential house bumped it off the list(at least what I was told over the phone for shipping).

There are workarounds using the 95% Everclear. I do three quick wash instead of two. I switched from ISO 99.8% to Spirytus (Polish version of Everclear which is 96%) and the pull was a little less. When I added the extra wash it was about the same amount as the ISO 99.8%. I made my latest concentrate using this method with Sour Diesel and Harlequin and it is some of the best oil I've made in two years. I smoked it, vaped it and the potency and taste was outstanding. Some of the best daytime oil I ever dosed. Just saying.

You hit the nail on the head. There is so much different solvents and opinions vary so much its hard to believe much of anything. Rick Simpsons 'Run From the Cure' and reading his PT website got me started over 2 years ago. I just read in between the lines on some vague dosing and making the oil instructions and never looked back. Never been on his FB site. Whatever you think is best for you Dad, and he agrees of course, then you do what is best.

Thank you for keeping us updated! Anything we can help you with please ask.

Thanks for answering back. I'm in the SF Valley. I contacted Rick through an email address I found. He didn't say whether it was for the 'whole' treatment or not. I assumed it was the 60 grams treatment.

I don't have any other friends who are into cannabis right now who could make the oil. I'm not in pain right now, so don't really need the smoke, but want to kill off the cancer with some oil. I was contacted by a company in the OC who quoted me around $2800 for the oils. Do i need to get all the oil at one time, or can I pick up a month's supply at first, start the treatment, and then get some more later? Or is the availability so dicey that it's best to get it all at once?


Hi jeffmgr,

If I knew how the oil was made and the potency was at least 20% plus I would buy the whole treatment at one time if I could. Here is what I would ask them.
1. Confirm that it is Cannabis concentrated oil/RSO?
2. What method was used making the concentrate?
3. What strain/strains of MJ was used?
4. Was it lab tested for potency of THC, CBD, CBN, any chemicals present and what date it was tested?
5. Is there a cost difference between buying the 60 gram treatment or a 15 gram treatment (one quarter treatment)?

The price 2,800.00 quoted to you for a 60 gram treatment rounded off is 47.00 - 2,800.00 is what I would pay for one pound of quality MJ. Then about approximately 360.00 for the solvent. That being said I've heard about growers that form co-ops and give high quality MJ to organizations (I personally don't directly know) for these specific reasons and make the concentrate affordable due to the volume of MJ they grow.

It really is disappointing jeffmgr that people with grave illnesses have to go through such much to get a quality medicine. This is the part I dislike the most. Its different when people that have no experience, can have a friend to help them make their own and get quality MJ. Our state government should have a program in place for this purpose. Making sure the product is safe, lab tested and certified.

Is there a link available for the company in OC to their site?

Please keep us posted. Hope this helps you out.

Motoco :Namaste:


Thanks for answering back. I'm in the SF Valley. I contacted Rick through an email address I found. He didn't say whether it was for the 'whole' treatment or not. I assumed it was the 60 grams treatment.

I don't have any other friends who are into cannabis right now who could make the oil. I'm not in pain right now, so don't really need the smoke, but want to kill off the cancer with some oil. I was contacted by a company in the OC who quoted me around $2800 for the oils. Do i need to get all the oil at one time, or can I pick up a month's supply at first, start the treatment, and then get some more later? Or is the availability so dicey that it's best to get it all at once?



The place in OC was called Cannacure (cannacure). They said that they don't use naptha when they process the oil. The person to whom I spoke with didn't know the ratio, or what strains were used. She said someone would get back to me, and it's been three days. Don't know how reliable they are...but maybe someone from 420 Magazine can do some research for all of us cancer patients who need meds.

My main issue is the nausea, diarrhea from the chemo. Just finished my third session. I'm off for a week, then back to three weeks of chemo (1 day a week), and one week off.

Yes, there are quite a few dispensaries here in the SF Valley, haven't found places with oil yet. Anyone else on this thread who can advise me, would be greatly appreciated.


Hi Motoco,

Read with interest your post about dosing oil on your gums. Have a question(s).
Firstly is it really possible to get one gram of oil on your gum. It's quite a bit and I would assume that quite a bit would find it's way into the stomach.
The other point is, is it always the best approach regardless of what is being treated. Prostate cancer? Brain tumor? Arthritis?

I think I have a problem with potency. In other words it knocks me out. I have not taken even close to the recommended dose for say arthritis. I have homegrown CBD crew.

Any advice would be truly helpful.

Hi White, it takes about 5 weeks to build up to the 1 gram a day and the 1 gram is not all at once, you would apply it in 10 doses or so over the course of the day. Drink and eat prior to every dose and continue to drink water every time you urinate. The initial doses should be about the size of half a grain of rice. Go ahead and read the dosing instructions several times as I did and will continue to do so I don't mess up :) :peace:
Motoco - help4dad here. Dad is doing OK. Seems to look good sometimes and other times, not so much.

Question - his nausea has subsided with the new dosing procedure, but now he's complaining of headaches. Cancer has metastasized to the brain so obviously VERY concerned. But, I was under the impression that the oil would help with headaches generally so wondering if there is anything that could be causing this or anything else we should know about or do...?

