Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

Hi AdamNeal,

Thank you for your updated news on your father! Tell your father to keep up the great work. Its seems like a huge improvement using the 'tack' on the gums rather than just digesting the concentrate. Does your father feel a lot healthier than when he was ingesting the concentrate without 'tacking' first? Cannot wait to hear about the results next time. This really made my day Brother!:cheer:

Motoco 1982 / 420 Crew

As an update to my father's situation we have some positive news !
The results from the scans have shown a 70% reduction in his tumors !
We still have not discussed the oil with the hospital, their plan would be for my father to rest for 3 weeks and do the same course of chemo again. My father is going to continue with the oil for the next 3/4 weeks and have another scan, at this point he would have been taking the oil for a further 5 weeks from when the scans were taken, hopefully ample time to see if there is further reduction....
Thanks again for your help .... Ill keep you posted X
One thing i meant to mention was I been feeling sick in the morning to the point where I am vomiting. It only occurs from the morning to about lunch time. Can this be from the oil? I read something bout Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome. Not sure if that plays in here but I am a little concerned and hope its not my cancer getting worse


I wanted to elaborate more on this. Look at what you have been through the last few months. You where diagnosed with cancer, you're father passes away. anxiety, depression, stress, your diet, lack of sleep all play a huge role while medicating. Do you eat/hydrate properly? Do you sleep good? Do you rest/nap during the day? When I first starting using the cannabis concentrate about 2 months in, I had a bad day and felt the oil wasn't working. It was a sativa dominate oil. My appetite was suppressed 'a few bites I was full'. Also when I was thirsty I thought about drinking water, kept putting it off. I hardly drank water and ate that day. For the first time it felt like the concentrate wasn't working. The next day I hydrated and ate properly and I was right back on track. You have to be on a strict regimen when you take your medication, eat, hydrate, take a nap and sleep well. If you always hydrate and eat before you take your medication you won't get nausea's. I read about Cannabis Hyperemesis and as I mentioned to you before, the net has a ton of information. Out of all the information, video's, etc., I've researched I've only found one that correctly tells the truth about the oil. If I believed everything I read or saw I would be totally confused. As you continue to use the concentrate you will learn this as well. The concentrated oil will kill your cancer brother. You have to do your part and get on a strict regimen. You need some Indica in your regimen. No need to change your concentrate your using now. Just make up a ounce of good Indica x Indica. It should produce about 3-4 grams. As your taking your daytime regimen around lunch just tack a small amount of Indica with your daytime. This will increase your appetite, keep your more relaxed, take the edge off of your daytime and wind you down for nighttime. This is applied the same way as your daytime. You're system is run down. Make these changes and watch the improvement. Try this regimen and watch your overall health improve while killing caner. Keep me posted Brother and thank your for keeping me updated.

This is by far the most important and valuable thread I've found on this site! Thank you, thank you, thank you :thumb:

TY...1st off, how many grams did you get...if you know? As mentioned before, lower the yield...lower the quality. Lets not judge so quickly on that right now, it was your 1st time...a friend did some and spilled his 1st batch. Also as I side note you should look into the Magic Butter Machine listed here on 420 Magazine under (420 HQ..Sponsers) : | . This equipment wasn't available until recently and on their site they have a recipe for MBO (Magic Butter Machine Oil). The one that you need: [video=youtube;kV_QHGLIL1w]
[/video] . I'm ordering one today and the reason is very simple...Its simple to use and SAFE SAFE SAFE and VERY convenient to use no matter what the weather because you can do it inside SAFELY ! Not to mention they used Everclear Alcohol (safe for consumption) and makes this a much better approach than using 'chemicals', especially for the novice. Takes a load off to know how safe your concentrate is...and the convenience is so much better.
Their the only ones that I know of that has this type of rig. I know, money starts adding up...but, safety is IMPORTANT and starting off with the right 'tools' is essential and SAVES money in the long run.

The concentrated oil when cold can turn into axle grease and so its a good sign that the oil is decent, if still runny, would be a concern. When its cold like that take a hair dryer on LOW and while turning the syringe or what every your container is shortly until the oil becomes more fluid...also if you get the temp of the oil a little warmer than your gum it tacks much easier.

FightinCancer, Read those 'tacking' instructions again ... if your finger moves easily over the spot you 'tacked' you did not keep it in the same spot with pressure it again, in a few spots. This is important if you want to work and be completely normal while doing so, also keep in mind, this is how the concentrated oil works its magic so well and keeps you under control while curing cancer. After a few times you will feel much more comfortable and it will become easy (just always focus on dosing properly and never rush, even when experienced. This is a lot to absorb @ 1st...have your GF pitch in, they love to help and can be a HUGE asset in helping you with the instructions because they are more focused and are not as overwhelmed as you are battling cancer. Have her go over the instructions with you so you BOTH understand. With your focus on the cancer and trying to learn everything at once you read but don't read because you got the BIGGIE always on the back burner. USE HER HELP (TEAM WORK). Really takes a load off.

