Horse's Coco Hempy 400w CMH Vertical Crawlspace Grow 2010

If you spend an extra 5 bucks, you can get the pool with the slide :slide:

Sounds like a deal to me! :surf:

Well, Horse, instead of bugging you again, I ordered a big ass tent. Will be much easier to put together and I'm sure me and my helper can put it up fairly easily.
Will probably order the lights today.
Silly they have 240v extension cords or splitters?

Anyway here's the tent. :surf:

Sounds like a deal to me! :surf:

Well, Horse, instead of bugging you again, I ordered a big ass tent. Will be much easier to put together and I'm sure me and my helper can put it up fairly easily.
Will probably order the lights today.
Silly they have 240v extension cords or splitters?

Anyway here's the tent. :surf:

Hay OMM, as much as I've gotten from this site and it's strange inhabitants, it actually makes me feel good if I can help anybody here, so no worries about that :Rasta:

On the other hand, I don't think you could have cobbled together a homemade space for the price of that tent... and even if you put it together backwards a couple of times, you'll probably have it up in less than an hour :thumb:

That is not a silly question about 240 splitters and cords... you have no idea how many things I've seen fried from 240 power coming out of a 120 outlet.

These things act as 240v splitters/controllers. 240 goes in, and gets split into 4 circuits. They can run the 240 to your multiple ballasts. That box also has a 120 trigger circuit that goes to a 120v timer (put that on your list!). For example, I have 2 240v lights coming out of the controller, and 3 120v fans, all being regulated by one 6 outlet timer.


CAP MLC-4X 4-Light Controller - Plantlighting Hydroponics, just an example of a place that sells them.

If you use extension cords for the 240, be sure to clearly mark the outlet end, or better yet, use 240 only configured outlet ends. Most 10g extension cords have 240 ends, thing is, you don't really normally need 10g for 240, unless it's like a mile long run ;)
Hi Horse, been mia for a while but caught up now. I see the curl is still hangin but wht the hell, it doesn't seem to bother anything.
Looking great in the crawl. Nice!!:peacetwo:
Hi Horse, been mia for a while but caught up now. I see the curl is still hangin but wht the hell, it doesn't seem to bother anything.
Looking great in the crawl. Nice!!:peacetwo:

Hay Mick, great to see you back and around :Rasta:

Ha, Curlin in the Crawl, it's the rage! I'm thinking now it's this Jack pheno and the CMH. The Jacks under the T5s are curless, but we'll see how they handle the new CDM bulb ;)

Stop by any time, you've got a permanent chair :cool:
Hay OMM, as much as I've gotten from this site and it's strange inhabitants, it actually makes me feel good if I can help anybody here, so no worries about that :Rasta:

On the other hand, I don't think you could have cobbled together a homemade space for the price of that tent... and even if you put it together backwards a couple of times, you'll probably have it up in less than an hour :thumb:

That is not a silly question about 240 splitters and cords... you have no idea how many things I've seen fried from 240 power coming out of a 120 outlet.

These things act as 240v splitters/controllers. 240 goes in, and gets split into 4 circuits. They can run the 240 to your multiple ballasts. That box also has a 120 trigger circuit that goes to a 120v timer (put that on your list!). For example, I have 2 240v lights coming out of the controller, and 3 120v fans, all being regulated by one 6 outlet timer.


CAP MLC-4X 4-Light Controller - Plantlighting Hydroponics, just an example of a place that sells them.

If you use extension cords for the 240, be sure to clearly mark the outlet end, or better yet, use 240 only configured outlet ends. Most 10g extension cords have 240 ends, thing is, you don't really normally need 10g for 240, unless it's like a mile long run ;)

Hi Horse.:)
I know you like helping folks, so do I when I can, however I felt enough was enough. But you noticed I still asked for some help again! :Rasta:
Actually, you answered my silly question and now I can take it from there.
I didn't want to go looking for something that didn't exist. :popcorn:

I posted the lights I ordered in my journal. I think I made a good choice, will see soon! :) Everything should be here this week, so I got to get my butt in gear. It came with 240v timer too. Actually I will take my time setting it up.
Back when I did systems analysis we had a saying "Go slow to go fast". That's what I will do. :Rasta:
Hi Horse.:)
I know you like helping folks, so do I when I can, however I felt enough was enough. But you noticed I still asked for some help again! :Rasta:
Actually, you answered my silly question and now I can take it from there.
I didn't want to go looking for something that didn't exist. :popcorn:

I posted the lights I ordered in my journal. I think I made a good choice, will see soon! :) Everything should be here this week, so I got to get my butt in gear. It came with 240v timer too. Actually I will take my time setting it up.
Back when I did systems analysis we had a saying "Go slow to go fast". That's what I will do. :Rasta:

High OMM, it sounds like you're rollin :thumb: I think a lot of peeps here have learned a lot from your exploring... cannabis awareness :cheer:

"Hurry up and wait" seems to be my motto :grinjoint:

I forgot to ask you Horse, how is the Snow Storm working now? :)

I've only foliar fed 2x. The trich production seemed to plateau after the 1st shot. I'm going to try a watering next. Go essential oils :cheer:
Hay Mick, great to see you back and around :Rasta:

Ha, Curlin in the Crawl, it's the rage! I'm thinking now it's this Jack pheno and the CMH. The Jacks under the T5s are curless, but we'll see how they handle the new CDM bulb ;)

Stop by any time, you've got a permanent chair :cool:

High Horse, thanks brother. I couldn't stay away even if I wanted to.