As always, thanks.
help4dad, could you tell me what his dosing regimen is now? Is you're dad eating/hydrating correctly now? Sleeping regular? Severe allergies? Normally headaches do not occur on the concentrate (very minor if present on the concentrate). It could be the OG Kush was harvested at peak THC and has little to no CBDs. CBDs play a huge role in shrinking tumors (especially in the brain region) and removing inflammation. You have to remember also you're Dads system immunity system is weaker than normal, it could be as stated, simple allergies, cold, flu, etc. You're Dad might need to rest more. Rule of thumb, feeling tired get some rest. Not latter, now. Did these headaches come on in between dosing? Also keep in mind, if he is hydrating/eating properly and the nausea is gone a simple 'booster' dose is needed. I want to repeat this; hydrating/eating properly and feeling off, take a 'booster' dose. just a quarter of a dose as NEEDED. Do a check list and evaluate. Keep on a strict regimen and give a day or two and check back.


Motoco - help4dad here. Dad is doing OK. Seems to look good sometimes and other times, not so much.

Question - his nausea has subsided with the new dosing procedure, but now he's complaining of headaches. Cancer has metastasized to the brain so obviously VERY concerned. But, I was under the impression that the oil would help with headaches generally so wondering if there is anything that could be causing this or anything else we should know about or do...?

As always, thanks.
help4dad, could you tell me what his dosing regimen is now? Is you're dad eating/hydrating correctly now? Sleeping regular? Severe allergies? Normally headaches do not occur on the concentrate (very minor if present on the concentrate). It could be the OG Kush was harvested at peak THC and has little to no CBDs. CBDs play a huge role in shrinking tumors (especially in the brain region) and removing inflammation. You have to remember also you're Dads system immunity system is weaker than normal, it could be as stated, simple allergies, cold, flu, etc. You're Dad might need to rest more. Rule of thumb, feeling tired get some rest. Not latter, now. Did these headaches come on in between dosing? Also keep in mind, if he is hydrating/eating properly and the nausea is gone a simple 'booster' dose is needed. I want to repeat this; hydrating/eating properly and feeling off, take a 'booster' dose. just a quarter of a dose as NEEDED. Do a check list and evaluate. Keep on a strict regimen and give a day or two and check back.


Motoco - he is taking a 1/2 grain rice size dose 3x day. Eating first and drinking water throughout the day. Sleeping pretty regularly but not so much during the day as when he first started. Headaches seem to be happening AFTER a dose is that a clue to something?

He generally doesn't have allergies but who knows. As you can probably tell already, very stubborn man and has been trying to go to work every day so not sure he is getting all the rest he needs. He also hates all the doting over him right now.

Will try a small dose in between doses.

Also, could the bud be the issue? I trust where it came from but who know how it was grown. Pesticides? (Frankly, if this is the issue, i'm not sure what to do as i really don't have another source)

Let me know if you have other thoughts as well.

I think it's very generous of you to offer to share with cancer patients any extra oil that you make. I was just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer a few weeks ago, and started my chemo treatments. I'm in SoCal, and don't know where to get some of the RSO, but on my week off from chemo next week, I'm coming up north to visit my uncle and cousin. I'll be coming through the Bay area, and I would like to stay in contact with you in case you do have some oil that you can share with this patient.



jeffmgr - have you done any research into the Oregon MMJ program? It IS available to out-of-staters and supposedly, some places will even provide the medication for free. I do not have any experience with any of them so cannot comment on how good they are but would assume if there is a little more legal freedom as there is Oregon, you might have some more luck. Again, they even have a special program for those who are out-of-state. To my knowledge, they are the only ones.

you should be able to find some info on it if you google it.

good luck.
help4dad, Lets try this. 1/2 grain of rice 6x a day. Every 2 hours a half grain of rice. Also before dosing hydrate and eat. Between normal meals, make sure you're dad eats something before dosing (snack a cracker or two, fruit cup, etc.).

I know the stubborn routine very well (especially the doting). However he will need to change that. Sleep and rest is huge in the healing process. Also instill confidence. If he see's everyone worrying it shows negativity. There are going to be different feelings throughout the healing process. Does not mean its the cancer. Bottom line is the concentrate is a marvelous healer but it doesn't feed, hydrate and sleep for you. You're Dad is going to have to learn to feel what his body is saying. Try the new dosing regimen and make sure something is eaten/drink BEFORE dosing and lets go from here. It seems to me he is running his body down throwing off the healing regimen. Time to change his lifestyle somewhat. Nap at lunch? When ever he can rest. Vacation from work? Small sacrifices now makes the heal faster so he can get back to his normal routine. Prioritize is key.


Contact you're source and ask if he knows how it was grown. I think its o.k. Try the snack's in between main meals (always eat something before dosing).
help4dad, Lets try this. 1/2 grain of rice 6x a day. Every 2 hours a half grain of rice. Also before dosing hydrate and eat. Between normal meals, make sure you're dad eats something before dosing (snack a cracker or two, fruit cup, etc.).

I know the stubborn routine very well (especially the doting). However he will need to change that. Sleep and rest is huge in the healing process. Also instill confidence. If he see's everyone worrying it shows negativity. There are going to be different feelings throughout the healing process. Does not mean its the cancer. Bottom line is the concentrate is a marvelous healer but it doesn't feed, hydrate and sleep for you. You're Dad is going to have to learn to feel what his body is saying. Try the new dosing regimen and make sure something is eaten/drink BEFORE dosing and lets go from here. It seems to me he is running his body down throwing off the healing regimen. Time to change his lifestyle somewhat. Nap at lunch? When ever he can rest. Vacation from work? Small sacrifices now makes the heal faster so he can get back to his normal routine. Prioritize is key.


Contact you're source and ask if he knows how it was grown. I think its o.k. Try the snack's in between main meals (always eat something before dosing).


Thank you...this will be read and re-read to him. Will keep you posted.

I am forever indebted to you for the time and support you have provided throughout this very difficult process.
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