A Cancer treatment on Concentrated Cannabis Oil is approx. 1 lb of TOP SHELF Cannabis and should produce approx. 60 grams on average. You do not need it all @ once and their are many ways to work out a plan (don't think you cannot do this). Example: 1/8 of a pound (2 ounces) @ a time, a half pound, etc;. I would recommend trying to use the same strain (it will always FEEL the same, and when using different strains you feel different and might not think its working as well) and also remember to keep your dosing times as close to the same times as possible (your body loves regiment). Have your GF bug the heck out of you to keep reminding you.

Also keep in mind to squeeze in a ounce of a high CBD strain like Harlequin (relieves pain and reduces inflammation on tumors, especially if doing chemo, you won't need their pain meds and makes a HUGE difference on nausea and helps the healing process). We'll touch on that subject and strains as we go along. Right now you have some and regardless of what you have its a start, so by the time your ready for the next batch, you will be well versed on dosing. One last note, if you do not feel much of anything YOUR DOING IT RIGHT ! Just don't take it for granted and get sloppy or rushed on your dosing method !
Your on the right track, keep reading the proper way to dose with your GF (2 heads are better than one when reading important info).

Just know in your mind you will beat this...attitude is very important. The oil helps immensely on attitude just with a much better healthy feeling , also as it gets in your system you will feel much better physically and mentally. STAY FOCUSED Brother !

Its much easier than one thinks once started and you feel confident when you see the magic start to happen and feel assured this will KILL cancer. ANYTHING your not sure of...again...ask.

ps: yes, start off with 3 doses a day right now, small ones (half grain of rice) and we will work you up safely . I reviewed my OP and when 1st posted sometimes you forget some modification that I either forgot to mention at the time or has been updated as a much safer way to dose. We'll walk through it as we go and I will try to update the original asap.

T/C , be safe & G/B
Hi budnoob2,

There is a ton of valuable information on 420! You're comment is much appreciated. Subscribe to this thread if you haven't done so as some improvements are always in the works. I would like to mention that the new Magical Butter Machine 3 will be upgraded and more focused making the cannabis concentrated oil from what I understand. The 2 model works with the above recipe with a few steps added before use and after use. A quick-wash before and a proper decarboxylation method at the end.

Greetings All,

I have voraciously ingested this thread and I’m in awe of the support people have found here! I have hesitated to post because I'm not terminal (yet) but I'm having some pretty serious issues that have escalated over the last 15 years and I've simply given up on the medical establishment. I'm frustrated because every doctor, even some of the alternative practitioners, treat conditions in isolation and can't see the body as a whole, inter-related system. For much of my life I've had health issues... colon polyps at 15 years old seems unusual and it just got worse from there. I know there is some underlying dysfunction that has caused my system to not function properly but no one has been able to put the pieces together. I apologize for being wordy... I hope you'll bear with me because I'm sort of at a loss.

- I'm a 39 year-old female but I live like an 80 year old and have for over a decade. I'm about 25-30 lbs. overweight but not obese.

- I currently have or have removed tumors in my breast, thyroid, cervix, ovaries and polyps in my colon. They were/are benign but I have concern because my father, grandmother, and all my aunts died of cancer and I wonder when one of these tumors won't be benign. I have had two abnormal pap smears.

- I have uncontrolled diabetes. My sugars can run in the 400s and I'm suffering nerve damage as a result as well as blurred vision. That said, I HATE the medications available for diabetes... I pretty much hate all pharmaceuticals but I will have to acquiesce if I can't get it under control. I'm concerned I will end up in a diabetic coma. The diabetes came after many of the tumors appeared so it isn't the root cause.

- I have stage IV endometriosis, which is when endometrial cells mutate and proliferate outside the uterus. Those cells bleed with the monthly cycle causing massive inflammation, pain, and in stage IV, excessive scar tissue. My entire pelvis is frozen together in a mass of adhesions. It has also invaded the bowel and is entrapping the pudenal nerve, which causes random black-out pain. There is also a significantly higher risk of ovarian cancer with endometriosis and given my propensity to grow tumors — I'm concerned. This disease also causes profound exhaustion.

- I have high blood pressure, which also may be affecting the eye-sight.