You might have something there. I'm sure you'll sort it out if it bothers you enough. Leaves are healthy lookin', curled or not.

A permanent chair is an honor, thank you sir. Now if only I could get a permanent stone, for the short stash days. :)
Hey Horse. So since last time I talked to you about the snowstorm. I went ahead and bought purple maxx. I am going to use it from the very start of flower, so i cant tell what the difference overnight is i suppose. But from your grow. and everywhere else ive read about and seen it. I am excited. Cant wait for another picture update...

Hay farnorth, the jury is still out on the snowstorm case. I just gave em the 3rd foliar in 3 weeks. Still nothing as dramatic as the first boost :grinjoint:
Hay farnorth, the jury is still out on the snowstorm case. I just gave em the 3rd foliar in 3 weeks. Still nothing as dramatic as the first boost :grinjoint:

Horse I've heard this several times. I've been feeding the girls with it, but now I'm thinking maybe I should hold off the foliar treatment until closer to the end? Give them that last big shot in the arm (so to speak) a few weeks pre-harvest?
Things are still chugging along in the crawl. Everyday there's less and less room for me:grinjoint:

But, enough about me, here's the main attractions.

Bloom tent 1. Jack 3 on the left, White Russian 2 on the left.


Jack 3 at 53 days. She's filling out and frosting up.





White Russian 2 at 51 days. She's a little slow at bulking up, I'm guessing she's spending her energy on trichome bling.



WR 3





The Hawaiian really kicked into flowering gear this week. She has a nice earthy, hashy smell 😋 12 days





Flo 13 days.







Mini Jacks around the CDM.






New additions to the nursery :cheer: AK 48




The rest of the gang.


My son downsized his space, and laid an ez cloner on me :smokin: After a week of futzing around, I finally got a light proof box built, and stopped all the water exiting the cloner. Might actually get some clones started today ;)




The door is a slip over, friction fit affair. Holding up over time may be an issue :popcorn:


I've got to work on boosting the humidity in the box, and maybe upsize the exhust fan... and possibly add an intake fan. Summer in the crawl can turn a little tropical :)
Wow things sure must be crowded in there Horse! I can't keep track, how many rings of fire are you running these days?

The girls look fantastic. I'm still lovin' the WR's but the Jacks are coming on strong:cheer:

What do you think of your cdm so far? It looks bright for sure!

Is that an NPS I see hanging there? I've got 2 but I'm nervous about using them, some guys say they're unsafe for people but I most worry they might impart something unhealthy to the plants. I think I'll just hang onto them in case I need some heavy artillery, I know you've been waging some major bug battles in there.

And last but not least, go AK48 :cheer::cheer::cheer:

Do you know if she's from Nirvana originally? I don't know of anyone else breeding them. :peace:
Wow things sure must be crowded in there Horse! I can't keep track, how many rings of fire are you running these days?

The girls look fantastic. I'm still lovin' the WR's but the Jacks are coming on strong:cheer:

What do you think of your cdm so far? It looks bright for sure!

Is that an NPS I see hanging there? I've got 2 but I'm nervous about using them, some guys say they're unsafe for people but I most worry they might impart something unhealthy to the plants. I think I'll just hang onto them in case I need some heavy artillery, I know you've been waging some major bug battles in there.

And last but not least, go AK48 :cheer::cheer::cheer:

Do you know if she's from Nirvana originally? I don't know of anyone else breeding them. :peace:

Hay BD, There's two vertical circuses playing at the moment. One CMH, one CDM. The CDM is not nearly as brightly white as the CMH. It's 330w, and has a redder spectrum. It will be interesting to see what it can do for a whole show.

I have no idea if the NPSs work on other bugs, but they sure don't eliminate gnats. I've had some plant leaves touch the strips, and they don't like it at all. The crawl is around 7,000 cu', so I'm not worried about me, but I'll probably phase them out anyway.

I get different clones in a very round about way, so I have no idea where they originate from... by the time I get them the names aren't even close to anything I can find in a seedbank :grinjoint:
Looking great Horse, getting some bulk goin on there with the WR's. Very Nice!!
Busy crawl.
Sticky stiks from Walmart and garlic powder sprinkled on your media should corral a load of gnats. Good luck!.

Too bad you didn't have room for decent size cloner, lol.

You must have another crawl ready to start up.
awesome little clone cabinet sir! How are the temps in there? And have you used the cloner before at any point?

I agree I forgot to mention it yesterday, that thing looks pretty bad ass Horse :slide:

Looking great Horse, getting some bulk goin on there with the WR's. Very Nice!!
Busy crawl.
Sticky stiks from Walmart and garlic powder sprinkled on your media should corral a load of gnats. Good luck!.

Too bad you didn't have room for decent size cloner, lol.

You must have another crawl ready to start up.

Hey Mmmmick! What are these sticky sticks? I have this sticky flypaper, I think it would work pretty well but it's hard to find a good place to put it. The strip's around about 2' long and they aren't kidding when they call them sticky, so you need a pretty high point to hang them from that's also out of the way of everything. I haven't even figured out a good place in the flower room for it, sticks sound better. Thanks my friend.
Hey Blue. They're called Sticky Stiks, yellow sticky pads that slip onto a plastic spike. The gnats like the yellow apparently. If you happen on a freshly trapped gnat you can watch it do pushups till it dies, lol. The garlic powder seems quite effective at moving them out of the media. Fairly small so they can be positioned under the plants without getting tangled in everything.
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