- A neurologist said possible early MS but no lesions yet on MRI.

- I've suffered from dysthymic depression since puberty onward.

It's an embarrassing tale of woe and for anyone that read this far, thank you. I know cannabis oil isn't a magic bullet but if it could alleviate some of this, it would be well worth it, especially if it tackles the root (hidden) cause of all of this. I'm willing to try anything at this point. I'm exhausted and in so much pain. I want my kids to have a healthy mom and not this ghost they know but I also want them to have an alert and active mom--I don't want to be "high" all the time so the idea of tacking has alleviated my final major concern. I'm encouraged by this thread and trying to gain the courage to jump in.

All that said, I'm not sure where to begin. If these questions are inappropriate, please delete my thread with my apologies. OK, I'm comfortable with making the oil and the process. I will order the magical butter machine although I wonder if I should wait for the 3rd version to release? Is anyone aware of a time frame on that? I live in an "unfriendly" location so I believe that the best option for me is to try and grow my own. I have a plan to order seeds and I'm thinking is a good resource but I'm not positive and I'm not sure what strains to go with... it's very confusing. Advice? In addition, planting takes so long to get started and I'm truly worried about my sugars and want to get started quickly while I wait. I have never used any recreationals in the past so I have no clue how to get materials to even begin. I thought about driving out west but I hear the amount visitors can purchase is so small that it wouldn't be worth the trip. Can anyone offer advice on where to begin on that front? How do you find local sources that would be interested in the medical/compassion side of all this? I have concerns about the type of people I bring into my sphere for my kids sake and don't want to make a mistake on this front. Also, do I dose like a cancer patient if I'm trying to eliminate growths and tumors? Or, do I dose more like a chronic pain patient? I also looked for dosing info on diabetes but didn't find much info on that end either?

I'm so sorry for the novel and the mass of question. Truly. Any help, advice, thoughts are so very much appreciated.
Hi heal thyself,

Welcome to 420 All your questions are appropriate and involve a lot of medical issues, more than I ever came across for one person. I can certainly understand your disparity and reasons for concern. Even though with so many different issues between people I personally know as well as myself most of your conditions have been controlled/healed. The only one I have no direct knowledge of is endometriosis. You mentioned mutating cells and cannabis concentrated oil excels killing those off. At stage 1V it will be the same strains of cannabis as a cancer treatment, just not as much will be needed. That will be determined by your progress. So getting rid of one will make sure you're covered worrying about tumors becoming cancerous. The diabetes, blood pressure, depression, pain, inflammation, insomnia, diet control will improve also. MS has been mentioned in quite a few topics/video's of being cured by cannabis concentrated oil, just no one I personally know. You will find out that cannabis concentrated oil might be your magic bullet.

What you need is a strict regimen of cannabis concentrated oil as follows;
A daytime blend of a high CBD hybrid strain like Harlequin, Harle-Tsu, Cannatonic, AC/DC (these examples are high in CBD and low in THC but have excellent pain and inflammation properties). Blended with a hybrid that is high in THC potency (low in CBD and high in THC to kill any mutating cells). The high CBD strains need to be harvested at full term for maximum CBD & CBN potency. The hybrid high in THC needs to be harvested a tad on the sativa dominant side. A hybrid like Blue Dream, Jack Herer, a potent OG Kush will fit the bill. A 55/45 or a 60/40 sativa dominant would be fine. This would be you're daytime concentrated oil and you're main regimen for wellness.

For your sleeping disorders and manage pain and inflammation for a good nights sleep while also relieving anxiety/panic attacks etc., not to mention a good night sleep goes a long way to expedite healing/curing. A Indica x Indica (meaning as pure of a Indica you can get) like Master Kush, Hindu Kush, Afgan Kush as an example. This would be harvested full term for deep sleep. No sativa what so ever as this keeps the wheels turning at night. This might seem overwhelming, print it out so you have a copy on hand so you have a quick reference.

Medication regiment:
Morning medication schedule. Eat breakfast, brush you're teeth, rinse your mouth with plain water and apply your first dose. This would be the size of a quarter grain of small rice of your daytime blend of concentrate. Repeat this procedure after lunch. Brush/rinse again and apply the same amount you did in the morning.The application method is the first post in this thread if you haven't already read it. Keep in mind this will be more than a PM dose size, but much less than like a stage 1V cancer dose. As you progress you're regimen will determine how much will be needed. Start off small and work your way up slowly.

Nighttime regimen: A half quarter grain of rice right after dinner and brush/rinse, then 2 hours before bed another half grain of rice. The application method is exactly like you're daytime regimen.

Your total amount for the first day is three quarters of a grain of rice per day. This will continue for 1 week. This will acclimate your system to the concentrated oil. The second week you will keep using the same amount but increase your dose times to six a day. That will bring you up to one and one half grains of rice. You will stay on this regimen for another week. If you feel like you have improved keep this up for another week as is. Make sure you read the tacking procedure on the first post of this thread. Pay attention to hydration and eating properly. the Sativa will curb your appetite so you eat a lot of snacks and drink plenty of water. The indica before dinner will start winding your day down and increase your appetite for dinner and start prepping you for your final nighttime dose. You should be very strict on you're medication times as well as you're dailey and nighttime routines. Your going to being using these examples of strains to dose for cancer, just not as much. As mentioned more than a preventive maintenance dose but much less than a cancer dose. Again determined by the results you see starting off. These issues didn't happen overnight and there is a lot of healing to do. So, easy as she goes at the start and proceed from there.

I understand you're other concerns where, why, where to go, etc. You definitely need an experienced caretaker who knows their strains, type of cannabis concentrated oil for the 'tacking' method (Cannabis Concentrated Oil/Hash Oil/Honey Oil/RSO Oil. Others like BHO wax, C02 oil, shattered glass types are not applicable for the gum 'tacking' method. Colorado and California the concentrates are plentiful. You're going to have to do some research. If you don't know anyone personally you can trust maybe a trusted friend can help.

420 has strict guidelines for anyone meeting/hooking up. There are many reasons for this and keeping information and awareness to people like yourself is the primary reason. You have a great starting point and enough information to know what you need and want. Review.

No reason to be sorry for anything. We are here to help as much as possible. Any more questions please ask away. I applaud you're honesty. Start getting intel as soon as possible.

Hope this answers some of your questions. I will be in and out this weekend, but will check the forums on and off. If you don't get any answers I'll be back on Monday.
Best wishes for your family and you on this Easter weekend! :Namaste:

Hi Heal Thyself, I can imagine you have taken a beaten emotionally. You may want to consider listening to Roy Masters daily via his app and use his meditation technique. You won't believe what this solves after listening for a few months. I can tell by your message that this knowledge will benefit you greatly;we are all broken to some degree. The oil and this mediation/behaviour knowledge should be a very powerful combination. All the best and do what you have to do. Take care.
Again, I'll say I'm in awe of the support here and :thanks:

Hi heal thyself,

Welcome to 420 All your questions are appropriate and involve a lot of medical issues, more than I ever came across for one person.

Yes. It's a lot and it's why I have given up looking for help through traditional means. I believe these are all symptoms of a primary dysfunction that I'm unaware of... genetic maybe? I feel like it's unlikely to have them all in isolation in a rather young person. It is also why I don't have much of a support system because it seems like TOO much and I end up feeling ashamed, like people will judge me as some sort of hypochondriac. I don't look sick on the outside and it's hard for people to understand why I can't do things or am overwhelmed. I'm anxious to just be "normal" for once so I'm taking control... onward and upward!

I can certainly understand your disparity and reasons for concern. Even though with so many different issues between people I personally know as well as myself most of your conditions have been controlled/healed.

Praise God. Just hearing the word healed brings me joy. I have more hope now, since researching this protocol, than I've had in a looong time. I really appreciate the help.

What you need is a strict regimen of cannabis concentrated oil as follows;
A daytime blend of a high CBD hybrid strain like Harlequin, Harle-Tsu, Cannatonic, AC/DC (these examples are high in CBD and low in THC but have excellent pain and inflammation properties). Blended with a hybrid that is high in THC potency (low in CBD and high in THC to kill any mutating cells). The high CBD strains need to be harvested at full term for maximum CBD & CBN potency. The hybrid high in THC needs to be harvested a tad on the sativa dominant side. A hybrid like Blue Dream, Jack Herer, a potent OG Kush will fit the bill. A 55/45 or a 60/40 sativa dominant would be fine. This would be you're daytime concentrated oil and you're main regimen for wellness. For your sleeping disorders and manage pain and inflammation for a good nights sleep while also relieving anxiety/panic attacks etc., not to mention a good night sleep goes a long way to expedite healing/curing. A Indica x Indica (meaning as pure of a Indica you can get) like Master Kush, Hindu Kush, Afgan Kush as an example. This would be harvested full term for deep sleep. No sativa what so ever as this keeps the wheels turning at night. This might seem overwhelming, print it out so you have a copy on hand so you have a quick reference.

OK... gotcha. I'm gonna have to find a way to turn my black thumb green! ;) My question is (if you can answer), do you have a recommended seed bank? And, are these brand names of seeds? The seedbank I was looking at seems to have a lot of their own names and none that you listed. They did mention THC and Indica/Sativa content but not anything about CBD. I picked a Canadian bank so it would hopefully come quicker and I saw some good online reviews (for as much as you can trust online reviews). I haven't ordered yet but would like to ASAP. And, I've never even seen a MJ plant so can I send pictures once I'm up and running so you can tell me when something is full-term?

Medication regiment:
Morning medication schedule. Eat breakfast, brush you're teeth, rinse your mouth with plain water and apply your first dose. This would be the size of a quarter grain of small rice of your daytime blend of concentrate. Repeat this procedure after lunch. Brush/rinse again and apply the same amount you did in the morning.The application method is the first post in this thread if you haven't already read it. Keep in mind this will be more than a PM dose size, but much less than like a stage 1V cancer dose. As you progress you're regimen will determine how much will be needed. Start off small and work your way up slowly.

Nighttime regimen: A half quarter grain of rice right after dinner and brush/rinse, then 2 hours before bed another half grain of rice. The application method is exactly like you're daytime regimen.

Your total amount for the first day is three quarters of a grain of rice per day. This will continue for 1 week. This will acclimate your system to the concentrated oil. The second week you will keep using the same amount but increase your dose times to six a day. That will bring you up to one and one half grains of rice. You will stay on this regimen for another week. If you feel like you have improved keep this up for another week as is. Make sure you read the tacking procedure on the first post of this thread. Pay attention to hydration and eating properly. the Sativa will curb your appetite so you eat a lot of snacks and drink plenty of water. The indica before dinner will start winding your day down and increase your appetite for dinner and start prepping you for your final nighttime dose. You should be very strict on you're medication times as well as you're dailey and nighttime routines. Your going to being using these examples of strains to dose for cancer, just not as much. As mentioned more than a preventive maintenance dose but much less than a cancer dose. Again determined by the results you see starting off. These issues didn't happen overnight and there is a lot of healing to do. So, easy as she goes at the start and proceed from there.

Such awesome and thorough information. I love it! So I understand the importance of being regimented and consistent. At 6 doses a day I have to travel with the meds... a little scary in my neck of the woods. Any tips/tricks? Man, if I wasn't already Libertarian, boy oh boy would I be one now. What people go through and risk just to be able to get well. It's tragic.

I understand you're other concerns where, why, where to go, etc. You definitely need an experienced caretaker who knows their strains, type of cannabis concentrated oil for the 'tacking' method (Cannabis Concentrated Oil/Hash Oil/Honey Oil/RSO Oil. Others like BHO wax, C02 oil, shattered glass types are not applicable for the gum 'tacking' method. Colorado and California the concentrates are plentiful. You're going to have to do some research. If you don't know anyone personally you can trust maybe a trusted friend can help.

I wish I had access to a caretaker. It would be so nice to focus on getting well and not all the logistics but alas, before I found this board I searched as best I know how in my state for compassion clubs or information or a network and I can't find anything. I'll have to go it alone with your advice. I have confidence in my direction following abilities so I only have the one roadblock. I'll either find a way over it or healing will wait four months until I can harvest myself. Maybe there is a network but they're speaking in a code I don't know. LOL. I'm a dork, I know. California and Colorado are VERY far from me but Denver sure is nice. Maybe the kids need a road trip vacation! But, if I travel so far, how would I know I'm going to a reputable place with a focus on properly made oil? Maybe this is cart before horse. I'll go do intel as you suggested.

420 has strict guidelines for anyone meeting/hooking up. There are many reasons for this and keeping information and awareness to people like yourself is the primary reason. You have a great starting point and enough information to know what you need and want. Review.

Absolutely understand. You all need to be above board so you stay here to help people like me for a long time. :love: I will review and search.

Thank you for all the time and effort. I can't say enough, I'm inspired and awed by just how thoughtful you have been. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Hi Heal Thyself, I can imagine you have taken a beaten emotionally. You may want to consider listening to Roy Masters daily via his app and use his meditation technique. You won't believe what this solves after listening for a few months. I can tell by your message that this knowledge will benefit you greatly;we are all broken to some degree. The oil and this mediation/behaviour knowledge should be a very powerful combination. All the best and do what you have to do. Take care.

Thank you for the advice. You are right, we are all broken somehow... wish it was different. I'll look into it! You take care, too.
Hi budnoob2,

I would like to mention that the new Magical Butter Machine 3 will be upgraded and more focused making the cannabis concentrated oil from what I understand. The 2 model works with the above recipe with a few steps added before use and after use. A quick-wash before and a proper decarboxylation method at the end.


Do you know when the new one comes out? It would be wonderful to have a machine that takes more of the guess-work out of the process, especially for newbies! If we're talking a few months, I'll wait to order until then.
Again, I'll say I'm in awe of the support here and :thanks:

Yes. It's a lot and it's why I have given up looking for help through traditional means. I believe these are all symptoms of a primary dysfunction that I'm unaware of... genetic maybe? I feel like it's unlikely to have them all in isolation in a rather young person. It is also why I don't have much of a support system because it seems like TOO much and I end up feeling ashamed, like people will judge me as some sort of hypochondriac. I don't look sick on the outside and it's hard for people to understand why I can't do things or am overwhelmed.

I'm anxious to just be "normal" for once so I'm taking control... onward and upward!
This is the MOST important mental aspect of getting healthy! When I started medicating with the concentrated cannabis oil I had one foot in the grave (four heart attacks and numerous other problems). Determination to change my health pushed out any thoughts of the unknown about concentrated cannabis oil and how to make it. Best decision I ever made. It changed my life, not only physically but mentally as well. This is why sharing this information is so important, to help people such as yourself, give them an option when others have not worked.

Praise God. Just hearing the word healed brings me joy. I have more hope now, since researching this protocol, than I've had in a looong time. I really appreciate the help.

Exactly how I felt when I started using the concentrated oil. Your welcome.

OK... gotcha. I'm gonna have to find a way to turn my black thumb green! ;) My question is (if you can answer), do you have a recommended seed bank? And, are these brand names of seeds? The seedbank I was looking at seems to have a lot of their own names and none that you listed. They did mention THC and Indica/Sativa content but not anything about CBD. I picked a Canadian bank so it would hopefully come quicker and I saw some good online reviews (for as much as you can trust online reviews). I haven't ordered yet but would like to ASAP. And, I've never even seen a MJ plant so can I send pictures once I'm up and running so you can tell me when something is full-term?

420 has some elite growers that can give/point you in the right direction. Frequently Asked Questions

Such awesome and thorough information. I love it! So I understand the importance of being regimented and consistent. At 6 doses a day I have to travel with the meds... a little scary in my neck of the woods. Any tips/tricks? Man, if I wasn't already Libertarian, boy oh boy would I be one now. What people go through and risk just to be able to get well. It's tragic.

It is tragic that people with grave illnesses have to act like a criminal to heal themselves or loved ones. Keep information about what you are using and how you are medicating to yourself. Even friends and family may scorn and disown you. There are always workarounds when it comes to you're health. You can have a small travel jar and a small cuticle pusher (used to remove a dose) in a safe place. Use good common sense and be discreet.

I wish I had access to a caretaker. It would be so nice to focus on getting well and not all the logistics but alas, before I found this board I searched as best I know how in my state for compassion clubs or information or a network and I can't find anything. I'll have to go it alone with your advice. I have confidence in my direction following abilities so I only have the one roadblock. I'll either find a way over it or healing will wait four months until I can harvest myself. Maybe there is a network but they're speaking in a code I don't know. LOL. I'm a dork, I know. California and Colorado are VERY far from me but Denver sure is nice. Maybe the kids need a road trip vacation! But, if I travel so far, how would I know I'm going to a reputable place with a focus on properly made oil? Maybe this is cart before horse. I'll go do intel as you suggested.

A caretaker would be nice but not necessary. Especially with your positive attitude. Always learn as much as you can so you are well versed in how to medicate with the concentrate's and learn you're strains. As mentioned this might seem a little overwhelming at the start, but soon you will learn and understand more than you though possible. I would love the opportunity to be your caretaker just to see how much your health can improve in 30 days. Just do it on-line :thumb: Get the horse knowledgeable, then look for the wagon. Keep in mind, when you're educated on what you want, how to get it becomes much easier simply because you know what you are looking for. When MJ products are discussed medically, in most cases people bend over backwards to help. Everything will fall into place.There still is a lot of good hearted people who want to help. It might take a little bit of time to get the three strains mentioned. In the mean time you could try 'Pure Gold' sold at a lot of dispensary's in Colorado & California. I used this concentrated oil before I could grow my own and make the concentrate. It worked very well. I haven't been on line to check any new products out (if they have an Indica one out). It runs 40.00 a half gram 80.00 a gram. A gram would last you about 3-4 weeks. You can start healing/curing while you get all your plans in place. Maybe you have a friend who has a friend who can get you started on the 'pure gold' as mentioned.

Absolutely understand. You all need to be above board so you stay here to help people like me for a long time. :love: I will review and search.

Thank you for all the time and effort. I can't say enough, I'm inspired and awed by just how thoughtful you have been. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


If you haven't done so yet please check out the revised dosing method; How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

Your very welcome and thank you for the kind words.
Amazing timing, I was just reading your posts from last year on Oils! I have some made, I need to figure dosing. Excellent post, thank you!:thanks:

That is great news! I'm excited for you! I need someone I can chat with about how amazing this product is!
Your welcome :high-five:

The 420 Team did an amazing job and a lot of hours went into this project. I want to personally thank everyone who helped make this happen. It was a complete team effort and I'm really proud of these folks and their dedication. :circle-of-love:
That is great news! I'm excited for you! I need someone I can chat with about how amazing this product is!
Your welcome :high-five:

The 420 Team did an amazing job and a lot of hours to make this happen. I want to personally thank everyone who helped make this happen. It was a complete team effort and I'm really proud of these folks and their dedication. :circle-of-love:

So far, I haven't tried it as a tincture on the gums. I have tried it as a topical for pain. I put some on a cotton ball and taped it to an area on my lower back. I barely noticed any pain there for a full afternoon. I tried it again the next day, and it was the same result.
Maybe my body is unusual that it takes the pain away....."whatever works", I always say. :thumb:
I have posted this link on another thread. Great information that I'm sure will be valuable to members!

I'm a newbie, just joined the forums. Got diagnosed with pancreatic cancer two weeks ago. I'm interested in using Rick Simpson Oil, (doesn't have to be HIS oil). I live in SoCal and have a medical marijuana card. Do you know of any dispensaries that sell high quality cannabis oil that I can use to beat this cancer?

Any suggestions and help are greatly appreciated.


Hi jeffmgr,

Can you tell me what stage you're pancreatic cancer is? Also if you don't mind me asking, how long have you had your medical recommendation certs? Are you experienced with MJ and keep up on strains, recreational, medically? Are you planning on chemo treatment? While I wait for a reply, I'll help search some dispensaries in the OC as that seems like a centralized region in So. Cal. If anyone else that lives in So. Cal. that knows a reputable dispensary that has high end cannabis concentrated oil, chime in please. TY

In the meantime this link should give you some important information and some options. How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil For quality this is what I would do. In fact I did go this route. I can help you all the way through the process. Even though you have a Ca. Medical recommendation as I do also, its a strict policy on 420 members cannot hook-up. However, you have all the information you need in detail and me on the sidelines. :Namaste:


The cancer is not staged other than that it is metastatic, having spread to the liver. The PET scan showed that it's only in those two places, the pancreas and liver. Started chemo last week, had second session yesterday.

I do have med card. Used to smoke over the years, I'm 63. But some of the new strains are much stronger than the old days. I live in the Valley, so someplace other than OC would be preferable. Live in apt. so can't make my own oil. I contacted Rick Simpson and he wanted $2k for his oil. I'm self-employed and can't even come close to that all at once.

thanks for all your help.

Hi everyone, I'm so happy to have found this forum I signed up and ready to join along with everyone.
I'm a 29 year old wife mother of two battling recurring colon cancer. Just had surgery after 10 rounds of radiation didn't do the job on a tumor inside my bladder. There other stuff going on in there doc aren't to clear. I just got my hands on RIO and about to start this morning. I wanted to ask if it was still ok to smoke a good star in in between tackings? Would it be too much? I've got severe lovers back right hip pain that came about after surgery. I'm frail 89 lbs thin and have absolutely no body fat. Doc says it could be the reason for such intense Pain. I'm currently on 50mg fentanyl patch Morphine and tylenol. Would love to get off these drugs and stick to pure weed. Any advice?

Thank you for the information you provided. Is the chemo regimen once a week (clarification)? Are you on pain meds ( any other meds) while going through chemo? Does you're business involve administrative, physical or both? This will determine what strains are needed for your specific needs to help maintain you're livelihood.

I checked around on weed maps and all I can find is BHO wax, CO2 concentrate, shattered glass and tinctures. These do not apply for you're needs. They are made primarily for smoking as they do not work on the application you need which would be the tacking method (if you read the tutorial on how to dose properly) with no euphoria. It is of utmost importance to use this method, especially if they prescribed the patches for pain while going through chemo.

Out of curiosity, how did you contact Mr. Simpson? Was the two thousand for a full cancer treatment? Did he know you where going through chemo treatment? If the two thousand was for a 60-90 day regimen I priced sixty grams at thirty-three dollars a gram. There is no way on this green earth that you can get 20% plus THC blended with a high CBD strain (high CBD strains are starting to skyrocket in price) needed just for you're daytime regimen, not to mention an ounce of good indica for appetite enhancement and sleep. Especially going through chemo (damage from chemo takes longer to heal).

Understood about not making the oil in an apartment. Do you have any friends who do have a safe area to make the concentrate for you? I was 62 when I started making my own concentrates. I mention this as it is the best way to insure you have quality meds. Also the budget you mentioned leaves you little choice of what options you have. You will not be able to get three strains that are needed for daytime/nighttime regimen. No problem as their are workarounds. You will need two strains and that would be a high CBD strain and a high potent hybrid that is slightly on the indica dominant side. Starting out it would be 2 ounces of the hybrid and a half ounce of a high CBD strain (cost could be approx. 800.00). The better deal would be a quarter pound of hybrid and one ounce of high CBD strain. That would be right around one thousand just for the MJ if purchased from growers. Then for the grain alcohol it would be around 130.00-150.00. That would produce around 14 grams. At the start you build you're dosage amount up for approximately 5 weeks so that will be plenty for the start.

If you live in the SF valley area there is no shortage of MJ activity. Check the local dispensaries out, talk to the owners and advise them of you're condition, hydroponic shops to see if they know of some specialized growers (make them aware of your medical recommendation). You want Concentrated Cannabis Oil, aka Honey Oil, Hash Oil or RSO oil. Flowers only for the concentrated oil.

Do you have an old acquaintance that still uses MJ? Could be your ace in the hole for knowledge. Also try to learn as much as you can. Knowledge is the best tool for avoiding rip-offs. Hope this info helps. I have some important errands to run but will check back later. Don't rush things too fast as mistakes take place on quick decisions. Use you're free time learning.


ps San Fernando or San Gabriel?


The cancer is not staged other than that it is metastatic, having spread to the liver. The PET scan showed that it's only in those two places, the pancreas and liver. Started chemo last week, had second session yesterday.

I do have med card. Used to smoke over the years, I'm 63. But some of the new strains are much stronger than the old days. I live in the Valley, so someplace other than OC would be preferable. Live in apt. so can't make my own oil. I contacted Rick Simpson and he wanted $2k for his oil. I'm self-employed and can't even come close to that all at once.

thanks for all your help.

Hi helenita,

Welcome to 420! RIO or RSO? To clarify. Make sure you read the 'tacking' instructions a few times more if you haven't done so. I would wait the first 3-4 days before smoking to increase you're appetite until the RSO gets stabilized in you're system. If you smoke MJ especially for appetite enhancement its ok it will help with nausea also. Do not over do it, go easy with one or two tokes and wait to see how you feel. Keep in mind to pay attention if you're taking pain meds, blood pressure or sleeping meds. I don't know what type of strains you're RSO have, do you? If it is Indica dominate that should increase you're appetite as well. With the pain you mention you should have some high CBD strain. You would only need an ounce to get a couple of grams (High CBD strains I've tried never get much more than 2-2.5 grams) and that would last about a month. You could eliminate fentanyl patch, morphine and tylenol and you're appetite will also improve. If you're pain is noticeable after awhile, take a small amount more of CBD concentrate. CBD will also shrink any tumors and take inflammation away. Normally I would blend CBD strain with the high THC strain when making the concentrate. You already have the RSO already. Is late stage radiation in the plans? I say this because it weakens you're system so much. If you have stout concentrated cannabis oil/RSO and a high CBD strain I would consider that as a much better option. It is just my opinion that I based on a late stage 1V cancer patient. Understand it is you're decision and yours alone. You're last sentence should state 'would love to get off these drugs and stick to pure cannabis concentrate and smoke a 'pure weed' as a mood enhancer'. :high-five: At first anyway, The MJ won't get you off of the meds, the concentrate will, especially with some CBD. How did you're first day on the concentrate go? Keep us posted please.


Hi everyone, I'm so happy to have found this forum I signed up and ready to join along with everyone.
I'm a 29 year old wife mother of two battling recurring colon cancer. Just had surgery after 10 rounds of radiation didn't do the job on a tumor inside my bladder. There other stuff going on in there doc aren't to clear. I just got my hands on RIO and about to start this morning. I wanted to ask if it was still ok to smoke a good star in in between tackings? Would it be too much? I've got severe lovers back right hip pain that came about after surgery. I'm frail 89 lbs thin and have absolutely no body fat. Doc says it could be the reason for such intense Pain. I'm currently on 50mg fentanyl patch Morphine and tylenol. Would love to get off these drugs and stick to pure weed. Any advice?
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